Cosette, as we stated, was not frightened. The man spoke to her in aserious, almost low voice,--

  "My child, what you are carrying is very heavy."

  Cosette raised her head and replied, "Yes, sir."

  "Give it to me," the man continued; "I will carry it."

  Cosette let go the bucket, and the man walked on by her side.

  "It is really very heavy," he muttered; then added, "What is your age,little one?"

  "Eight years, sir."

  "And have you come far with this?"

  "From the spring in the wood."

  "And how far have you to go?"

  "About a quarter of an hour's walk."

  The man stopped for a moment, and then suddenly said,--

  "Then you have not a mother?"

  "I do not know," the child answered.

  Before the man had time to speak, she continued,--

  "I do not think so; other girls have one, but I have not."

  And after a silence, she added,--

  "I believe that I never had one."

  The man stopped, put the bucket on the ground, and laid his two handson her shoulders, making an effort to see her face in the darkness.Cosette's thin sallow countenance was vaguely designed in the vividgleam of the sky.

  "What is your name?" the man asked her.


  The man seemed to have an electric shock; he looked at her again, thenremoved his hands, took the bucket up again, and continued his walk. Amoment after he asked,--

  "Where do you live, little one?"

  "At Montfermeil, if you know the place."

  "Are we going there?"

  "Yes, sir."

  There was another pause, and then he began again.

  "Who was it that sent you to fetch water from the wood at this hour?"

  "Madame Thénardier."

  The man continued with an accent which he strove to render careless,but in which there was, for all that, a singular tremor:--

  "What is this Madame Thénardier?"

  "She is my mistress," the child said, "and keeps the inn."

  "The inn?" remarked the man; "well, I am going to lodge there to-night.Show me the way."

  "We are going to it."

  Though the man walked rather quickly, Cosette had no difficulty inkeeping up with him; she no longer felt fatigue, and from time to timeraised her eyes to this man with a sort of indescribable calmnessand confidence. She had never been taught to turn her eyes towardProvidence, and yet she felt within her something that resembled hopeand joy, and which rose to heaven. After the lapse of a few minutes theman continued,--

  "Does Madame Thénardier keep no servant?"

  "No, sir."

  "Is there no one but you?"

  "No, sir."

  There was another interruption, and then Cosette raised her voice,--

  "That is to say, there are two little girls."

  "What little girls?"

  "Ponine and Zelma."

  The child simplified in this way the romantic names dear to MadameThénardier.

  "Who are they?"

  "They are Madame Thénardier's young ladies, as you may say,--herdaughters."

  "And what do they do?"

  "Oh!" said the child, "they have handsome dolls, and things all coveredwith gold. They play about and amuse themselves."

  "All day?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "And you?"

  "Oh, I work."

  "All day?"

  The child raised her large eyes, in which stood a tear, invisible inthe darkness, and replied softly,--

  "Yes, sir." After a silence she continued: "Sometimes, when I havefinished my work and they allow me, I amuse myself."

  "In what way?"

  "As I can; they let me be, but I have not many toys. Ponine and Zelmado not like me to play with their dolls, and I have only a littleleaden sword, no longer than that."

  The child held out her little finger.

  "And which does not cut?"

  "Oh yes, sir," said the child; "it cuts salad and chops flies' headsoff."

  They reached the village, and Cosette guided the stranger through thestreets. When they passed the baker's, Cosette did not think of theloaf which she was to bring in. The man had ceased questioning her, andpreserved a gloomy silence; but when they had left the church behindthem, on seeing all the open-air shops, he asked Cosette,--

  "Is it the fair-time?"

  "No, sir, it is Christmas."

  When they approached the inn, Cosette touched his arm timidly.


  "What is it, my child?"

  "We are close to the house."


  "Will you let me carry my bucket now?"


  "Because Madame will be at me if she sees that it has been carried forme."

  The man gave her the bucket, and a moment later they were at the doorof the pot-house.