Tesla: Man Out of Time
Oregon, SS, 51, 53
Oscillators, 184
Earth set in resonance by, 187–88, 349–50
“earthquakes” from, 150–52, 153–54
stationary waves produced from, 182
Oxford University, 131
Paderewski, Ignace, 114, 143
Palmer, Edward, 335
Palmer, Mrs. Potter, 101
1884, 49, 58
1893, 99
1903, 208
Paris, 259
Edison’s telephone subsidiary in, 46
expositions in
1891, 64
1900, 173, 186, 193, 200
Tesla’s lectures in, 85n, 90, 91
Parson’s turbine, 241
Particle beam, see Death ray Paul, Prince (Regent), 312, 315, 316
Pavlov, Ivan P., 301
Pearson’s Magazine, 21, 155
Penzias, Arno, 346
Perth Amboy (N.J.), 305
Peter I (King of Yugoslavia), 242
Peter II (King of Yugoslavia), 303, 312, 315–17, 320–21, 325
Petkovic, Dragislav L., 229–30, 271
Philadelphia (Pa.), 94, 95
Philadelphia North American, 192
Philadelphia Press, 159
Phillips, Albert J., 305–06
Photographic film, projecting mental images onto, 31–32, 155
Kirlian, 125–26
phosphorescent, 156
vacuum-tube, 156, 195
Pierre Guzman Prize, 310, 312, 314
Pigeons, Tesla’s love for, 20, 234, 268–69, 278–85, 308, 323
Pittsburgh (Pa.), 64, 74, 157
Pittsburgh Dispatch, 195
Pittsburgh Reduction Company, 120
Planck, Max, 136
Plasma physics, 77, 189–90, 344, 345, 345n, 353
Poeschl (professor), 40, 44
“Pogo” aircraft, 252
Point electron microscope, 77, 83
Polyphase-induction motors, 45
Polyphase-synchronous motors, 45
Pond, H. Otis, 203
Popov, Aleksandr S., 221
Poverty Social, 114
Power transmission lines, buried, insulation of, 192–93
Prague, Tesla’s studies in, 40
Pratt, Haraden, 221, 228–29
Preece, Sir William H., 122, 131, 186
President Washington, SS, 226
Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, 221
Prohibition, 214, 275
“Project Nick,” 352
Project Sanguine/Seafarer, 350
Public Opinion (periodical), 166
Pupin, Michael, 52, 65, 69, 75, 97, 104, 113, 146, 198, 221, 261
Tesla on, 229–30, 242
on Tesla’s discovery of radio, 225, 227
X-ray research of, 132–35
Puskas brothers, 46
Pyle National Company, 248
Pyrosphere, 346
Quantum theory, 136
Quarks, 312
Quinby, E. J., 161, 225–26
Radar, Tesla’s ideas for, 259–60, 265–66
Radio (wireless), 89, 92, 131, 272
first transatlantic, 226–27
Tesla’s work in, 96–98, 171–74, 221–30, 276, 294–95
basic patents, 144
Colorado Springs experiments, 173, 177, 187, 192
Marconi’s use of Tesla’s patent, 201, 221–28
remote control, 145, 160–62, 166–70, 203, 208, 217, 227, 240, 264
Tesla coil, 87
world-broadcasting tower, 124, 192, 199–203, 206, 207, 209, 210, 217–20
in thermonuclear war, 350
Radio-Electronics (periodical), 224
Radio vacuum tube, 77, 122
Radio waves, 136
Radiometer, Crookes, 126
Raditsa, Bogdan, 315, 317–22
Radium, 82
production of cheap, 310, 313
Rado, Dr. (Paul Radosavljević), 242, 243, 314, 325, 326
Rahway (N.J.), 59
Randall, Jemima, 200
Rayleigh, Lord, 91, 128, 166
Raytheon Company, 347
Refrigeration, 254
Remington, Frederick, 157
Remote control, 145, 160–62, 166–70, 203, 208–09, 217, 227, 240, 264
Rentschler, Harvey, 326
acoustical, 146
electrical, 148, 149
magnifying transmitter, 174–88, 194, 215–16, 344–45, 353
mechanical, 150–54
principle of, 83
Rice, W. W., Jr., 270
Rice, Warren, 248, 298
Robots (automation), 36, 111–12, 166–69
See also Remote control Rockefeller, John D., 105, 250
Roentgen, Wilhelm, 132–33, 134, 143, 166, 294
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 320, 325–26
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 303–04, 320, 321, 325, 326
Roosevelt, Theodore, 160, 250
Royal Society of Great Britain, 85n, 91
RPVs, see Remote control Ruhmkorff coil, 215
Russia, see Soviet Union Rutherford, Lord, 262
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 105, 193, 197, 209
St. Louis (Mo.), 96–97
Satellites, electrical supply by, 347–48
Schenectady (N.Y.), 54
Scherff, George, 110, 138–39, 164, 171–73, 178, 184, 193, 196, 231, 239, 253–54, 258, 272–73, 282, 324
at Wardenclyff, 202–04, 206, 209–10, 212–17
Schmid, Albert, 131
Schumann, W. O., 350
Science News, 312
Scott, Charles F., 131–32
Seawater power plant, 297–98
Secret weapons, 313, 332, 337–39, 352–54
See also Death rays
Seeley (chief examiner of patents), 168
Serbia, 127, 242–43
Shaulis, Lloyd L., 339
Shockley, William B., 169
Sigsbee, Charles, 251
Skerritt, Dorothy F., 15, 109, 110, 210, 232, 234, 281
Slaby, Adolf, 195, 199, 221, 294
Smiley Steel Company, 218
Société Française de Physique, 91
Société Internationale des
Electricians, 91
Solar engine, 155–56
Solar power, 204, 288
Son of Aba, The (book), 30
Soviet Union, magnifying transmitter supposed to be used by, 174, 350
Spanish-American War, 157–64, 179
Spiritualism, 92–93, 300
Split-phase induction motors, 45
SRI International, 344
Stahl, Maurice, 103, 311n
Stanley, William, 61
modification of courses of, 351
radio waves from, 190–92
Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 52, 54, 66, 75, 226
Stijaci´c, Peter O., 242, 243
Stone, J. S., 221, 224
Storm, Margaret, Tesla biography by, 13–14
Strassburg (then Germany), 47
Stubbs, W. R., 255
šubăsi´c, Ivan, 318, 322
Submarines, detection of, 260, 262–63
Sukletovi´c, Dushan, 326
power from, 155–56, 204, 288
radiation from, 81–83
SunWind, Ltd., 248–49
superconductors, 193
Superheterodyne beat-note circuit, 97
Swezey, Kenneth M., 14, 110, 115, 161, 168, 216, 221, 232, 77–79, 292–95, 307, 314, 325–27, 331–33, 338
death of, 331
Sylvania GTE International, 79
Szigety, Anital, 43
Tamm, Edward A., 334
Taylor, Lauriston S., 136–37
Teleautomatics, 35, 167
Teleforce, 313, 352
Telegeodynamics, 153, 336
Telegraph, 196
Telephone exchange in Budapest, 42, 46
Television, 87, 244–45, 288
Telluride (Colo.), 75
“Terrestrial night light,” 123
Tesla, Angeline (sister), 25, 94
Tesla, Dane (Daniel, brother), 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 236, 300
Tesla, Duka Mandi´c (mother), 25–26, 41, 90–94, 284, 300
Tesla, Marica (sister), 25
Tesla, Milka (sister), 25
Tesla, Milutin (father), 25–27, 30, 36, 38, 41
Tesla, Nikola
arrives in America, 49
on America, 159–60
American citizenship of, 64, 241, 331, 334
biographies of, 13–15, 355
billiards proficiency of, 40, 46
birth of, 25, 292
capital punishment opposed by, 206
childhood and youth of, 25–41, 279–80
clothes and, 109, 110
in court for nonpayment of taxes, 258
death of, 324–27
descriptions of, 107–12, 232, 294, 305
Edison and, 53–57, 155, 221, 233, 270, 323
AC-DC conflict, 46, 53, 56, 65, 67, 75, 100, 104, 139
rumored Nobel Prize, 243– 246
education of, 36–41
employment of consultant, 209, 272, 276–77, 306
Continental Edison Company, 46–48
day laborer in New York City, 59–60
by Edison, 53–57
Hungarian Central Telegraph Office, 42
Nikola Tesla Company, 171, 197, 212, 272, 290
Tesla Electric Company, 61–63, 130
Tesla Electric Light Company, 59
by Westinghouse, 63, 276–77, 306
on future society, 286–88, 300–03
gambling of, 40–41
honors to, 64, 109, 120, 128, 312, 327
Edison Medal, 266, 267–72, 281, 332, 334
75th-birthday volume, 16–17, 293–95
Yugoslav honorarium, 308
illnesses of, 37, 38
amnesia and exhaustion, 89–91, 300
nervous breakdown, 42–43
in old age, 276, 280, 308
inventions of
AC induction motor, 40, 44–47, 53, 59–67, 75
AC timekeeper, 88
“aeromobile,” 253
arc light, 59
artificial lightning, 121, 148, 176
automobile speedometer, 239, 272
bladeless turbine, 26, 211, 234–39, 247–49, 253–54
dirigible torpedo, 241
early ideas, 36–40
flivver airplane (flying stove), 247, 251–53
heat transformed directly into energy, 60
high-frequency alternators, 87
his method, 32–33
hypersensitive vacuum tube, 124–26
intuition used, 34, 35, 312
Litz wire, 88
magnifying transmitter, 174–88, 194, 215–16, 345, 353
medical diathermy, 88, 102–03, 140, 165, 209, 211, 298
radio patents, 144
remote control, 160–62, 166–70, 203, 208, 217, 227, 240
rotating magnetic field, 44
some unexplainable today, 22
telephone amplifier, 46
Tesla coil, see Tesla coils
tube lights, 21, 78
valvular conduit, 248
Westinghouse’s underwriting, 156–57
See also Death rays; other specific topics
on inventors, 45
laboratories of
Bridgeport, 273
Colorado Springs, 14, 33, 170, 171–91, 194, 211, 349
New York City, see New York City—Tesla’s laboratories in
Wardenclyffe, 205, 209–17, 348
laboratory accidents of, 139, 185, 212–13
lectures by, 44, 62, 76–83, 90, 122, 138, 357–58
at 1893 World’s Fair, 99, 100–04
letters to newspapers by, 231, 249–50, 309
missing papers of, 313–14, 330–41, 377
Nobel Prize and, 243–46
as originator of broad concepts, 233
oscillator experiments of, see Oscillators
patents of, 161–62, 167–69, 173, 192–93, 208, 210, 220, 248, 248n, 250, 290–99, 348
AC, 57n, 60, 62, 63, 65–66, 74, 120–21
German, 130, 241
awsuits, 66, 74–75, 98, 121, 145, 221–28, 254–55
personal characteristics of ability to go without sleep, 54
acute senses, 42
cruelty, 110, 234
flashes of lights and images, 31, 34–35
gives up coffee and tea, 41
linguistic ability, 34
mathematical ability, 34, 36
moderate drinking, 214
night person, 234
obsessive behavior and phobias, 19, 29–30, 109, 115, 172, 284–85, 307, 323
photographic memory, 33
physical fitness, 292
pigeon love, 20, 234, 268, 269, 278–85, 308, 323
talking to himself during lightning storms, 234
poetry of, 26, 48, 299
translation of Zmaj, 243
precognition by, 92–93, 94
psychological theories of, 35, 94, 112
religion and, 143, 301
social life of, 19–20, 112–18
See also entries under New York City
universal-energy ideas of, 81, 127, 145–49, 171, 204, 288, 302, 310, 336
Colorado Springs experiments, 188–89, 192
modern possibilities, 347–52
solar engine, 155–56
Westinghouse and, see
Westinghouse, George—Tesla and
women and, 20, 115–18, 139, 141, 279
Eisenbud on, 284–85
ideas on eugenics, 300–01
See also Johnson, Katharine
works of, 357–58
autobiography, 28, 92–94, 357
bibliography, 15, 355–56
Colorado Springs Notes, 187, 330, 351–52
world-broadcasting tower of, 124, 200–03, 206, 209, 210, 217–19, 237, 244
World War II and, 317–22
X-ray research of, 133–38
Tesla (international scientific unit), 329
Tesla Centennial (1956), 15, 329
Tesla coils, 85, 87, 125, 135, 146, 209, 217, 233, 293, 345n, 346, 351
Tesla Electric Company, 61–63, 130
Tesla Electric Light Company, 59
Tesla Electro Therapeutic Company, 272
Tesla Nitrates Company, 272
Tesla Ozone Company, 254
Tesla Pad, 165
Tesla Polyphase System, 41, 61
Tesla Propulsion Company, 254, 272
Tesla Society, 15, 329
Tesla turbine, see Turbine—bladeless
Thaw, Harry K., 216
Therapeutic currents, see Diathermy
Thermonuclear war, radio blackout in, 350
Thomson, Elihu, 44, 52, 61, 122
Thomson, Joseph J., 86, 122, 136, 221, 224, 270, 294
Thomson-Houston Company, 61, 68, 70
Tidal energy system, see Geothermal plant
Time magazine, 295
Tirpitz, Alfred von, 239
Tito (Josip Broz), 317–22
Tonnelé & Company, 133
Torpedo boats, see Boats Townsend, Judge, 66
Transmitters, magnifying, 174–88, 194, 215, 344, 353
Transmutation of matter, 310
Transistors, 169
Trbojevich, Nikola, 40
Triangle Factory Fire, 256
Tripp, Guy E., 277
Trump, John G., 234–39, 352
Tube lighting, 20–21, 78, 100
Tuckerton Radio Station, 241–42
Turbine, bladeless, 26, 211, 234–39, 247–49, 253, 254
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), 20–24, 37, 105, 127, 134, 162, 214, 234, 323–24
Uhlman, Mr., 178, 184
University of Wisconsin, 351
Uranium, radiation from, 82
Uranium glass, 78, 133
U.S. Circuit Court, 66, 195
U.S. Electric Company, 72
U.S. Supreme Court, 98, 121, 221, 327
Vacuum diode, 248
Vacuum tubes, 79, 81, 148, 353
in photography, 156, 195
radio, 77, 122
Tesla’s hypersensitive, 124–26
X rays and, 133–36
Van Allen belts, 82, 351
Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius, 52
Vanderbilt, William K., 105
Vanderbilt, Mrs. William K., 52
Venus, 190
Tesla as being from, 13–14, 112, 205
Veragua, Duke and Duchess of, 100
Vibrations, 23–24, 152
See also Oscillators
Viereck, George Sylvester, 299–300, 301
Voltaire, 39
VTOL aircraft, 251–53
Wait, James R., 177, 221–22, 349
Walker, James J., 275
Wall, T. F., 290
Wallace, Henry A., 319, 326, 332
Walter, Helen, Tesla biography by, 13
Waltham Watch Company, 272
War, Tesla’s devices to end, 302
Warden, F. P., & Company, 197
Warden, James D., 199
Wardenclyffe, 200–220, 237, 244, 258, 348
Warwick, Countess of, 212
Watson, John B., 301
Watson-Watt, Robert A., 260n, 265
Wave guide, 123
earth-ionosphere, 177, 349–50
Weather modification, 174, 188, 350
Wembly, H. W., 324
Wendover (Utah), 175, 344
West Orange, (N.J.), 67
Western Union Telegraph Company, 50, 37
Westinghouse, George, 45, 61, 62–64, 68, 78, 314
challenged by Edison, 65–70
Morgan’s attempt to defeat, 70– 74
Tesla and, 66, 67, 98–99, 103, 130, 131, 144, 153, 157, 193, 216, 231
Niagara contract, 118–20
royalty contract, 63, 72–74, 212, 279n, 306
telegraphic communication, 196–97
Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., 218
Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Company, 72, 247–48, 258, 276, 305, 308, 336
White, Stanford, 196, 200, 216–17
White House, electricity in, 99
Wilhelm, Walter, 15
Wilson, Robert W., 346
Wilson, Woodrow, 226, 263
Wind power, 204
Wireless, see Radio
Women’s liberation
electric kitchen and, 101
Tesla on, 286–88
World War I, 218, 226, 238, 240–42, 258–65
World War II, 299, 314–23
radar in, 260, 265–66
Worth, N. G., 166
Wright, Orville, 249–50
Wright Field, 339, 340–41
X rays, 77, 82, 102, 129, 132–38, 209
Yaklovlev Yak-36, 252
Yale University, 109
Young, Leo, 265
Yugoslavia, 242–43, 303, 312, 329
Tesla in, 25–41, 64, 92–94, 279
Tesla Museum and Institute in, 13, 253, 278, 295, 308, 316, 319, 330, 332, 342