Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy
Herbert deliberated as to whether it would be best to inform his agedtraveling companion of the suspicious-looking man, who appeared to havefollowed them for no good purpose. He finally decided not to do so,since it would only alarm Mr. Carroll, and prevent his sleeping off hisfatigue, while there would be no advantage gained, since a blind andfeeble man could be of little use in repelling the burglar, should thestranger prove to be such.
The bedroom was large and square, and contained two beds. The largerof these was placed in the corner, and this was assigned to the oldgentleman. The smaller was situated between the two side windows, andwas, of course, the more exposed of the two. This Herbert was to occupy.
"Do you know how to load the pistol, Herbert?" asked Mr. Carroll.
"Yes, sir," said Herbert, confidently.
"I don't anticipate any occasion for using it," continued the oldgentleman. "Still, it will be best to be prepared."
"So I think, sir."
"You won't be afraid to use it, if it should be necessary?"
"No, sir."
Mr. Carroll took a package from his carpet-bag and showed it to Herbert.
"This package," he said, "contains five thousand dollars in bank bills.If it were known that I had it, I should be in danger. I suppose it willbe best to put it back in the carpet-bag."
"If it were mine," said Herbert, "I would not do that."
"Where, then, would you put it?"
"I would put it between the mattresses. If anyone should get into theroom, they would seize the carpet-bag first, and, perhaps, make offbefore they could be stopped."
"I don't know but you are right," said Mr. Carroll. "Perhaps it will bewell to put my watch in the same place."
"Yes, sir; I think it would be well."
"You see, Herbert," continued the old gentleman, "how much confidenceI repose in you. Knowing where my watch and money are, it would be veryeasy for you to secure both, and leave me here, destitute and helpless."
"But you don't think there is any danger of my doing so?"
"No," said the old gentleman. "Though our acquaintance is so recent, Ifeel great confidence in you. As I cannot see the face, I have learnedto judge of the character by the tone of the voice, and I am very muchmistaken if you are not thoroughly honest and trustworthy."
"Thank you, sir," said Herbert, his face flushed with pleasure at thisevidently sincere commendation. "You shall not repent your confidence."
"I am sure of that, Herbert," said Mr. Carroll, kindly. "But I must bidyou good-night. This has been a fatiguing day, and I shall lose no timein getting to sleep."
"Good-night. I hope you will sleep well, sir," said Herbert. "Therewon't be much sleep for me," he thought.
Mr. Carroll lay down, and his deep, tranquil breathing soon assured ourhero that he was asleep. He rose from his bed and examined the windows.All but one were provided with fastenings. But the one on the right-handside of his bed could be raised from the outside without difficulty.
"I wish I had a nail," thought Herbert. "I could soon make it fast."
But there was none in the room, and he did not wish to go downstairsfor one, since he would probably meet the stranger, who would then learnwhat precautions he was taking, and so, perhaps, vary his attack.
"That window will need watching," thought Herbert. "I wonder whether Ishall be able to keep awake."
The excitement of his situation, and, perhaps, the strong tea, to whichhe was unaccustomed, helped him to remain vigilant. His mind was activeand on the alert, and his ears were open to catch the least sound.
It was only half-past ten. Probably the attempt to enter the room wouldnot be made before twelve, at least, in order to insure their beingasleep.
Herbert examined his pistol. It was in excellent order, and was providedwith two barrels, both of which he loaded. Thus, he would have a doublechance to defend himself. He did not remove all his clothing, but kepton his pants, in order to be prepared for emergencies.
There was an hour and a half to wait before midnight. The minutes passedslowly. Herbert for a time heard the murmur of voices in the barroombelow, then steps ascended the stairs, and, after a while, all washushed.
"I wish the fellow would come quick," he thought, "if he is coming atall, so that it might be all over, and I might go to sleep."
Time sped on. Herbert could hear the village clock striking twelve; butstill all around remained quiet.
It might have been a half an hour later when he heard a slight noise, ashe thought, under the window. Jumping softly out of bed, he took a peepout. It was just light enough for him to distinguish a dark form movingabout, bearing something, which he soon perceived to be a ladder. Thatit was the black-whiskered man who had followed them, he did not doubt,and he felt confident that he intended to place the ladder againstthe window. He was not mistaken. He heard the top of the ladder softlyinclined against the house, and then he felt that the critical moment,which was to test his courage, was close at hand.
Herbert's heart began to beat rapidly. He felt that he was taking uponhimself a fearful responsibility in shooting this man, as he wouldprobably be obliged to do in self-defense. But one thing he resolvedupon. He would not take his life. He would only use such a degree ofviolence as should be absolutely necessary. He would even give him achance by firing the first barrel in the air, in hope of frighteningthe robber. If that failed, he must wound him. There was little time forthese thoughts to pass through his mind, for all the while the man wascreeping up the ladder.
Herbert had moved a little aside, that he might not be seen.
Soon he perceived, by the indistinct light, the face of the strangerrising above the window-sill. Next, the window was slowly raised, and hebegan to make preparations to enter the room. Then Herbert felt that itwas time for him to appear.
Stepping intrepidly to the window, he said: "I know your purpose. Unlessyou go down instantly, I will shoot you."
There was no tremor in his voice as he said this. Courage came with theoccasion, and his tone was resolute, and self-possessed.
"So you're awake, are you, my chicken?" was the reply. "If you knowwhat's best for yourself, you'll hand over the old man's money, and saveme the trouble of getting in."
"Never!" said Herbert, firmly.
"Then I will take it myself, and give you something to remember me by,you little fool!"
He placed his knee on the window-sill, and prepared to jump in.
"One step farther," said Herbert, resolutely, "and I fire!"
He displayed the pistol, at the sight of which the burglar hesitated.
"Hold on a bit," said he, pausing. "I'll give you some of the plunder,if you'll put up that shooting iron, and make no trouble."
"Do you think me a villain, like yourself?" asked Herbert.
"By ----, you shall repent this," said the robber, with an oath, and hemade another attempt to enter.
There was a sharp report, but Herbert had fired in the air, and theburglar was unhurt.
"Confusion!" he exclaimed; "that will raise the house!"
Then, espying the carpet-bag, he determined to jump in, seize it, andget away before the people in the house were fairly awake. As for thepistol, that had been discharged, and he supposed that nothing was tobe feared from it. But he reckoned without his host. As he put one legover, and had all but succeeded in getting in, Herbert fired once more,this time hitting him in the shoulder. He uttered a shriek of pain, and,losing his hold, tumbled backward to the ground.
The two reports alarmed the house.
"What's the matter?" exclaimed Mr. Carroll, awakened and alarmed.
"Don't be alarmed, sir," said Herbert. "A man just attempted to get inthrough the window, and I have wounded him."
"You are a brave boy," said Mr. Carroll. "Where is he now?"
"He has tumbled to the ground, shot through the shoulder, I think."
There was a loud thumping
at the door. Herbert opened it, and admittedhalf a dozen guests, headed by the landlord.
"What's the matter?" exclaimed all, in chorus.
"If you will come to the window, gentlemen, I will show you," saidHerbert.
They followed him curiously, and the sight of the ladder and the woundedman, who was uttering groans of pain from the ground below, told thestory at once.
"Served the rascal right," said the landlord. "Who is he?"
"The black-whiskered man who was in the barroom last night," saidHerbert.
"I remember now; he asked particularly where you were to sleep--you andthe old gentleman--but I did not suspect his purpose."
"I did," said Herbert, "and kept awake to be ready for him."
"You are a brave lad."
"I only did my duty," said Herbert, modestly.
"Help! help!" groaned the wretch below.
Herbert heard the cry of pain, and his heart was filled with pity.The man was, indeed, a villain. He had only been served right, as thelandlord said. Still, he was a fellow-creature, and he was in pain.Herbert could not regret that he had shot him; but he did regret thenecessity, and he felt sympathy for him in his suffering.
"Poor fellow!" he said, compassionately; "I am afraid he is a good dealhurt."
"Poor fellow!" echoed the landlord. "It serves him right."
"Still, he is in pain, and he ought to be cared for."
"He has no claim upon us. He may be there till morning."
"No," said Mr. Carroll. "Herbert is right. He is guilty, but he is inpain, and it is the part of humanity to succor him. Landlord, if youwill have him brought in, and send for the doctor, you may look to mefor your pay."
"Yet, he was going to rob you, sir," said the landlord, considerablysurprised.
"Yes, that is true; but you don't know how strongly he was tempted."
"He looks like a hard ticket. I didn't like to give him a bed, but wecan't well refuse travelers, if they have money to pay their reckoning.I made him pay in advance."
"Pray, lose no time," said Herbert, as another groan was heard; "I willgo out and help you bring him in."
A lantern was lit, and the whole company followed the landlord out.
"Well," said he, throwing the light of the candle full on the sufferer'sface, "you've got yourself into a fine pickle, haven't you?"
"Oh," groaned the burglar, "if it hadn't been for that accursed boy!"
"You'd have got off with the old gentleman's money. Well, it was ratherunkind to interfere."
"Are you in much pain?" asked Herbert, bending over him.
There was something in his voice that betrayed the compassion he reallyfelt.
The burglar looked up.
"You're the boy that wounded me, ain't you?" he asked.
"Yes," said Herbert.
"Curse you! I don't know but you've killed me. I'm shot through theshoulder. Then, that cursed fall! I feel as if I had broken my back."
"I did not want to shoot you," said Herbert.
"What did you do it for, then?"
"Because you forced me to it. You were after Mr. Carroll's money."
"Didn't I offer to divide with you?"
"Yes, but, of course, I would not agree to that."
"Are you so much better than common folks?" sneered the burglar.
"I don't know about that. I would not steal."
"Take him up," said the landlord to the hotel servants. "He don'tdeserve it, but I've promised the old gentleman we'd see to him. TomWhite, you may go for the doctor."
Two men approached and attempted to lift the wounded burglar. But,in the first attempt, they touched the injured shoulder. He uttered ashriek of pain, and exclaimed, "You'll murder me!"
"Let me lift him," said Herbert. "Perhaps you were too rough."
At length, but not without much groaning on the part of the burglar, hewas got into the house, and laid on a bed in a small room on the firstfloor.
"Do you feel better?" asked Herbert.
"A little."
"Do you think you have broken any bones in falling?"
"I thought so at first, but perhaps I am only bruised."
"When the doctor comes, he will extract the bullet, and relieve you of agood deal of your pain."
"You are a strange boy," said the burglar, with a look of surprise.
"Why am I?"
"You shot me, and yet you pretend to be sorry for me now."
"So I am."
"Then, why did you shoot me?"
"I have already told you. Because I was obliged to. I would not havedone it, if there had been any other way. I shot the first barrel in theair."
"By accident?"
"No; I thought it would alarm you, and I might save the money withoutinjuring you."
"Do you really mean that?"
"And you don't have any ill-will against me now?"
"That is strange."
"I don't know why it should be."
"I suppose I ought to hate you, because you have brought me to thispass," said the burglar, thoughtfully, "but I don't. That is strange,too."
"I am so glad you feel so," said Herbert. "I am very sorry for yourpain, and I will do what I can to relieve it."
"I have no money to pay the landlord and the doctor."
"Mr. Carroll says he will pay all needed expenses."
"The man I wanted to rob?"
"Then hang me, if I ain't ashamed of trying to rob him," said theburglar, earnestly.
"Have you ever robbed anyone before?"
"No, I haven't. I'm a rough customer, and have done plenty of meanthings, but this is the first job of the kind I ever attempted. Iwouldn't have done it, only I heard the old man say in the cars, that hehad a lot of money with him. I was hard up, and on my way to Cedarville,to try to get work, but when I heard what he said, the devil tempted me,I believe, and I determined to keep you both in sight, and get out whereyou did. I've tried and failed, and that's the end of it. It's my firstattempt at burglary."
"I hope it will be the last."
"You may bet your life on that!"
"Then," said Herbert, quietly, "I will intercede with Mr. Carroll foryou, and ask him not to have you arrested."
"Will you do that?" asked the wounded man, eagerly.
"I promise it."
"If you will, boy, I will bless you, and if God would listen to such ascamp as I am, I'd pray for you."
"He will listen to you," said Herbert. "Try to lead a better life, andHe will help you."
"I wish I'd met with such as you before," said the burglar. "I'd havebeen a better man than I am."
Here the doctor entered, and Herbert gave place to him. The wound wasdiscovered not to be serious, and, the bullet being extracted, thesufferer found relief. Herbert returned to bed, and this time, having noanxious thoughts to weigh upon his mind, he soon sank into a refreshingsleep, in which the fatigues and excitements of the day were completelyforgotten.