Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare for Everyone Else)
Chapter Five
“Can I see her yet?” Clark asked, standing at the door. “The dance is tonight! Can I at least see her before her cousin stops by?”
“You’re lucky that Leo allows you on the property. Don’t push your luck,” Andrew said, standing in front of the doorway, blocking Clark’s entrance.
“I want to see her, though. If I could just see her face…”
“You should have other things on your mind,” Andrew said accusingly. “The Halloween dance? Your date? Your chance with Heaven depends on your behavior at the dance. If I were you, I would focus on that.”
“Whatever it takes,” Clark said.
“So dramatic,” Andrew said. “Go home, Clark. You have a dance to prepare for. I know Heaven’s cousin already has her costume and mask. Can you say the same?”
“Ugh, I can’t,” Clark grumbled. “Donnie, we should probably get on that.”
“The party store is probably still open,” Donnie suggested. “We could go there. You said that her cousin is wearing a mask?”
“She’s self-conscious about her face. Can’t blame her because Heaven’s her cousin and all,” Andrew explained. “She wants this date to go well for Clark as well…though for the life of me I don’t know why.”
“I don’t care what her face looks like,” Clark said. “I’ll treat her well. Anything to get Heaven back.”
“We should go,” Donnie said. “I’ll drive.”
“See you later,” Andrew said, shutting the door.
“Are they gone?” Leo’s voice asked from behind him.
“They’re gone.”
“Let’s get going, Heaven!” Leo shouted up the stairs. “We have an appointment at the school very shortly.”