Roger the Bold: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
A Stranger comes Aboard
Three weeks passed rapidly in the little cove to which the brigantinehad sailed when she had given the big Spaniard the slip; and those threeweeks had worked wonders for the men under Sir Thomas's command, and forthe vessel. The latter had been run close into the shore, which wassandy and free from rocks. Then a couple of stout trees had beenselected, growing close to the edge of the water, and to these ropeswere passed from the caps of the lower masts. The whole crew then set towork at the capstan, and hove at the ropes through a block till the shipcareened over and lay gently on her side. That done, those who hadtraining as carpenters prepared to mend the shot-rents in her side,while others, less accomplished, went to the forest with a few of thenatives and felled trees which had been selected. Meanwhile, precautionsagainst surprise were not neglected.
"We must hope that no one has been able to communicate the news of ourcoming here," said Sir Thomas, as he walked on the sands with Roger, forsince the capture of the mine he had become very friendly with our hero."But in case the tale has gone to Santiago, which is their main portfarther east, we must keep a guard at the mine. I give you the conductof it, and you may take whatever natives you like, and doubt not thatTamba will accompany you. The fellow is like a dog. He follows youeverywhere. But to return to the mine. You had better make your ownarrangements there, and I think I would counsel you to despatch men intothe forest, so as to have timely warning of an enemy's approach. Here weshall watch for their coming by sea, and my guards will be stationed onthe point of the cliff."
And so for three weeks the work continued undisturbed. A fort was formedon the cliff, and there all the wounded and sick from the brigantinewere sent to recuperate, while Roger and Philip, and the ever-faithfulTamba, went to the mine and passed their days in the forest. Then camethe time for departure.
"All our rents are mended, and for the past three days we have beenbusily loading water and fruit on the ship," said Roger to Philip, asthe two sat before a fire which blazed in front of one of the huts, forthough the heat was not required, the smoke served to keep the myriadinsects away. "To-morrow we sail for the unknown, for this Terra Firma,this New Spain, the goal of our ambitions."
"And we sail not empty-handed, eh, Roger?" laughed his friend. "Why,already we have a king's ransom below our decks, and that in itself is aprize."
"Sufficient, in fact, to tempt others to follow our endeavour should webe forced to return now," agreed Roger. "'Tis strange that we English,who at home are professed friends of the Spaniards, though few feel muchliking for them--and 'tis whispered that the King's Majesty is not toowell disposed toward the country--should out here be at daggers drawn,ready to rend one another, and to fall on one another's necks withviolence when the opportunity offers. 'Tis passing strange."
"But the cause is not far to seek," said Philip. "The greed of gold,mayhap of new lands, makes us enemies. Spain covets all these Indies,and, like a dog with a bone, snarls over this fair land. But we willpick some of the finest parts, and, mark my words, should we returnsuccessful, then others will follow, others better armed, with biggercannon, ready to wrest the Indies from Spain. Heigho! I shall feel sorryindeed when the moment comes to part with Cuba 'Tis an enchanted land.But let us try this habit again. Tamba tells us that the nativescommence to smoke when barely youths."
"Then I will have none of it," answered Roger, with a wry face. "Tothose born to the custom it may be well enough, but to me--ugh! my headswims and my stomach sickens when I make the attempt."
Philip, too, had had as little success, and after two attempts had givenup all thought of tobacco. Nor was it to be wondered at, for in thosedays the habit was looked upon by Europeans who happened to be in theIndies as one fit only for savages. However, the two young fellows hadplenty of other matters to occupy themselves with, for a careful watchhad to be kept, and this was accomplished by cutting a new road throughthe forest to an elevated peak, the summit of which commanded theadjacent country. And from this, one or other of them, in the company ofnatives, kept a look-out throughout every day. The remainder of theirtime was spent in the forest, shooting wild beasts and birds with theircrossbows, and in gathering knowledge of the wild fruits and flowerswhich grew in profusion all round them. At last, however, this enjoyabletime came to an end, and they marched to the sea once more. There thefort on the point was found to be abandoned, the ship upright, andwearing a coat of rough paint, while her only connection with the shorewas a strong rope. All entered the solitary boat and went aboard. Therope was cast off, and the brigantine, catching the breeze, made for theopen water.
"A fair wind is a fine omen," said Sir Thomas in his hearty voice,smacking Roger on the back. "The breeze comes from the east, and ourcourse is due west. What could be more advantageous? We put out for thelast part of our voyage with hale men, with natives who loathe theSpaniards, and who make up for our losses, and with a store of freshwater and provisions aboard."
"With gold in addition," Roger ventured to remind him.
"Ay, with abundance of gold. Now, Sir Giant, you will command one of thewatches, and when we first sight this Terra Firma it will be your taskto gather tidings of this strange city. Maybe this Tamba, who speaksSpanish, also has some few words of the language of the natives of theseparts for which we sail. It is not impossible. For, consider: how camethese men on the island of Cuba and elsewhere? Were they there somelittle while after the flood of which the Bible speaks? Some say so,while others hold that the nations of the earth come from a commonstock, which slowly increased, while many migrated. In course of timetheir languages have changed, and also their appearances. Climates andcircumstances have brought the alteration, and may it not be that thesesame natives whom we have aboard are first cousins to these others onthe Terra Firma, alike to them in looks, and perhaps in somewhat oftheir tongue?"
The commander of the brigantine was silent for a few minutes while heconsidered the question; for he was a naturally thoughtful man, and, inthose days, a much-travelled one. Presently he turned to Roger again.
"You shall go ashore," he said, "and with you will go the golden plaquewhich we have treasured. Then, with the help of this Tamba, you willsearch for some of the natives, and make friends with them by means ofgifts. Perhaps some will have been to this wonderful city which standswithin a lake. Who knows? Perhaps we may come upon the very shores ofthe lake, for I hold that it must be within easy distance of the coast,or else how did this Fernando Cortes come to possess the plaque? Till wesight the land, you will command one of the watches."
Two mornings later, as Roger was preparing to call the relief, who wouldtake his place on deck, a strange object in the distance caught hisattention, and he called Peter Tamworth to him.
"A boat--a small boat," said the latter, with assurance bred of longservice to the sea. "There is a sail too, but it hangs ragged, and theboat steers herself. Yes, she floats in a circle, for she cannot be saidto sail, though her canvas catches the wind on occasion."
The two looked long and steadily at the strange object, and soon Rogerfelt sure that Peter had made no mistake.
"A boat out here!" he said in astonishment--"in these seas which Ithought to be deserted, for we have seen nothing but horizon these lasttwo days, since we dropped the coast of Cuba."
"But Spaniards control these waters; do not forget that," was theanswer. "Therefore it requires no wit to guess at the owners. 'Tis aSpanish boat--a derelict, maybe, dropped from some vessel, or brokenfrom its moorings at Santiago."
"Then you think that no one is aboard?"
"As certainly as I guess that she's Spanish. Still, who can say, MasterRoger, the lieutenant? There may be a crew of cut-throats aboard her, inwhich case we shall run them over with our prow and never miss them."
"But what if they are storm-beaten?" demanded Roger. "I even think thatI see a form aboard. Wait till I have climbed the mast, for from there Ishall get a finer view."
He ran along the deck, and clam
bered up to the trees, where he remainedfor a few minutes.
"As I thought," he said. "There is one solitary figure aboard, and helies across the thwarts as if he were dead. We must succour him. Go youto Sir Thomas with the news."
An hour later, when the brigantine came up with the boat, those aboardthe former saw that the derelict was of Spanish manufacture, and that aSpaniard lay in a heap, half on the thwarts and half in the bottom. Hishead was sunk on his breast, and he took no notice of the strangers.
"Lost at sea, and dead perhaps," said Sir Thomas. "It shall not be saidof us that we treated Spaniards badly; for did we not feed our prisonersin Cuba and release them ere we sailed? We will succour this poorfellow. Run us closer, master, and let two of the men be prepared todrop down into her."
A few minutes later they were running gently alongside the tiny boat,and, thanks to the care of the steersman, two of the sailors were ableto drop into her. A rope was heaved to them, and in a little while thestranger was towing at the stern.
"Not dead, but far gone, it seems," was the report of one of the men."There is not a scrap of food aboard, and only a wooden bowl to showthat he had water, but now it is as dry as a bone."
"Then we will fashion a sling and pull him up," said Sir Thomas; "or,better, do you, Roger de Luce, lean well over the side, and others shallhold you; then those aboard the boat can pull alongside and hand thefellow up. Now, let us not bungle the matter; we will take the greaterpains because he is a Spaniard."
It required but a little time to carry out the operation, and very soonthe stranger lay under an awning on the deck, while Peter Tamworth kneltbeside him.
"I warrant he has not been overlong at sea," he said, eyeing the mancritically, "for his clothes are not oversoiled, and he is not so thin.Then, too, his lips are not swollen, as I have seen before in othercases. 'Twere well to be sure that he were no spy."
"Tush, man! Why think of such a thing?" demanded Sir Thomas, angrily."Who would risk almost certain death in such a manner? We might havesailed some leagues to north or south. We might so easily have lost him,or he us, to follow your reasoning. And if we had, could he live toreach the land?"
The argument seemed conclusive, and, moreover, though this Spaniard didnot appear to be at the last extremity, he seemed to have lost hissenses.
"This sun blazing on his head would be sufficient for that," said SirThomas. "The man is a derelict, and it matters not to us whether he isin extremes or but lately become unconscious; we will succour him allthe same. Come, now, let an old campaigner give advice. Give him waterfirst, but in little sips, and not much at that; later, he shall havehis fill, when he is able to eat. Roger de Luce and the surgeon willlook to him, while we see that the boat is hoisted. There was nothingelse aboard?"
"Nothing," was the answer.
"And he has no papers about him?"
"I have searched," answered Roger. "His pockets are empty; there isnothing on him."
"Then he is deserving of our compassion. Let us deal with him as wewould wish to be dealt with were we in like predicament. Let him havewater, as I said, and later his fill of meat."
That evening the Spaniard was able to sit up, and even to struggle tohis feet, but he was as yet too weak to give an account of himself.However, on the following morning Roger questioned him in the presenceof the commander.
"Let us hear where you come from," he said kindly. "We discovered you inthe middle of the ocean, far from land, and without food or water."
"Would I had died!" was the answer, as the man stared at Roger,astounded to find one aboard an English ship who spoke his language."Would I had died! For it seems that I have fallen from the hands of oneenemy into those of another."
"But why?" demanded Roger. "We are enemies to your countrymen, for thesimple reason that they attacked us on the high seas; but to you--never!We have saved you from death, and, when the time comes, we will hand youback to your comrades."
"And to sure death," was the reply. "Listen, senor. I am deemed atraitor. It is thought that I have conspired against the Governor ofSantiago, and my punishment was this----"
He stopped as if he were fatigued, and sipped at the vessel of waterbeside him.
"I was condemned to put to sea in an open boat," he said faintly, as ifthe memory of his trouble was too great for him. "I was taken aboard agalleon a week ago, and dropped into this boat. There I was left, withlittle food and water, with no chart, and no knowledge of the ways ofthe sea; and all around me, when the galleon went out of sight, waswater. Oh, the awful horror of it!"
He shuddered, and buried his face in his hands. Then, regaining courage,he proceeded--
"I take Heaven to witness that I was no traitor and no conspirator. Butwhat use is it to repine? A week ago I thought that death stared me inthe face, and when a few days had gone I longed for the end to come. Butone struggles even for the most miserable of lives, for existence isdear to us all. I steered the boat as well as I could, in what directionI knew not. Then my arm tired, my strength failed, and the sunoverpowered me. I knew no more till I found myself beneath this awning.And you will befriend me? Doubtless you are bound for England?"
There was silence on the deck, while the commander nodded to Roger.
"Did I not say so?" he asked, after a little while. "A spy would knowthat that was not our intention."
"Unless he acted a part," answered Roger, quietly. "That supposition isstill open."
"Not to us," was the stern answer. "We will give the man full trust, ornone at all. His tale is true on the face of it. But bid him continue,and ask him of this far country to which we are bound. Let him know thatwe are for the Terra Firma."
"We are bound for the west," said Roger. "We are in search of a city theplan of which was captured from a Spanish ship."
"Show it to me. Let me see it," demanded the Spaniard, eagerly. "If itis that plan of which I have heard, then indeed shall I be able to dealpunishment to those who have ill-used me. Yes, and I can bring riches tothose who have saved my life, to friends who should be enemies."
Roger translated the words to Sir Thomas, who at once ordered the plaqueto be brought.
"What does he know?" he asked impatiently. "Let us hear what he has tosay."
But no amount of questioning would induce the Spaniard to speak till theplaque had arrived. He took it in his hand, and gazed at it attentively,turning it over and over.
"'Tis the very one, the golden disc," he said, "and now I can repayyour kindness. Bid your commander tell me whether I may take service inthe ranks. My name is Alvarez de Logas, a good Spanish name, and I swearto be true to all of this expedition."
He stared at Sir Thomas as Roger interpreted, attempting to read hisanswer.
"Tell him that for his help we will take him into our ranks," said thecommander. "But he must make no error. His service must be true andhonourable, for if he shows me or any a sign of faithlessness, he shallbe shot at once. Those orders shall be published to all aboard."
"And they are just," agreed Alvarez. "Kill me if I prove untrue to myword. I swear to aid you, to take your side against my countrymen; forthey cast me out. They sent me to a horrible death, and they are nolonger my people. I become an Englishman from this moment, and I willobey all orders. But let me speak of this disc, this golden plaque, withthe sun's image on one side, and a plan on the reverse. It is a drawingof----"
Sir Thomas, Peter Tamworth, and many of the gentlemen adventurerscrowded nearer as Roger interpreted word for word, and threatened tofall upon the man.
"Yes, yes," exclaimed the commander, impatiently. "Concerns what place?Come! The name without further dallying."
"It gives the outline of the great city of Mexico, on the Terra Firma,but lately discovered by Fernando Cortes."
"Mexico! Mexico!" They repeated the word as if it were some strangecharm.
"Mexico, the great city built within the borders of a lake, the home ofvast riches," said Alvarez. "This plan marks the treasury, and, it issaid, was kept secr
et by Fernando. It is also said that he sent therelic to Ferdinand of Spain, but that it was captured by the English.Then came news, so report says, that the ambassador from our countrysent word of an intended sailing, and that a ship arrived at Cuba a weekafter the fight in which you beat my countrymen, those who were mycomrades, but who now are enemies. But this Fernando had heard the taleof the capture, and for that reason a watch was set on the narrow seasabout the island of Cuba, and fast vessels stationed there. For Englandis not wanted here. None of your countrymen are desired, and least ofall those who have the golden plaque; for then, were this Mexicoreached, and the natives friendly, this treasure, which we of Spaindesired, might fall to your lot, for the plaque holds the secret. Yes,it holds the secret, for in the plan is given the whereabouts of thetreasury, and none else know of its position save the Mexicansthemselves, and Fernando Cortes. He, it is said, was told by some Indianwoman, who is skilled in these pictures. But all the others areignorant."
"And this city?" demanded Sir Thomas, breathlessly. "Where does it lie,and who commands it?"
"'Tis directly west of Yucatan. Make the northern point of that, andthen proceed without change of course. As for the commander. The talecame to us at Cuba that Montezuma was king till a little while ago, andthat Fernando lodged in the city itself, and held the king as hostage.But he had few men, and was too weak to do more. Also the Mexicans werebecoming more and more unfriendly. They wore a threatening look, and itappeared as though this Cortes would be driven out at any time. Whetherthat has happened I do not know, but I can say that at that time notreasure had come to his hand. This plaque was stolen, I believe, whilethe other riches were gifts from King Montezuma. Bear me to this part ofthe Terra Firma, and I promise to aid you in your search for the wealthof Mexico."
"And to hold news of our arrival from your late comrades?" demandedRoger, sternly. "Swear it!"
"I do, most solemnly. I take oath to serve you loyally. Let death be myreward if I fail."
There was silence for a little while, and then the meeting broke up, SirThomas trudging the deck in a brown study, while Phil and Roger retiredto a favourite spot and sat upon the rail.
"What think you of the tale?" asked our hero presently. "'Tis a cruelthing to send a countryman adrift upon the sea."
"And worse still out in these parts," answered Philip; "for might it nothave happened that this boat would drift to some desert island, or,worse, to some island inhabited by unfriendly natives--poor fellows whohave already seen and felt the cruelty of the Spaniards. 'Twas a wickedact."
"Then, why send him with food and water?"
For a little while Philip sat looking at his friend, drumming his heelson the deck, while Roger lolled with half-closed eyes.
"Why prolong his agony?" he asked. "Why give him the means to live whendeath was allotted to him?"
"Because----. Why, you don't think----?"
"I think nothing," was Roger's curt answer. "I loll upon the deck,enjoying the sun and the motion of the boat, and I think nothing ofimportance. But I do not sleep, and I watch, or hope to, Philip."
"Then you suspect?"
"Nothing. I have heard the tale, and as I let the points run through mymind, I ask if it appears a natural one, whether it was possible that ithappened so. Then I think of what might be gained by a clever ruse,played by a bold and adventurous man. Have we not all heard that thosewho come to these Indies from Old Spain are the adventurous ones, themen who cannot live quietly at home? And do we not all know the greedfor gold, for we ourselves have it? Then, if a man played such a part,and made new friends----"
Philip sat up suddenly. "I never thought of that," he said breathlessly."If a bold man had purposely sailed from the land, and had lain in waitfor us, he could have pretended to be senseless. He could have kept astore of food and drink aboard till we hove in sight, and since ourcourse was to the west, to this Terra Firma, to this New Spain, and allin Cuba knew it, the chances of falling in with us were not so unlikely.Then, under the cover of friendship, and while protesting hatred forthese Spaniards, a man might snatch this prize, might use it for his ownpurposes."
"Or win the reward which has doubtless been offered for it. Yes, Philip,that is how I have thought of the matter; and yet I do not like tosuspect this man. It seems unkind and uncharitable. Still, my mind isnot easy, and I shall watch. More than that, I shall ask Tamba to do thesame. But not a word to the others, for were we to speak, and then proveto be wrong, as seems very likely to be the case, then we should earnthe enmity of Alvarez, and have few thanks from Sir Thomas for ourpains."
They chatted for a little while, and then strolled away.
"If all is well there will be no suspicion aroused," said Roger. "But ifotherwise, this Alvarez will be on the watch. He knows me, for I haveacted as interpreter, and he will naturally think that if any one shouldbe suspicious of his tale, I shall be that one. So do not let us be seenwith our heads together too often."
Accordingly the two took care to be seldom together, while Roger keptout of the way of Alvarez as much as possible. When he happened to meethim, which was often on such a small vessel, he chatted in a friendlymanner, for he determined that nothing on his part should lead theSpaniard to think that he had doubts. And very soon he had his reward;for when the first week had passed Alvarez's manner changed. He saw thatall aboard were frank and open with him, and prepared to accept him as afriend, and he lost the air of caution, the watchful manner which he hadborne when first he was lifted aboard. Then he joined the men at theirmeals, and Roger noticed that he listened to their chatter with a craftysmile. He even attempted English, with wonderful success, so much sothat when three weeks had passed, and the northern point of Yucatan hadbeen weathered, he could almost understand when spoken to, while hisattempts at a response were more than creditable. A week later land wassighted, and preparations made to disembark.
"You will go ashore with Tamba," said Sir Thomas to Roger, "and it wouldbe as well to take this Spaniard with you. Methinks that he has seen thecoast hereabouts, for I have watched him leaning over the rail with hiseyes on the land. Ask him the question."
"Our leader thinks that you may have been here before, and failed totell us," said Roger, attracting Alvarez's attention by a touch on theshoulder, and noticing with what a start he listened to him. "Is thisthe case? Have you been a voyage to this Terra Firma?"
"Never before," was the answer, though Roger could see that he was illat ease. He was taken unawares, and for a moment had forgotten his fineacting. "These lands are strange to me, but I have listened to tales ofthem, and I wondered whether I could tell from the appearance of yondercoast to what part we have come. It must be somewhere in theneighbourhood of Vera Cruz, the town which Fernando Cortes was foundingwhen news last came from him."
"Then we will search for it," said Roger. "The commander's orders arethat you and I go ashore and search for natives, to give us thedirection."
Was there a faint gleam of triumph in the Spaniard's eyes as he heardthe news? Roger wondered, and grew more suspicious. Then he turned away,and made preparations for the landing. A few hours later the brigantinebrought up within a few hundred yards of a sandy shore, and the boatwas lowered. A dozen armed men clambered into it, while Roger and Tambatook their places in the stern, both armed with crossbows and with swordand dagger, for our hero had taken pains to teach the native the use ofthese weapons. Under one arm, secured in a bag which was slung to hisshoulder, he carried the precious golden disc. A minute later Alvarezscrambled down to the boat and took his place beside him.
"Let us pray for success, senor," he said blandly. "Let us hope thatnatives will be there who can tell us the way to Mexico. The name willbe sufficient. Speak it, and if they have heard of the place they willgive us the direction."
"Shove off!" shouted the sailor at the rudder, and the boat was at oncepushed from the side of the brigantine. A little later her keel slidgently on to the sand, and all sprang into the water and waded ashore.As at the port in Cuba
, there were trees here, and Roger at oncesearched for an inlet amongst them.
"There is one over there," he said, pointing to the right, and speakingin Spanish. "We will go that way and try our fortune. No use to attemptto penetrate the heart of the forest, for natives are not likely to befound there."
"And we shall go alone, senor?" asked the Spaniard, with some trace ofanxiety.
"With Tamba," answered Roger. "Lead us, Alvarez, for doubtless you aremore used to these forests than are we."
There was a vague, questioning look in the eyes of the Spaniard. Hisbrow was furrowed, and Roger could see that he was thinking. But the manturned on his heel a moment later, and trudged off across the sand,while Roger and Tamba fell in behind, a quick glance passing betweenthem. And in this order they reached the break in the trees and enteredthe shadow of the forest. Their road took them along the side of astream, and though they searched for traces of natives, none were to befound. The forest trees came closer, while the ground they traversedbecame more difficult. They clambered over rocks and fallen trunks, andsometimes were compelled to wade along in the stream.
"We are doomed to disappointment, senor," said the Spaniard, halting atlast and wiping the perspiration from his brow. "There are no nativeshere, and never have been. We waste our breath and our strength, and werun the risk of fever. See how damp the soil is, and how huge the trees.Let us return, and try a path elsewhere."
The request was reasonable, and Roger gladly assented to it. But ithappened that at that point the river had narrowed, and chanced to runthrough a belt of rock, a strip which cropped up in the centre of theforest. Tree trunks grew close on either side, and to return in the sameorder would have needed an effort; Alvarez would have had to squeezepast our hero, or push his way through the undergrowth.
"Then we will turn and walk as we are till the path widens," said Roger,for one small moment forgetting his caution. And what wonder! It wantedan older man than he, one experienced in life, who had met men of everysort, and had learned to trust but little, to keep up such suspicions.This Spaniard had done nothing to cause trouble. Roger was forced toconfess that not once had the details of his story broken down. He hadnever contradicted himself, though once or twice, when off his guard,his answers had been a little doubtful. Why distrust him? Let him provehis honest intentions.
It was a fatal mistake; but who can set old heads on young shoulders?Roger failed to notice the gleam which came to the Spaniard's eye,failed to watch the triumph written on his face. He turned, and followedTamba along the rocky bed. There was a movement behind him as Alvarezmade ready to follow. Then something pulled gently at our hero'sshoulder, a dagger blade cut the strap which secured the golden plaque,while a second movement plunged the blade deep in Roger's shoulder. Nottill then had there been a sound. Now, however, there was a shout ofastonishment, a sharp cry of pain, and when Tamba turned towards theyoung Englishman, whom he had learned to look to as his master, Rogerlay bleeding in the water, while the figure of the Spaniard was justdisappearing amongst the trees of the forest.