The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
in Heywood’s defense argument
in Millward’s defense argument
in Morrison’s defense argument
in mutiny
Nessy Heywood’s correspondence with
in Norman’s defense argument
Hallett, John (father)
Hamilton, George
Hamond, Andrew Snape
Hampson, John
Harwood, Edward
Haslar Hospital
Hastings, Warren
Hawkshead Grammar School
Hayward, Francis Hayward, Thomas
Bligh’s court-martial and
in Burkett’s defense argument
in Cole’s testimony
court-martial testimony of
cut-cable incident and
death of
deserters episode and
in Ellison’s defense argument
in Fryer’s testimony
in Heywood’s defense argument
joins Bounty
in Millward’s defense argument
Morrison’s cross-examination of- 343
in Morrison’s defense argument
in Muspratt’s defense argument
in mutiny
naval career of
in Norman’s defense argument
Admiralty’s visit to
mutineers imprisoned on- 98
Helford Harbor, Cornwall
Heywood, Edwin
Heywood, Elizabeth
Heywood, Frances Joliffe
Heywood, Henry
Heywood, Hester “Nessy,” 169
death of
Graham family and
Hallett’s correspondence with
in journey to London
Pasley’s correspondence with
Peter Heywood’s correspondence with - 92
poetry of
Heywood, Isabella
Heywood, James- 91
Heywood, James Modyford
Heywood, Mary
Heywood, Peter
anonymous letter to Edward Christian by
arrest of
art work of
background of
Belcher and
biography of
in Bligh’s report to Admiralty
Bounty outbound voyage report of
Bounty stigma and
career of
in Cole’s testimony
death of
defense of
in deserters list
family’s correspondence with
family’s interest in case of
in Hallett’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
health of
illegitimate child of
James Heywood’s visits with
joins Bounty
journal of
kidnapped Tahitians aided by
King’s pardon of
legal representation of
marriage of mutiny and- 21
narrative sent to Chatham by
Nessy Heywood’s correspondence with - 92
perjury of
poetry of
portrait of
promoted to post-captain
religion and
retirement of
Scott’s correspondence with
in sinking of Pandora
Stewart’s friendship with
Tahitian family of
Tahitian language project of- 35
in Tahiti sojourn
tattoo of
witnesses called by
Heywood, Peter John
Heywood, Peter “Powderplot,” 63-64
Heywood family
background of
Bligh and
Graham and
Howe’s relationship with
Hilbrant, Henry
Hodges, Joseph
Hogendor, Captain
Holwell, Aunt
Holwell, James Holwell, Zephaniah
Hood, Lord
career of
venue question and
verdicts announced by
House of Assembly, Jamaican
House of Lords, British
Howe, Lord
correspondence with Curtis
Heywood family and
mutinies and
Howell, William
Hudson, William
Huggan, Thomas
alleged scurvy outbreak and
death of
Hume, David
Iddeeah (Tahitian)
Inglefield, Ann
Inglefield, John Nicholson
Inglefield, Samuel Hood
Island, The (Byron)
House of Assembly of
see also Batavia, Java
Jenny (Teehuteatuaonoa)
Johnston, George
“Journal” (Morrison)
Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii
Keats, Richard Goodwin
Kidd, William
King George III Island, see Tahiti
Knight, John
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lamb, Charles
Lamb, Edward
Lamb, Robert
flogging of
Larkan, John
Law family
Lebogue, Lawrence
Ledward, Thomas Denman- 95
Liechtenstein, Prince of
Linkletter, Peter
“List of Proofs” (Bligh)
Lockhead, William
London Assurance Company
London Chronicle
Lonsdale, Lord
Losh, James
Loughborough, Lord
Louis XVI, King of France
McCartney, Lord
McCoy, William- 68
MacCrysten, John
Macdonald, Archibald
MacIntosh, Mary
McIntosh, Thomas
acquittal of
in Cole’s testimony
defense of
Edward Christian’s interview with- 25
fate of
Tahitian family of
Madras, India
Maimiti (Tahitian)
Makin, Mr.
Malcolm, Pulteney
Man, Isle of
Manchester Buildings
Mareva (Tahitian)
Marquesas Islands
Martin, Isaac
Masson, Francis
Matavai Bay, Tahiti
Matra, James
Mauatua (Tahitian)
Mellon, Harriet
mutiny on
Mills, John
Millward, John
defense of
desertion of
execution of
Tahitian family of
verdict on
Milntown (house)
Mingay, James
Mitford, Mary Russell
Montagu, George
pamphlet by
Moorland Close
Morris, Valentine
Morrison, James
in Anamooka stopover
background of
in Burkett’s defense argument
calculation of Bounty service of
Cole cross-examined by
court verdict on
death of
defense of
description of
duties o
executions attended by
Fryer cross-examined by
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hallett’s testimony
Hayward cross-examined by
in Hayward’s testimony
“Journal” of
King’s pardon of
“Memorandum” of
in Millward’s defense argument
in Muspratt’s defense argument
in mutiny- 45
naval career of
in preparation for court-martial
in sinking of Pandora
Smith cross-examined by
tattoo of
on voyage, to England
Moulter, William
Muspratt, Joseph
Muspratt, William
court verdict on
death of
defense of
desertion of
flogging of
King’s pardon of
in mutiny
petition filed by
Musters, Sophia Heywood
Mutineers of the Bounty and Their Descendants, The (Diana Belcher)
Adams’s recollection of
Bligh in
in Bligh’s court-martial Bligh’s description of Bligh’s Narrative on in Burkett’s defense argument
in Byrn’s defense argument
Christian’s mental state in
Christian’s raft scheme and
in Coleman’s testimony
in Ellison’s defense argument
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hallett’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
in Heywood’s defense argument
in McIntosh’s defense argument
in Millward’s defense argument
in Morrison’s defense argument
in Muspratt’s defense argument
news of
in Norman’s defense argument
in Peckover’s testimony
publications on
public speculation on cause of
in Purcell’s testimony
Tahitian paradise as cause of
see also Bounty mutineers
mutiny, Edward Christian’s inquiry into
abolitionist movement and
“Appendix” to court-martial transcription and
Bligh’s command style in
Bligh’s rebuttal to
Bligh’s villainous reputation and
Bounty crew and officers interviewed in
Fletcher Christian as Romantic hero and
Fletcher Christian’s mental state in- 29
Heywood’s anonymous letter and
ignorance of life at sea in
missing coconuts incident in
participants in
published report of
venue of
Nageete (at Tofua)
Nantwich School
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Narrative of the Mutiny, on Board His Majesty’s Ship Bounty, A; and the Subsequent Voyage of Part of the Crew, in the Ship’s Boat, From Tofua, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch Settlement in the East Indies (Bligh)
Naval Chronicle
Navy Board
Nelson, David
death of
hill named for
Nelson, Horatio- 88
Bligh commended by
Newgate Prison
New Guinea
New Holland (Australia)
New South Wales
Bligh as governor of
Rum Rebellion in
New Zealand
Nomuka (Anamooka)
Nore mutiny of 1797
Norman, Charles
acquittal of
in Cole’s testimony
death of
defense of
fate of
Norton, John death of
Nunnery (house)
Oberea (Tahitian)
Obuarei (Tahitian)
Oliver, William
Oparre, Tahiti
Otaheite, see Tahiti
Palmerston Island (Avarau)
mission of
mutineers imprisoned in
mutineers rounded up by- 201
in search for Bounty
sinking of
small boats lost by
Tahiti visit of
Papara, Tahiti
Papua New Guinea
Parker, John
Parker, Mary Ann
Parliament, British
Pasley, Maria Heywood
Pasley, Thomas
death of
Nessy Heywood’s correspondence with
Peter Heywood’s legal case and
Peckover, William
Bounty court-martial testimony of- 34
in mutiny
Purcell’s court-martial and
Phillips, Molesworth Pipon, Philip
Pirates, The; Or, The Calamities of Capt. Bligh (play)
Pitcairn’s Island
Admiralty’s lack of interest in
Bounty’s destruction on
Christian as legendary patriarch of- 73
communal identity of
discovery of
English poetry influenced by
mutineers’ settlement on