Dee Brown on the Civil War
Fort McPherson, 16, 138, 152-53
Fort Phil Kearny, 159, 179-80
Fort Randall, 10, 110, 151-17; description of, 117
Fort Reno, 3, 133, 135-37, 140, 187
Fort Rice, 7, 10, 34, 52, 73, 80-81, 83-86, 89-95, 97, 99-103, 105, 107-11, 113, 115, 117, 193; battle of, 106, 113
Fort Ridgely, 191
Fort Riley, 4, 15-17, 45-46, 52-53, 120, 137, 193, 206
Fort Ripley, 191
Fort Sanders, 138, 160
Fort Sedgwick, 18, 43, 137, 139, 161
Fort Snelling, 191
Fort Sully, 10, 52, 79-80, 82-83, 85, 88, 97, 109, 111, 113, 115-17; description of, 116
Fort Union, 10, 91-92, 94, 109
Fort Wadsworth, 191
Fort Wallace, 159, 161, 197, 201, 203-4
Fort Wicked, 32
Fort Zarah, 45-47, 52-53, 199, 207
Foster, J. G., 213
Foster, W.S., 173-75
Freeman, Daniel, 141
Frontier Scout, 94-97, 99-100, 108, 110
Fulton, Washington, 23-25
Galpin, Charles, 110
Galpin, Mrs. Charles, 91-92, 100
Galvanized Confederates, 121-22, 125, 211-16
Galvanized Yankees, origin of term, 8-9; composition of, 122-23
General Grant (steamboat), 95
George Henry (steamship), 68
Georgia, 89, 212-14, 216
Georgia troops, 72, 122, 169, 206, 210; 47th Infantry, 213
Gillette, Lee, 25-28
Gilman’s Station, 18, 21
Godfrey, W., 32
Gordon, James, 203
Goss, Warren L., 9
Grant, Ulysses S., 6, 12-13, 53, 68-71, 73, 119, 211, 213, 216
Grass (Sioux Indian), 97
Gray, Patrick, 182-83
Great Salt Lake, 148
Greenville, S.C., 94
Grenfell, George St. L., 163, 166-68
Grierson, Benjamin, 122, 214-15
Griffin, James V., 171, 176
Grigsby, Melvin, 9
Gros Ventre Indians, 114
Hagerstown, Md., 58
Hale, Jack, 123
Hall, J. W., 21
Halleck, H. W., 55-56, 61, 63, 144, 213
Hamilton, Ohio, 188
Hannibal, Mo., 192
Hardee, W. J., 212, 214-15
Hardy, Alexander, 75-76
Harney, W. S., 154, 156
Harper’s Ferry, 58, 62
Harper’s Weekly, 195-96, 203
Harris, Ga., 89
Harrold, Alvin C., 76
Harvard University, 94
Hat Creek, Dakota Territory, 126
Hay, John, 66
Hayne, Julia Dean, 151
Hayward, William, 46, 50
Healy, Owen, 135
Heart River, 104
Hedges, Nathaniel, 128-29
Hedges, Rinaldo, 25
Herrick, George H. W., 83, 87-92, 94, 99, 104, 109
Hickok, J. B. (Wild Bill), 3, 47
Hilton Head, S.C., 213
Hinds County, Miss., 76
Hobbs, Thomas, 82
Hoffman, James, 106
Hoffman, William, 61
Holladay, Ben, 15-16, 29, 139, 192, 201, 203
Holman, Albert, 125-27, 129
Holt, James, 135
Horse Shoe Station, 171-72, 176, 179
Houston, Sam, 168
Hoyt, Charles H., 206, 208-10
Hubert, Frederick, 207
Hufstudler, James, 104, 106, 108
Hughes, William, 89
Huidekoper, Henry S., 12-13
Hull, Lewis B., 19
Humfreville, J. L., 183-85, 188-89, 202
Hunkpapa Sioux, 92, 101-2
Hutchins, Cyrus, 91
Illinois, 2, 4-6, 9, 12-15, 19, 35, 44-45, 55-56, 59, 63-65, 70, 73, 114, 120-23, 143-44, 147, 163-68, 191, 205-6, 215
Illinois troops, 64, 121-22; 16th Cavalry, 63; 9th Infantry, 121
Independence, Mo., 74
Independence Day celebrations, 99-100, 125-26, 136, 160, 185, 209-10
Indiana, 2, 61, 64-65, 122, 143-44, 162-63
Indianapolis, Ind., 64
Indiana troops, 65, 122, 188; 7lst Infantry, 64
Indians. See individual tribes
Ingalls, A. O., 210
Iowa, 4, 75, 88, 93, 110, 112-13, 124
Iowa troops, 91; 3rd Cavalry, 214-15; 6th Cavalry, 80, 82, 94, 100, 113; 7th Cavalry, 4, 6-7, 18, 47, 103-5, 116, 154, 187
Island Number Ten, 120
James Island, S.C., 213
Jennings, Bob, 202
Jesse H. Lacy (steamboat), 123
Jocelyn, Stephen E., 35
Johnson, Andrew J., 14-15
Johnson, George W., 141-42
Johnson, John, 188
Johnson, Peter, 90
Johnson, William (Corp.), 94
Johnson, William (Sgt.), 173-75
Jones, Robert, 121
Jones, Samuel, 211
Julesburg, Colo., 10, 16-19, 21, 25, 32-34, 42-44, 119, 137, 139, 144-45, 152, 159, 169-70, 179, 182, 208-9
Junction, Post, 17-18, 42-43
Kansas, 2-5, 10, 15-17, 20, 23-25, 28, 44-53, 59, 109, 111, 117-22, 137, 139, 142-45, 159, 151, 169, 183, 185, 187, 190, 192-208, 210
Kansas City, Mo., 199
Kansas troops, 48, 145; 11th Cavalry, 35-37, 39-41, 47; 15th Cavalry, 51; 16th Cavalry, 5, 186, 189
Kearney City, Neb., 30
Keefe (detective), 164-67
Kelly, Fanny, 84-85, 97
Kelly, Michael, 135
Kelly, Thomas, 135
Kenny, Thomas, 32, 43
Kentucky, 122-23, 165, 172, 183, 188, 207
Kentucky troops, 72, 80, 122, 135, 169, 181, 183-84
Kershaw, S.C., 90
Kidd, J. H., 133
King, Josias, 50-52
Kiowa Indians, 16, 46, 49-50, 53, 207
Knights of the Golden Circle, 181-82
Korber, Nicholas, 140
La Barge, Joseph, 73
La Bonte Station, 41, 171, 176, 179
La Framboise, Frank, 84, 97
Lake Sibley, Kan., 121, 137
Leavenworth, Jesse H., 52-53
Lee, Peter, 134
Lee, Robert E., 213-14, 216
Leefeldt, Henry, 18
Liggett, M. K, 135
Lincoln, Abraham, 9, 11-14, 63, 66, 68, 75, 150, 164, 177, 181
Little Arkansas River, 52-53
Little Arkansas Station, 47-48, 53
Little Blue River, 3, 21, 23, 25-28, 98-99, 121, 183
Little Crow, 61, 63
Livingston, Robert R, 25-27
Lone Wolf, 52
Louisiana troops, 72, 122, 169
Loup River, 152
Loyalty, 7, 58-61, 63-68
Lucky, J. R., 90
Lybe, A. Smith, 18, 34-40, 42
McCarthy, Francis, 90
McClellan, George B., 11, 56
McClure, Ephraim, 135
McDade, John C, 206, 209-10
McDougall, Thomas, 8, 138
Mackenzie, Ranald, 8, 115
Mackey, William H., 5, 51-52
McKinley, William, 190
McKinney, John, 123
McMichael, Dewitt C, 196-98
McNairy County, Tenn., 169
McNally, Christopher, 8, 11, 21, 25-26, 42-44, 169-70
Macon, Ga., 212
Mail service, 3, 20, 29, 37, 46, 109, 135, 145, 176
Maine troops, 12th Infantry, 112
Malone, Bartlett, 66-67
Malone, David, 123
Manassas, Battle of, 108
Mandan Indians, 114
Mars (steamboat), 112-13
Marsh, D. W., 95
Marsh, W. L., 85
Marshall, James W., 121, 132, 134-35
Marshall, Levi G., 171, 182-83, 187, 189
Marston, Gilman, 65
Martin, J. G., 213-14
Maryland, 2, 12, 58, 65-67, 70-71, 87, 89, 112
nbsp; Maryland troops, 72, 122
Massachusetts troops, 122; 7th Infantry, 77; 28th Infantry, 45; 30th Infantry, 66, 77
Matthews, Washington, 8, 114-15
Maury, D. H., 216
Maximilian, Ferdinand, 4
Maynadier, H. E., 7-8, 120-21, 135, 137-38, 153, 155-56, 172, 179
Medical examinations, 168-69
Medicine Creek, Dakota Territory, 79
Melville, Herman, 77
Mercer, Asa, 71
Merriman, William H., 87-88
Mers, William J., 25
Mesilla, N.M., 8
Mexican War, 141
Michigan troops, 122; 6th Cavalry, 133, 171
Midway Station, 3, 18, 21, 140
Millen military prison, 213
Mills, Benjamin, 179
Milwaukee, Wis., 71, 73, 88
Minneconjou Sioux, 97
Minnesota, 3-4, 6, 51, 61-63, 70, 88, 93, 111, 134, 191, 204
Minnesota (steamship), 58-59 Minnesota troops, 1st Infantry, 50; 3rd Infantry, 61-62; 5th Infantry, 39
Minnich, J. W., 14
Mississippi, 58, 76, 87, 122, 130, 168-69, 180, 211, 214
Mississippi troops, 72, 122, 135, 169-70; 18th Infantry, 108 Missouri, 5, 55, 61, 73-74, 91, 109, 112, 122-23, 130, 173, 192, 199, 204, 215
Missouri River, 3, 52, 70, 73-74, 78, 83, 85, 88, 93, 96-97, 102, 109-10, 112-14, 118, 123, 191-92
Missouri troops, 122, 134-35, 169, 185, 189; 12th Cavalry, 152; 13th Cavalry, 192, 195-98, 201; 14th Cavalry, 51
Mizner, Henry R., 159-61
Mobile, Ala., 180
Molony, Thomas, 46, 49
Montana, 3, 91, 110, 124-26, 131, 133, 136, 179
Montana Road. See Bozeman Trail
Monument Station, 192-93, 195-201, 203-4
Moody, William R., 34
Moreland, A. B., 94, 104-5
Morgan, John, 19, 64, 162-63, 166, 172, 183, 188, 190; raid of 1863, 64, 162-63, 172, 183
Morgan, Pinkney A., 94, 96
Mormons, 31, 33, 148-49, 158
Morris, Buckner, 163, 165-66
Morris, Mary, 163, 165-67
Morris, Sarah, 33, 97-99
Morris, William J., 33, 98
Morrow, Jack, 154
Morton, Oliver P., 65
Mulberry Creek, Kan., 49
Mulhally’s Ranche, 21
Muller, Carl, 99-100
Mulligan, James A., 55-56, 60
Murfreesboro, Term., 162
Murray, Robert, 61
Musgrove, Richard, 72, 191, 193-201, 203-4
Myers, S. A., 124
Nacogdoches, Tex., 167
Nash, E. W., 25-26, 134, 136, 186
Nash, William B., 160
Nashville, Tenn., 206
Nebraska, 2-4, 7, 9, 11, 15-18, 21, 23, 25-26, 28-33, 42-45, 59, 75, 121, 123, 125, 136-41, 143-46, 152-53, 158-59, 161, 169, 177, 179-81, 183-84, 186, 201, 205, 208
Nebraska City, Neb., 123
Nebraska troops, 25, 28; 1st Cavalry, 18
Nelson, Anthony, 132
Nelson, John, 152-53
Nevada troops, 147, 149, 150-51, 157
New Hampshire troops, 122
New Jersey troops, 2nd Cavalry, 215
New Mexico, 8, 10, 13, 48, 121, 137, 199, 205, 207-9
Newspapers, 5, 9, 15, 28, 31, 42, 51, 69, 94-97, 99-100, 108, 110, 149-51, 158, 168, 179, 190, 195
Newton County, Miss., 180
New York Central Railroad, 69, 73
New York City, 72, 112
New York Times, 51
New York troops, 122, 125, 135; 3rd Infantry, 213
Niobrara River, 121, 123-26, 137, 140
Noble, John, 214-15
Norcross, F. M., 66
Norfolk, Va., 12, 68, 112
North, Frank, 19, 27, 186-87, 189
North Carolina, 66, 68, 88, 216
North Carolina troops, 72, 80, 82, 122, 169; 2nd Mounted Infantry (Union), 69
Northwestern Fur Company, 114
Norton, Henry, 145
Noyes, S. B., 79, 83, 94-95
O’Brien, George, 156
Odum, John, 89
Ohio, 2, 62, 120, 143-44, 162-63, 165, 167-68, 172, 181, 183-84, 188, 190
Ohio River, 163, 172
Ohio troops, 122; 11th Cavalry, 19, 35, 37-38, 41, 64, 171-74, 179, 181-90
Omaha, Neb., 59, 75, 186
Omaha Scouts, 25-26, 134, 136, 186-87
Oregon Trail, 3
O’Rielly, Henry, 19-20
Overland Mail Route, 17, 143, 145
Overland Stage Line, 4, 15, 19-20, 25, 29-31, 42, 70, 138-39, 148, 160
Pacific Telegraph Line, 18, 42, 143, 148, 161, 170, 176-79
Palmer, Henry E., 183-84, 187-88
Parker, Leopold, 8, 115-16
Parole system, 61-63
Pattee, John, 103-7, 115-16
Pawnee Indians, 26-28
Pawnee Rock, Kan., 53
Pawnee Scouts, 18, 21, 186-87, 189-90
Pemberton, John, 211
Pennsylvania troops, 122, 125; 2nd Cavalry, 123; 143rd Infantry, 123
Petersburg, Va., 213
Pettis, S. Newton, 12
Pickett, W. D., 212
Pike County, Ala., 206
Pike County, Ky., 80
Platte Bridge fight, 3, 38-42
Platte Bridge Station, 28, 35-36, 38-41, 136, 171
Platte River, 10, 15-16, 19-23, 33-34, 36, 41, 52, 59, 89, 97-98, 137-40, 142, 152, 155, 171-72, 179, 187
Platte Station, Neb., 30
Plum Creek Station, 29, 31-33, 139-41, 152 Point Lookout (Md.) prison, 2, 12, 65-67, 70-71, 87, 89, 112
Ponca Agency, 125
Pond’s Creek Station, 193, 196-98, 200-203
Poole, W. F., 97
Pope, John, 6, 13, 15, 53, 61, 63, 71, 73, 78, 80, 93-94, 101, 113, 139, 191
Potawatomi Indian reservation, 193
Potter, Carroll H., 8, 143-46, 157-58, 161, 168-69
Powder River, 127-28, 131, 133-35, 137, 153, 179, 187, 189-90, 215
Powder River Expedition, 3, 42, 137, 146, 151, 171, 185-90
Powell, Elisha C, 169
Prisons, military, 14, 55-56, 65, 67, 122. See also individual prisons Pumpkin Buttes, 128
Railroads, 3, 69, 73, 139, 141, 161
Ramsey, Alexander, 61
Ranches, 20-22, 31-32, 136
Rathbone, Henry R., 13-14
Raynolds, W. F., 120
Red Cloud, 3, 153
Red Horse, 97
Red River carts, 109
Ree Indians. See Arickaree Indians
Rehwinkel, Fritz, 18
Republican River, 25, 45, 121, 137
Rhode Island troops, 122
Rice, James C, 82
Richardson, Albert D., 28, 30-31
Richmond, Byron, 43
Roach, Newton, 90
Roane County, Tenn., 170
Robertson, Jack, 159
Rockafellow, B. F., 171-72
Rock Creek Station, 42
Rock Island (Ill.) prison, 2, 4, 12-15, 19, 35, 44-45, 65, 70, 114, 164
Rogersville, Tenn., 87
Roper, Laura, 34, 99
Rosebud River, 185, 189
Rosecrans, William, 65
Roy, Frederick, 173, 175-76
Rushing, Elijah, 174-75
Russell, Hod, 202 Russell, L. F., 116
Ryus, William, 46
Sackett, Delos B., 115-17
St. Johns (steamboat), 99
St. Joseph, Mo., 5, 192
St. Louis, Mo., 55, 61, 73-74, 91, 109, 112, 130, 173, 204, 215
St. Mary’s Station, 18
St. Paul, Minn., 6
Salina, Kan., 45-47, 50, 120, 137, 193, 199-200
Salisbury, N.C., 213
Salsbury, James D., 213
Salt Lake City, Utah, 3, 20, 33, 59, 146, 148, 150-51, 157, 159-60, 177
Sanborn, John B., 52
Sand Creek Massacre, 16, 28, 130, 194
San Francisco, Calif., 4
Santé Fe, N.M., 10, 16, 199, 209
Sante Fe Trail, 3-4, 15-17, 45-47, 52, 120, 137-38, 143, 207, 210
Santee Sioux, 88-89, 93
Sat ant a, 52
Savannah, Ga., 214, 216
Sawyers, James A., 123-24, 126-33, 137; wagon road expedition, 3, 215
Schwartz, Peter, 51
Scott, Winfield, 209
Seattle, Wash., 71
Seddon, James A., 211-14, 216
Shanks, John T., 162-80
Shay, Miles, 124
Sherman, William T., 88, 136, 139-42, 161, 210, 216
Shiloh, Battle of, 55
Shoshone Indians, 41
Shrader, James, 40-41
Silver Lake (steamboat), 95
Sioux City, Iowa, 93, 112-13, 124
Sioux Indians, 3, 16, 21, 25, 27, 32, 34, 38, 41, 61, 63, 79, 81, 83-85, 88-89, 91-93, 97-99, 101-2, 104-7, 126, 154-57, 172, 178-80, 189-90
Sitting Bull, 102, 104, 106-7
Small, Charles A., 21
Smith, Henry T, 124, 135-36
Smith, S. W., 123
Smith, William W., 144-47, 151, 158
Smith’s Ranche, 21-22
Smoky Hill River, 159, 192, 195, 197, 208
Snake Creek, Neb., 125
Snead, Charles, 90
Sneath, Richard, 125
Soldier’s Creek, Dakota Territory, 9
Solomon River, 208
Sons of Liberty, 163-64
South Carolina, 88, 90, 94, 96, 211-14
South Carolina troops, 72, 169
South Pass Station, 10, 18, 34-35, 182
Spotted Tail, 3, 153-56
Spriggs, John, 180
Spring Creek, Kan., 207
Springfield (Mass.) Republican, 9, 28
Stagecoaches, 3, 19-20, 25, 28-29, 46, 145, 192, 195, 197, 200-201, 203
Stanley, Henry M., 3, 54-60
Stanton, Edwin M., 12-13, 61-70
Steamboats, 73, 91, 95, 99, 104, 109, 112, 123
Steen, Enoch, 209
Stewart, Perry, 185
“Stockade Routes Proposal,” 19
Stone’s River, Battle of, 162
Straut, Hooper B., 193-95, 199-201, 204
Stull, Thomas, 127-28, 134, 137
Suggs, Clark, 180
Sullivan, John, 182-83
Sully, Alfred, 5, 7, 15, 73, 78, 80-82, 84, 86, 88-94, 99, 101-3, 109, 112-14
Sully, Thomas, 102
Summerville, S.C., 213
Suse, John, 132
Swearingen, W. W., 172
Sweet, Benjamin, 163-68
Sweetwater River, 3, 10, 16, 19
Sweetwater Station, 18, 34-35, 38, 152
Tamblyn, William, 73, 191-93, 200, 204-5
Taylor, Joseph H., 16
Telegraph lines, 3, 18, 20, 31, 34-35, 39, 143, 146, 152, 161, 170-72, 176-77
Ten Bears, 52
Tennessee, 74, 87, 122-23, 160, 162, 168-70, 206
Tennessee troops, 72, 122, 169; 5th Cavalry (Union), 64; 10th Infantry (Confed.), 214-15; 60th Infantry (Confed.), 87
Teton Sioux, 97, 99
Texas, 162, 167-68
Texas troops, 162-67
Theaters, 149-51
Thieleman, Christian, 63