Dee Brown on the Civil War
Two newspapers proved to be quite useful sources, the Frontier Scout and Union Vedette. Both were soldier newspapers, the former being published at Fort Rice, Dakota Territory, the latter at Camp Douglas, Utah. The Frontier Scout was filled with activities of the Galvanized Yankees at Rice as well as at other Missouri River forts. The Union Vedette, while primarily interested in Camp Douglas matters, also received telegraph news from the East, and it was common practice for military telegraphers along the Platte section guarded by Galvanized Yankees to dispatch items to the Vedette, especially news of events concerning soldiers.
The following is a list of most of the published sources consulted.
Adams, Charles W. Civil War Reminiscences Interestingly Told. Greenfield, Ohio, n. p., [1917?].
Armes, George A. Ups and Downs of an Army Officer. Washington, D.C., n. p., 1900.
Army and Navy Journal, 1864-66.
Atwood, Evans. Diary, edited by W. J. Lemke. Arkansas Historical Quarterly, vol. 12, 1953, pp. 340-69.
Bailey, W. F. The Story of the First Transcontinental Railroad. Pittsburgh, Pa., Pittsburgh Printing Co., 1906.
Beach, James. “Old Fort Hays.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections, vol. XI, 1909-10, pp. 571-81.
Bowles, Samuel. Across the Continent. Springfield, Mass., S. Bowles & Company, 1865.
Butler, Benjamin F. Private and Official Correspondence. Norwood, Mass., Plimpton Press, 1917. 5 vols.
Crawford, Lewis F. Rekindling Campfires. Bismarck, N.D., Capitol Book Co., 1926.
Davis, Theodore R. “A Summer on the Plains.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, vol. 36, 1868, pp. 292-307.
Dixon, Olive K. Life of Billy Dixon. Dallas, Tex., Southwest Press, 1927.
Dodge, Grenville. The Battle of Atlanta and Other Campaigns. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Monarch Printing Co., 1911.
Drips, J. H. Three Years Among the Indians in Dakota. Kemball, S.D., Brule Index, 1894.
Easterwood, T. J. Lights and Shadows on the Big Horns. Dundee, Ore., Dundee Printing Co., 1881.
Ellison, Robert S. Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Sheridan, Historical Landmark Commission of Wyoming, 1938.
Frederick, J. B. Ben Holladay, the Stagecoach King. Glendale, Calif., A. H. Clark, 1940.
Frontier Scout, 1865.
Gallaher, William A. “Ho! for the Gold Mines of Montana; Up the Missouri in 1865,” edited by James E. Moss. Missouri Historical Review, vol. 57, 1963, pp. 156-83.
Garfield, Marvin H. “The Military Post as a Factor in the Frontier Defense of Kansas, 1865-1869.” Kansas Historical Quarterly, vol. 1, 1931, pp. 50-62.
Gatchell, T. J. “Life of John Ryan.” Annals of Wyoming, vol. 31, 1959, pp. 48-52.
Gleed, Charles S. “Eugene Fitch Ware.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections, vol. XIII, 1913-14, pp. 19-41.
Goss, Warren Lee. The Soldier’s Story. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1871.
Gray, John S. “Will Comstock—the Natty Bumppo of Kansas.” Westerners Brand Book, Chicago, vol. 18, 1962, pp. 89-96.
Grigsby, Melvin. The Smoked Yank. Chicago, Regan Printing Co., 1891.
Grinnell, George B. The Fighting Cheyennes. Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 1956.
Hafen, LeRoy R. The Overland Mail, 1849-1869. Cleveland, Ohio, A. H. Clark, 1926.
Hafen, LeRoy R., and Ann W. Hafen. Powder River Campaigns. Glen-dale, Calif., A. H. Clark, 1961.
Hagerty, L. W. “Indian Raids Along the Platte and Little Blue Rivers, 1864-65.” Nebraska History, vol. 28, 1947, pp. 176-86, 239-60.
Harlow, Alvin F. Old Wires and New Waves, the History of the Telegraph, Telephone and Wireless. New York City, Appleton-Century, 1936.
Hebard, Grace R., and E. A. Brininstool. The Bozeman Trail. Cleveland, Ohio, A. H. Clark, 1922. 2 vols.
Holley, Frances. Once Their Home; or Our Legacy from the Dahkotahs. Chicago, Donohue, 1891.
Holman, Albert M., and C. R. Marks. Pioneering in the Northwest. Sioux City, Iowa, Deitch & Lamar Co., 1924.
Hull, Lewis B. “Soldiering on the High Plains, 1864-1866,” edited by Myra E. Hull. Kansas Historical Quarterly, vol. 7, 1938, pp. 3-35.
Humfreville, J. Lee. Twenty Years Among Our Hostile Indians. New York City, Hunter and Co., 1903.
Hyde, George E. Pawnee Indians. Denver, Colo., University of Denver Press, 1951.
Jones, Robert H. The Civil War in the Northwest. Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 1960.
Keiley, A. M. In Vinculus, or the Prisoner of War. New York City, Blelock and Co., 1866.
Kingsbury, George W. History of Dakota Territory. Chicago, S. J. Clarke, 1915.
Mackey, William H. “Looking Backwards.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections, vol. 10, 1907-8, pp. 642-54.
McMurtrie, Douglas C. “Pioneer Printing in North Dakota.” North Dakota Historical Quarterly, vol. 6, 1932, pp. 221-30.
Malone, Bartlett Y. Diary. Chapel Hill, N.C., James Sprunt Historical Publications, University of North Carolina, vol. 16, no. 2, 1919.
Mattison, Ray H. “Fort Rice—North Dakota’s First Missouri River Military Post.” North Dakota History, vol. 20, 1953, pp. 93-104.
Meline, James F. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. New York City, Hurd and Houghton, 1867.
Minnich, J. A. Inside of Rock Island Prison, from December 1863 to June 1865. Nashville, Tenn., Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South, 1908.
Mokler, Alfred J. Fort Caspar. Casper, Wyo., Prairie Pub. Co., 1939.
Montgomery, Mrs. Frank C. “Fort Wallace and Its Relation to the Frontier.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections, vol. 17, 1926-28, pp. 189-283.
Musgrove, Richard W. Autobiography, n. p., n. d.
Myers, Frank. Soldiering in Dakota Among the Indians. Huron, S.D., Huronite Printing House, 1888.
O’Reilly, Harrington. Fifty Years on the Trail. New York City, Warne, 1889.
O’Rielly, Henry. Memorial of … Concerning Military Roads. New York City, January 8, 1858. Broadside.
Palmer, H. E. “History of the Powder River Indian Expedition of 1865.” Nebraska State Historical Society, Transactions and Reports, vol. 2, 1887, pp. 197-229.
Pattison, John J. “With the U.S. Army Along the Oregon Trail, 1863-66.” Nebraska History, vol. 15, 1934, pp. 79-93.
Perkins, J. R. Trails, Rails and War; the Life of General G. M. Dodge. Indianapolis, Ind., Bobbs-Merrill, 1929.
Reid, James D. The Telegraph in America. New York City, 1886.
Richardson, Albert D. Beyond the Missisńppi. Hartford, Conn., American Pub. Co., 1867.
Rogers, Fred B. Soldiers of the Overland. San Francisco, Calif., Grabhorn Press, 1938.
Root, George A. “Reminiscences of William Darnell.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections, vol. 17, 1926-28, pp. 479-513.
Rusling, James F. Across America. New York City, Sheldon and Co., 1874.
Ryus, William H. The Second William Penn, a True Account of Incidents That Happened Along the Old Santa Fe Trail in the Sixties. Kansas City, Mo., Frank T. Riley Pub. Co., 1913.
Spring, Agnes Wright. Caspar Collins. New York City, Columbia University Press, 1927.
Stanley, Henry Morton. Autobiography. London, Sampson, Low, Marston and Co., 1913.
Sturgis, Thomas. Prisoners of War, 1861-65. New York City, Putnam’s, 1912.
Taylor, Joseph H. Sketches of Frontier and Indian Life. Bismarck, N.D., the author, 1897.
Union Vedette, 1865-66.
U.S. Congress, 39th. 1st sess. House Executive Document 58. Washington,
D.C., 1866. U.S. Congress, 39th, 2nd sess. House Executive Document 20. Washington,
DC, 1867.
U.S. Congress, 39th. 2nd sess. House Executive Document 23. Washington, D.C., 1867.
Walker, George M. “Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, 1865, and the Battle of Platte Bridge.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections, vol. 14,
1915-18, pp. 332-40. Ware, Eugene F. The Indian War of 1864. Topeka, Kan., Crane & Co., 1911.
Waters, Willi
am E. Life Among the Mormons and a March to Their Zion. New York City, Moorhead, Simpson and Bond, 1868.
Watkins, Albert. “History of Fort Kearney.” Nebraska State Historical Society, Collections, vol. 16, 1911, pp. 227-67.
Welty, Raymond L. “The Army Fort of the Frontier.” North Dakota Historical Quarterly, vol. 2, 1928, pp. 155-67.
Welty, Raymond L. “The Frontier Army on the Missouri River, 1860-1870.” North Dakota Historical Quarterly, vol. 2, 1928, pp. 85-99.
Young, Charles E. Dangers of the Trail in 1865. Geneva, N.Y., Press of W. F. Humphrey, 1912.
Adams, Charles, 184-85, 187-88, 202
Adams, Enoch G., 7, 84, 87, 91, 94, 96, 100, 104, 106-7, 110-11
Adams, S. H., 90
Alabama troops, 72, 80, 122, 169, 180, 206, 210
Alkali, Post, 44, 152, 159
Allen, John P., 90
Alton (Ill.) prison, 2, 9, 120-22, 215
American Fur Company, 114
American Ranche, 98
Amusements, 20, 30, 51, 87, 100, 135, 138, 149-51, 158
Anderson, Martin, 36-41
Andersonville prison, 122, 213-14
Animal life, 19, 32, 95, 104, 108, 171, 178, 193, 195, 198-99, 202, 207
Arapaho Indians, 16, 41, 134, 184-85, 187-88
Arickaree Indians, 114
Arkansas, 54, 162
Arkansas River, 46, 49-50, 53-54, 199, 208-9
Arkansas troops, 122
Armes, George A., 204
Arms and ammunition, 36, 47, 51, 88, 105-7, 129, 133, 156, 171, 180, 187, 202
Armstrong, William F., 48-50, 207-8
Ash Creek, Kan., 52
Atchison, Kan., 20, 192, 200
Atchison (Kan.) Press, 5
Atlantic Monthly, 164
Atwood, Evans, 67-68
Austin, Tex., 162, 168
Badenhop, Conrad, 90, 100
Bailey, George M., 140-41
Balazic, M. Hyacinthe de, 109
Ball, Edward, 201
Balloon ascensions, 120
Bartlett, William H., 18, 25-26
Bassett, Adams, 114-15
Bear Rib, 92-94
Beaver Creek, Dakota Territory, 81
Bedford County, Tenn., 74
Belle Peoria (steamboat), 104
Benson, Robert, 68
Bent, Charles, 130-31, 159, 194
Bent, George, 130-32, 194
Bent, William, 130
Benton Barracks, Mo., 61
Bent’s Fort, 130
Berkeley, Carter, 47
Big Horn (steamboat), 109
Big Laramie River, 160-61
Big Sandy Station, Neb., 26, 28, 43, 145, 183
Bijou Creek, Colo., 209
Black, Leander, 169-70
Blackburn, John, 80
Black Hills, 126
Bleadenhiser, William, 200
Bluff Creek, 52
Bodine, George, 185
Boston Journal, 28
Bowers, Corporal, 173-74
Bowles, Samuel, 9, 11, 28, 30-31
Boyer, Mitch, 186
Bozeman Trail, 136, 138, 179
Bragg, Braxton, 211
Brazie, Henrie W., 173-76
Bretney, Henry, 35-40
Brewster, William R, 195-97
Bridger, Jim, 3, 171, 186
Bridgeŕs Ferry, 179-80
Brown, John, 183
Brown, Richard H., 152-53
Brule Sioux, 155-57
Buffington Island, Ohio, 163, 184
Buntline, Ned, 202
Bunton, John, 123
Burch, Andrew, 104-5
Butler, Benjamin, 8-9, 12, 65-68, 77-78, 94, 112, 117
Butterfield, David A., 192, 197, 201
Butterfield Overland Despatch, 3, 192, 194-96, 200-201
Butt’s Ranche, 44 Buzzard, Martin, 123
Caldwell, William, 185
California, 3-4, 177, 201
California troops, 6, 137, 147, 149-51, 157, 170
Calloway County, Mo., 173
Camp Butler, 111., 63
Camp Chase (Ohio) prison, 2, 62, 143
Camp Collins, Colo., 138, 145, 161
Camp Douglas (Chicago) prison, 2, 4, 6, 55-56, 59, 64, 143-44, 147, 163-68, 205-6; conspiracy, 166-67, 172
Camp Douglas, Utah, 6-7, 146-49, 151-52, 157-59, 170
Camp Fry, Ill., 144, 168
Camp Lawton, Ga., 213
Camp Marshall, Wyo., 18, 171, 174-76
Camp Morton (Ind.) prison, 2, 61, 64, 143, 163
Camp Rankin, Colo., 18, 145
Camp Wardwell, Colo., 18, 43, 138, 145, 152, 208-9
Camp Wynkoop, Kan., 137, 208
Campbell, George H, 169
Campbell, Lafayette E., 17, 42-43
Campbell, Va., 91
Cannon Ball River, 87-88, 104
Caraher, Andrew P., 8, 14, 45-48, 50
Cardwell, Elizabeth, 71-72, 78-80, 90-91, 99-101
Cardwell, Patrick, 71-72, 90, 99-100
Carrington, Henry B., 136, 138, 159, 179
Carson, Kit, 52
Carter, William A., 158
Castle Rock Station, Kan., 194
Champney, Charles, 94
Charles City, Va., 71
Charleston, S.C., 211-12, 214
Chattanooga, Tenn., 206
Chavis Creek, Kan., 48
Cheyenne Indians, 16, 21, 27-28, 32-34, 38, 41, 89, 97-99, 126, 128-32, 159, 183-84, 189-90, 194, 202-3, 208
Cheyenne River, 126-27
Chicago, 111., 2, 4-6, 15, 55-56, 59, 64, 73, 120, 143-44, 147, 163-68, 191, 205-6
Chivington, J. M., 16, 28, 130
Chouteau, Charles, 114
Cimarron Crossing, 50, 207
Cincinnati, Ohio, 165, 167-68, 172
Clarke County, Miss., 169
Cloud, William F., 52
Cody, William F., 3, 29, 202
Cole, Nelson, 185, 189
Colfax, Schuyler, 28
Collins, Caspar, 37-39, 41-42
Colorado, 4-5, 10, 16-19, 21, 25, 32-34, 42-44, 48, 59, 97-98, 111, 119, 137-39, 143-46, 152, 159-61, 169-70, 179, 182, 192, 205, 208-9
Colorado troops, 16, 18; 2nd Cavalry, 47, 51
Columbus, Neb., 152
Columbus, Ohio, 120, 190
Comanche Indians, 16, 46, 50, 53
Comstock, William, 202-3
Confederate troops, 1st Foreign Battalion, 216
Confederate War Department, 211, 214, 216
Connecticut troops, 122
Connor, Benjamin M., 181-83
Connor, Francis, 87
Connor, Patrick, 3, 5, 17, 21, 26-28, 30, 33, 41-42, 50, 52, 127, 132-34, 137, 145-46, 148-49, 151, 157, 170-71, 185-87, 189-90
Continental (steamship), 71-72
Cooper, James Fenimore, 202
Cottonwood, Post, 17-18, 21, 23, 25, 44, 145, 152
Courts-martial, 74-77, 90, 141, 182
Cowgill, John, 46, 50
Crawford, William, 182-83
Creighton, Edward, 177-78
Cronan, Jeremiah, 88-89
Crow Creek Agency, 78-79
Cumbey, John, 91
Curtis, Samuel R., 15
Custard, Amos, 35-37, 40-41
Custer, George A., 107, 118, 203
Cutter (steamboat), 99
Cypress Bend, Ark., 54
Dakota Territory, 5, 7, 10, 34, 52, 73, 78-118, 123-24, 126, 193
Dakota troops, 1st Cavalry, 125, 127-28, 132
Dana, Daniel, 126-27, 134, 136-37
Darnell, William, 4, 45, 47
Davis, Theodore R., 195-96, 203
Davis County, Ky., 136
Deer Creek Station, Wyo., 41, 171, 178
Deer Lodge (steamboat), 91, 95
Denver, Colo., 5, 10, 16-17, 21, 59, 111, 138, 145, 160, 192, 209
Denver (Colo.) News, 42
Desertions, 2, 44-45, 72-74, 90, 110, 113, 123-25, 135-36, 142, 147, 169-70, 181, 183, 205, 209-10, 214
Dimon, Charles
A. R., 8, 68, 71-90, 92-94, 97, 100-103, 107, 110-11, 144, 191, 193
Diseases, 80, 82-83, 86-87, 89-90, 92, 99, 135
Dixon, Billy, 33
Dobytown, Neb., 30, 181
Dodge, Grenville M., 6, 9, 16-17, 25, 43, 47, 50, 119-21, 126, 132-33, 137, 144, 192, 215
Dodge City, Kan., 46
Dowdy, William C, 74-76, 78, 90
Downer’s Station, Kan., 194
Drew, William, 41
Drips, J. H., 80
Durham, Edwin, 83
Dyer County, Tenn., 160
Echo Canyon, Utah, 147
Effie Deans (steamboat), 73-76, 78, 81, 90, 95
Egypt, Miss., 122, 214
Elizabeth City, N.C., 68
Ellison, David, 43
Elm Creek Station, 23, 25
Elston, Charles, 154
Enright, Michael, 135
Eubanks, Lucinda, 33-34, 99, 184
Eubanks, William, 183
Ezekiel, David, 161
Fay, Alfred, 71, 74-76
Ferguson, John, 135
Ferrier, Thomas, 172-76
Ferril, Thomas J., 5
Fetterman Massacre, 159
Fields, Jefferson, 23-27
Fleet Foot, 153-56
Flood, R. E., 204
Florence, S.C., 212
Florida troops, 72, 135
Flynn, Peter J., 24-25
Food, 31, 79, 82, 86, 114, 116, 131, 150-51, 158, 185, 190, 193, 198, 200
Ford, James, 47
Fort Abercrombie, 191
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 118
Fort Benton, 91
Fort Berthold, 10, 83, 85-86, 91-92, 94, 99, 109, 114-15, 117
Fort Bridger, 5, 10, 147, 158-59, 161
Fort Caspar, 136, 152, 172
Fort Collins. See Camp Collins
Fort Connor, 133, 135, 187, 190
Fort Dodge, 3, 5, 10, 28, 46-50, 137, 207-8
Fort Donelson, 55
Fort Ellsworth, 10, 45-46, 48, 121, 207
Fort Fletcher, 192-93, 199-201, 204
Fort Halleck, 138, 145, 159-60, 184-85, 202
Fort Hays, 192
Fort Jefferson, 168
Fort John Buford, 138, 160-61
Fort Kearney, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17-18, 23, 25-26, 28-30, 42-45, 134, 136-41, 143-45, 152, 158-59, 161, 169, 179-81, 183-84, 208
Fort Kearney (Neb.) Herald, 190
Fort Laramie, 4, 8, 10, 17-19, 33, 35, 37-38, 42-43, 126-29, 132-38, 140, 145-47, 152-56, 159, 161, 169-73, 175-76, 179-82, 184-85, 190, 208, 210
Fort Larned, 4-5, 45-47, 49-53, 120, 207
Fort Leavenworth, 2, 4, 15-16, 23-25, 44-45, 47, 50, 52-53, 59, 109, 111, 117-22, 142-45, 161, 169, 183, 185, 187, 190, 192-93, 203-6, 210
Fort Lyon, 10, 48, 138, 142, 161, 208-9; description of, 209-10