Page 5 of Je Suis À Toi

  The staff cleared the table, appearing and disappearing effortlessly. It felt as if we were alone and in a private sanctuary rather than a cavernous castle.

  Finishing his wine, Frederick stood up, helping Angelique to her feet with a doting smile. They made a handsome couple with their svelte frames and similar features. I didn’t have many close friends, but those I did, I cherished.

  “Let’s play a few parlour games. What do you say?” Frederick clapped his hands, encouraging us to stand.

  Tess rolled her eyes as Franco plucked Suzette from her chair.

  “I don’t think monopoly or scrabble are what most of us have in mind tonight.” Tess murmured too low for anyone but me to hear as she came toward my side.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, it came off as kind and loving, but the fierce way I glued her to my side spoke of domination and desire. “Shall we retire and find our own entertainment?” I whispered in her ear.

  She smiled coyly. “I think that’s a—”

  “Come on. No excuses. A few games together and then we’ll head to bed.” Frederick in his bossiness didn’t let us say no.

  With a mixture of grumbles and half-hearted hesitation, he ferried us into the room attached to the great hall and motioned us to sit in the mismatch velour love-seats and wingbacks grouped together around a low coffee table. Nestled by the chairs were a whiteboard, markers, and other paraphernalia.

  “What the hell are you planning, mon ami?” I asked, reluctantly letting Tess pull me onto a love-seat with her.

  Angelique answered for him, tugging her long dark hair over her shoulder. “Well, we’re in a castle. We thought it would be fun to play some of the parlour games that would’ve been their entertainment back in the day.”

  I groaned dramatically. “I’d much rather drink.” I pinched Tess beside me, hissing in her ear. “And then play with you.”

  She swatted my hand, fighting a smile. “Behave.”

  Franco hopped up, grabbing a top card from some moth-eaten time-stained deck on the coffee table. “Great, I’ll start.” He read the script on the chosen paper, his forehead furrowing. “There’s a game called Wink Murder.” Glancing at us, he added, “But I don’t think we can play it with so few numbers.”

  “How does it go?” Suzette asked, smoothing her pale blue dress with silver lace in the panels around her chest. I loved seeing her so normal and content. I never asked her to wear a uniform while working at the chateau, yet she did.

  I supposed it might seem odd to be fast friends with my housekeeper, but I found it perfect. She knew my secrets just by living under my roof. What better way to keep those secrets hidden than by befriending her and her partner?

  Besides, Franco would give his life to keep me safe. And I would do the same for him, even if it wasn’t in my job description. His friendship was what bought me his loyalty, not his paid service.

  “One of us is assigned the role as a murderer and can kill others by winking at them. If they’re spotted winking, they lose. But if they don’t, and people keep dying, they can win by killing off everyone before they’re caught.”

  I looked at our small group. “I hardly think six will work. Next.”

  Slapping the card onto the table, Franco picked up another. He put it straight back down again. “The Minister’s Cat. I don’t get the rules. I’ve had too much to drink.” He laughed. “Brain cells are on holiday.”

  Suzette plucked one from the deck, pursing her lips. “This might be fun? Consequences. We each have to name an adjective, a verb, and—”

  “Sounds like homework. Next.” Frederick chuckled. It was his turn to grab a card. “No, not this one, either. Way too complicated.”

  Seemed like historical games were a lot more tricky than the games of today. Or we were just less intelligent.

  Or drunk.

  I’d go with the drunk option. And was perfectly fine with that.

  Taking another sip, I let them decide our fate.

  All I needed was Tess beside me and the expensive whiskey in my glass. My evening was complete.

  “Oh, this one sounds good.” Suzette held up her selection. “Charades.”

  We all groaned in unison.

  “That’s a sure-fire way to make a fool of yourself,” Frederick said.

  “Then it should be easy for you,” Angelique quipped.

  Frederick rolled his eyes. “Fine, woman. But wouldn't you much rather play that game where you have to guess the name of a movie or song with pictures?” He pointed at the whiteboard. “That’s what that’s for, right?”

  Angelique shook her head. “They wouldn't have had that wipeable thing back then. Charades are much more in keeping with the times.”

  I swallowed a mouthful of whiskey, joining in the bullying toward my CEO. “Go on, Frederick. You’re up. Make a fool of yourself.”

  Franco laughed while Tess snuggled deeper into my side.

  Standing, Frederick proceeded to do exactly what I demanded.

  He made an absolute utter fool of himself.

  For the next few glasses of alcohol, we laughed at each other’s expense.

  And I slowly forgot why I was terrified of surprises.

  * * * * *

  Midnight chimed in the large grandfather clock in the foyer, clanging through stone walls and architraves, echoing in our alcohol-mellowed bodies.

  For the past few hours, we’d drank, joked, humiliated ourselves, and hung out like any normal group of friends. Half-way through the charade skit, while Tess scratched the top of her head and blew bubbles like a monkey, I pressed pause on this magical evening and let myself enjoy such simple but valuable things.

  I’d never once played like this.

  Innocently played with others without barking orders, running companies, or fighting unfairness on behalf of those who’d suffered so much. Even with Tess, I was still aggressive and overbearing and never just relaxed enough to laugh and be normal.

  But this…

  This ‘forced upon me’ holiday where my work colleagues and staff became trusted parlour game enthusiasts, I was struck by how beautiful it was. How rare and fucking precious.

  For the past fifteen minutes, we’d finished teasing and poking fun and sipped contently on our rapidly depleting reserves of whiskey and wine.

  I was inching past tipsy to drunk, but I wasn’t pissed at the lack of motor skills and slight blurriness of my vision. It was nice to be intoxicated and have nowhere to be, no worry to feel, and no one to keep appearances for.

  Even in our own home, Tess and I could never let down our walls entirely because we always had guests. Women from rapists and slaves from imprisonment. If they saw us laughing and drinking, it would be a slap in the face of their unhappiness.

  Frederick stretched, covering his mouth as he yawned. “We’re getting old if we can barely last past midnight.”

  Tess giggled. “Speak for yourself. Suzette and I are years younger than you lot.”

  Younger by calendars but not by wisdom. If anything, Tess surpassed me in emotional intelligence and wisdom on a daily basis.

  “How about one more game and then we retire?” Frederick asked, reaching once again for the deck of cards.

  No one complained. We’d all slipped into acceptance. We’d played Tiddly Winks, Snap Dragon, which ensured Franco singed his eyebrows (a stupidly dangerous game of flaming brandy while trying to scoop raisins from the flammable liquid), Twenty Questions, and the mind-taxing memory game called Elephant Foot Umbrella Stand.

  “How about Blind Man’s Bluff?” He held up a card.

  “What’s that?” Tess asked.

  “Exactly what it says. Someone has to be blindfolded.”

  My curiosity piqued at the mention of a blindfold. Anything to do with the resemblance of kink always earned my utmost attention.

  Reading the instructions, Frederick replied, “One of us is blindfolded and spun around. The rest of us fan out around the room and take turns to ‘bluff’ push gent
ly—according to the guidelines—the blind man or woman until they can find said victims and catch them. Then they become the blind man and so on.”

  “So how do you win?” I ran my thumb around the top of my glass. The game sounded interesting. And thoughts of using a different type of blindfold made my heart hammer. My cock overrode the heaviness of liquor as I became more and more aware of Tess pressed against me.

  “Umm.” Frederick flipped the card. “Another version is if the person gets tagged, the blindfolded wearer must correctly figure out who they caught and then they’re out of the game.” His eyes danced around the room. “It does say to play where there are no obstructions so no accidents occur. Perhaps we should—”

  “Here is fine.” I stood. The sooner this was over, the sooner I could get Tess into my bed. I had other ideas for a blindfold once we were no longer in company. Turning to my wife, I smirked, “I nominate you, esclave.”

  “Me?” Her eyebrows shot to her hairline. “Why me?”

  “Because you’ve avoided being the centre of attention most of the night. This is the last game, and all of this was your idea. You’re up.” Hauling her from the chair by her wrist, I manhandled her away from the circle of love-seats. The room was large with open archways and sideboards uniform and neat against the wall. The only things she could trip over were the wingbacks and coffee table.

  I could move silently enough that I could keep pace with her, and she’d never know I was there. I’d prevent any accidents.

  Franco opened the small box on the table and pulled out a red silk blindfold. Black ribbons dangled on either side ready to secure.

  I cleared my throat as my cock grew thicker.


  The need to have Tess boiled my blood as the beast inside salivated.

  Taking it from him, I ordered, “Turn around, Tess.”

  Pouting but giggling at Angelique and Suzette, Tess obeyed.

  I placed the blindfold over her eyes and tied it tight. Waving my hand in front of her face, I asked, “Can you see?”

  Her head tipped up, doing her best to see down her nose at the small sliver of light. Finally, she shook her head. “No. Unfortunately.”

  I chuckled. “Like old times then.”

  She licked her lips, thickening my cock even more.

  Christ, I needed her out of public and very fucking soon.

  She was a drop-dead gorgeous woman. But something was so goddamn sexy about her sight being taken away. I had the ability to do anything I wanted, and she wouldn’t see it coming.

  My hands landed on her shoulders, slipping over the gold silk of her dress as I spun her around twice. “Spread out.” I glared at my fellow players.

  Stifling their drunken laughter, they tiptoed apart, moving around the space.

  Letting Tess go, I stepped back. “You’re free. Go seek.”

  Her hands came up as she shuffled forward.

  No one said a thing as she moved slowly. She came within a whisker of touching Frederick as he glided out of her way.

  My palm itched to take out my cock and stroke while watching her move around. I wanted to tear off her dress piece by piece until she was naked with just the blindfold.

  I’d sneak behind her and bite her neck, forcing her over the love-seat where we’d snuggled.

  Swallowing my groan, my heart bucked out of control as Tess shuffled further around the castle.

  It’d only been a few moments since I’d touched her but it felt like an eternity. My fingers missed her. My mouth craved her. And my body….Christ, that trembled with the urge to snatch her from this room and carry her upstairs.

  Come on, Tess.

  Dépêchez-toi. Hurry up.

  This game could go on for hours and my patience was non-existent. Holding my breath, I inched forward and placed my hand behind Suzette.

  And waited.

  I waited until Tess stumbled past before shoving Suzette forward.

  “Hey!” She barrelled into Tess, technically doing what the rules stated and ‘bluffed’ my blind wife.

  Instead of tripping forward, Tess fought the pressure and spun around, grasping onto her assailant.

  For a second, I worried this would bring back bad memories. Memories of monsters and maladies. However, as her hands came up and cupped Suzette's face, she rested her forehead on her friend’s. “Gotcha. You’re out, Suzette.”

  One down…three to go.

  “Damn it.” The woman smiled, drifting off to sit down in a bushel of blue and silver lace. Franco followed his lover with his gaze, swallowing the final sip of his wine. He was so preoccupied with Suzette, he didn’t hear Tess as she whispered across the carpet with her arms outstretched and bumped into him.

  Make that two to go.

  My cock turned to marble.

  “Ah-ha!” Instantly, her arms went around his waist, squeezing tight. Her fingers explored his chest with questing curiosity.

  A small part of me was jealous. A large part of me wanted to rip her off him and drag her into the dark. But I controlled my urges and relaxed as she reached his chin and announced, “You’re out, Franco.”

  “Fuck.” He chuckled, pecking her on the cheek. “So much for lasting the longest.” He drifted off to Suzette. Grabbing her hand, he waved at those of us who could see. Pointing at the ceiling, he mimicked going to sleep.

  I didn’t believe he had any intention of sleeping straightaway, but I let them retire with a curt nod.

  The room grew quiet and heavy as they vanished. Tess circumnavigated slowly, searching for her next victim.

  Come this way, esclave. I’ll teach you what happens when you find me in the dark.

  Frederick and Angelique managed to stay out of her way, smothering their laughter and daring each other to dash forward and push my wife.

  I slouched against the wall, finishing my whiskey and rearranging my erection as Tess moved so beautifully.

  Again and again, Tess was bluffed, unable to catch the two trouble makers. My CEO and his wife turned into sniggering children with far too much booze in their blood.

  The game could go on all night, and she would never catch them.

  That’s not going to fucking happen.

  I wanted her. I needed her.

  I wouldn’t wait any longer.

  Moving forward silently, I tapped my best friend on his shoulder.

  Frederick met my eyes with a question.

  Cocking my head at the exit, I mouthed, “Leave. See you in the morning.” Pointing at Angelique, I whispered, “Take her with you.”

  For a second, he looked as if he’d refuse. Then a knowing smirk twisted his lips.

  Nodding once, Frederick carefully padded past Tess with her fumbling steps and wrapped Angelique in a hug. Together, they tiptoed from the fire-warmed room leaving Tess smiling and doing her best to navigate the foreign space.

  The moment they’d left, I let my inhibitions free; I loosened the bars on my cage and grabbed my hard cock, basking in the knowledge I had Tess exactly where I wanted her.

  I could tire her out by following her and never letting her hear me.

  I could stalk her. Push her. Slam her against the wall and fuck her.

  But I wouldn’t.

  Because I wanted to tease her first.

  Depositing my empty whiskey glass on the sideboard, I moved. Holding my breath, whispering with silence as I’d done for so many years, I reached out and pushed between her shoulder blades.

  My skin sparked from touching her.

  My stomach clenched with desire to take her.

  She was blindfolded but not bound.

  I’d rectify that before the night was through.

  She stumbled forward with a laugh. “All right, who did that?” Spinning, her arms flailed, doing their best to catch me.

  I parried backward, keeping my feet light.

  She didn’t succeed in touching me, only the wind left in my wake.

  Her lips pursed as she tottered forward, search
ing for my cage. “Q?”

  Come to me, pretty Tess.

  My heart pounded as I prowled around the room and came up behind her again.

  And pushed.

  You’re mine.

  This time, she didn’t yield, forcing herself into the push and spinning fast.

  A bit too fast.

  I jumped back silently; a little closer to being caught.

  Well played, wife.

  I’d have to punish her for that.

  Leaving her alone on the carpet for a few minutes, I followed as she gave up waiting for me to push her again and moved forward gingerly. Holding my breath, I slinked behind her, hand outstretched.

  With nimble fingers, I grabbed the zipper on her spine. The dress she wore clung to her skin, but I slid the metal teeth down and down, so gentle and light, she didn’t feel the change in pressure.

  Her snowy skin revealed inch by inch.

  My lungs burned to breathe, and my cock strained against my own zipper to go to her. Be with her. Claim her right on the fucking hearth in this vast unknown castle.

  Straightening her shoulders, Tess drifted on.

  I moved with her.

  My fingers never let go of the zipper, turning her dress from full garment into quickly fanning pieces of material.

  Another few steps before the zip reached the base of her spine.

  The neckline gaped.

  Tess slammed to a stop, her hands flying up, finally feeling the loosening. With a gasp, she was forced to catch the soft dress as it gave up trying to stay upright.

  “What on earth?” Reaching behind her with one hand, she found the half-undone garment.

  I stepped back, smothering my grin.

  Her voice was taut. “Who did that?”

  I stayed silent, gritting my teeth at the swell of her just visible ass as the dress sighed around her arms. Her breasts peeked above the neckline, but her embrace kept her decency covered.

  I loved the fucking tease of her body.

  But I wanted her naked.

  I wanted her panting and wet and begging.

  I wanted my scissors so I could slice off every last shred of material and touch every inch that was mine.

  Tess did her best to refasten the zipper, but it wasn’t a one person job. Quickly giving up, she huffed with frustration and dawdled forward. One arm clutched her modesty while the other stayed outstretched as a buffer for any obstacles.