Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy
"I owe the safety of my money to you, my brave boy," said Mr. Carroll,the next morning, as, after rising, he replaced the package of banknotes in his carpet-bag.
"I only did my duty," said Herbert, but his face flushed with pleasureat the commendations bestowed upon him.
"But in doing your duty, you displayed a courage and fidelity rare inone of your age."
"I am glad you approve of my conduct," said Herbert.
"If you continue to deserve as well of those who employ you, I am sureyou will achieve success."
"I hope so, sir," said our hero. "I shall try to do my duty in whateversituation in life I may be placed."
"What are your plans when you reach New York?"
"I shall try to find a place in a store, or counting-room."
"Have you friends in the city on whose influence you can rely to helpyou to such a situation as you desire?"
"No, sir; I have only myself to look to."
"Only yourself! It is a bold undertaking."
"Don't you think I shall succeed?" asked Herbert, a little anxiously.
"I do not doubt that you will succeed, after finding a place, but thatis the difficulty."
"I supposed there must be plenty to do in a great city like New York."
"There is truth in what you say, but, nevertheless, many are led astrayby it. There is, indeed, a great deal to do, but there are a great manyready to do it, and generally--I may say, always--the laborers exceedthe work to be done."
"Perhaps," said Herbert, "many fail to get work, because they areparticular what they do. If I can find nothing better to do, I willblack boots."
"With such a spirit, I think you will succeed. But, perhaps, I cansmooth away some of the difficulties in your path. I know a firm in NewYork--connections of our family--to whom I will give you a letter ofintroduction. If they have no room for you in their house, they mayinfluence someone else to take you."
"I shall feel very much obliged to you for such a letter. It will do mea great deal of good," said Herbert, gratefully.
"I will gladly write it, but now let us go down to breakfast."
After breakfast was over, they looked in upon the wounded man.
"How do you feel this morning?" asked Herbert, going up to the bedside.
"Rather stiff, but I am not in such pain as I was."
"I am glad to hear it."
"That is the gentleman I was going to rob?" said the burglar, looking inthe direction of Mr. Carroll.
"Is he--did you say anything to him about not prosecuting me?" he asked,nervously.
"Be under no apprehension," said Mr. Carroll, mildly. "I do not care topunish you more than you have already been punished. I prefer that youshould lead a better life."
"I will try to do so, sir; but I was poor, and that made the temptationstronger."
"I can easily believe it. Are you wholly without means?"
"Nearly so."
"Here, then, is a purse containing a hundred dollars. It will probablypay your expenses during your illness."
The wounded man looked up in surprise.
"There ain't many that would pay a man for trying to rob them," he said.
"I do not pay you for that," said Mr. Carroll, "but because I do notwish you to be subjected to a similar temptation again."
The wounded man, who, under different treatment would have been defiantand profane, seemed quite subdued by such unexpected kindness.
"Well, sir," he said, "all I can say is, that I am very much obliged toyou, and I hope you will be rewarded for your kindness."
"It is easier to lead men than to drive them," said Mr. Carroll, asthey left the chamber. "This man is rough, and not troubled much with aconscience, but harshness would make him still worse."
"Yes, sir," said Herbert; "I think you are right."
After breakfast they resumed their journey. In due time they reachedBaltimore, and remained over night at a hotel. In the course of thesucceeding day they arrived at Philadelphia, which was the terminationof Mr. Carroll's journey. As the country through which they passed wasunknown to Herbert, the journey was full of interest, but there was noadventure worth recording.
The time came when the two travelers were compelled to part.
"If I were going to a hotel, Herbert," said Mr. Carroll, "I would inviteyou to remain with me a day or two; but I shall proceed at once to thehouse of a friend, and I shall not feel at liberty to invite you."
"Thank you, sir," said Herbert. "I think it will be best for me to go onto New York at once. I have got my living to make, and I am anxious toget to work as soon as possible."
"It is a praiseworthy feeling," said the old gentleman. "Life liesbefore you. I have left nearly the whole of it behind me. I am drawingnear the end of my journey. You are just at the beginning. I shall hopeto meet you again, but, if not, be assured that I shall always remember,with pleasure, my young traveling companion."
"Thank you, sir," said Herbert.
"I shall not soon forget the essential service which you have renderedme," continued the old gentleman.
"Don't think of it, sir," said Herbert, modestly, "Anyone would havedone the same thing in my place."
"I am by no means sure of that. At any rate, the obligation remains. Youmust allow me to acknowledge it in some measure."
Mr. Carroll drew out his pocketbook and handed it to Herbert.
"Will you oblige me," he said, "by counting the bills in thispocketbook?"
Herbert did so.
"There are sixty-five dollars," he said, passing it back.
"Will you take out fifty dollars?"
"Yes, sir--I have done it."
"That's the sum you will oblige me by keeping," said Mr. Carroll. "Ihope it may be of service to you."
"You give me so much money?" said Herbert, in surprise.
"It is but a very small sum, compared with that which you have savedme."
"I don't think I ought to take so much," said Herbert, hesitating.
"You need not hesitate, my young friend. I am blessed with abundantmeans, and very well able to part with it. Besides, it is only one percent. of the money which you have been instrumental in saving me, andyou are certainly entitled to as much as that."
"I thank you very much for the gift, Mr. Carroll," said our hero, "andstill more for the kind manner in which you give it to me."
"You accept it, then? That is well," said the old gentleman, withsatisfaction. "There is one thing more. You remember that I spoke to youof a business firm in Pearl Street, New York, with the members of whichI am acquainted. Last evening I prepared a letter of introduction tothem for you. Here it is."
"Thank you, sir," said Herbert. "I was very fortunate in meeting withone so able and willing to assist me."
"You are very welcome to all the help I am able to give you. I shall bevery glad if your life shall be as prosperous as mine has been. I musttrouble you to do me one more service. If you will find me a cab, I willgo at once to my friend's house."
No difficulty was experienced in obtaining a carriage. There was acordial leave-taking, and Herbert once more found himself alone. Butwith rather more than sixty dollars in his pocket, he felt rich, andlooked forward eagerly to his arrival in the great city, where he hopedto deserve and win success.