The Lady of Loyalty House: A Novel
Brilliana turned to Evander.
"Well, Captain Puritan, are you displeased with me?"
Evander disclaimed such thought.
"Why should I be displeased that you, a King's woman, serve theKing?"
Brilliana was pertinacious.
"If you were a King's man would you applaud me?"
"If I were a King's man," Evander confessed, "I could not choose butapplaud you."
"But being a Puritan?" Brilliana persisted.
"Why," said Evander, "being a Puritan, I must ask you, were you justto your victims?"
Brilliana swept them away disdainfully.
"Each would have cheated the King in an hour, when, to all who thinkwith me, to cheat the King is little better than to cheat God. Butyour scrupulosity need not shiver. If the King do not knight mymisers I will requite them, little as they deserve it."
Evander admired her.
"You are a brave lady."
Brilliana gave a sigh.
"No, I am not brave at all; I am newly very timid. I am frightened ofthe real world now, and feel only at my ease with shadows."
"Shall we journey into shadow-land?" Evander asked.
"By what path?" Brilliana questioned. Evander touched a brown, tornbook.
"Shall we read again in Master Shakespeare's book?"
For indeed they had read much in his pages that morning. Brillianalooked pleased.
"Yes, indeed. Let us go into my paradise."
She looked into the garden and came back with a shiver.
"Ah, no, it is raining. It rained when the King raised his standardat Nottingham. Well, well, we can read here."
Evander was turning the leaves.
"What shall we read? Comedy, history, tragedy?"
Brilliana was for the solemn mask.
"Let it be tragedy. I have laughed so much this morning that my mindturns to melancholy."
Evander looked up at her with his finger on a page.
"Shall we read 'Romeo and Juliet'?"
"I know that play by root of heart," Brilliana said.
"Truly, so do I," said Evander.
Brilliana was silent, pensive, a finger on her lip, considering someproject. Then she said, doubtfully:
"You spoke the other day of women players, a thing that seemed to meincredible. Shall we see how it would seem here for us two? Let uswhile away a wet morning by playing a stage play."
Evander's heart leaped.
"With you for the sweet scene in the garden," he cried.
In a moment Brilliana was busy in the setting of her scene. Shepulled round a heavy, high-backed chair and leaped into it, leaningover the back and looking up as if the painted ceiling glowed withthe stars of an Italian night. Then the words flowed from her, thewonderful words:
"'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name: Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.'"
Evander said his line a little stiffly; he was awkward, being a man.
"'Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?'"
Brilliana flowed on:
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot, Nor arm nor face. O be some other name Belonging to a man. What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, Retain that dear perfection which he owes, Without that title.--Romeo, doff thy name; And for thy name which is no part of thee, Take all myself.'"
Evander put heart now into his part as he moved towards her.
"'I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I'll be new baptiz'd; Henceforth I never will be Romeo.'"
Brilliana affected to peer into the darkness of a green garden.
"'What man art thou, that thus bescreened in night, So stumblest on my counsel?'"
Evander answered, very earnest now:
"'By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee: Had I it written, I would tear the word.'"
Brilliana's voice faltered as she took up the tale.
"'My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words Of thy tongue's uttering, yet I know the sound. Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague?'"
Evander was quite near now to the chair and the fair maid perchedupon it, and the words trembled on his lips.
"'Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike.'"
He put out his hands and caught hers for a moment. Then she drew themfree and jumped down. She went to the open space and looked into thewet garden with a hand to her head and a hand to her heart. Evanderfollowed her.
"Ah, me," she said, "love was a heady god in Verona. Here in Englandhe could not solder such hostilities."
Evander answered her passionately.
"Here in England love is a more glorious god yet, for he can fling aPuritan soldier at the feet of a Cavalier lady."
Brilliana still stared straight before her.
"We have drifted from the land of shadows."
Evander spoke from his heart.
"We have drifted into reality. I love you. I cannot change my faithfor that, I cannot change my flag. But believe this, remember this,that in the Parliament's army one Puritan is as true your lover asall the Cavaliers who worship you."
Brilliana turned and looked at him now, very steadfastly:
"You do not speak by the book."
"No, only by my heart," Evander answered, simply. "I tell you mysoul's truth. I love you, I shall love you to the end, whether theend come in a battle on a windy heath, or in an oblong box of a bed."
Brilliana's eyes were bright and kind.
"You do not know what you are saying. I do not know what you aresaying. The world would have to change before I could listen withpatience to words of love on the lips of a rebel."
Evander answered her bravely.
"I know that. I did not hope; but I had to set my soul free. To theend of ends I shall cherish you, live for you, die for you: verylonely, well content."
Brilliana turned away. The heart of Juliet within her was big almostto breaking.
"The rain ceases; I must go into the air."
Even as she spoke, the door opened and Tiffany ran in.
"My lady!" she cried; "my lady, John Thoroughgood rides up the avenueon a foundering horse!"
Brilliana gave a great cry and went ghost-white.
"Dear God, the letter! I had forgotten the letter!"
Tiffany slipped from the room. Evander answered Brilliana's cry verycalmly.
"For the second, so had I. But, indeed, dear lady and friend, I knowits terms."
"You cannot be sure," Brilliana whispered.
"I am sure," Evander replied. "I know Colonel Cromwell."
The door opened again and Thoroughgood entered, splashed with mud andcarrying a letter in his hand.
"My lady," said Thoroughgood, "I have ridden hard and long to findthe rebels. I have killed two horses; I had to wait on ColonelCromwell's leisure; I was fired at thrice as I rode. At long lastand through many perils here is the letter."
"I thank you," Brilliana said. "You are a faithful servant. Seek wineand food and rest."
Thoroughgood saluted her and went out. He looked fagged toexhaustion. In the passage he found Tiffany, kissing-kind. Brillianaopened the letter and read it slowly. Then she gave a cry.
"Pray you read, lady," Evander said, composedly. Brilliana compliedin a hard, set voice.
"MADAM,--The prisoner with whom you claim kinship was sentenced to be shot as a spy this morning. My loving greetings to my very dear friend, Mr. Cloud, who, if you chose enough to murder him, will, I know, meet death as a Christian soldier should.
"The wicked villain," Brilliana cried.
"Nay, lady," Evander argued tranquilly--he must carry himself wellnow--"the true captain doing his duty. It hath cost him a pang tosacrifice me; he would have sacrificed his son Henry or his sonRichard in the like case."
Brilliana clasped and unclasped her hands.
"I care nothing for his son Henry or his son Richard."
"You care nothing for me?" Evander affirmed, slowly.
"I do care," she said, hotly. "We have broken bread together, playedgames together, masked at friendship till the sport became reality."
"Lady," said Evander, "I thank you for the kindness you imply. Ourfriendship has been brief, but passing sweet. I shall die on a divinememory."
"Why, sir," she gasped, "you do not think I could kill you now?"
"You vowed I should die if your cousin died," he reminded her. "Ithink you must keep your word. It is the fortune of war."
"The fortune of war!" Brilliana gave a bitter laugh. "I would nothave you die to save--Oh, I must not say--but fly, sir, fly! Ride hotand hard to Cambridge, where you will be safe. You shall have thebest horse in my stable. You are my prisoner. I give you back yourparole. Only, for God's sake, go! My friends would kill you if theycaught you here."
Evander begged a boon.
"May I kiss your hand before I go?"
Brilliana tried to smile.
"A Cavalier would not have asked."
"I am Puritan, ingrain," he asserted.
"You are a dear gentleman."
She sighed and held out her hand. As he stooped to salute it the doorwas dashed open and a man booted and spurred flung into the room. Ashe stood for a moment amazed at what he saw, Brilliana, turning,recognized Sir Rufus Quaryll. She disengaged her hand from Evander'sand moved a little towards him. Evander instinctively felt for hissword. Sir Rufus's face was a great blaze of red.
"In the devil's name, what does this mean?" he shouted.
Brilliana drew herself up.
"You forget yourself," she said, haughtily. Rufus barked at her withrage.
"You have forgotten yourself; in the arms of a doomed traitor."
"Civil words, sir!" Evander cried, moving on him. Brilliana motionedhim to hold back.
"This gentleman is no traitor."
An open letter lay at Rufus's feet. He pounced on it and read. He waspale now, the white heat of anger.
"Gentleman! Oh, I know much, guess all. Randolph is dead thereyonder, and this rogue, who should be dead and ditched here, lives.Faugh! But he dies now."
On the word he had drawn his sword and advanced upon Evander, whoseown sword was no less swiftly out. Brilliana came between the twomen.
"If you kill him, you kill me," she said.
"By God, you deserve to die!" was Rufus's answer.
In the headiness of their brawl none of the party had noticed how thedoor had opened again and how a man stood at gaze in the doorway. Aslender man of middle height, in travel-stained riding-habit ofblack; a man with a comely, melancholy face and sad eyes; a man whoseemed very weary. He wore a jewelled George. For a moment thenew-comer stood unheeded, then he advanced into the room. Sir Rufusheard him, turned, and cried, "The King!" Evander sent his sword backinto its sheath. Brilliana knelt in reverence. This was the hero,almost the divinity, the monarch she worshipped, the sovereign shehad never seen.
"Gentlemen, what is this?" the King asked. He turned to Brilliana.
"Lady, why did you not come to greet me?"
Brilliana rose.
"Your Majesty--" she began, but Rufus interrupted her hotly.
"Forgiveness, sire. I dashed ahead to warn her of the great honoryou offered, halting here from Banbury, only to find her slobberingon a Roundhead gallows-bird."
Brilliana looked steadfastly at the King. She was very pale but notat all afraid.
"Your Majesty, this man slanders basely. This gentleman ishonorable."
"Honorable!" Rufus repeated, in derision.
"Silence, sir!" Charles commanded. "Who are you?" he asked ofEvander. Evander saluted.
"Captain Evander Cloud, of the Parliamentary army."
"How come you here?" the King inquired.
Brilliana answered for him.
"Your Majesty, he was taken prisoner treacherously, though thetreachery was mine, three days ago. I offered his life in exchangefor the life of Randolph Harby."
"And Randolph Harby is dead," said Rufus, "shot as a spy by thedevilish rebel of Cambridge. See, sire--see!"
He offered the letter to Charles, but the King put it from him. Hisface was inscrutable as Evander urged his case.
"Your Majesty, I am no spy, and my life could not be pawned for aspy's life."
Charles's sad eyes travelled to Brilliana.
"Randolph Harby was no spy," he said. "You held this gentlemanhostage for your cousin's life?"
"I did make that offer," Brilliana admitted. The King frowned now.
"And yet he still lives. I thought this was called Loyalty House."
"Disloyalty House it should be called now," Rufus taunted. Brillianaturned upon him fiercely.
"You lie! you lie! you lie!" she hurled the words at him, hating him.Charles held up his hand.
"Peace! This is not the welcome I expected here. We did not think tofind rebels tendered so delicately. Sir Rufus, we give you charge ofHarby and of this gentleman. We will consider his claim presently,for we would deal honestly even with our enemies."
He looked at Evander.
"But we can give you little hope, sir. Prepare to die."
Fretfully he addressed Rufus.
"I am very weary. I must break my fast." He glanced coldly atBrilliana.
"Lady, we shall not need your attendance."
Brilliana made her master a deep reverence.
"I take my leave, your Majesty." She went close to Evander.
"Can you forgive me?" she begged. Evander looked into her wet eyesjoyously.
"Read in my heart that I thank God to have known you, loved you."
Brilliana laid a hand for a moment on his shoulder and spoke in asoft, even voice.
"You have been my enemy; you have been my friend; you are now the oneman in all the world for me. Read in my heart that I thank God tohave known you, that I thank God that I love you. Remember, I loveyou, Evander. Farewell."
Then she saluted the King and went slowly out of the room withoutlooking back.