Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy
As soon as he was released from business, Tom Stanton hurried home toimpart the unexpected intelligence that his cousin Herbert had arrivedin the city. As might be expected, the news gave no particular pleasurein the Stanton homestead.
"Did you tell him who you were, Thomas?" asked his mother.
"Catch me doing it!" said Tom. "I ain't quite a fool. I don't care aboutowning any pauper relations."
"He isn't a pauper," said Mr. Stanton, who, hard man of the world as hewas, could not forget that Herbert was the son of his sister.
"He's the next door to it," said Tom, carelessly.
"Thomas is right," said Mrs. Stanton. "You may depend upon it, Mr.Stanton, that when this boy finds you out, he will apply to you forassistance."
"Possibly he may."
"I hope you won't be such a fool as to encourage him in hisapplication."
"If he were in actual distress, my dear," said Mr. Stanton, "I shouldfeel that I ought to do something."
"Then you'd allow yourself to be imposed upon, that's all I've got tosay. There is no need of his being in distress. He is a stout boy, andcapable of earning his own living."
"He might get sick," suggested Mr. Stanton, who was not so hard-heartedas his wife.
"Then let him go to the hospital. It's provided for such cases."
"Is Herbert good-looking?" asked Maria, with interest.
"He won't get a prize for his beauty," said Tom, disparagingly.
"Is he homely?"
"No," said Tom, reluctantly. "I suppose he'll pass; but he'scountrified. He hasn't got any style," and he glanced complacentlyat his own reflection in a mirror, for Tom was vain of his personalappearance, though by no means as good-looking as Herbert. In fact, hewas compelled secretly to confess this to himself, and for this reasonwas more than ever disposed to view his cousin with prejudice.
"I should like to see Herbert," said Maria, who had her share of femalecuriosity, and thought it would be pleasant to have a cousin to escorther round.
"Perhaps I'd better invite him round to dinner tomorrow," said Thomas,sarcastically.
"I wish you would."
"Thomas will do no such thing!" said Mrs. Stanton, decidedly. "It's myopinion that the less notice we take of him the better. Your father isin good circumstances, to be sure, but whatever he is able to do, ought,of right, to go to his own family. We don't want any poor relationscoming here to get their living out of us."
"Just my sentiments, mother," said Tom Stanton, approvingly.
"It doesn't seem quite right," said Mr. Stanton, uncomfortably, "toneglect my sister's child."
"Don't make yourself ridiculous with your scruples, Mr. Stanton," saidhis wife. "It's the boy's duty to take care of himself. It would only dohim harm, and lead to false expectations, if we allowed him the run ofthe house."
"Besides," said Tom, "I shouldn't want to have Tom Paget and PercyMortimer, and other fellows that I associate with, ask me who he is, andhave to tell them that he is my cousin."
This argument had considerable weight with Mr. Stanton, who was anxiousto elevate himself in society, and looked with complacency upon theschool acquaintances Tom had formed with the scions of distinguishedfamilies.
"Well," said he, rising from the table, "let it be as you will. We won'tgo out of our way to invite the boy here, but if he presents himself, ashe doubtless will, we must take a little notice of him."
"I don't see why he couldn't have stayed in the country," said Mrs.Stanton. "It was the best place for him."
"Of course, it was," said Tom.
"He could have had no other object than to seek us out, and see what hecould get out of us. For my part, I would advise you to recommend him togo back."
"He has secured a place, it seems, and would not be likely to give itup."
"It's a great pity he should have got into the same counting-room withTom. He will presume on the relationship as soon as he finds it out."
Mrs. Stanton need not have been alarmed, for Herbert was toohigh-spirited to seek an intimacy where he had reason to think it wouldbe disagreeable. But his aunt knew nothing of him, and judged him byherself.
"He's there, and it can't be helped," said Mr. Stanton.
"At any rate, if he does stay in the city," persisted Mrs. Stanton, "Ihope you'll give him to understand that he needn't call here more thanonce in three months. That is as much as he can expect."
"After all, he is my sister's son," said Mr. Stanton. "I can't feel thatthis would be quite kind in us."
"Leave it to me, then. If you're too soft-hearted, Mr. Stanton, I willtake all the responsibility, and the blame, if there is any."
"Well, I think you've said enough on the subject," said her husband."Tom, run upstairs and bring me a cigar. You know where I keep the cigarbox."
"You'd better send a servant, father," said Tom, coolly.
"It appears to me you are getting lazy, Thomas," said his father.
"Thomas is right," said Mrs. Stanton. "What do we keep servants for butto run errands?"
"Still, Tom might have obliged me in such a little matter."
"You shouldn't have asked him, Mr. Stanton. You seem to forget that weare not living in the style of half a dozen years ago. You should adaptyourself to circumstances."
Mr. Stanton said no more, but sent a servant in Tom's place. But hecould not help thinking that the outward prosperity for which he wasstriving was not without its drawbacks, since it compelled him to lookto servants for the most ordinary services.
The next morning Tom went to the counting-room, fully expecting thatHerbert would claim relationship as soon as he discovered his name.While he would be compelled to admit it, he determined to treat Herbertwith such a degree of coolness that he would take the hint, and keep hisdistance.
When he arrived at the counting-room, Herbert was already there, and Mr.Pratt also.
"Good-morning," said Herbert.
"Morning," muttered Tom.
"This is Thomas Stanton, your fellow-clerk," said Mr. Pratt, thebookkeeper. "I believe you have not been introduced."
"Now for it," thought Tom.
But rather to his surprise, Herbert made no demonstration, but merelybowed slightly.
"What does it mean?" thought Tom, a little perplexed. "Is it possiblethat he is not my cousin, after all?"
"I think you came from Ohio?" inquired Tom, impelled by his curiosity toask the question.
"Yes," said Herbert.
"Why didn't you stay there? Couldn't you make a living there?" askedTom, not over-politely.
"Probably I might," said Herbert, quietly.
"Then I think you should have stayed there."
"Which do you like best, the city or the country?" asked our hero.
"The city."
"So do I."
"But there's a difference. I have always lived in the city."
"I suppose boys often do come from the country to the city," saidHerbert. "Was your father born in the city?"
"No," said Tom, glancing keenly at Herbert, to see if he meant anythingby the question.
"Then it seems he must have preferred the city to the country."
Tom had his share of curiosity. He knew that it would be better not topursue this subject further if he wished his cousin to remain ignorantof the relationship between them. Still, he was anxious to know whatHerbert's actual knowledge was, and whether he would be likely to availhimself of it. He was therefore tempted to say, "I suppose you have norelations in the city?"
"What makes you think I haven't?" asked Herbert, looking at Tom ratherpeculiarly.
"I don't think anything about it. I only asked," said Tom, a littleconfused.
"Yes, I have an uncle in the city," said Herbert, quietly.
"Oh, indeed," said Tom.
He said nothing more, for he felt that he might betray his knowledge ofthe relationship unintentionally. Herbert's manner left him as much inthe dark as ever.
Mr. Pratt set Herbert to work on some writing, and Tom, also, was soonbusy. After a while Mr. Godfrey came in.
"Good-morning, Herbert," he said, pleasantly, offering his hand. "So Mr.Pratt has set you to work, has he?"
"Yes, sir."
"I think we shall find enough for him to do, eh, Mr. Pratt?"
"Yes, sir, I think so," said the bookkeeper, who perceived that Herbertwas in favor, and it was as well to fall in with his employer.
"That's well. How do you like your boarding place, Herbert?"
"It isn't a very nice one, sir, but it is as good a one as I have aright to expect for the money I pay."
"Come round and dine with us to-night," said the merchant. "Mrs. Godfreywill be glad to see you. I'll give you my street and number."
"Thank you, sir," said Herbert. "I shall be glad to accept your kindinvitation."
Tom listened to this invitation with envy. Mr. Godfrey occupied a highsocial position. Moreover, he had a pretty daughter, whom he, Tom, hadmet at dancing school, and he would have been very glad to receive theinvitation which had been extended to "that beggar, Herbert," as hementally styled him.