Everybody Behaves Badly
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Abbott, Berenice, 21
Algonquin Round Table, 62, 154–56, 197
Along with Youth, 99
Anderson, Sherwood
at Boni & Liveright, 70, 74, 133, 140
Dark Laughter, 136–38, 168, 291n
dismay at Hemingway over The Torrents of Spring, 168–69
early influence, 8–11
and Ford Madox Ford, 51
Hemingway’s views of, 9, 11, 49, 136–37, 168–69
letters of introduction for Hemingway, 20
Pound, introduction to, 22–24
Stein, introduction to, 10, 25–26
anti-Semitic remarks, xvii, 72, 117, 123, 130, 193, 269n, 270n, 288n
Arlen, Michael, 96, 177–78
Iris Storm, 86, 275n
Twysden introduction, 276n
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 27, 215, 237
bal musette. See Paris
Barton, Ralph, 139
Baudelaire, Charles, 14
Beach, Sylvia, 21, 53, 252n, 263n
Anderson and, 10
Fitzgerald and, 94
Hemingway and, 46, 90, 112, 135, 201, 203
Pound and, 23
Stein and, 26, 29
Belloc, Hilaire, 181
Belmonte, Juan, 107
Benchley, Robert, 100, 157–58
Bible, xvi, 132–33, 192, 201, 213, 290n
Bird, Bill, 48, 49, 115, 214, 261n, 285n
Consolidated Press, 38
first books by Hemingway, 39–42
in Pamplona, 63
and Pound, 42, 261n
Bocher, Main, 83
Boni, Albert, 70, 269n
Boni & Liveright, 69–70. See also Anderson, Sherwood; In Our Time (Boni & Liveright)
and Hemingway, 90, 91, 217
and Loeb, 56, 69, 74
split with, 135–36, 139–40, 143–44, 151–52
boxing, 253n
with Fitzgerald, 97
with Galantière, 23
with Loeb, 55–56
with Pound, 25
shadowboxing with Ford, 50, 264n
Boyle, Kay, 22, 147–48, 255n, 291n
Bromfield, Louis, 135, 139
Broom (magazine), 54–55, 57, 117, 129
Broun, Heywood, 197, 200
Brown, Curtis, 162
bullfighting. See also San Fermín festival; Stein, Gertrude
first description of, 38–39
Hemingway and, 268n, 281n
opinion of, 67
running ahead of the bulls, 267–68n
Bynner, Witter, 224
Callaghan, Morley, 44, 46, 83, 120, 212
Cannell, Kathleen Eaton (Kitty), 71–72, 82, 100, 130
background, 57–59, 266n
Kitty Cannell or Frances Clyne, xvii, 207
after The Sun Also Rises, xix, 228–29, 318n
Cape, Jonathan, 298n–299n
European publisher, 162–63
Cézanne, Paul, influence of his art, 28, 30, 122
Charles Scribner’s Sons, xi, 140–41, 144
advances on books, 314n
editors’ views of The Sun Also Rises, 163–65, 299n
Fitzgerald at, xi, 22, 91, 93
Hemingway contract with, 152–54, 157
Men Without Women, 217, 315n
modern authors at, 147–50, 165
publicity for The Sun Also Rises, 195–98
The Puritans and Their Principles, 147, 294n
release of The Sun Also Rises, 194–95
sales statistics for The Sun Also Rises, 209
Charters, Jimmie, 79, 207, 220, 231–32
Chicago Tribune, 65–66
Cleon. See Wilkins, Cleonike Damianakes
Cody, Morrill, 55, 203–4
Coffee House (New York private club), 157, 296n
commercial success, 48, 81, 210, 257n
Contact Publishing Company, 37, 259n
Cooper, Gary, hunting knife ritual, 253n
The Cooperative Commonwealth, 5, 7, 19
Cosmopolitan, 34, 35
Cowley, Malcolm, 15, 21, 48, 57, 147, 150, 209
Crane, Hart, 15
the Crowd, 53, 79, 94, 203, 252n
Americans in Paris, 21–22
Bird in, 38
dismay at Hemingway over The Torrents of Spring, 167–68
Fitzgerald in, 94, 97
Ford Madox Ford in, 50–51, 53
Hemingway in, 79
Loeb in, 54–55
Stein in, 26
Crowninshield, Frank, 91, 157
Death in the Afternoon, 220, 233–34
The Dial (magazine), 54
the Domicile, 7, 9
Doodab, 56, 73–74, 135, 153
Doran. See George H. Doran Company
Dorman-Smith, Eric Edward (“Chink”), 63
Dos Passos, John, 52, 69
and the Murphys, 80–81, 161, 174
in Pamplona, 62–64, 66
and The Torrents of Spring, 137–38
Dreiser, Theodore, 70
Dryer, Joseph, xiii
Eliot, T. S., 23, 68, 93
Ellerman, Winifred, 260n
Esquire, “Paris Letter,” 220
fame and celebrity, xii–xiii. See also commercial success
agents and publishers, 216
“Limelight Kid,” xiv
magazines seeking articles, 215–16
movie or theater adaptation, 216
A Farewell to Arms
Agnes von Kurowsky and Catherine Barkley, x, 219, 227
Fiesta. See The Sun Also Rises, writing of
film adaptations
A Farewell to Arms, 220
Fitzgerald’s, 92, 277n
The Great Gatsby, 150
The Sun Also Rises, 240
finances. See also Hemingway, Hadley (Richardson)
advance for The Sun Also Rises, 121
money troubles, 67
wealthy friends, 80–81
Fisher, Paul, 100
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, xi–xii, xi, 3, 22, 150, 211–12. See also This Side of Paradise; The Great Gatsby
criticism and editorial suggestions for The Sun Also Rises, 177–79
first meeting, 278n
Hemingway’s views of, xiv, 92–93, 95–97, 157
Riviera exploits and decline, 173–76
role in promoting Hemingway, 91–97, 196, 276n
role in split with Liveright, 141, 144, 146
Fitzgerald, Zelda, xii, 22, 93–94, 96–97, 175–76, 211
Flanner, Janet, 13, 22, 94, 204, 255n
Fleischman, Leon, 71–72
Ford, Ford Madox, 50–53, 133–34, 198, 214, 265n
Hemingway’s views of, 61, 67–68, 157
parodied by Hemingway, 264n
pseudonym and self-praise, 267n
and Three Mountain Press site, 261n
Galantière, Lewis, 22–23, 25, 70
George H. Doran Company, 69, 72, 74, 270n
Gilot, Françoise, 90, 255n
Gorman, Herbert, 157
The Great Gatsby, xi, 93–94, 96, 119, 218
on Broadway, 150, 152, 157
parody title, 179
“The Great Train Robbery,” 34–36, 42, 114, 257n, 258n
Guthrie, Patrick, xvi, 86–87, 89, 94, 102–4, 107–10, 206
after The Sun Also Rises, 231–32
Hansen, Harry, 167
Harcourt, Alfred, 135, 144, 153
Heap, Jane, 120–21
Hemingway, Hadley (Richardson), 4–7, 27, 247n. See also women, relations with
and Bumby on Riviera (whooping cough), 173
early letters to and from, 248n
Hemingway’s affairs, 171
and K
itty Cannell, 58
marriage, beginning and end, 5, 7, 182–84, 185–87, 191–92, 194, 210–11, 313n
and Pauline Pfeiffer, 83–84, 139, 142–43, 182–83, 293n
and Pfeiffer sisters, 170, 301n
pregnancy and childbirth, 36–37, 43, 45, 67
royalties from The Sun Also Rises to her, 211, 313n
silent breakfasts, 29
and Stella Bowen, 53
suitcase of manuscripts stolen, 34–36, 257n
trust fund and finances, 7–8, 46, 49–50
and Twysden, 89
Hemingway, John Hadley Nicanor (“Bumby”), 45, 162, 186, 264n
“Feather Puss” the cat, 266n
Hemingway, Patrick, xiii, xviii, 170–71, 211, 218, 273n, 288n, 302n
Hiler, Hilaire, 15
Hindmarsh, Harry, 44, 45
Hotel Brevoort (New York), 151
Hôtel Jacob et d’Angleterre, 11
Hotel Quintana, 99, 109, 184
In Our Time (Boni & Liveright), 89, 133, 143, 290n
Dorothy Parker’s opinion, 155
Loeb’s role in, 72–75, 271n
reviews of, 133–35
short stories and vignettes, 68–69
in our time (Three Mountains Press), 42–44, 90, 92
print run botched, 48
influences on Hemingway’s writing
King James Bible, 213
Stein, Gertrude, 213
International Magazine Company, 218
James, Henry, rumored impotence, 166, 180–81
abandoning for writing, 46
foreign correspondence, 19–20
Greco-Turkish situation, 33
Joyce, James, xi, 10, 21, 22
“Juvenilia.” See “The Great Train Robbery”
Kansas City Star, 167
Key West, 220
King, Clinton, 207, 223–26
Kipling, Rudyard, 9
Knopf, Alfred A., 144
Kreymborg, Alfred, 13
La Closerie des Lilas, xiii, 47–48, 194
Lardner, Ring, 5, 49, 150
lawsuit, Lady Ashley, 203, 310n
Le Jockey, 15
The Little Review, 10, 23–24, 30, 120
Liveright, Horace, 69–71, 89, 99, 143, 151–152. See also Boni & Liveright
Loeb, Harold, 58, 69, 82, 128–29. See also Broom (magazine); Doodab
bullfighting in Pamplona, 104–6, 108
falling out with Hemingway, 56–57, 108–9, 282n
family wealth, 265n
and Fleischman, 71–72
Hemingway betrayal, 311n
after The Sun Also Rises, 226–27
and Twysden, 85–88, 100–102, 105, 280n
unpublished novel, Leaf of Twisted Olive, 318n
Loos, Anita, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 157
Lost Generation anecdote, xi, xii
Lost Generation emulation, 209–10
MacLeish, Archibald, xii, 22, 47, 176, 193, 250n
Madame Lecomte’s (restaurant), 62, 267n
Marx, Harpo, 305n
McAlmon, Robert, 16, 42, 63, 65, 67, 80, 100, 224, 260n, 261n
Hemingway’s views of, 214
parody poetry, 138
in Rapello, 37–38
in Spain, 39–40
Mencken, H. L., 271n
Monnier, Adrienne, 10
Montparnasse, 12, 14
Moore, George, 21
Moss, Arthur, 213
A Moveable Feast, 237, 245–46n
Ecclesiastes theme, 290n
on splitting with Hadley, 185
Murphy, Sara and Gerald, 80–81, 138, 159–61, 183, 184, 185, 272n, 292n
pearl necklace, 302n
Villa America (Riviera), 172–76, 302n
Mussolini, Benito, 20
New York Herald Tribune, 48, 134, 167, 195
New York Sun, 4
New York World, 167
The New Yorker, 22, 200, 214–15
“Letter from Paris,” 13
novel writing
contemplated, The Son-in-Law, 46
put aside, New Slain Knight, 316n
started, Along With Youth, 99
starter novel, 6, 28, 31, 248n
struggle with, xv, 52–53
Ordóñez, Cayetano (Niño de la Palma), 107–8, 112, 123–25, 160–61, 281n
after The Sun Also Rises, 233–35
apartments, 23, 47, 53, 62, 84, 96, 185
bal musette, 30
cost of living, 250n
early writing style in, 30
expat scene, 13–17
freelance articles about, 12–14
garret for fiction writing, 29
return from Toronto, 46
Paris cafés
Café Le Dôme, 12, 14–15, 48, 57, 151, 194, 221, 237
Café Rotonde, xiii, 14–17, 48
Deux Magots, 213
Dingo, 94–95, 128
La Closerie des Lilas, xiii, 47, 186, 237
the Select, 214
Paris Herald, 204
“Around the Studios,” 13
Paris Olympians. See the Crowd
Paris Review, x
Parker, Dorothy, 1, 200, 218
and Hemingway, 154–58, 296n
To a Tragic Poetess, 193–194, 307n
trip to Spain, 307n
Perkins, Maxwell, 140–41, 162–65, 179–80, 192, 203, 209
contract with Hemingway, 152–53
and Fitzgerald, 95, 97, 136, 144–50
and in our time, 90–91
plans for a second novel, 218
and The Sun Also Rises, 140, 165–66
Pfeiffer, Pauline
and Hadley, 191
introduction to Hemingway, 83–84, 273n
marriage, 218
opinion of The Torrents of Spring, 138–39
pregnancy and possible abortion, 301n, 302n
on Riviera with Hemingway family, 173–74, 303n
trust fund increase, 141–42, 293n
Pfeiffer, Pauline and Virginia (Jinny), 82–84, 272n
Picasso, Pablo, 21, 90
poetry, Hemingway’s, 30
To a Tragic Poetess, 193–94
Pound, Ezra, 115, 120
advice at first meeting, 23–25
and Ford Madox Ford, 50
Hemingway protégé of, 25, 30
letters from Toronto, 45
mentoring, xiv
Rapello, Italy, 36
response to loss of manuscripts, 35–36
Power, Arthur, 13
profanity, xiii, 28, 48, 181–82, 245n, 299n
Putnam, Samuel, 210, 213
The Quarter. See Montparnasse
Quintana, Juanito, 99, 110, 184, 288n