Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son
It was with very little confidence in his ultimate success that Herbertset out on his borrowing expedition. The number of those who could becalled capitalists in a small village like Wrayburn was very small, andit happened very remarkably that all of them were short of funds. Oneman had just bought a yoke of oxen, and so spent all his available cash;another had been shingling his barn; and still another confessed tohaving money, but it was in the savings bank, and he didn’t like todisturb it.
So, at supper time, Herbert came in, depressed and dispirited.
“Well, mother, it’s no use,” he said, as her anxious look met his.
“I didn’t much think you could borrow the money,” she answered, tryingto look cheerful.
“There’s only one thing remains to be done,” said Herbert.
“What is that?”
“To try to induce the squire to give us more time.”
“I don’t think he will do that.”
“Nor I. In that case we must come to his terms; but it’s a pity tosacrifice the property, mother.”
“Yes, Herbert; I shall be sorry to leave the old place,” she sighed.“You were born here, and your father was always very much attached toit. But poor folks can’t have everything they wish, and it might beworse.”
“Yes, it might be worse, and if the squire was not so bent in gettingthe place into his hands, it might be better.”
“I suppose we ought not to blame him for looking out for his owninterest.”
“Yes, we ought; when it seems that he is ready to injure his poorerneighbors.”
Mrs. Carter did not reply. She did not wish further to incense her sonagainst the squire, yet in her heart she could not help agreeing withhim.
The next day Herbert did not go to work as usual. He did not feel likeit, while matters were in such uncertainty. He knew the squire would beat the cottage a little before twelve o’clock, and he wanted to be withhis mother at that time, for he felt that, if the place must be sold, hewould be more likely to get good terms for it than his mother, who wasof an easy and yielding disposition.
He took a little walk in the course of the forenoon, not with anyparticular object in view, but in order to pass the time. As he waspassing the hotel--for there was a small hotel in the village--he heardhis name called. Turning round, he found that it was the landlord whohad called him.
“Come here a minute, Herbert,” he said.
Herbert obeyed the summons.
“What are you doing nowadays?” he asked.
“I have turned farmer,” said our hero.
“Whom are you working for?”
“For myself.”
“How is that? I don’t understand.”
“I am cultivating Mr. Crane’s land on shares.”
“Does it take up all jour time?”
“No; I would only work part of the day if I had anything else to do.”
“I’ll tell you what I have been thinking of. There’s a young manboarding with me from the city, a Mr. Cameron. He was a college student,but his eyes gave out, and the doctor sent him out of the city to getwell. He wants some one to read to him part of the time, and go aboutwith him for company. He is from a rich family--the son of a wealthymanufacturer--and he will be willing to pay a fair price.”
“Do you think I would suit him?” asked Herbert, eagerly.
“Yes, I think you would. You are a good scholar, and when I mentionedyou to him, he said he would like to see you. He said he would prefer aboy, as he would be more ready to adapt himself to his wishes.”
“When can I see Mr. Cameron?” asked our hero.
“Come in now. You will find him in his room. Here, John, show Herbert upto number six.”
Herbert was ushered into one of the best rooms the hotel afforded. Ayoung man, of pleasant appearance, was sitting at the window, with agreen shade over his eyes. He pushed up this, that he might see Herbert.
“This is Herbert Carter, Mr. Cameron,” said John, unceremoniously.
“I am glad to see you, Herbert,” said the young man, smiling as heextended his hand. He was secretly pleased with Herbert’s open and manlyface. “Did the landlord say why I might need your assistance?”
“He said your eyes were affected.”
“Yes, they broke down a month since. I am a student of Yale College, inthe junior class. I suppose I tasked my eyes too severely. At any rate,they gave out, and I am forbidden to use them at all.”
“That must be a great loss to you,” said Herbert, with sympathy.
“It is. I am very fond of reading and study, and the time passes veryheavily in the absence of my usual employment.”
“I don’t know what I should do if I could not use my eyes.”
“You would find it a great hardship. Now I must tell you why I camehere. The doctor told me I should be better off in the country than inthe city. He said that the sight of the green grass would be good forme, and the fresh air, in improving my general health, would help myeyes also. I hadn’t much choice as to a place, but some one mentionedWrayburn, and so I came here. But I soon found that, unless I got somepleasant company and some one who could read to me, I should die ofweariness. That brings me to my object in asking you to call upon me.How is your time occupied?”
“I have taken an acre of land to cultivate on shares,” answered Herbert.“It was because I could find nothing else to do, and must do something.”
“Does that keep you pretty busy?”
“It is planting time now, but I could get along with working there halfa day.”
“And could you place yourself at my disposal the other half?”
“I should be glad to do it,” answered Herbert.
“Suppose, then, that you work in the field in the forenoon, and give meevery afternoon.”
“All right,” said Herbert, promptly.
“Now comes another question. What pay would you expect for giving me somuch of your time?”
“I shouldn’t know what to charge, Mr. Cameron. I leave that matterentirely with you.”
“Would you be satisfied with five dollars a week?”
Five dollars a week! Herbert could hardly believe his ears. Why, hewould have been well paid if this had been given him for the whole ofhis time, but for half it seemed munificent.
“I am afraid I can’t earn that much,” he answered. “I would be willingto take less.”
“You don’t know how hard I shall make you work,” said the young man,smiling. “I insist upon paying you five dollars a week.”
“I don’t seriously object,” said Herbert, smiling; “but if you think,after the first week, that it is too much, you can pay me less.”
“I see that we are not likely to quarrel on the subject of salary then.When can you begin?”
“This afternoon, if you wish.”
“I do wish it, otherwise the afternoon would pass very slowly to me.”
“Then, I will be here at one o’clock.”
“Half past one will do.”
“I will be on hand. Till then I will bid you good morning, as I shall bewanted at home.”
“Very well, Herbert.”
Herbert left the room and hurried home, for it was nearly twelve. On theway he stopped at the post office, and found a letter addressed to hismother. He did not recognize the handwriting, nor, such was his hurry,did he notice where it was postmarked. He had no watch, but thoughtit must be close upon twelve o’clock. So he thrust the letter into hispocket, and continued his way homeward on a half run. He was in time,for, just as he reached the front gate from one direction, the squirereached it from the other.
“Good morning,” said the squire, a little stiffly. “Is your mother athome?”
“I presume she is. Won’t you come in?”
“I wonder if they’ve got the money ready,” thought the squire, as hefollowed Herbert into the modest sitting room.