Jason Steed: Face-Off
“What’s this about Boudicea? Why bring her up and who said you couldn’t see Catherine?” His father asked.
“I was told not to and we think it was Boudicea who attempted to shoot me. I’m tired please, can I go to my room?” Jason faked a yawn.
“No,” both Brenda and Ray said in harmony.
“Answer my question Jason,” Ray said he climbed out of his chair and stepped towards his son.
Jason took a deep breath. He had promised himself and his father he would never lie to him and he wasn’t about to break it. But couldn’t let them know about Infinity or they may stop him attending his school. He had to think of something and fast.
“Scott. Scott thinks it was Boudicea.”
“Scott has been working with SYUI. He never mentioned that to me. Or are you just making this up?” Brenda suggested.
Ray turned to Brenda. “Jason wouldn’t lie to me; if he says Scott came up with that suggestion then that’s what happened.” He turned back to Jason. “Why didn’t you tell us? And who said you couldn’t go and see Catherine.”
“I didn’t want to worry you about Boudicea,” Jason fretted.
“Who said you can’t see Catherine?” Ray shouted so loud it made Jason jump.
“Um. I. Um.” Jason stuttered. “Dad.” He looked at his father, his sapphire blue eyes started to tear up. “I’m sorry Brenda got in trouble but I’m not sorry about anything else. I could have been a terrorist, a murderer or someone who wanted to hurt them. I made it all the way inside the palace to the bedrooms while they were all sleeping. If I have made them tighten security and a few people get told off for not doing what they get paid to do then good.
“Catherine is too precious to be in that position; if doing this has made it safer for her then I did a good thing. If you want to punish me, go ahead, take off your belt and beat me. You’re my father and I wouldn’t hurt or stop you.”
Again the room fell silent. Ray sat back down next to Brenda. Jason had his fingers crossed that this would stop them from asking who had told him he couldn’t see Catherine. He refused to lie to his father and dreaded the consequences if they found out about Infinity.
“Sorry Brenda. I like having a mom now; I never knew it would make it look bad for you.”
The mention of the three letter word ‘mom’ was enough to melt Brenda’s heart. She longed to be accepted by Jason and hearing him mention it for the first time was enough for her to climb from her chair and give him a hug.
“None of us are perfect Jason. I knew when I married your father I was also taking on his son and let’s face it. You are far from a normal boy. But if you decide you want to break in somewhere, steal an aircraft, blow up something or stow away on the next spacecraft, please let us know first.” Brenda begged.
Jason felt awkward being hugged by Brenda. He wasn’t sure where to put his face when she came so close; her chest seemed to be in the way. He allowed a two-second hug before pulling away.
“I’m really tired I was up early. Can I go to bed now?” Jason yawned.
His father nodded. “Sure, get to bed. Did you have a nice time with Catherine? Was it worth all the trouble?”
“It was awesome.” Jason replied running up the stairs two at a time.
Over the next few weeks Jason trained hard for the British Championship. He had noticed the Infinity agents secretly guarding the outside of his home. A man often walked a dog up and down, a few joggers often passed taking extra time when near the home and scanning the area.
A van followed him everywhere; for the most part Jason kept his distance. One evening he had a phone call; it was Dexter who told Jason he would be on punishment laps when he returned to Infinity for disobeying orders and breaking into the palace.
Better news arrived when Brenda actually asked Jason to break into the palace again. They had introduced new security measures and wanted to put them to the test. He agreed on the one condition he would not tell them when he would attempt it. Buckingham Palace security was put on amber alert and informed that someone would be testing them and heads would roll if security was breeched again.
The British Karate Championship was a two-day event held over the weekend. Scott Turner loathed karate but promised he would make it to the final to see Jason compete. Ray and Brenda also promised to watch the finals. It put Jason under intolerable pressure. Not just Infinity agents, but his closest friends and family all assumed he would not only get into the final, but win it.
Jason was nervous as he warmed up for his first fight. His opponent; Gary was a fithteen- year-old boy with a black belt. He was taller than Jason and seemed confident when he noticed how much smaller Jason was to himself. Jason never wore his special black belt with three red stripes embroidered on it, indicating he was a third dan black belt. He wanted the element of surprise.
The ring was a large round circle marked off by a large red rope attached to the floor.
Gary was not only good at karate; he was fast and very determined to win. His large family cheered and many of his friends in the audience when they called out his name to face off against Jason. In stark contrast, Mike was the only person who applauded when Jason’s name was called. Jason scanned the crowded audience for undercover Infinity agents. Trying to guess who was just a spectator and who was undercover watching him helped to calm his nerves.
When the fight commenced Gary immediately attacked and was cheered on by his family. Jason instinctively went into defense mode, blocking each strike and kick that rained down on him. As he tried to adjust his stance, a blow swished past Jason’s face. He pulled his head back out of the way at the last second and stepped back out of the ring and lost a point.
Jason was shocked. He was already a point down in a knockout competition that was best of three. Gary needed just one more point and Jason would be out of the competition. Before returning to the center he drew a deep breath and concentrated. He was foolish to think the competition would be easy; they were the best under sixteen karate athletes in Britain. And every one of them was determined to win.
He concentrated, forcing adrenaline into his system blocking out every sound from around him. To Jason it was as if the volume control of the entire stadium had been muted. He moved back to the center of the ring and bowed with Gary.
Gary noticed Jason’s eyes were like black coal. As the bell rang Jason moved forward to his right and switched back to his left. He spun on his right leg, his left leg catapulted from his body smashing into Gary’s stomach. The blow knocked Gary several feet back past the rope and crushing down onto the ground.
“Foul,” the referee called raising his hand. “Warning to Steed.”
Gary was helped to his feet. He was winded and clearly embarrassed. Jason on the other hand was now in deeper trouble. Not only was he a point down, he now had a warning against him. It was non-contact, occasional blows or kicks will get through but they should be pulled. Jason’s kick had more power in it than anyone had used in the competition.
Concerned he would get another warning and get terminated from the competition Jason did the only thing he could. He held back and defended himself. Every opportunity he had after that to strike or kick he relaxed and stepped back. He was frustrated but had to adapt. He was not fighting would-be assassins or armed guards. He was fighting a fithteen-year-old schoolboy in a martial arts competition.
The adjustment was hard for Jason to master, as he held back and blocked every time Gary attacked him. Eventually he used a judo throw and threw Gary off balance forcing him to step outside of the rope ring.
At last they were one point each. When they continued Jason stuck with defense afraid to kick or strike out. He blocked blow after blow. Gary moved in too close allowing Jason to swiftly sweep his legs from under him. As Gary fell onto his back Jason pounced, landing with a knee in Gary’s chest as he pulled back his fist.
“Kiai.” Jason grunted bringing his fist down stopping an inch from Gary’s
nose. It was a classic move that Jason had perfected over the years, and he had used in real-life with devastating results. Today the move gave him the round.
The referee raised his hand. “Point to Steed.”
Jason was finally through the first round. He felt sad for Gary as he slumped off in tears towards his family, his dreams of becoming British Champion slashed.
As the day rolled on Jason faced another three opponents, each of them with a different skill sector to the next.
Jason never lost another point or committed a foul. He held back on his punches and kicks. Despite his smaller size to the majority of his opponents, it soon became very clear to everyone watching and competing, that there was someone in the competition with a skill and velocity that exceeded everyone else.
On Sunday, Jason’s fights drew the larger crowds, often wowing the audience. His father and Brenda arrived with Scott to cheer him on. Jason noticed them in the packed benches. He took off his top to cool off and strolled over to see them.
“Jase how many have you killed?” Scott laughed.
“None it’s just a non-contact competition. I’m not allowed to actually hit anyone.” Jason smiled.
“Jason your arms are black and blue. Are you okay?” Brenda asked concerned.
He looked at his forearms and nodded. “Yeah I have to defend. I can’t attack too much or I get a penalty against me.”
“It looks painful. Does it hurt?” Scott “Hold your arm out and I’ll show you.” Jason grinned clenching his fist. Scott recoiled back shaking his head no in aghast.
Jason explained he was in the final. He wasn’t concerned who his opponent was. He hadn’t paid any attention to the other fighters; he kept to himself and focused on his own fights.
After a brief chat he made his way back to Mike who passed him a bottle of water. He was proud to be with Jason. It was a great moment for his dojo to have a champion. When they were called for the final Jason pulled on his jacket and for the first time in the event placed his third dan black belt around his waist.
He removed his white headband and let his long blond bangs drop down over his eyes. He closed his eyes and concentrated.
“Are you okay Jason?” Mike asked.
Jason nodded. “I have a job to do, so let’s get it over with.”
The crowd cheered as both fighters entered the ring expecting an epic battle. Jason disappointed them from the moment the bell sounded. He sped forward, caught his opponent off guard and threw him across and outside the ring.
The referee looked at the judges unsure what to do. Jason had used a judo throw. It wasn’t an illegal move but one that wasn’t really done in karate. Reluctantly the referee raised his hand.
“Point to Steed.” The referee called.
A boo came from someone in the audience. Scott frowned and stood and turned around to see who it was. Raymond Steed pulled him down again, not wanting to get into any confrontation with someone.
When Jason and his opponent stood in the ring for a bow again Jason flicked his hair across his face. His eyes were hidden by his hair, and he rocked gently in a fighting stance on his toes.
After almost a minute Jason stayed in the same position. His opponent was clearly intimidated by him and was unsure what to do. Should he attack or wait? He glanced back at his coach for direction. The foolish choice to take his eyes off Jason was all Jason needed. He strode forward, spun and ducked down before him and threw a low punch pulling it back at the last second. It made gentle contact.
Gentle it was, but positive enough to win the point and the British Championship. Mike cheered and ran towards Jason who simply bowed to his opponent and walked off with Mike who was jumping up and down with excitement.
Jason decided that he hated competition fighting but he now had secured a place in the world championships. His name would be seen by many in the karate world. News would get back to Boudicea who would be waiting for him. Jason had to hope that Infinity’s plan would work and they could catch her before she killed him.
“You don’t seem very excited Jason,” Brenda said giving him a celebration kiss on the cheek.
He wiped his cheek with the back off his hand. “It was okay. I’m looking forward to the world championships now.”
“I can’t believe it Jason, you’re the British under sixteen Karate champion.” his father said giving him a hug and kissing his forehead.
“Dad.” Jason shouted in embarrassment. “What’s with all this kissing? I’m thirteen. I don’t need kissing.”
“Jase you were awesome mate. I loved how you threw the dude out of the ring. He was totally shocked; he looked completely lost.” Scott grinned.
“Yeah well technically it was a judo throw and frowned on in karate but it’s not illegal so he got away with it,” Mike said. “Jason, are you serious you want to enter the World Championships?
“Yeah.” Jason sighed.
Given the choice he would have said no, as he preferred martial arts training, the discipline and only using it against bad guys. But as it was a mission he would do what he had to do. For now he had to pretend he wanted to do it so his father wouldn’t suspect anything.
Jason felt a tug on his jacket from behind. He turned expecting to see someone and found two much younger children, a boy and a girl no more than six or seven smiling up at him. He guessed they were brother and sister, probably twins.
Without saying anything the boy thrust a program at Jason with a pen. Jason was unsure what to do. He looked up at Scott and raised his eyebrows.
“They want your autograph, Mr. British Champion.” Scott advised.
Jason turned bright red. “Oh. Sure.” He knelt down in front of them and smiled at them. “I’ve never done this before. Do you just want me to sign it?”
In unity they both nodded. It was the boy that spoke first.
“We do Karate. I’m a yellow belt so is my sister. How old were you when you started?” The boy asked when he looked at Jason’s autograph he gave a grin so large it could have split his face in two.
“Five when I started with a master called Wong Tong. I later studied three types of martial arts and included judo.” Jason said.
When he had finished signing he climbed to his feet and watched them run back to their parents, excitedly waving the signed programs.
“How did that feel?” Mike asked.
“Weird. I’m not famous I just won the competition.”
Jason looked around at the audience trying to pick out who was an Infinity agent. He knew they were there somewhere with earpieces watching him and everyone else but couldn’t quite make out where they were.
“Do you need to shower before we go?” His father asked passing Jason his kit bag.
“Nah I didn’t even sweat,” Jason quipped.
“Oh I see Mr. Big shot. Don’t get too confident when we go to Germany for the World Championships. You will be up against Russians, Chinese, Japanese, the Brazilians, Americans and a grand master from Korea who is only fifteen. He won it last year and is expecting to win again,” Mike said.
Chapter Fourteen
On the journey back home Jason sat quietly peering out the window. Scott was sleeping over and held the large trophy. On the top was a little figure in gold in a karate stance.
“I think this is a girl on the top; it has long hair.” Scott suggested.
“Jason has long hair,” Brenda opined.
“No he doesn’t only in the front, the back is short.” Scott said.
They continued to talk about him and the prospects of his winning the world championships. Jason ignored it; his mind was elsewhere, as he was planning something.
They ordered Pizza, and watched a James Bond movie. Jason still wearing his karate gi sat on the floor next to Scott. As soon as the movie was over he stood up.
“We better get to bed. I’m really tired. I guess the competition was tougher than I thought,” Jason yawned.
; Scott followed him up to his room and shut the door behind him. The two boys often slept over at each other’s homes, although now Jason was mostly away at his school in Turkey they couldn’t get together very often. Jason pulled the spare bed out from under his bed while Scott fetched his sleeping bag.
“It’s been months since we have done this,” Scott mentioned. “What with you being away so much.”
“We’re not sleeping just yet,” Jason said quietly.
“Why what have you got planned?”
Jason pulled off his gi and found his black pants. “Tonight we check out Buckingham Palace’s new security system.”
“What’s this WE?” Scott asked.
“I need you to go to SYUI, you have your ID, if anyone says anything just say you are working on something for Brenda,” Jason whispered. He climbed into his black clothing and black trainers. To finish off he pulled on a black knitted hat to cover his blond hair.
“I thought you were tired. We can do this another night if you want,” Scott suggested.
“Brenda knows at some point I’m going to test the security. She thinks I’m tired too, and we’re safe and sound up here talking about girls and stuff. The last thing she would suspect is that we leave and I break into the Palace tonight.”
“What am I supposed to do at SYUI?” Scott asked.
“They monitor the Palace cameras. I’ll give you my route and if we time it correctly at each point you turn the cameras off. They will think it’s a glitch. By the time they go to check, you will have switched them back on again.”
Jason had climbed out of his bedroom window many times to sneak in or out of the house. It wasn’t so easy for Scott climbing down a drainpipe; he was terrified. Eventually he agreed to climb onto Jason’s back and hold on around his neck while Jason climbed down.
Scott was less than ninety pounds. Jason was the same height but carried much more muscle and weighed almost a hundred pound. He struggled to keep his grip with Scott hanging on him. It was only a short climb down. Jason was certain he wouldn’t be able to go back up the same way. He would concern himself with that option later.