Page 10 of Loving You

  “Are you sure you don’t mind staying here with me tonight?”

  “Of course I’m sure. You’re in a new place, in the middle of a huge ranch all alone. Besides, I don’t want you being alone out here. I’d rather stay with you until you feel more comfortable . . . and I can talk to Scott about putting in an alarm system.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Seriously? Do you honestly think people would just be walking around the ranch and stumble upon the cabin?”

  “No, but I’d feel better knowing you had an alarm.”

  My breath stalled at the notion Jase was concerned enough about me to worry.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked.

  With moves faster than a cougar, Jase was in front of me with both hands on the counter, pinning me in. “I’m hungry . . . but not for casserole.”

  My body shuddered as my eyes searched his face. “My dad didn’t scare you away?”

  Jase made a shuddering motion before saying, “Oh, he scared me, but nothing would make me walk away from you ever again.”

  Lifting my arms, I wrapped them around his neck. I’d never felt so content in my life. “Promise? Because today has been the best day of my life. Even better than Paris. I’d love to have many more days like this.”

  “I promise and so would I.” Leaning over, he kissed the tip of my nose before leaning his forehead to mine. “To be honest, this whole day has felt like a dream.”

  Meagan’s words replayed in my head as I placed my hands on Jase’s chest. “You don’t feel like we are rushing into this do you? I mean, I guess it’s a little too late to ask that.”

  Jase placed his hand on the side of my face and gently glided his thumb across my cheek. “I know how I feel about you and I know how much of stupid idiot I was when I pushed you away. This feels like a second chance and I don’t want to risk playing it safe anymore. Do you?”

  My breathing increased as I looked into his eyes. “The only thing I want is for you to make love to me.”

  “We have one condom left, sweetness.”

  With a wide grin, I replied, “Better make it a good one then.”

  Taking me in his arms, Jase carried me over to the couch, the only surface not covered by boxes where he made sweet love to me.

  Best. Day. Ever.

  My body ached as I stretched my arms above my head and let out a soft moan. Turning to my left, I smiled when I saw Jase sleeping. Lightly using my finger tip, I drew circles across his chest. Last night had been amazing. After Jase made love to me on the couch, we searched for my box with towels and sheets in it. When we took a shower together, I couldn’t believe how Jase took care of me. He totally took control and washed every inch of my body. It felt more like a massage than a shower.

  After the shower, we made the bed and collapsed in it. Before falling asleep in each other’s arms, we spent about two hours just talking about everything and anything.

  “Waking up to you touching me is probably the best feeling in the world,” Jase mumbled in a sleepy voice.

  Resting my chin on his chest, I giggled. “I’d say waking up to you in my bed is the best feeling in the world.”

  His arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. “That too. Is today your first day at the new job?”

  “Nope. Lauren told me they have a ton of stuff to do today, so she said for me to start after Christmas.”

  Pulling his head back and looking at me, Jase wore a wide grin. “So we can spend the day together?”


  “How would you feel about getting this place unpacked some and heading in to meet my parents.”

  I was pretty sure my face turned white as I held my breath.

  His parents? Oh God.

  “Um . . . your parents?”

  When he gave me that crooked smile, I knew what was coming. “I had to meet yours, now you have to meet mine. Besides, I want to stay here another night with you and I need clothes.”

  I quickly pushed off of him and swung my legs over the bed. “Okay. Let me let this sink in for a few minutes.”

  The bed moved when Jase got out. When I looked at him walking by, my lips parted as I sucked in a small gasp of air. His naked body walking across the room and into the bathroom had to have been the most glorious sight I’d ever seen. My teeth sunk into my lip as I felt my lower stomach pull with desire.

  Man oh man, have I been missing out on things.

  The water in the bathroom turned on, causing me to finally get ahold of myself. Reaching for Jase’s T-shirt, I slipped it over my head and headed into the bathroom.

  When I walked in he looked at me and grinned like a crazy fool. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing. It’s just . . . you look so damn good in my T-shirt.”

  Glancing down, I noticed it came to my mid thighs. I needed to file this little bit of information away in my things that turn Jase on file.

  His hands were under the T-shirt before I even had a chance to say anything. His fingers dipping inside my body, causing me to hiss while pumping my hips. I’d never imagine I would be so greedy when it came to sex. I craved it. Craved his touch, his kiss, the way he felt inside me. All of it was like a drug.

  “Jase,” I whispered as he moved his lips along my neck. I was thankful he hadn’t tried to kiss me. Morning breath and kissing didn’t sound sexy at all.

  “Sweetness, you’re so wet. Are you sore?”

  I was, but there was no way in hell I was going to pass up sex with Jase. We had too much to make up for.

  “No,” I panted as I pushed my hips into his hand.

  “Fuck. I used the last condom last night.”

  My mind was spinning as he moved his fingers expertly. Gripping onto his arms, I dropped my head back and let a low groan slip from my lips.

  “Are you close to coming?”

  “Yes. Oh yes . . . so . . . close.”

  When he pulled his fingers out from me, I groaned in protest. “How about our first lesson, sweetness.”

  With a confused look, I tried to keep my legs from going out from under me. I had been so close to coming, and having it denied was something I wasn’t sure I liked.


  Jase took my hand and led me back to the bed. He laid on the bed and motioned for me to crawl on top of him. “No, spin around and sit the other way.”

  Frowning, I shook my head. “Why?”

  “We’re going to do a sixty-nine, Tay.”

  My heart dropped. “Six . . . sixty . . . nine? You mean . . . what if I do it wrong?”

  When he laughed, I felt the rumble move straight to the area between my legs. “I promise you won’t. I’ll tap you when I’m going to come, that way you can finish with your hand if you want.”

  Oh, dear lord. I really wish I had time to call the girls. What would Grace do? Hell, I already know . . . she’d swallow.

  The blowjob workshop! I just needed to remember what Anna had taught us. She told me my cucumber had to have been the happiest one in the bunch and that I was a natural. At the time I didn’t take it as a compliment, but now I was happy I paid attention to her!

  Crawling over Jase, I stopped and said, “Should we shower first?”

  “We showered last night, but if you want to we can.”

  With a shake of my head, I continued to move into position. Make use of your hand. You don’t have to take the whole dick in your mouth.

  Jase grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. The feel of his warm breath instantly had me anticipating the feel of his lips and tongue on me.

  “You’re shaking.”

  “I’m excited and nervous at the same time.”

  His hands moved over my body, eliciting even more trembling as my excitement built.

  “Does it taste bad?”


  Jerking my head around, I stared at him. “No, not me! I mean . . . I guess I’d want to know that, but I was talking about your cum!”

  With a chuckle, he winked. “First off
. . . you taste like fucking heaven . . . and I’m sorry, baby, I have no clue what cum tastes like, nor do I have the desire to ever find out.”

  My face burned with embarrassment. “You need to eat lots of kiwi.”

  Pinching his brows together, he asked, “Why?”

  “I heard it makes the cum taste better.”

  “Dully noted. I’ll buy some today.”

  I turned back and looked at his dick. It was hard and at attention. “What if I suck?”

  “Oh geesh, Taylor. That is exactly what I want you to do.”

  Laughing, I hit him on the side. “You know what I mean.”

  “Practice. Practice makes perfect. Now I have to be honest, your pussy is in my face and I want to taste you. Now.”

  Gasping at his dirty talk, he pulled me back and licked my clit with his tongue. “Oh my,” I whimpered as I focused back in on him. I wrapped my hand along his shaft and spit on it. When my hand moved, Jase moaned, pulling me in closer to him . . . causing my entire body to fill with desire.

  “Jase,” I mumbled as I lowered my mouth and took him in. Everything Anna had taught us that day was running through my mind. Start off slow.

  Slow. I can do slow.

  Moving my hand and mouth, I moved ever so slowly. It wasn’t so bad. The cucumber tasted better, but this was not bad. I remembered Anna saying to lick up and down the shaft to learn what he would like best. I did and Jase’s body trembled.

  Breathe and relax.

  Moving my mouth completely over him, I picked up the pace some as Jase continued to bring me closer to an orgasm. I was concentrating so much on him, I almost forgot how amazing it felt for me. I needed to focus, though. The moment Jase tapped me out, I was pulling my mouth off and letting him cum on himself. Meagan’s words of advice to let him cum on himself was stuck in the back of my head.

  Jase moaned and the vibration rushed through my body, causing me to moan. “Oh fuuuck,” he called out.

  Smiling, I couldn’t help myself. I was making him feel good with my mouth and that made me feel good in return.

  I started to go faster and remembered Anna mentioned something about the balls. Moving my other hand down, I started playing with them. Jase jerked and pushed further into my mouth, causing me to almost gag. “Mmm,” was all I could do in response as he focused on my clit. Clearly he liked me touching his balls. I did it again and he responded by pushing his fingers inside of me and sucking harder.

  My body quickly began to build. I was close. Oh God I was so close.

  My orgasm hit me hard and fast. I could feel my legs shaking as euphoria swept through my body. My moans were evident as I tried to focus both on the mind-blowing orgasm I was having and Jase’s blowjob. Pulling me closer to his mouth, I swear he brought out another orgasm . . . or the one I was having intensified.

  I squeezed on the bottom of his shaft and sucked harder. The next thing I knew, something warm was hitting the back of my throat.

  Oh. Holy. Hell. No.

  Quickly pulling my mouth away, I spit out the nasty tasting cum. “Gross! Oh gawd!” I started gagging as I flung myself off of Jase and to the floor. I was desperate for water. Anything to get the taste out.

  “Water!” I screamed as I heard Jase start laughing.

  “Oh, come on! It’s not that bad!”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I glared at him. His smile faded as I headed into the bathroom.

  After rinsing my mouth out with water, I brushed . . . twice.

  Jase held his finger out and put toothpaste on it. My mouth fell open when he stuck his finger in his mouth and started brushing. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  Turning to look at me, he smiled and mumbled, “Brushing.”

  “With your finger?”

  With a nonchalant shrug, he replied. “Yep.”

  I cleared my throat and gave him a stern look. “So, what happened to tapping on me to let me know you were about to come?”

  Jase spit and quickly rinsed off his finger and then his mouth. Standing, he turned to me and gave me the cutest damn smile I’d ever seen. “I guess I got so caught up in you coming and how great it felt I kind of . . . forgot.”

  My brow lifted. “You forgot? Or you just didn’t want me to stop?”

  “Maybe a little bit of both.”

  Slapping him on the chest, we both laughed. “Gross, Jase! I was not prepared for that. It was so . . . so . . . salty and warm and thick!”

  He pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was slow as we explored each other’s mouths. When he stopped, he looked into my eyes. “I’m sorry. I promise to let you know next time.”

  “You better and I hope you have plans on making it up to me.”

  Taking my hand in his, we headed back into the bedroom. The cabin was three rooms. The living room, kitchen, and dining area was all in one big open room. The bedroom and the bathroom made up the other two rooms. Everything had been remodeled and was actually nicer than my apartment in Austin. It was just small, which was okay.

  “Let’s get dressed and we’ll head into Llano. I’m sure my mother is on pins and needles waiting to finally meet you. You can also meet Ava, Walker and Liza.”

  My heartbeat increased as I frantically looked for boxes that held all of my clothes. Most of my stuff I wore a lot I had brought with me to my parents’. I made a mental note to head over there and get it all as quickly as possible.

  “I have nothing to wear! All my good stuff is at my parents’ house.”

  Jase pulled his jeans on and looked me up and down. “Anything you put on will look amazing on you.”

  With a frustrated sigh, I looked around. “I can’t just wear anything! It’s your parents. Your sister!”

  He stood there staring at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. “Just wear the sweats you had on yesterday and a T-shirt. You looked adorable.”

  With a stony expression, I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater.


  Luckily it was chilly outside. I could wear my boots and add a scarf to dress it up some. By the time I was finished getting dressed, Jase had found the box with the Keurig and made us each a cup of coffee.

  Glancing up, he grinned and took a sip before slowly shaking his head. “Damn, you look beautiful, Tay.”

  I had pulled my long brown hair up and put it in a ponytail. With just a few light touches of make-up on, and a quick spray of perfume I was able to find, I felt like I was ready to meet the parents. Of course with the way Jase was looking at me, I felt like a princess.

  “Thank you for the compliment and the coffee!”

  He handed me a cup he found packed away in a box. “Good thing you take it black since you don’t have any food in the house.”

  My stomach fluttered at the notion he knew how I drank my coffee. “I’m impressed you remembered how I take my coffee.”

  “I’ve tried to memorize everything about you.”

  My tongue ran along my upper lip while I tried to give him the sexiest look I could. “Keep talking like that and we’ll be here all day.”

  Jase pushed off the counter and stopped directly in front of me. “I’d normally be okay with that, but we need condoms.”

  Chewing on the corner of my lip, I nodded. “Right. That is our number one priority today.”

  After finishing off our coffee, we unpacked the rest of the kitchen stuff and headed out to Jase’s truck.

  “Should I drive and follow you?”

  Jase stopped and looked at me like I had grown two heads. “Hell no. The more time we are together, the better. I’ll drive since I know where I’m going. I’ve texted my mom to let her know we are on our way.”

  “I feel sick,” I whined while placing my hand on my stomach.

  Grabbing me, Jase spun me around as I screamed and threw my head back laughing. “Stop it! You put me through hell yesterday, so now it’s your turn.”

  When he set me down, I shook my head and pointed
at him. “The difference is, I didn’t knowingly lead you into the wolf’s den. My parents just showed up. You’re lucky they didn’t drive into Austin and catch us in the act.”

  Jase shuddered and opened his truck door for me. “Point taken.”

  He took my hand and helped me into the truck, causing that ever-growing feeling of happiness in the pit of my stomach. “Such a gentleman,” I whispered. He reached in and kissed me gently on the lips while flashing the dimples.

  Watching him walk around the front of the truck, I pinched my arm.

  “Yep, I’m awake,” I mumbled under my breath.


  The drive to Llano was beautiful. I can’t believe I ever thought I would be happy living in Austin. The Texas hill country was and always would be my home.

  “What are you smiling about over there?” Jase asked while taking my hand in his.

  “How beautiful it is in the hill country. I wonder how long I would have been happy living in Austin?”

  His lips pressed against my wrist. “I’m not going to lie and say I’m not over the moon you’re not in Austin. I hate that you left your job, but damn I’m glad you’re so close to me.”

  With a giggle, I took in Jase’s features. His jaw was strong and he had the most beautiful eyelashes. I’d kill to have them. Everything about him was perfection. Even his nose was beautiful. We would have beautiful babies.

  My head snapped forward as that thought hit me a little too close to home. Closing my eyes, I said a quick prayer I wasn’t pregnant.

  I jumped when Jase started to speak again. “I love Texas and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.”

  “You said your sister’s best friend Ava was in town? Does she live out of the state?”

  “Ava, no she lives in Austin. Both my family and her family went to Montana, remember?”

  I nodded as he kept talking. “Well, it turns out she knows one of the guys who is helping us go organic. His family owns a huge ranch up there and they invited us up to see how an organic cattle ranch runs. While we were there, Ava broke her leg and her ankle. She’s been playing house with Ryder.”