Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son
Mr. Spencer entered the house so lately vacated by the old man who hadoccupied it for forty years.
“The trunk is in your uncle’s room,” said the lawyer, “or ought to be. Isuppose it has not been moved.”
The two entered the chamber. It was a small, poorly furnished apartment,covered with a carpet which, cheap in the first place, was so worn withuse that the bare floor showed in spots.
“Your uncle was not very luxurious in his taste,” said Mr. Spencer.“There are plenty of day laborers in town who have as good rooms asthis.”
“I suppose he liked laying up money better than spending it,” saidHerbert.
“You are right there. This must be the trunk.”
It was a small, black hair trunk, studded with brass nails. Mr. Spencertook a bunch of keys from his pocket and unlocked it. Lifting the coverhe exposed to view a collection of woolen clothes-coats, vests, andpants.
“This is your legacy, Herbert,” said the lawyer. “I am afraid you won’tfind it very valuable. What is this?”
He drew out, and held up to view, a blue cloak of ample proportions.
“Will you try it on?” he said, smiling.
Herbert threw it over his shoulders, and looked at himself in a smallseven-by-nine looking-glass which was suspended over the washstand. Itcame down nearly to his feet.
“I should hardly dare to wear this without alteration,” he said; “butthere is a good deal of good cloth in it. Mother can cut a coat and vestout of it for me.”
“Here is a blue coat with brass buttons. I remember your uncle used towear it to church twenty years ago. Of late years he has not attended,and has had no occasion to wear it. Here is a pair of pantaloons; butthey are pretty well worn.”
So they went through the list, finding little of value. The last articlewas a vest.
“It seems heavy,” said Herbert.
The lawyer took it from him and examined it.
“There seems to be an inside pocket,” he said. “There must be somethingin it.”
The pocket was confined by a button; Mr. Spencer thrust his fingersinside, and drew out something loosely enveloped in brown paper.
“What have we here?” he said, in a tone of curiosity.
The secret was speedily solved. When the paper was opened, it was foundto contain five gold eagles, and two dollars in silver coins.
Herbert’s eyes glistened with delight as he viewed the treasure.
“Fifty-two dollars!” he exclaimed. “And it is mine.”
“Undoubtedly. The will expressly says you are to have the trunk, and allit contains.”
“I wonder whether Uncle Herbert remembered this money?”
“We can’t tell as to that, but it doesn’t affect your title to themoney. I congratulate you, Herbert.”
“It will do us a great deal of good. Then there are the hundred dollarsfor mother. Why, we shall be rich.”
“Then you are content with your legacy?” asked Mr. Spencer.
“Oh, yes; it was more than I expected, or mother, either.”
“Yet it is but a mere drop of your uncle’s wealth,” said the lawyer,thoughtfully.
“That may be; but he needn’t have left us anything.”
“I see you look upon it in the best way. You are quite a modelheir--very different from most of your relatives--Mrs. Pinkerton, forinstance.”
“I supposed she expected more than I did.”
“She appeared to expect the bulk of the property. I am afraid herhusband will have a hard time of it for a week to come,” said thelawyer, laughing. “He will have to bear the brunt of her disappointment.Well, there seems no more for us to do here. We have found out the valueof your legacy, and may lock the trunk again. If you will lend a hand,we will take it across to my house, so that there may be no delay whenthe stage calls in the morning.”
“All right, sir.”
James Leech was looking out of the front window, awaiting the return ofMr. Spencer and Herbert with not a little curiosity. At length he spiedthem.
“Tom!” he exclaimed, “your father and that Carter boy are coming back.”
“Why do you call him that Carter boy? Why don’t you call him Herbert?”
“I am not on intimate terms with him,” said James.
“That is strange, as you both live in the same village.”
“You must remember that there is some difference in our socialpositions,” said James, haughtily.
“That is something I never think of,” said Tom, candidly. “I am agenuine republican.”
“I am not,” said James. “I should like to live in England, where theyhave noblemen.”
“Not unless you could be a nobleman yourself, I suppose?”
“No; of course not.”
By this time Mr. Spencer and Herbert were bringing the trunk into thefront entry.
“I shouldn’t think a professional gentleman like your father would liketo be seen carrying a trunk across the street,” said James.
“Oh, he don’t care for that; nor should I,” said Tom.
Herbert entered the room.
“Well, Herbert, what luck?” asked Tom.
“Better than I expected,” said Herbert, gayly. “What do you say tothat?” and he displayed the gold and silver.
“How much is it?” asked James, his vanity melting under the influence ofcuriosity.
“Fifty-two dollars.”
“Capital!” said Tom.
“It isn’t much,” said James, in a tone of depreciation.
“I’ll bet Herbert is richer than you, James,” said Tom, in a livelymanner. “Can you show as much money as that?”
“I shall be a rich man some day,” said James, with an air of importance.
“Your father may fail.”
“The moon may be made of green cheese,” retorted James, loftily. “Howabout the clothes? Are you going to show them?”
“I think not,” said Herbert.
“A parcel of rags, I suppose,” said James, with a sneer.
“Not quite so bad as that,” responded Herbert, good-naturedly. “Still, Ithink I shall hardly venture to wear any of them without alteration.”
“I wouldn’t wear second-hand clothes,” remarked James Leech, in hisusual amiable tone.
“Perhaps you would if you were poor,” said Herbert, quietly.
“But I am not poor.”
“Fortunately for you.”
“Then you won’t show the clothes? I suppose they look as if they weremade in the year one.”
“For our forefather Adam?” suggested Tom, laughing. “I am inclined tothink the old gentleman in question hadn’t clothes enough to fill atrunk as large as that.”
“Probably not,” said Herbert; “he had no uncle, you know, to leave anyto him.”
“What are you going to do with your money, Carter?” asked James, whosecuriosity got the better of his dignity occasionally.
“I haven’t made up my mind yet. I think I shall find plenty of uses forit.”
“What would you do with it if you had it, James?” asked Tom.
“I can have more if I want to. I have only to ask father.”
“Then you’re better off than I. Say, father, will you give me fifty-twodollars?”
“When you are twenty-one I may do it.”
“You see,” said Tom. “But you haven’t answered my question. What wouldyou do with the money if you had it?”
“I think I would buy a new rowboat; there’s a pond near our house.”
“When you get it send for me, and I’ll help you row.”
“Very well,” said James; but he did not answer very positively. In fact,he was by no means sure that his father would comply with his requestfor money, although it suited him to make this representation to hiscompanions.
Herbert retired early. It had been a fatiguing day for him, and it wouldbe necessary to rise in good season the next day, as the coach le
ftRandolph for Wrayburn at an early hour.