The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests
The test is designed to test and develop both your powers of memory and your verbal dexterity. To solve each anagram, you must first memorise each set of seven letters and then use these seven letters to produce a seven-letter English word.
Look at each set of seven letters in turn for just 5 seconds, then look away and try to solve the anagram within 2 minutes without committing anything to paper.
Test 6.4 Number=shape recognition
Study the figure below for 15 seconds, then turn straight to page 79.
Test 6.5 Pattern recognition B
Study the figure below for 5 seconds. Now wait for 5 minutes and turn to page 79.
Test 6.6 Instructions
Read and memorise these instructions for 3 minutes, then turn immediately to page 79:Start at four.
Go from four to seven.
Then down.
Then right.
Then up.
Then right.
Then to two.
Then left.
Then up.
Then back to four.
Test 6.7 Pattern recognition C
Study the following for 10 seconds, then wait for 2 minutes and turn to page 79.
Test 6.8 Shopping list
Study the following shopping list for 5 minutes, then wait for 5 minutes and turn to page 79.
Jar of coffee.
Fish fingers.
Strawberry gateau.
Cheshire cheese.
Tin of baked beans.
Packet of waffles.
Six rashers of bacon.
Packet of sugar.
French mustard.
Loaf of sliced bread.
Test 6.9 Attention to detail
Study the figure below for 5 minutes, then turn straight to page 79.
Test 6.10 Memorising an address
Study the address for 2 minutes, then turn to page 79.
David Michael Christiensen
7th Floor
Norwalk House
354 Osprey Drive West
off Threddlethorpe Lane
JU14 9LK
Answers, explanations and assessments
Chapter 1 — Introduction
Test 1.1 IQ test
1. Four stages:
2. 1412: 2 + 8 + 4 = 14; 3 + 9 = 12
3. arteriole, arthritic, arthritis, arthropod, artichoke, articular, artificer, artillery
4. realistic, impracticable
5. 4 6 3 7Reverse the numbers in the previous column and add 1 to the number at the bottom of that column.
6. HJKN: it follows the pattern HiJKlmN; the rest follow the pattern CdEFgH.
7. suppress reserve
8. D: the dot moves round two places clockwise at each stage and alternates black=white.
9. encyclopedia
10. 88 and 55: deduct 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17
11. accessory
12. fabulous: it means fanciful or imaginary. The rest mean celebrated or renowned.
13. 6: (19 + 11) ÷ 5 = 6; (13 + 5) ÷ 3 = 6
14. A: C is the same as E with large=small circle reversal, and similarly B is the same as D.
15. donate, give
16. 910: 5 + 4 = 9, 3 + 7 = 10
17. augment
18. D
19. literal, verbatim
20. 11: 13 + 31 = 44 and 44 ÷ 4 = 11
21. B: the rectangle increases in size and rotates 90°. The square reduces in size and goes inside the figure originally inside the square, which in turn goes inside the rectangle having rotated 180°.
22. E
23. accustomed
24. C: looking across a black dot is added. Looking down a circle is added.
25. 51 litres: 5% = 4.25, therefore 40% = 4.25 × 8 = 34. 85 less 34 = 51.
26. crave, dislike
27. A: the number of sides in the figure reduce by 1. The number of dots increase by 1 and turn white to black.
28. 76: add 19 each time.
29. F: the large arc rotates 90° clockwise at each stage, the middle arc rotates 90° anti-clockwise at each stage, and the inner arc rotates 90° anti-clockwise at each stage.
30. 5: each number in the outer circle is the difference of the two numbers immediately next to it anti-clockwise in the inner circles. So, 9 — 4 = 5, 7 — 5 = 2, 8 — 1 = 7, etc.
31. Switch C is not working.
32. B: the rest are the same figure rotated.
33. 6.5: add the numbers in the same position in the left and right circles to obtain the number in the same position in the centre circle.
34. E: only figures that appear in the same position in the first and second squares looking both across and down are carried forward to the final square; however, circles turn to squares and vice versa.
35. nocturnal
36. 91: add 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
37. A
38. Joe 36, Mo 24, Flo 16
39. The Gardeners’ Association debated whether to hold its bi-annual flower show at the beginning of April and September, or at the end of April and September each year.
40. 28: looking across, add 2, 4, 6. Looking down, add 3, 5, 7.Each completely correct answer scores one point.
Chapter 2 — Specific aptitude tests
Test 2.1 Synonym test A
1. adhesive
2. informative
3. adoption
4. connote
5. scholarly
6. nonsensical
7. equanimity
8. extensive
9. lattice
10. overfill
11. assiduously
12. force
13. eager
14. rest
15. calcify
16. epitomize
17. scolding
18. charade
19. tirade
20. custom
Test 2.2 Synonym test B
1. gnaw, chew
2. inimitable, matchless
3. recruit, mobilize
4. unchaste, impure
5. workaday, prosaic
6. inveterate, entrenched
7. abandon, relinquish
8. cursory, hurried
9. opinionated, dogmatic
10. orbit, encircle
11. orchestrate, score
12. virulent, noxious
13. yet, moreover
14. sophistic, fallacious
15. assist, facilitate
16. horizontal, supine
17. fare, food
18. guide, shepherd
19. retreat, getaway
20. genre, type
Test 2.3 Antonym test A
1. accelerate
2. flexible
3. genteel
4. genial
5. democratic
6. comprehensible
7. compress
8. inconceivable
9. humane
10. tiny
11. adjacent
12. proven
13. mellow
14. ethereal
15. eulogise
16. bold
17. nervous
18. burden
19. appended
20. discordant
Test 2.4 Antonym test B
1. murky, bright
2. scarce, profuse
3. contradict, substantiate
4. similar, contrary
5. fluent, faltering
6. salvation, perdition
7. hazardous, secure
8. wasteful, frugal
9. candid, subtle
10. gregarious, unsociable
11. allow, proscribe
12. rear, bow
13. important, petty
14. diplomatic, rude
15. absolve, convict
16. zest, apathy
17. turmoil, calm
18. taut, slack
19. neophyte, instructor
20. phlegmatic, animated
Test 2.5 Analogy test A
1. hands
2. obsession
3. astonish
4. stalk
5. fourteen
6. flashes
7. imposing
8. lead
9. panel
10. occident
11. pen
12. use
13. engine
14. swan
15. unbroken
16. blue
17. intersect
18. drill
19. expert
20. realisation
Test 2.6 Analogy test B
1. fruit, tree
2. fire, fling
3. fur, plumage
4. night, winter
5. star, ring
6. tongue, legs
7. substances, animals
8. journey, meeting
9. book, opera
10. politician, king
11. furniture, spur
12. gangster, bandit
13. piano, drum
14. animal, verse
15. slow, soft
16. sin, virtue
17. church, hospital
18. regulate, rectify
19. ditch, watchtower
20. grass, mountain
Test 2.7 Classification test
1. level: all the others mean straight up.
2. exceptional: all the others mean the very best.
3. covering: the rest are specifically types of closed containers.
4. deceive: the rest mean to persuade.
5. visit: it means to call on, the rest mean to call to.
6. steeple: it is part of a church, the rest all being actual places of worship.
7. buffoonery: it means clowning around, the rest mean nonsensical.
8. perfect: it means 100%, the rest are just OK.
9. spheroid: it is round, the rest are square.
10. discontinue: it means to sign off, the rest mean to sign away.
11. scorched: it means hot, the rest mean dry.
12. certificate: the rest are types of information.
13. burrow: it means to dig, the rest mean to plough.
14. feline: it is a cat, the rest are types of monkey.
15. design: the rest mean to shape.
16. strange: the rest are all unreal.
17. holiday: the rest are specific types of festivity.
18. orbicular: it is going around, the rest go from side to side or sideways.
19. distribute: it means to hand out, the rest mean to hand in.
20. recurrent: it means repeatedly, the rest mean irregularly.
Test 2.8 Comprehension
1. Just as the hapless interviewer was half way through asking his most involved and difficult question, the worst thing that could have happened did, and all hell was let loose as Ben saw a cat through the dining room window. Apart from almost barking the house down and totally drowning out the second half of the question, Ben shot across the dining room in a brown blur before throwing himself against the kitchen door with a sickening crash.
2. We all have the potential to be creative, however, because of the pressures of modern living and the need for specialization, many of us never have the time or opportunity, or indeed are given the encouragement, to explore our latent talents, even though most of us have sufficient ammunition to realise this potential in the form of data which has been fed into, collated and processed by the brain over many years.
3. Learning is the acquisition of new knowledge, and memory is the retention of this knowledge. The combination of learning and memory, therefore, is the basis of all our knowledge and abilities and is what enables us to consider the past, exist in the present and plan for the future.
Assessment Each correct answer scores one point.
Test 2.9 Advanced verbal test A — multi-discipline
1. The school principal tried to persuade the police not to prosecute the boys for what had been a momentary lapse in their good behaviour.
2. sincerity
3. surveillance
4. whimsical
5. appreciative
6. renounce, disclaim
7. sporadic, frequent
8. act the part of
9. avarice
10. There is no single definition of success, as what is considered to be success by one individual may differ considerably for another.
11. When used in dialogue, the question mark is placed inside the quotation marks, and replaces the full stop.
12. The candidate was able to demonstrate his ability to sustain a high level of work activity.
13. liability, hindrance
14. list
15. manner=manor
16. anonymous, incognito
17. sagacious
18. perigee, perihelion
19. literal, fanciful
20. yesterday
21. insomniac
22. undemanding
23. resort
24. austere
25. thrift, profligacy
Test 2.10 Advanced verbal test B — anagrams
1. impulse
2. feat, exploit
3. put to sea
4. NBDRA = brand
5. NFEOT = often
6. SHE ELK = shekel; the animals are donkey (OK deny), gopher (hog rep) and badger (garbed).
7. STOREY = oyster; the trees are poplar (rap lop), spruce (PC user) and cherry (her cry).
8. PEOTM = tempo
9. slick, crude
10. gauntlet
11. prepared
12. obstinate
13. alleviate
14. sultana
15. canoe, tanker, ferry
16. pilot, banker, chef
17. cohesion
18. load, cargo
19. obsolete
20. periodical
Test 2.11 Number sequence test
1. 64: add 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
2. 36, 54: add 9 each time.
3. 83.75: deduct 3.25 each time.
4. 24, 76: there are two sequences interwoven. Add 6 starting at 0 and deduct 6 starting at 100.
5. 85: add 17 each time
6. 6: ×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×5, ×6
7. 58: deduct 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
8. 19: add 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5
9. 12.5: there are two interwoven sequences, ×2 starting at 100 and ÷2 starting at 50.
10. 9.5: add 3.75 each time.
11. 75, 26: there are two interwoven sequences, -2.5, -5, -7.5 starting at 100 and +2.5, 5, 7.5 starting at 1.
12. 108: deduct the sum of the digits of the previous number each time.
13. 26, 31: +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4, +5, +5
14. 3281: ×5 + 1 each time
15. 857: deduct 28.6 each time
16. 945: ×1, ×3, ×5, ×7, ×9
17. 108: add 36 each time
bsp; 18. 7, 11: there are two interwoven sequences, +1.5 starting at the first 1, and +2.5 starting at the second 1.
19. 432, 1296: ×2, ×3, ×2, ×3, ×2, ×3
20. 70, 80: there are two interwoven sequences, add 14 starting at 14 and add 16 starting at 16.
Test 2.12 Mental arithmetic
1. 72
2. 42
3. 165
4. 135
5. 14
6. 24
7. 87.5
8. 150
9. 61
10. 82
11. 168
12. 64
13. 458
14. 83
15. 176
16. 150
17. of 112 = 70;of 88 = 77
18. 3706
19. 56
20. 881
21. 101
22. 1080
23. 0.2
24. 198
25. 7634
26. 852
27. 935
28. 20.04
29. 26.9
30. 47.95
Test 2.13 Working with numbers
1. 13 minutes (11.47): 11.47 less 68 minutes = 10.39. 10 a.m. plus 39 minutes (3 × 13) = 10.39.
2. Jack 9, Jill 3: in 3 years’ time Jack will be 12 and Jill will be 6.
3. Al 24, Sal 36, Mal 54.
4. Alice £62.00, Susan £22.00:
5. 300: () × 5 = 300
6. £140.00:= 0.4; 0.4 + 0.45 = 0.85, therefore £21.00 = 0.15 (15%) and× 100 =140.
7. 23 units and 12 units: 23 × 12 = 276; (23 + 12) × 2 = 70.
8. 350: 250 + 40% = 350
9. 2
10. £214.20
11. 95 minutes, or 1 hour 35 minutes.
12. 80: combined age in 7 years = 92; 4 × 7 = 28, therefore, combined age now is 92 — 28 = 64; in 4 years’ time combined age is therefore 64 + 16 (4 × 4) = 80.
13. , therefore, = 115 and(5 × 115) or 575 had just bought cosmetics;(10 × 115) or 1150 had just bought clothing.
14. 9: 19 × 3 = 57 (total of three numbers); 24 × 2 = 48 (total of two numbers); the third number is therefore 57 — 48 = 9.