The Keeper-Pedia
Republic Class Warship
Length: 1.5 Kilometers
Decks: 50
Shields: Very Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 1000 heavy laser cannons, 400 torpedo tubes 4 torpedoes per tube
Carrying Capacity: 6 squads of fighters, 5,000 troops, plus crew
Description: The Republic Class Warship is the Republic’s most common capitol ship. The ship is elongated and has a lot of curves.
Doomsday Class Warship
Length: 2.5 Kilometers
Shields: Very Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 5000 heavy laser cannons, 100 torpedo tubes 4 torpedoes per tube
Carrying Capacity: 24 squads of fighters, 10,000 troops, plus crew
Description: The Doomsday Class Warship is used only by the Socialist Alliance except for a fleet owned by the Giagua Corporation. The ship is arrowhead shaped and the Socialists have a large number of them.
Socialist Battleship
Length: 1.5 Kilometers
Shields: Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 1000 heavy laser cannons, 500 torpedo tubes 4 torpedoes per tube
Carrying Capacity: 8 squads of fighters, 2000 troops, plus crew
Description: The Socialist Battleship is the backbone of the Socialist Alliance fleet. It is armed with hundreds of weapons and is a little longer than a kilometer. It has a traditional naval battleship shape.
Medium Class Warship
Length: 500 meters
Shields: Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 400 heavy laser cannons
Carrying Capacity: 2 squads of fighters, 100 troops, plus crew of 200
Description: The Medium Class Warship is used throughout the galaxy. It is very boxy in shape and carries most of its weapons on the front. The weapons are set on reels in order to keep up continuous fire while the cannons recharge.
Length: 300 Meters
Shields: Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 100 heavy laser cannons
Carrying Capacity: 1 squad of fighters, 50 troops
Description: The Frigate is a small capitol ship used by everyone as a patrol ship and escort for fighters. It is also easily modified for unique uses.
Troop Transport
Length: 700 Meters
Shields: Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 100 heavy laser cannons
Carrying Capacity: 10,000 troops, plus crew, twelve tanks, six attack shuttles
Description: The Troop Transport is a common ship used only for transporting troops. It is capable of making ground landings where it transforms into a garrison with all of its one hundred laser cannons mounting on defensive towers and turrets.
Attack Shuttle
Length: 30 Meters
Shields: Heavy
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 10 heavy laser cannons; 8 torpedo tubes, 4 torpedoes per tube
Carrying Capacity: 12 soldiers plus crew of 4
Description: The Attack Shuttle is heavily armed and armored and is used to carry small amounts of troops and supplies. It is fast and sleek. The civilian shuttle is a stripped down version.
Bulk Freighter
Length: 400 Meters
Shields: Medium
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 4 heavy laser cannons
Carrying Capacity: 10,000 Tons of cargo plus crew of 4
Description: A Bulk Freighter is a giant set of cargo containers stacked inside a framework with a cab on one end and a giant engine on the other.
Transport Cruiser
Length: 200 Meters
Shields: Light
Armor: Light
Weapons: None
Carrying Capacity: 400 passengers plus crew of 8
Description: A Transport Cruiser is used for carrying civilians from one spaceport to another. It is a combination bus and jumbo jet.
Monarch Battle Cruiser
Length: 500 Meters
Shields: Medium
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 200 Torpedo tubes, 4 torpedoes per tube. 300 heavy laser cannons
Carrying Capacity: 2 Squads of fighters (usually Raptors) 1 legion of troops, plus crew of 100
Description: The Monarch Battle Cruiser is a medium sized egg shaped ship. It usually works in conjunction with several other ships at one time.
Notes: The Monarch Battle Cruiser was the standard of warships for over a thousand years.
Nosh Battle Stations are common throughout the galaxy. They are giant cube shaped space stations with about five hundred laser cannons per side. It can also hold one squad of fighters. It is known for its extreme strength, durability, and power.
Alltradeuin Empire Ships
The Alltradeuin Empire having arrived from another dimension of course have their own variety of ships. The most common are listed here.
Capital Ships:
Buster Blitz Mk I
Length: 4 Kilometers
Shields: Omni-I
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 300 HVEM Plasma Cannons, 1,000 Heavy Laser Cannons, 600 Ion Cannons, 1,000 Torpedo Tubes 500 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 4 Assault Shuttles, 300 Stormtroopers
Description: The first Capital ship killer, the Buster was designed to destroy ships from outside the enemy’s range of assault, making any retaliation useless. They were the backbone of the Imperial Ship forces, capable of planetary bombardments and long range assaults using their plasma weaponry.
Buster Blitz Mk II
Length: 5 Kilometers
Shields: Dark Shields
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 500 HVEM Plasma Cannons, 1,000 Heavy Laser Cannons, 200 Ion Cannons, 1,200 Torpedoes Tubes, 700 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 1 Wing of Fighters, 5 Assault Shuttles, 500 Stormtroopers
Description: Meant as the replacement for the Mark I's aging fleet, the Mark II's boasted better weapons and advanced shields. They continue to serve the Imperial forces as a main capital ship.
Scorpion Medium Destroyer
Length: 6 Kilometers
Shields: Omni-V
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 50 HVEM Plasma Cannons, 400 Mark II Laser cannons, 100 Mark II Ion cannons, 500 torpedo tubes, 200 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 4 Wings of Fighters, 100 Assault Shuttles, 2,500 Stormtroopers, Various Support Armor
Description: While a medium based destroyer, the Scorpion has had a long and successful track record of being able to deal out impressive damage while soaking it up. They are kept on defensive rolls around planets and installations for their ability to accelerate faster than any other large warship because of their larger engines to intercept enemy targets.
Puma Light Cruiser
Length: 3 Kilometers
Shields: Omni-III
Armor: Light
Weapons: 200 Mark II Laser cannons, 50 Mark II Ion cannons, 100 Torpedo tubes
Carrying Capacity: 2 Wings of Fighters, 5 Assault Shuttles, 800 Stormtroopers, Various Support Armor
Description: Easy to manufacture and relatively cheap, the Puma acted like a protective screen during large scale battles to allow larger more dangerous ships to counter-strike with more lethal force. Upon the development of the Omni-V and Dark Shields, the Puma's were put on sentry and convoy duty because of their fast engines, strong defensive armament as well as their advanced navigation systems.
Lancer Anti-Fighter Frigate
Length: 1 Kilometer
Shields: Dark Shields
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 150 Mark II Quad Fighter Laser cannons, 100 Mark II Independent Laser Cannons, 20 Mark II Ion cannons
Carrying Capacity: 3 Squadrons of Fighters, 5 Assault Shuttles, 200 Stormtroopers
Description: The Anti-fighter frigate boasts impressive co
unter measures against fighter squadrons with its quad cannons and high speed mobility platforms. Advanced sensors allow the Lancer to predict the movements of fighters in the evasion patterns and lock onto the distinct trademarks of hundreds of fighters at the same time and feed the information to the entire fleet so that other larger ships are able to bring down the dangerous craft.
Splinter Anti-Fighter Gunship
Length: 1.5 Kilometers
Shields: Dark Shields
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 100 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons, 50 Mark II Pulse Laser Cannons, 30 Mark II Ion Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 2 Squadrons of Fighters, 3 Assault Shuttles, 100 Stormtroopers
Description: Developed later in the era after the 2nd Socialist war, the Splinter Anti-Fighter Gunship was the next stage in Fleet and planetary defense. Their engines were built around the designs of the SLAM system and in doing so, could reach speeds of 300% above their normal velocity, making them more an interceptor capital ship then a protector.
Cicca Corvette Mk I
Length: 650 Meters
Shields: Omni-IV
Armor: Medium
Offensive Weapons: 30 Medium Laser Cannons, 2 Ion Cannons, 5 Torpedo Tubes, 10 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 1 Squadron of Fighters, 100 Stormtroopers
Description: Developed early on in the Imperial database, the Cicca Corvette has a long standing history of aiding frigates, Dreadfire class capital ships in patrols, as well as providing protective screens for capital ships during major engagements. The corvette was designed to be a smaller more efficient means of supporting shipping lanes and keeping the empire safe from pirates and unwanted guests. Their speed matches that of the Scorpion Destroyer and has the power to take down fighters and pirate vessels
Schimitar Diplomatic Vessel
Length: 150 Meters
Shields: Medium
Armor: Light
Weapons: 10 Light Laser Cannons, 4 Torpedo Tubes
Carrying Capacity: 2 Assault Shuttles, 25 Stormtroopers
Description: Created as a means for Ambassadors and diplomatic representatives to move throughout the universe, the Schimitar became a universally acknowledged ship as a means of being both a smooth, fast ship and capable of defending itself. Both the GRA and SA put in orders for Schimitar's.
Dreadfire Juggernaut
Length: 2.5 Kilometers
Shields: Omni-III
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 150 Mark II Laser cannons, 100 Mark II Ion Cannons, 70 Torpedo Tubes, 100 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 2 Squadrons of Fighters, 25 Assault Shuttles, 800 Stormtroopers
Description: One of the oldest capital ships of the Alltradeuin Empire. The Dreadfire has seen action for over a hundred years with many modifications as newer models came out. Solid construction and good engines made it a prime choice for supply convoy protection and many Imperial shipments would not have arrived without the support of the Dreadfire. The outer hull was re-enforced with cross bracing and honeycombed with additional alloys, giving it incredible sturdiness against enemy fire and an elegant shape allowed it to nearly become invisible against the backdrop of space.
Super Ships:
Length: 12 Kilometers
Shields: Dark Shields
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 8 MAC Guns, 6 EMP Cannons, 4 Charged Particle Cannon, 700 HVEM Plasma Cannons, 4,500 Heavy Mark II Plasma Cannons, and 2,000 Ion Mark II Cannons, 3,000 Missile Tubes, 4 Gravity Well Generators, 1,000 Quad Anti-Fighter cannons
Carrying Capacity: 25 Wings of Fighter squads, 2,500 Assault Shuttles, 80,000 Trooper Insertion Pods, 150,000 Storm Troopers, 2,000 Dark Troopers, 3,000 Hyperion Armors
Description: Shadow was the first Super Class ship to roll out of production as a flagship to Emperor Tonin Meine. It saw action in over two dozen combat engagements and inspired both fear and respect when detected on sensors. It remained stationary in Kasian Space as a beacon of Imperial Might and while the Emperor was on planet.
Ultra Ships:
Length: 50 Kilometers
Shields: Dark Shields
Armor: Obsidian Minera
Weapons: 1 Super Laser, 5,000 HVEM Plasma Cannons, 1,000 Mk II Particle Cannons, 11,000 Heavy Laser Cannons, 25,000 Mk II Ion Cannons, 5,000 Torpedo Tubes, 1,000 Quad Anti-Fighter Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 1 Super Ship (If necessary) 25 Wings of Fighters, 500 Assault Shuttles, 200,000 Stormtroopers, Various Armor support
Description: Zeus was originally intended to be designed as a historical vessel importing the events of the Alltradeuin Empire from the first few centuries to recent times. Mid construction, Emperor Tonin Meine decided that it's power sources seems to be an overkill and decided to convert the ship to perform a dual task of both museum, and an assault vessel of unimaginable proportions. It wasn't brought online till after the Swarm Invasion and was crucial in the final defense of Minus Tenu in the old dimension. It was believed destroyed, along with the rest of the universe to halt the Swarm, but turned up in the new universe. It now acts as a support vessel and training ground, along with a mobile platform for defense against aggressors.
Saix Light Fighter
Length: 6 meters
Shields: None
Armor: Light
Weapons: 2 Mark II Particle Cannons
Description: Designed as a fast attack fighter, the Saix employ one of the fastest engines designed by the Empire and are designed for Planetary defense to slow down invasions till main forces return.
Their armor is extremely light, allowing their speed to dramatically increase, but they are fragile because of the design shape and armor density.
Hazi Medium Fighter
Length: 7 meters
Shields: Omni-Tech V
Armor: Medium
Weapons: 4 Mark II Plasma cannons, 2 Mark II Ion cannons, 2 Concussion Missile Tubes
Description: The Hazi is mainly a deploy-able fighter from Carriers as a defensive fighter for convoys. Their armor and weapons deter pirates in the outer sectors of Imperial space, and the shields can withstand quite a beating against capital ships.
Hyperion Mk I Heavy Fighter
Length: 10 meters
Shields: Omni-Tech V
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 4 Mark II Plasma cannons, 4 Mark II Ion cannons, Plasma Torpedoes tubes
Description: The mainstay fighter of the Imperial space forces. The Hyperion fought in nearly every battle or war within the universe against the GRA and SA as was rated Number 1 fighter two years in a row before being decommissioned for the next generation in Hyperion.
Hyperion Mk II Heavy Fighter
Length: 12 meters
Shields: Omni-Tech V
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 4 Mark II Plasma Cannons forward, 2 Back, 4 Mark II Ion Cannons, 4 Plasma Concussion Missiles and Cluster Missiles tubes
Description: Replacing the Mark I, the Mark II became even more of a threat in space as well as in atmosphere with the upgraded surface wings to provide better maneuverability to fight atmo-bound fighters.
Lager Bomber
Length: 14 meters
Shields: Omni-V
Armor: Heavy
Weapons: 2 Mark II Plasma cannons, 4 Missile pods, 4 rocket pods
Description: The Imperials light bomber, a good mainstay in Capital ship bombardment and ground sieges in helping troopers achieve superiority. The Bomber was replaced after three years in the Great Refit to add a stronger bomber and to decrease bomber losses.
Organic Ships from the world of Tanis:
Blade Fighter
Length: 2 to 8 meters depending on how old the ship is
Shields: Absorption
Armor: Organic
Offensive Weapons: 4 Bio-Lasers, 2 HVEM Plasma Cannons, 2 VES
Description: Created in the genetic laboratories of Tanis, the Blade fighter was designed to support and back up the Scythe battleships as fighter defense, but because they have been fused with the Empire's HVEM technology, they can also be used to counter against capital ships since they do not posses missile capabilities. Seen action only 4 times, the Blades performed above expectations and with their startling ability to absorb enemy and ally fire alike to boost their weapon functions, they were assigned top defensive positions in the Empire.
Scythe Battleship
Length: 50 to 300 meters depending on how old the ship is
Shields: Absorption
Armor: Organic
Offensive Weapons: 500 Bio-Lasers, 50 Bio-Plasma Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 2 Wings of Blades
Tactical History: Designed after the break through with the Blade fighters, and under orders of Emperor Tonin Meine, a capital ship was created to boast superior firepower to the Blades and act as a full assault ship. They served on the border patrols and were quite vicious in attacking ships without an Imperial FOF tag. Because of their shape and nature, sensors cannot detect them, and from visual data only shows large masses of grey matter. Each Scythe class is different from each other depending on the nutrients added to the cocoon at different stages
Command Ship
Length: 300 to 1,000 meters depending on how old the ship is
Shields: Absorption
Armor: Organic
Offensive Weapons: 1,000 Bio-Lasers, 200 Bio-Plasma Cannons
Carrying Capacity: 6 Wings of Blades
Description: Noting that while Scythe Battleships did provide a central hub for co-ordination among the intelligent and sophisticated Blades, they slowed down their own processes to ensure maximum efficiency. The Command ship was developed as its name states, command. Using higher neural pathways spliced with sequencers, the Command Ship was able to create diverse tactics and co-ordinate more Scythe and Blades.
Support Ships:
Dagger Dropships
Length: 25 meters
Shields: None
Armor: Heavy
Offensive Weapons: 2 Rocket Pods, 2 Vulcan chain guns
Carrying Capacity: 20 Stormtroopers, 2 Speeders
Description: The Dagger Dropship was first employed in the first days of the Socialist War as the alternative to the Assault Shuttle. Fast and heavily armored, it could provide cover fire while troops disembarked and could take a beating before being downed. Because there is no shield system, the Empire decided to mount a pair of Imperial Speeders to add armor on the ground for fast recon and intrusion missions.