Page 23 of Hawke

  There's a commotion over near the bar that's tended by two people, dressed in crisp white shirts and red and green plaid bow ties. They'll mix any cocktail you can imagine and the liquor is flowing freely. As is the army of taxis waiting outside to act as designated drivers, all paid for, of course, by Mr. Brannon himself.

  I see a large crowd of teammates and their respective partners engulfing Garrett and Olivia. It takes me all of two seconds to see by the wide smile on her face, the even wider smile on Garrett's and the way she holds her left hand out for inspection to all who will look, that an engagement has happened.


  Very nice.

  I'd like to see the same happen in my life, but I have to wonder if it will occur. So far, Vale has been cagey and secretive as to her immediate future plans, but I'm committed to working on her. It is, after all, true love.

  I walk over to the crowd, push my way in, and clap Garrett on the back. "Looks like congratulations are in order, man."

  "She said yes," he says, completely drunk on love and excitement.

  Olivia presents her left hand. "Behold the power of love."

  I take her hand, pull the ring up for inspection, and say dryly, "I would have thought he'd get you a bigger rock."

  Olivia snorts and pulls her hand away, putting it up in front of her face to examine it closely. "It's the most beautiful ring ever."

  "It's three fucking carats," Garrett grumbles, and I laugh, clapping him on the shoulder again.

  "You did good," I praise him. "She's a lucky girl."

  "I'm the lucky one," he says as his arm goes around her, pulling her in. She rests that left hand on his stomach, the ring glinting and sparkling prettily.

  "Is Vale coming?" Olivia asks.

  I shake my head and try not to sound like a baby. "She's flying in tomorrow. Wanted to spend Christmas eve with her dad."

  "How long will she stay?" Garrett asks.

  "A week, and then she has to start her new job," I say, even as I fight against the downward pull of my lips in dismay. It's still a sore spot that she insisted on heading to Columbus. She said she had to go where the opportunity was, and right now, she needed a job. Didn't matter that I offered to support her. Told her she could move in with me and that I'd take care of her.

  She just rolled her eyes at me as if that was the most stupid suggestion in the world, but then mollified me somewhat when she said, "Just until their season ends, then I'll try to find something in the Raleigh area."

  Which was a good bet that she would. With three major NCAA universities, all abounding with excellent collegiate athletic programs, she was bound to find something good. It's just...I want her fucking here, now. It's funny, once I opened myself up and received the powerful gift of her love, I've found myself swimming in misery with this long-distance shit. Can't fucking stand it.

  A clinking on a glass gets our attention and I turn to see Brian Brannon standing at the head of the large, open living room with vaulted ceiling. He gives a few more raps on the crystal glass of champagne with his Stanley Cup commemorative ring, and it makes me want one of those suckers on my finger badly. I think we've got a great shot this year.

  "If I can have everyone's attention," he says loudly, and the last of the chatter dies down. Waiters circulate with trays of champagne, and I take one along with Garrett and Olivia.

  Once everyone has a glass in hand, he says, "I just want to thank everyone for coming. Fellowship and camaraderie are important in this organization, and this time of the year is most excellent to celebrate those friendships. I understand we have some good news tonight...looks like our own Garrett and Olivia have gotten engaged. Let's wish the happy couple well."

  Everyone cheers, hoots, and hollers. Olivia blushes prettily and Garrett puffs his chest out.

  When the well wishes die down, Brian continues. "We have some more exciting news," he says as he turns to look at his daughter, Gray, standing beside him. She stands next to her husband, Ryker, who has his arm wrapped around her waist.

  "Gray and Ryker have generously given me permission to make an absolute fool of myself tonight, so without further ado..."

  And here, Brian turns to his daughter and places a hand on her stomach. His voice is completely choked up when he says, "It appears these two are going to make all my dreams come true and give me a grandchild. The baby is due in May."

  Gasps of surprise and delight tumble forth from many a mouth. People call out congratulations and raise their champagne glasses, as Brian kisses Gray on the cheek. She is beaming brighter than I think she smiled this past summer when the Cold Fury hoisted the Cup. My eyes catch Ryker's and I raise my glass, giving him a meaningful nod of happiness for the dude.

  And even though I couldn't be more happy for Garrett, Olivia, Ryker, and Gray, it makes it painfully obvious how lacking my own love life is right at this moment. My lover...the woman who I love more than life itself and who should be with me at this moment, is sitting fifteen hundred miles away in Sydney. I feel like a whiny brat, so I take a deep sip of champagne and figure I'll get drunk tonight because tomorrow it will be all better. I'll be wrapped up in some Vale Campbell, and that will be bliss. We haven't seen each other since I left Sydney ten days ago, and the first thing I'm going to do when I get her alone is strip her naked, take my mouth and--

  More clinking on the crystal glass and Brian Brannon is getting everyone's attention again. The chatter dies once more and everyone stares at him with happy smiles fueled by Veuve Clicquot bubbles.

  "We have one more announcement, then we can get busy with some serious Christmas cheer and celebration," Brian says. "Like I said before, we're a family. I cherish each and every person in this room, and there isn't much I wouldn't do for the lot of you hacks."

  Everyone laughs. Brian beams back at the crowd.

  "So, it's with absolute pleasure that I get to spring another surprise on you. I'd like everyone to welcome back to the team Vale Campbell..."

  Brian goes on to say something else, about her accepting a new job offer with the team, yada, yada, yada, but my head is turning left and right, trying to find her. He did say Vale Campbell, right?

  My heart feels like it's about to jump out of my chest as I realize people are staring at me as I vainly scan the crowded room.

  But then a small tap comes to my shoulder from behind me, and I whip around in a frenzy of excited expectation.

  And there she is.

  Gorgeously beautiful, a mischievous smile on her face. I vaguely notice her dad standing behind her.

  "Hey, lover," she says as she cocks her head at me. A few people clap me on my back, voices raise in congratulations, and then the din sort of melts away as I'm staring at her in disbelief.

  "You're coming back to work for the Cold Fury?" I ask, still stunned to see her standing here before me.

  She steps toward me, places her hands at my hips. Smiling up at me with sparkling eyes, she chuckles. "Gray Brannon presented me with an offer I couldn't refuse."

  "A big raise?" I guess.

  She shakes her head. "Nope. Same salary, but merely the opportunity to be with you."

  "Sounds like a good deal," I admit with a smirk as my arms wrap around her. I pull her in, squeeze the breath out of her, and then just hold her tight. My eyes slide over her head to see Dave smiling at us, and then turn toward Brian, who hands him a glass of champagne.

  "When did you decide this?" I ask her, my heart now starting a steady beat of jubilation.

  "A few days ago. Figured I'd surprise you."

  "You're rotten," I chastise. "You could have been here this entire time."

  "And ruin this surprise?" she asks as she pulls back and looks at me with mock offense.

  Sliding one hand to the back of her neck, I reel her in for a kiss. It's instantly deep and slightly arousing, and I want to grab a cab right this minute and hightail it back to my house. My Christmas dreams will come fully true once I can sink down deep inside of he
r. It's been forever since we've made love, that one night in Sydney ten days ago having been spent chastely holding her all night in her bed, because...well, no sex with Dave in the house.

  "I'm moving in with you," she says abruptly the minute my lips pull free from hers.

  Well, duh...of course she's moving in with me. I give her a gracious smile.

  "And I'll take up all of your closet space, just so you know," she adds.

  Sounds fucking fantastic to me.

  "And I'll probably bitch at you to keep your dirty clothes off the floor. Just in case you were wondering, that hasn't changed about me."

  I laugh, give her another quick kiss, and say, "Well, just as long as you know I haven't changed either. I still throw my clothes on the floor."

  "We're a match made in heaven," she quips.

  "So much so that if you're going to move in with me, take up my closet space, and bitch at me like a nagging wife, we might as well go ahead and get married."

  She blinks at me in surprise, the playful smile sliding off her face. "Is that a proposal?"

  "Not a very good one I'm thinking," I say as I realize that was probably about as unromantic as you could be. "Perhaps I should have said--"

  "I accept," she says quickly, beaming a new, refreshed, and bigger smile at me.

  "You do?" I ask, stunned.

  "Well, yeah," she says as her hands come to my face. She strokes my beard and gives me a tiny pat. "I mean, how could I say no...when it gives me full permission to be the nagging wife?"

  And it hits me all of a sudden.

  She said yes.

  She's going to marry me.

  Be mine forever.

  And ever.

  My hands shoot to her face, and I pull her in quickly for a hard kiss. I'm sealing the deal. She's laughing when I release her but I pay no mind. I call out over the noise of the crowd, and finally put my fingers in my mouth to whistle sharply. The room goes silent, and when I have everyone's attention, I call out with the biggest fucking grin on my face, "Hey everyone...I've got an announcement to make."

  To Sue, Gina, Matt, Erika, and Random House Loveswept team. Never could I do this without you.


  Cold Fury Hockey Series






  Max (coming soon)

  Sugar Bowl

  Sugar Daddy (coming soon)

  The Off Series

  Off Sides

  Off Limits

  Off the Record

  Off Course

  Off Chance

  Off Season

  Off Duty

  The Last Call Series

  On the Rocks

  Make It a Double

  Sugar on the Edge

  With a Twist

  Shaken Not Stirred

  The Legal Affairs Series







  Confessions of a Litigation God

  The Forever Land Chronicles

  Forever Young

  Stand-Alone Titles

  If I Return



  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author SAWYER BENNETT is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company that lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Bennett would like to report that she doesn't have many weaknesses, but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

  Sign up at Sawyer Bennett's website to receive her newsletter straight to your inbox. Want more from Sawyer Bennett? BennettBooks

  @BennettBooks sawyerbennett123 bennettbookspin +SawyerBennett/ posts

  The Editor's Corner

  March into romance this month with Loveswept--snuggle up with your e-reader and our new books to escape the chill of those cold winter nights.

  Who doesn't love naked men? In Christi Barth's Risking It All, friends bonded by tragedy fight for their future with strong and sassy women. In New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff's Lovegame, a damaged starlet bares her soul--and falls for the one man who cares enough to listen. Speaking of games, New York Times bestselling author Violet Duke kicks off her sizzling-hot new Fourth Down series with a friends-to-lovers romance between a no-strings-attached sports analyst and the hottest damn tomboy he's ever met in Jackson's Trust. As Sawyer Bennett's New York Times bestselling Cold Fury series continues with Hawke, the league's most notorious party animal gets blindsided by the one that got away. The world of extreme sports just got a little steamier in Zoe Dawson's Ramping Up. Second chances are sweeter than ever for a reformed bully who's more than just a jock in Charlotte Stein's next installment of the steamy Dark Obsession series, Never Sweeter. And Shana Gray's provocative new novel features a resilient fighter going round for tantalizing round with the one that got away in After the Hurt.

  For history fans, the Highland Knights series continues with a tight-knit band of Scottish mercenaries in USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Haymore's Highland Awakening. Don't miss the first book in USA Today bestselling author Ashlyn Macnamara's charming new regency romance trilogy, To Lure a Proper Lady.

  And for those contemporary romance fans, there's a new voice in romance you won't want to miss--A. M. Madden--who cleans up the city streets in the first book in her new True Heroes series, Stone Walls, featuring hot alpha men on the NYPD force. New York Times bestselling author Marquita Valentine ratchets up the tension as new beginnings lead to undeniable passion in After We Fall. And in Resist, a sizzling novel from New York Times bestselling author Missy Johnson, a young journalist goes undercover in a world of desire.

  I'm sad to say it's over...but it's not over over, as there is a bouquet of beautiful romances awaiting you in April!

  Until next month--Happy Romance!

  Gina Wachtel

  Associate Publisher

  Read on for an excerpt from


  Cold Fury Hockey Series

  by Sawyer Bennett

  Available from Loveswept

  Chapter 1


  I stick the nozzle in my gas tank, depress the handle, and flip the catch down to hold it in place. Letting the gas flow on its own, I head across the nearly empty parking lot to the gas station, which is lit up like a bright beacon out here on Possum Track Road. I'm starved and I know my fridge is empty at home, so I'm going to break down and buy some junk food for my dinner. I just won't tell Vale about it, as I don't feel like listening to her bitch at me.

  Vale Campbell...pretty as hell and nice to look at, but I dread having to hang out with her. That's because she's one of the assistant athletic trainers for the Cold Fury, and most important, working with me on my strength and conditioning. She would most certainly say Snickers, Cheez-Its, and root beer are not on my approved list, and then she'd have me doing burpees, mountain climbers, and box jumps until I puked.

  Pulling the door open, I immediately see two guys at the cooler checking out the stock of beer. Both wearing wifebeaters stained with grease and faded ball caps. I, myself, pull my own hat down farther to hide my face, as I don't feel like getting recognized tonight. It's late, I want to get my junk food and get gone. We've got an early morning practice tomorrow.

  I turn right down the first aisle, which houses the chips and other such snacks, slightly aware the other two customers are heading to the counter to check out. I keep my back to them just to be safe and peruse the options.

nbsp; Funyuns.

  Potato chips.


  Corn nuts.

  Reaching for a bag of salt-and-vinegar potato chips, I hear one of the guys drawl in a typical North Carolina redneck accent, "Hey, sweet thang. How 'bout a pack of Marlboro Reds and how 'bout handing me that there box of condoms. The extralarge size."

  The redneck's companion snickers, and then snorts. I turn slightly to see them both shoot conspiratorial grins at each other, and one guy nudges the other guy to egg him on. While the clerk turns to get the condoms, the redneck leans across the counter and stares blatantly at the woman's ass. The other guy says loud enough that I hear, so I know the woman hears, "Mmmmm...that is a fine ass."

  Turning my body full so I face the counter, I see the woman's back stiffen and she turns her face to the left to look at a closed doorway beside the rack that holds all of the cigarettes. I'm wondering if perhaps a manager or another employee is in there, and she's hoping for some help.

  But she doesn't wait and turns to face the two assholes, squaring her shoulders.

  And god damn...she's breathtaking. Looking past the red and gold polyester vest she wears with a name tag--clearly a uniform--I see her face is flawless. Creamy skin that glows, high cheekbones, a straight nose that tilts slightly at the end, and full lips that look sexily puffed even though they are flattened in a grimace. Her hair is not blond, but not brown. I'd describe it as caramel with honey streaks and it's pulled back from her face in a ponytail with a low fall of bangs falling from left to right across her forehead.

  While she faces the two men resolutely, I can see wariness in her eyes as she sets the cigarettes and condoms on the counter in front of them. "Will that be all?"

  Her voice has a southern accent but it's subtle. She looks back and forth between the two men, refusing to lower her gaze.

  Redneck number one nods to the twelve-pack of beer he had placed on the counter and says, "That was the last of the Coors. You got any in your storage room?"

  "Nope, that's it," she says firmly, and I can tell it's a lie.