Jason Steed: Face-Off
They cleared the clothing off the top bunk to make room for their new roommate. They put their clothing in a neat pile on the table. Both boys thought it was better than using the large chest of drawers. Jason opened a drawer; it smelled of moth balls, a dry dusty smell that reminded him of his grandparents’ home. Ignoring Jonas and Rupert’s gasps he placed his clothing in the drawers.
Other than being particular about clothing both boys seemed just like any other boys their age. Jason wasn’t quite sure what boy ballet dancers looked like, or liked to do. Rupert and Jonas seemed to enjoy everything boys did. They liked candy, talking about cars, telling jokes and making fun of the dance instructors. However when it came to talking about ballet they were extremely serious. Practice started at seven every morning; however Jonas and Rupert said they started an hour early with stretching and floor excises.
They seemed to be as keen and enthusiastic about ballet as Jason was with martial arts. Fitting in and pretending to be a ballet dancer with them was going to be much harder than he had expected.
Rupert and Jonas gave Jason a tour of the academy and introduced him to many of the other students. They all seemed friendly but Jason sensed a rivalry between them that they all pretended didn’t exist. They would wish each other well to each other’s face but would be delighted if one made a mistake in front of one of the coaches.
Armand took the first lesson; he wore a tight bright pink pair of tights and neon yellow shirt.
“Ah we have our new boy. Everyone, this is Jason. He comes from Hong Kong but of course he is British. No he won’t be taking your parts, boys in the upcoming dance but can if you don’t improve. Jason today I want you to do barre work.” Armand said waving his limp wrist towards the wooden bar.
Jason was relieved he didn’t have to do anything else; the others would notice he wasn’t good enough for the academy. However he could do enough on the barre and stretching to keep them from suspecting anything.
For the next few days, the students constantly chatted excitedly about the upcoming trip to Moscow. Jonas and Rupert were caught sneaking soda into their room. Candy, soda and any type of food was strictly forbidden in the bedrooms on account of a recent rat infestation.
As punishment both Jonas and Rupert had to clean the academy dance floor on their hands and knees with scrubbing brushes.
It even meant they missed rehearsals but the Royal Ballet Academy was strict and always enforced the rules. In the afternoon session of practice Jason went to the barre as normal to stretch and generally keep out of the way. Olga, a Russian exile ballerina took the class. She was ultra strict and never excepted anything but perfection. She had broad shoulders, her black hair twisted into the tightest of buns. Her face was rather blank; no make-up apart from a smear of purple-red lipstick.
“You boy,” Olga called.
Jason turned and looked at her. “Yes miss?”
“Enough with the barre. With Rupert and Jonas out this afternoon, you will have to stand in, so come now get in position.”
Jason presumed it would be impossible to have a heart attack at age thirteen but that is exactly what he felt like he was having. He colored up and started sweating.
“Um me? I was told to practice on the barre miss.” Jason stuttered, gripping the wooden beam tight.
“Nonsense, you look well built and strong enough, so come now.” Olga beckoned with her finger.
Jason took a deep breath and walked towards the group of dancers. The group was made up of five girls; normally Rupert and Jonas took the male roles, but now Jason’s would have to step into the role. Wishing he was somewhere else, anywhere in the whole world but here, he waited for more instruction.
“I want a Giselle lift? Andrea, keep the toes pointed after your leap,” Olga said.
Jason looked terrified; the five girls walked to one end of the dance floor. He had seen Jonas and Rupert do it many times. Jonas wasn’t very good at it as he didn’t have the upper body strength, but Jason had never attempted it himself or really hadn’t done anything with another dancer. He looked around the room hoping Armand would come and rescue him.
“Jason you are not waiting for a bus. Third position.” Olga shouted at him.
Jason placed his heels together as Armand had shown him, toes pointed away from each other. He slightly bent his knees and raised one arm above his head. His fingers pointing towards the sky and other hand on his waist.
Without any warning the first girl called Elaine ran on her toes towards Jason. She leapt up as if to fly over Jason. Instinctively he wanted to move out of the way but Elaine was expecting to be caught and lifted. As she came close he caught her waist in both hands and lifted her above his head and held her.
“Jason your feet. Up.” Olga commanded. “Elaine stretch yourself; you are a ballerina not a donkey.”
Jason held her above his head for a few more moments and gently in a rotational movement lowered her down. She walked off on her toes and as he turned Andrea was running towards him. Over and over they practiced the Gisele lift. As he got more confident Jason started to smile. One thing he did like was girls and having pretty girls throwing themselves at him wasn’t so bad after all. Years of compulsive martial arts training had strengthened his arms, so lifting the girls was easier than he thought it would be.
When the practice session was over, he was surprised how much he had enjoyed the work out. His shoulder muscles burned but it was worth it. As he was leaving Andrea walked with him and caught his bicep.
“Wow. You have strong arms. Even Rupert couldn’t have gone for that long. Olga the horrible really made you work hard,” Andrea laughed.
For the first time Jason looked at her closely. She had brown hair tied up in a bun and had magical blue eyes similar to his own with a smile that broke down his barriers. She was beautiful and although Jason had a girlfriend, he couldn’t help himself when he got close to a pretty girl.
“Thanks. I was nervous doing that,” Jason said as he flicked his blond bangs across his eyes to show his sapphire blue eyes off.
“I thought so you seemed a bit stiff to start with. You’re not like the other male ballerinas I have met. You seem different,” Andrea smiled
“Different?” Jason asked.
“I can’t quite put my finger on it I can normally read people but you’re a real mystery.
I’m not sure if you are a great dancer or not. You don’t give much away, but when you do stretches you do it differently from anyone else I have seen before. And you do leg raises like you’re kicking.”
“I guess they teach us different in Hong Kong must be because they also do martial arts.” Jason said hoping that would keep her off his secret. He did make a mental note to only do what Armand had shown him in future. He would have to do his karate practice when he was alone.
Rupert, Jonas and Jason strolled towards the dance hall next morning all carrying ballet slippers and water bottles. They were expecting a grueling workout with Armand; however Armand and Olga had other ideas.
When Armand noticed them he smiled and walked towards them, his hips exaggerating from side to side.
“Oh what a wonderful sight, Royal Ballet Academy’s gorgeous junior male dancers. Well tonight you will be showing us what you’re made of,” Armand said his face glowing.
“What sir?” Jonas said before looking at Rupert and Jason to see if they knew what Armand was referring to.
“As a special treat we are going to Royal Opera House. The Royal Ballet Company is performing Swan Lake. At the interval several of the Academy members will be treating the audience to some quick performances. It’s a warm up to prepare for Moscow, to make sure you don’t get stage fright. All three of you will be performing with the rest of the academy.”
Jason half smiled in disbelief. “Not me surely?”
“Yes Jason. One is quite able to perform some Giselle lifts. You will be at the back, the older students in the foreground for the
most part, but Olga informs me you are good enough and certainly strong enough.”
“That is way cool. London Opera House. “ Jonas beamed.
Rupert and Jonas continued into the dance hall; Jason turned and followed Armand and Olga.
“Um sir can I have a word please?” Jason asked.
Both Armand and Olga turned and smiled at Jason. “Yes?” Armand asked.
Jason suddenly looked sheepish. “Um. Well I meant alone in private.”
“Nonsense Jason, Olga is as much to do with the performance tonight as I am,” Armand said.
“Um. Well it’s personal. Boys stuff.” Jason fretted.
Olga smiled and nodded. “Armand I think I let him speak to you alone. I’ll handle the girls with the issues they have as they mature and you can talk to the boys.”
Jason waited for her to walk away and then frowned at Armand. “Are you crazy? I can’t dance on a stage and unless you forgot, I’m working for Infinity. What are you thinking when you say I can speak in front of Olga?”
Armand gave a tight-liped smiled. “Oh yes, I rather forgot about the spying thing and Infinity. I’m so excited about the performance tonight, everything else seems less important.”
“Then take me off the program. I’m not a real dancer they are all much better than me I’m here just to blend in to go to Moscow, not prance about on stage,” Jason hissed. “I have a job to do in Moscow.”
“Ah yes Moscow. But what better way to blend in than perform with the others and don’t cut yourself short Jason. Olga was very impressed with you. We both have our doubts if Rupert or Jonas can lift all the girls one after another. Some of the girls are much larger nowadays and heavier. You are much stronger, probably all that Kung Fu stuff you do. You’ll be fine Jason,” Armand said.
“No I won’t. I get nervous in front of a crowd.” Jason said meekly. “And I’m not a real dancer I’m just pretending.”
“Jason Steed. Quentin assured me you are his best junior agent with many successful missions under your belt. I’m sure you will be just fine; besides I have eyes. I notice the way you look at the girls; you obviously like girls so now you get to dance with them,” Armand quipped before squeezing Jason’s cheeks between his thumb and forefinger. He pranced off on his toes.
After practice Jason made an excuse and left the hall and waited by the entrance door.
Winter had hit London; the grey sky was uncertain as it always was and a bitterly cold wind attacked any exposed skin it came in contact with. Jason peered out the window and right on time Scott appeared.
He stood on the corner kicking a football against a wall. Jason sneaked out the door and rapidly walked towards him. “Hey.” Jason called.
Scott turned and smiled when he noticed Jason. “Jase mate. Oh my word, what are you wearing?”
“Shut it or else,” Jason glared. “What’s with the football?”
“I thought I would act like an angry teenager kicking a ball, so we could talk and no one would give us a second glance. Although I didn’t expect you to be wearing tights.” Scott laughed.
“Come with me,” Jason said walking back to the academy. Scott followed Jason inside.
“Seriously Jase, I got to get a picture of you in them.” Scott grinned. “Is it okay for me to be in here?” Scott asked taking in his surroundings.
“There are loads of people coming and going, mostly our age in here. So we will be left alone and we won’t catch pneumonia.” Jason shivered. “If you want a picture go to the Royal Opera House tonight where I’ll be on stage.”
“No way.” Scott said his eyes bulging from his head. “Why?”
“Don’t ask. I just have to go along with it. Have you found out anything?” Jason asked.
“Yeah. Boudicea is back. Brenda has some of her team trying to track her down. I’m not sure what she’s up to but it won’t be good. Has Infinity come up with anything?”
“I’ve no idea. They told me not to worry they are on it. I hope SYUI or Infinity will track her down and quickly. Does Brenda or anyone at SYUI know I’m working for Infinity?”
“No. They all still think you’re at school in Turkey. They would have a fit if they knew you were here in London and...” Scott paused as someone approached.
“Jason, we have to go over the routine again; Armand sent me to find you,” Rupert said looking at Jason and then looking Scott up and down.
“Okay I’m just coming. I thought practice was over.” Jason said.
Rupert hung around as if waiting for Jason. “Are you going to introduce me?”
“Yeah. This is a friend of mine, Scott. Scott meet Rupert. Rupert meet Scott. I’ll be there in a minute.” Jason said hoping Rupert would leave. For a few moments Scott and Rupert looked at each other and smiled before shaking hands.
“Nice to meet you Rupert,” Scott said.
“Likewise. Well Jason do hurry,” Rupert said walking off. He glanced back at Scott before he rounded the corner. Scott’s eyes followed him.
“Who’s he?” Scott asked.
“I just told you. Rupert, he’s one of the dancers here. I share a room with him and another guy called Jonas. Anyway I leave for Moscow in two days. I will be out of contact for a while but I’ll call you. The moment you find out anything let me know, and I will tell Infinity,” Jason said.
“Why not the other way around. Why can’t you let me and SYUI know anything?” Scott asked.
“Because Infinity is bigger and has more world-wide resources that SYUI. Although they don’t know you and I are working on it as well,” Jason smiled.
“Yeah I like that, we are both working for top secret agencies but also together. I feel like a spy myself now.” Scott grinned.
Chapter Eight
The junior academy students squashed in a small dressing room while the main performance proceeded on stage. The Royal Opera House was full of spectators enjoying a production of Swan Lake.
Armand and Olga instructed the junior students to remain calm and ignore the audience. They were instructed to enjoy the performance. The audience knew they were juniors and would not be looking for perfection but would expect a very high standard that came to be expected with the Royal Ballet.
“Rupert, Jonas. I will be passing the male role to Jason tonight.” Armand barked. “He has a stronger upper body and hopefully prevents any mishaps.”
Jason cursed softly under his breath; he wiped his sweat-covered palms on a towel. He kept moving trying to hide the fact he was so nervous he was violently shaking.
From inside the small dressing room they were all struggling to get changed and make last- minute adjustments to costumes. The junior students could hear the orchestra and the sound of applause. Jason felt sick just thinking about it; he leaned back against a wall to support himself.
Armand noticed him and approached him. “Jason you are as white as a sheet. What’s wrong boy?” Armand asked taking Jason’s face in his hand and moving his head from side to side as if inspecting an item.
The color had completely drained from Jason’s face and sweat trickled down his forehead. He held out his hand to show how much he was shaking. “Armand I can’t do it,” Jason panicked.
“Ah first night nerves, it happens to the best of us.” Armand smiled before leaning closer to whisper in Jason’s ear. “So Mr. Tough Guy Secret Agent, obviously ballet is a little tougher than you thought.”
Jason swiftly picked up the wastebasket and just managed to bend down in time before he threw up.
“Aww that’s gross,” Andrea shrieked. “You better get cleaned up if you think you are touching me and lifting me on stage.” Armand passed Jason a tissue to wipe his mouth.
Jason knelt down trying to catch his breath and steady his nerves.
“Two minutes.” A voice called through the door. It made Jason feel worse; he couldn’t remember feeling more nervous. He had taken on many men, assassins, armed guards, hit-men, a crocodile a
nd even a leopard. He had jumped from a building, a train and scaled a castle wall without any fear. But the thought of going on stage petrified him.
Fifteen minutes later and it was all over. It passed like a blur to Jason. Using a technique his old karate master Wong Tong had taught him, he concentrated and tried to listen to his own heartbeat. He hadn’t looked at the audience; he took his position and completely blocked everything else out. The act was flawless; the junior students of the Royal Ballet Academy gave a perfect short performance.
The students were rowdy on the coach back to the academy. Jason felt drained, exhausted but pleased it was over with. He promised himself he would never go on stage in front of an audience again.
After such an impressive performance everyone expected the academy’s newest recruit would be travelling with the rest of his class to Moscow. Rupert and Jonas both felt a little annoyed that Jason was given the main part, but were told they would be performing in Moscow. Jason would be the stand-in. Armand had been right; no one would suspect Jason was an undercover spy.
The four-hour flight to Russia was uneventful; the students mostly watched the inflight movie and chatted excitedly. Jason forced himself to act excited. To him it was just another mission. He was looking forward to doing what he had to do and getting back to Infinity. Having Boudicea on his trail was troubling. If she could find him in London she could find his family. He had concerns for his father’s safety.
Jason thought Moscow was similar to parts of London, apart from the different types of cars and the strange rooftops. It was cold with grey uncertain skies with hundreds of people and traffic all going in various directions in a hurry. The coach that took the ballet students was given no police escort. They weren’t interrogated or given a second glance by security at the airport.
The illusions Jason had of Russia and its secret security and KGB officers on every street corner was just a myth. He found some of Russia to be stylish while some areas they passed had buildings in ill repair. It was no different from any other large city he had seen.