The Potter and the Clay: A Romance of Today
A Carolina Cavalier
A Romance of the Carolinas
Bound in red silk cloth, Illustrated cover, gilt top, rough edges. Sixdrawings by C. D. Williams. Size, 5 x 7¾. Price $1.50
A strong, delightful romance of Revolutionary days, most characteristicof its vigorous author, George Cary Eggleston. The story is founded onabsolute happenings and certain old papers of the historic Rutledges ofCarolina. As a love story, it is sweet and true; and as a patrioticnovel it is grand and inspiring. The historic setting, and the factthat it is distinctively and enthusiastically American, have combined towin instant success for the book.
Louisville Courier Journal: "A fine story of adventure, teeming withlife and aglow with color."
Cleveland World: "There is action, plot, and fire. Love and valor andloyalty play a part that enhances one’s respect for human nature."
Baltimore Sun: "The story is full of movement. It is replete withadventure. It is saturated with love."