The Keeper-Pedia
Lt. Akins is getting to be an older man but is still an excellent field intelligence agent. He works on worlds that are ruled by the socialists and other tyrants. He helps the resistance groups on these worlds to stay organized and make it possible for them to free themselves.
Jessica Henness was born on Pangea in the village near where Robert Griffin grew up Jessica grew up under socialist rule. She helped the freedom fighters on her planet when the Republic invaded to liberate the planet from Javis. She played a major role in the destruction of a vital communications tower in the battle for Pangea. Eventually she marries Robert Griffin and they raise a family. Her father eventually becomes governor of Pangea.
Middoni Giagua was born on Galantos, Middoni and his brother wanted to become Bounty Hunters. They started out with that goal in mind shortly after the socialist invasion of their world and ended up working for the resistance. They realized that it would pay to steal information and technology from the socialists and did that for a number of years. They eventually captured a large warship which in turn they captured a shipyard and solar system which they turned into a very profitable business and became one of the wealthiest men in the galaxy.
Muloki Giagua born on Galantos, Muloki and his brother wanted to become Bounty Hunters. They started out with that goal in mind shortly after the socialist invasion of their world and ended up working for the resistance. They realized that it would pay to steal information and technology from the socialists and did that for a number of years. They eventually captured a large warship which in turn they used to capture a shipyard and solar system which they turned into a very profitable business and became one of the wealthiest men in the galaxy.
Javis Zaragoza is the son of Zarahemnah Zaragoza; he took control of the Socialist Alliance after his father’s death. He preferred to rule from the front at Pangea rather than the traditional capital at Balsavis. He loves power and knowledge and seeks after it by controlling everything around him. He has black hair, black eyes and very pale skin as he does not spend much time outside of his fortresses or star ships.
Rifgok was once a Socialist governor of the planet Adaven. He declared the planet his own and set himself up as a self styled warlord and made the planet a hub for organized crime. He also became rather tyrannical towards his people forcing them to appeal to the Republic. One of Liberation Squadron’s first missions was to help liberate the planet Adaven from Rifgok. He was killed by one of the citizens of his own world.
Fontana D’or was born on Rio Querino she would be considered attractive but she is very manipulative and seeks for power and wealth. She became one of the first female Generals in the Socialist Alliance and eventually took power after Javis’s death. She had some success kidnapping children of important Republic officials and turning them to the Socialist causes. Emily Giagua being the most prominent one. She was also instrumental in making a short term alliance with the Alltradeuin Empire and convincing them to attack the Republic for her. The attack failed and because she had been at the root of it the Republic came after her and attacked Rio Querino, she almost escaped but was assassinated by Mathoni Griffin.
Colonel Davis Kayne is a native of Balsavis. He grew up as a normal child in the traditional Socialist Alliance capitol. At the age of 18 he joined the Navy as a fighter pilot. At 19 he and his commanding officer were the only survivors of a successful campaign against a pirate group. Kayne was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and was made second in command of his fighter unit. At 20 he was promoted to Major and given command of his own squadron. His squadron flew well and their skills were compared to the Republic's Guardian Force. At 24 he was promoted to Lt. Colonel and made a wing commander. Kayne's wing was extremely successful in missions against pirates and in protecting the Socialist planets that he soon came to the attention of the dictator Javis. He was promoted to the rank of Colonel at age 30 and made a member of Javis's personal staff. Colonel Kayne was on Pangea when the Republic attacked. He saw the writing on the wall when Javis's headquarters was invaded and he fled in his fighter to Balsavis.
Once he learned that General Fontana D'or had survived the attack on Pangea, Kayne was successful in getting Balsavis to support her in her claim as the new leader of the Socialist Alliance. In gratitude for his work Fontana made Kayne a General and gave him the military governorship of the planet Balsavis. Upon the assassination of Fontana D'or General Kayne kept the peace on Balsavis for several weeks. Once it was clear to him that no one else had a claim to the title of Emperor of the Socialist Alliance General Kayne used his military authority to have him proclaimed Emperor. He ruled as a tyrant for a while until Eliar Meine found out that he had really been the one to have orchestrated the destruction of the planet Minus Tenu. Meine attacked Kayne in his own palace, but Kayne’s security forces managed to get Kayne out of the building. Meine followed him, disabling his vehicle and killing his bodyguards. Kayne escaped into a museum where Meine found him again. Kayne pulled a sword off the wall and Meine followed suit. In a tremendous hand to hand combat throughout the corridors of the museum Meine eventually killed Kayne.
Noah Macklan grew up on Balsavis and was well educated in the state schools of the world. He served four years as an officer in the navy, part of the Intelligence division. After that he got a state job in the ministry of defense and intelligence. Under the reign of Emperor Kayne, Macklan was appointed head of the ministry. (Being a third cousin of the Emperor has its perks.) Shortly before the assassination of Emperor Kayne he had transmitted a message identifying Macklan as the one to succeed him should he die in combat. After the funeral for Emperor Kayne there was a ceremony to recognize Macklan as the new Emperor for the Socialist Alliance. Macklan’s reign was short-lived. Teomnor Griffin came to Balsavis with troops to claim the throne since his biological grandfather was Zarahemnah Zaragoza. A Civil War broke out and Macklan was forced into hiding. His own mother sided against him, and with the support of Teomnor’s troops went into Macklan’s bunker and spanked her son soundly. In humiliation he surrendered to Teomnor and was never seen again.
Admiral William Mayhew was about the only good thing the out of the way world Milan ever produced. He grew up on a wheat farm where by the age of five he had reprogrammed the robotic harvesters to do all of the work that his father had given him. At the age of fifteen he knew as much as most of his teachers, but they wouldn’t let him graduate until he was sixteen. After graduation he decided that he wanted to join the Navy, and applied to the Naval Academy on Balsavis, but they turned him down refusing to accept anyone under eighteen. So in the meantime he lied about his age and got a position with the local militia flying a fighter. At the age of eighteen he went to the Naval Academy at Balsavis and within three years graduated top in his class and was given the position of Executive Officer onboard a Medium Class Warship. It was in those first couple years working as an XO that he set his goals on becoming an Admiral. It was while he was a Captain onboard an MCW that Javis was killed at Pangea. He was a Commodore when Fontana was assassinated. A Rear Admiral when Emperor Kayne was murdered, and shortly thereafter his good friend Emperor Macklan promoted him to full Admiral and he was put in command of the entire fleet. Feeling that his lifelong ambitions have been fulfilled Mayhew was a happy man. He was disappointed to see Macklan spanked, but loyally served under Emily Giagua the latest director of the Socialists. After Emily’s leaving and the civil war brought on by Teomnor Griffin Zaragoza Mayhew was able to get himself elected as the Chief Judge and ruler of the Socialist Alliance.
Eliar Meine is a trained Assassin who spent his life on Minus Tenu under a special WeapSpecs operation to create the perfect soldier. Muscular enhancements, Bone hardening, and ocular implants are only a short list of the many that were performed on 60 candidates, yet many did not survive the upgrades. Eliar along with 32 remained to form an elite division of soldiers sporting an unknown Crystalline Alloy armor which is nearly impervious to conventional weapons fire when the shield is done, and wit
h a refractive coating across the midnight cerulean blue armor, makes him highly resistant to laser fire. A shield system covers his body which can withstand a serious amount of damage including a fall from 400 meters straight down combined with a HydroStatic Gel which conforms to his body around the polymer jumpsuit which also acts like a secondary armor. He had loyally served the Socialist Alliance until he found out that they had destroyed his home world of Minus Tenu in order to cover up a biological weapon that had gotten out of control. They blamed the incident on the Republic and Eliar assassinated Coglistio Boronaught because of it. Shortly thereafter he met Allena Dartin of the Alltradeuin Empire who showed him proof that the Republic had been framed and it was really the Socialists who had burned their own world. This information led Eliar to give his allegiance to the Alltradeuin Empire and help them become a military force to be reckoned with in the galaxy. When the opportunity presented itself he murdered Davis Kayne for the actual destruction of Minus Tenu. Eliar would eventually find that there were some survivors on Minus Tenu and he had them join the Alltradeuin Empire. Eventually he and Allena Dartin would marry.
Admiral Tonin Julius Meine is of average height and build but has a distinguished and commanding presence. Tonin has seen his share of war on the front lines of the Imperial navy and rose through the ranks quickly for his prowess and more his strategic nature when dealing with difficult situations. He was granted the title of Grand Admiral and placed in charge of a new mission to claim new dimensions and alternate universes which led him and his fleet to the realm of the Galactic Republic Alliance and Socialist Alliance. He set in motion plans to expand and carved out a portion of the universe for his own territory. With the way home shattered in an assault by the forces of the universe Tonin decided to appoint himself Emperor of the Alltradeuin Empire and expand militarily for his own desires and reasons. He could instill confidence in troops and didn't mind getting his hands dirty, both with discipline and with issues on his ship though he soon became comfortable sitting on Kasian Prime in the fortress throne room giving out orders to his forces and ensuring the stability of the Empire and his conquests. His death came by the hands of Allena Dartin after he was possessed by an Alien diplomat who forced his hands to begin the extermination of all life in the universe before the Swarm arrived.
Ezra Romanov is a brilliant but somewhat insane scientist who works for the Socialist alliance developing their most deadly weapons. He is the lone survivor of his scientific outpost during the attack on Rio Querino. He escapes and eventually becomes the Minister of Science for the socialists.
Renna Marras is a very strong, but not very attractive woman. She spends most of her time by herself on her transport The Dream Light. She is a trader, sometimes smuggler, but she always gets the goods there. It is rumored that she has friends in high places. And occasionally in a good mood she’ll help the Republic out, at least when they’re helping her.
Rann Nishmani stands about 5'11" and is of a medium build, is bald and has grey eyes. He wears bright colorful robes with the insignia of the Nishmani Family Traders, which has been in disuse for about 15 years. He is a humble merchant, peddling his wares across the galaxy, dreaming of the day he can ditch selling cloths and move into the cargo he desires most, J'Sibb marine delicacies, especially the Orange Gormak and the Crested Jibb. Rann was born of Narau and Svimhoj Nishmani, both interplanetary merchants who were killed when pirates boarded their ship in a raid and slaughtered most of the crew. Rann was 5 at the time and escaped death by Svimhoj secreting him in a stowage locker in an unused cargo bay. Rann was found by a passing freighter that responded to the distress signal. The captain, a man named Vorzhon Reiss, took pity on the boy and the other survivors and accepted them on his own vessel, as he was shorthanded after the last shore leave saw another freighter poach a large number of his crew. Reiss died about 2 years ago of old age, and Rann has been drifting, moving small quantities of cloth around to sell. What Rann does not realize is that he is a brain washed Socialist agent.
Captain Bemer is a trader of the Galactic Republic. He captains the heavily modified freighter The Farseer, trading among the farther reaches of Galactic Republic space. There are rumors that Capt. Bemer and The Farseer have been involved with several delicate Galactic Republic missions...but these seem to only be rumors. However the incident with the notorious (now late) pirate Stephens seems to suggest that Capt. Bemer and the Farseer are far more capable then their simple exterior surface suggest.
Commodore Keyes is a brilliant commander for the Republic who helped plan the battles of Pangea and Rio Querino. He is loyal to the Republic but often uses connections inside the Socialist Alliance and Alltradeuin Empire to further the cause of the Republic and his own agenda. Despite this he is a popular man who many believe will eventually be head of the Republic Navy.
Captain Dawson is Commander of a Republic Class Warship.
Captain Schriver is Commander of a Republic Class Warship.
John Strife was a hard core bounty hunter who worked mostly for the Socialist Alliance. He was an easy hire for an assassination as he did the job right and no one traced who originally hired him. He spent some of his money on buying land on a newly discovered world called Atlantis II (the second planet in the system). Being one of the very first settlers he easily set himself up as the planet’s president. He does all he can to stay neutral in galactic issues making the planet an ideal place for business and trade agreements.
Commodore Gobi Liszt is a Brilliant fleet commander for the Republic who continually turns down promotions being happy where he is at. At heart he is a cowboy.
General Peter Ruger is an older military man who runs a large militia of mercenaries. He is battle hardened and will do anything for the right price. He relies heavily on his second in command Colonel Vonschnieder.
Colonel Max Vonschnieder is second in command of the Merc Militia. He is also a battle hardened man who cares little about anyone else.
Chapter 4
Essential Ships of The Keeper’s Universe
There are of course infinite types of ships in the galaxy. This list is just the most common ones seen.
SS-19 Thunderbird
Length: 6 meters
Shields: Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 4 laser cannons and 2 torpedo tubes with 4 torpedoes per tube
Description: The SS-19 Thunderbird is the galaxy’s most popular fighter. It is long and angular with two large pod engines mounted on either side of the fuselage. It is powerful and carries a fairly heavy payload of weapons. One of the reasons it is so popular is that the weapons system is easily modified and it is easy to transfer power between systems that need more or less.
SS-18 Space Hawk
Length: 6 meters
Shields: Medium
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 2 laser cannons and 2 torpedo tubes with 4 torpedoes per tube
Description: The SS-18 Space Hawk is very similar to the 19 except that it is smaller and more capable in atmosphere. It also does not have a hyperdrive and is used only in planetary defense forces
Length: 6 meters
Shields: Medium
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 2 Gatling guns, 4 small missiles
Description: The Raptor is and older style fighter. It has a triangular shape with massive engines on the back and an angular cockpit in the front. The ship is cheap to manufacture and is easily modified. Some Raptors have hyperdrives, but most do not.
Length: 8 meters
Shields: Very Heavy
Armor: Very Heavy
Weapons: 6 heavy laser cannons, 4 torpedo tubes 6 torpedoes per tube
Description: The Vulture is the Socialist Alliance’s elite fighter. Shaped like a bird of prey. Because of the extreme cost of the ships and because it is a two man fighter, one pilot and one gunner not a whole lot are in use and it is only flown by the S
ocialist Alliance’s best pilots.
MM-22 Pangean Fighter
Length: 8 meters
Shields: Very Heavy
Armor: Very Heavy
Weapons: 6 heavy laser cannons, 4 torpedo tubes 6 torpedoes per tube
Description: The MM-22 Pangean Fighter designed by Robert Griffin and used only in the Republic’s elite Guardian Force. It has a rounded center fuselage with powerful engines. The pilot bubble sits a little higher than the average fighter giving the pilot a full view around him, and the rounded aerodynamic wings curve down and away from the center of the ship.
MM-202 Falcon Fighter
Length: 10 Meters
Shields: Very Heavy
Armor: Very Heavy
Weapons: 8 Laser Cannons, 4 torpedo tubes 6 torpedoes per tube
Description: The MM-202 is much like the MM-22, just a little larger and it seats two; one pilot and one gunner. This allows the pilot to focus on flying and the gunner to target enemies making the MM-202 a formidable fighter.
Capital Warships
Grand Admiral Class Warship
Length: 5 Kilometers
Decks: 100
Shields: Very Heavy
Armor: Very Heavy
Weapons: 5000 heavy laser cannons, 1000 torpedo tubes 4 torpedoes per tube
Carrying Capacity: 24 squads of fighters, 10,000 troops, plus crew
Description: The Grand Admiral Class Warship is the flagship of the Republic Navy. The cost of construction makes it such that the Republic only has one at a time. The ship is gently curved and has a plow shaped head.