Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son
At five o’clock Mr. Cameron knocked at the door of Mrs. Carter’scottage. It was opened by Herbert himself.
“Walk in, Mr. Cameron,” he said, cordially. “My mother is in the nextroom.”
Mrs. Carter was prepossessed in favor of Cameron. In worldly advantageshe was her superior; yet with the instinct of a gentleman he seemedunconscious of any such difference and did not exhibit the least traceof condescension, as many ill-bred persons might have.
“I have wanted to see you, Mrs. Carter,” he said. “As the mother of myprofessor, the desire was only natural.”
“Herbert tells me he has learned a good deal since he has been readingto you. He has often spoken of his good fortune in meeting you.”
“I feel equally fortunate in meeting him. Not every boy of his age wouldadapt himself as readily and intelligently as he has.”
“I am very glad if you find Herbert of service to you,” said Mrs.Carter. “In all ways the engagement has been of advantage to him.”
“Squire Leech was kind enough to offer me the services of his son,James,” said Cameron, smiling.
“James would hardly have been willing to sacrifice so much of his time,” said Herbert, “though he might be willing to try it for a day or two tosupersede me.”
“I think I shall have to worry along with my present professor,” saidCameron, “and allow James to devote his superior talents to some otherbusiness.”
The table was already spread in honor of the guest, and both Herbert andMrs. Carter were gratified to find that the young collegian did amplejustice to the meal.
“I feel almost ashamed of my appetite,” said Cameron; “but the changefrom the stereotyped bill of fare at the hotel is pleasant and gives thefood an increased relish.”
“I am glad to hear you say so, Mr. Cameron; I could hardly expect tocompete with the hotel in point of variety. Let me give you another cupof tea.”
“Thank you. I don’t often venture on a third cup, but I think I willmake an exception to-night.”
“Dr. Johnson sometimes got up to a dozen, I believe,” said Herbert.
“He exceeded that number at times; but we must remember that the cupsin his day barely contained a third as much as ours, so he was not soimmoderate, after all. His excesses in eating were less pardonable.”
“Was he a very large eater?” asked the widow.
“He actually gorged himself, if we are to believe the accounts that havecome down to us,” said Cameron. “I am afraid, Mrs. Carter, you wouldhave found him a very unprofitable boarder.”
“But,” said Herbert; “there is one of Dr. Johnson’s labors I shall notseek to imitate. I shall never attempt to write a dictionary.”
“It must be a monotonous and wearisome labor. Besides, I don’t think wecould either of us improve upon Webster or Worcester.”
They arose, and Mrs. Carter, who could not afford to keep a servant,herself cleared away the tea table.
“Herbert,” said the young collegian, “you mentioned one day that yourfather was an inventor.”
“He made one invention, but whether it will amount to anything, I don’tknow. He had high hopes of it, but died before he had any opportunity oftesting its value.”
“Will you show it to me?”
“With pleasure.”
Herbert led Cameron upstairs into his own chamber, where, since hisfather’s death, the work which had cost his father so many toilsomehours had been kept. Cameron examined it carefully. Herbert waitedanxiously for his verdict. At length he spoke.
“As far as I am qualified to judge,” he said, “your father’s inventionseems to embody an improvement. But you must not rely too much upon myopinion. My knowledge of the details of manufacturing is superficial. Ishould like to show it to my father.”
“There is nothing that I would like better,” said Herbert, “if you thinkhe would be willing to examine it.”
“He would be glad to do so. It is for his interest to examine anythingwhich will facilitate the details of his business. I am intending to gohome next Friday afternoon, and, with your permission, will carry thiswith me.”
“I shall feel very much obliged to you if you will,” said Herbert. “Itmay be worth nothing. I know it would have been my father’s wish to haveit examined by one who is qualified to judge.”
“It is a pity your father could not have lived to enjoy the benefit ofhis invention, if it succeeds.”
“He was a great loss to us,” said Herbert. “There were but three of us,and he was at an age when we might hope to have him with us for a goodmany years yet. If I had been a few years older, I should have beenbetter able to make up his loss to my mother.”
“She is fortunate in having a son who is so willing to do his best forher,” said Cameron, kindly. “We don’t know what the future may have instore for us, Herbert; but you may rely upon my continued friendship.”
Herbert pressed the hand of the young collegian warmly, for he knewthat the offer of service was no empty compliment, but made in earnestsincerity.
The evening passed pleasantly and at nine o’clock Cameron took hisleave. Herbert accompanied him as far as the hotel. He was walkingleisurely back when he heard his name called and, turning, saw that itwas James Leech who had accosted him.
“Where have you been, Carter?” inquired James; “been to see Mr. Cameron,I suppose? Doesn’t he get enough of your company in the daytime?”
“You must ask him that. He has been taking tea at our house and Iaccompanied him home.”
“He took supper at your house!”
“He seems very fond of keeping low company.”
“What do you mean?” demanded Herbert, his eyes flashing with indignationat this insolence.
“I mean what I say,” answered James, doggedly.
“Then I advise you hereafter to keep your impudence to yourself,” retorted Herbert; “and for fear you may forget it, I give you this as areminder.”
An instant later James Leech found himself lying on his back on thesidewalk with Herbert bending over him.
He kept upon his feet, pale with rage and mortification.
“I’ll be revenged upon you yet, you brute!” he shrieked, in his rageleaving our hero victor of the field.
“I wouldn’t have touched him if he hadn’t spoken against my mother,” said Herbert.