Page 12 of Loving You

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Whitley.”

  Jase leaned over and kissed his mother on the cheek. “See ya later, Mom.”

  As we made our way out to his truck, I glanced over my shoulder back at the house. It was so beautiful. I didn’t want to do it because I would never want to jinx what Jase and I had, but I let myself dare dream of how beautiful a wedding would be here.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jase asked while helping me up into the truck.

  With a bubbly voice, I replied, “Our day today.”

  His face lit up like Christmas morning. “Then let’s get it started, shall we?”

  Jase carried in the last few bags of groceries I had bought at the HEB in Llano and set them on the kitchen counter. I couldn’t help but feel so domesticated right now. I was living in a bubble of happiness which was a far cry from a few days ago when I was more depressed than I had ever been.

  After putting the food away, I turned and looked at the boxes. “Yuck. This does not look like fun.” Looking up at Jase through my eye lashes, I offered up another plan. “Do you want to put this off and, I don’t know . . . do something else?”

  With a smirk, he shook his head. “Oh no. We are getting you unpacked and settled young lady. Afterwards we can play. Right now it is work time.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “Ugh. All work and no play makes for a dull boy.”

  “Dull?” Jase asked with his brow arched. “Once we get this finished and I take you to bed we’ll see how you feel about that statement.”

  Swallowing hard, I quietly replied, “Oh my.”

  Ideas filled my head with what Jase would do. I wanted to try everything with him and I wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by my lack of sexual knowledge. Something about Jase being the one to teach and guide me made it all the more special.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, Taylor, I’m going to do something about it.”

  My lips parted open and I could feel myself getting wet between my legs. “Wh-what would you do?”

  His smile grew wicked and his eyes dark. “Do you really want to know?”

  Frantically, I nodded my head. “Y-yes.”

  “I’d turn you around and make you bend over the table.”

  My breathing increased tenfold as my chest rose up and down. “Then what would you do?”

  Taking a step closer to me, Jase unbuttoned his jeans as my heart dropped to my stomach. “Slowly pull your pants and panties down so nothing but your sweet little ass was facing me.”

  “Oh God,” I gasped. Jase talking dirty was something I was pretty sure I would love to hear more of.


  His crooked smile and dimples had me pushing my pants down and kicking them off to the side. This was a side of me I never knew. A side I only wanted to share with him.

  My body trembled as his eyes roamed over me. “What about your panties, Taylor? Take them off too.”

  Doing as he said, I quickly pulled them off and tossed them to the side. I turned around and placed my hands on the table. My breathing was labored and I was positive the moment he touched me I would explode. “What then, Jase? Please tell me.”

  My voice sounded desperate. I should be embarrassed exposing myself to him like this, but I wasn’t. I was more turned on than I ever had been before.

  Jase’s breath caught as he placed his hands on my ass. Leaning over, he placed soft kisses across my back. Dropping my head back, I let out a long soft moan.

  “I’d spread your legs apart and bury myself deep inside you.”

  His foot moved my leg out. I gasped when I felt him bury his fingers inside of me.

  “So fucking ready for me. Do you want me, Taylor?”

  Fighting to hold myself up on my shaking legs, I nodded. “God yes. I want you so much.”

  The movement of his fingers was heavenly. Lifting my head, I saw the condoms on the table. Jase must have looked as well. Pulling his fingers out of me, I groaned in protest while he reached for the box and tore it open.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I watched him rip the condom open and sheath himself. Licking my lips, I spoke what was on my mind. “What . . . what will you do once you are inside of me, Jase?”

  His eyes held mine. They were burning with passion. “Jesus, Taylor. You’re driving me fucking insane and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Each breath felt forced. “Why would you hurt me?”

  “Because I want to fuck you from behind. Hard.”

  “I want that too. Please. Please don’t make me wait.”

  His eyes closed as he positioned himself at my entrance. Holding my breath, I got ready for this to feel very different. I’d heard the girls talking about how much they liked being taken from behind. It felt deeper . . . more full. I was still sore, but I didn’t care. I wanted this more than I could stand.

  Pushing myself back against him, he cursed under his breath and pushed in fast and hard, causing me to gasp.

  “Are you okay?”

  The feeling was beyond amazing. He felt so big . . . so deep.

  “Y-yes! Don’t. Stop!”

  Jase gripped my hips, digging his fingers into me, and moved fast and hard. It wasn’t going to take long before I was going to be completely undone.

  Just as I felt it building, a knock on the door had Jase coming to an immediate halt.

  Pulling out of me, we both quickly got dressed without saying a word. It felt like I had been running a marathon as I attempted to calm my breathing down. Pushing Jase away, he quickly grabbed a box and went into the bathroom.

  I pulled in one last deep breath and opened the door. To my surprise, my parents were standing there.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  “Mom! Dad! What are y’all doing here?”

  “Well, Jessie said you and Jase had come back from Llano and were here unpacking, so we thought we’d stop by and see your new place.”

  Turning to look over my shoulder, I called out, “Hey, Jase. My mom and dad are here.”

  When I looked back, my father was scanning the cabin and my mother was looking at me like she knew what they had just interrupted. Smirking, she asked, “Did we come at a bad time?”

  My chest felt like a weight was sitting on it. Avoiding total eye contact with her, I looked at my father. “No. Not at all. We were unpacking.”

  It was then I remembered the box of condoms on the table and the one Jase had ripped open. Quickly turning around, I noticed they were gone. My eyes scanned the floor but all looked good.

  Jase walked out of the bathroom with a huge smile on his face. I wanted to giggle thinking about how he was just talking so dirty to me while taking me from behind.

  “Amanda, Brad, it’s great seeing you again.”

  My father lifted his hand and mumbled something. My mother on the other hand walked up and gave Jase a small hug. “So what have you two been up to?”

  “Well, we went to Llano and I met Jase’s family. Well, almost everyone. I met his parents, his sister, and his nephew. They invited us back to dinner tonight to meet Walker’s parents and his sister, Ava.”

  My mother grinned. “Oh, that’s so nice. You know, Taylor, you should invite Jase over for Grams’ birthday celebration.”

  Doing a little jump, I clapped my hands together. “Yes! You can meet everyone.”

  Jase smiled. “Is it here in Mason or Austin?”

  “Oh, not my grandmother. Grams is Colt’s great-grandmother. She’ll be ninety-five. We’re all like family, though. I swear there were hardly any weekends that went by where we weren’t all hanging out at one of our houses.”

  “Wow, ninety-five!” Jase said.

  With a chuckle, I nodded. “I know. Her husband, Gramps, is ninety-eight and they are both still going strong.”

  Jase pulled his head back in surprise. “That’s wonderful. Do they still live at home or in a nursing home?”

  Clearing his throat, he walked up to us. “They’re both still a
t home. Jack has in-home health care for them both.”

  Turning to Jase, I said, “Jack is Colt’s grandfather.”

  Jase nodded his head. “That’s so awesome. To live such a long life together is amazing and such a blessing to still be at home.”

  Oh my.

  Jase’s words caused my heart to skip a beat. My mother gushed at them and my father looked at him skeptically. “Yes, it’s pretty amazing,” my father said looking between Jase and me.

  There was a weird silence filling the room. Since my parents were there, I decided I might as well embrace it. “Well, since y’all are here, want to help unpack? You were a huge help yesterday, Mom.”

  Perking up, my mom took off her jacket. “I thought you would never ask! I never got to help you move into your place in Austin. This will be fun.”

  Jase laughed and headed back into the bathroom. I wasn’t even sure he had the right box.

  Everyone quickly got to work and before I knew it, Jase and my father were talking up a storm. With a quick peek in their direction, I couldn’t help but get teary eyed. As much as my father was trying to fight it . . . he liked Jase. They were getting along beautifully.

  Nothing could ever ruin this high I was on.



  The day flew by and we quickly had Taylor’s whole place unpacked and almost everything put away. Brad and I ended up spending much of the early afternoon talking about sports. Of course, he had his subtle ways of asking me what my future plans were, how long I would be living with my parents, and how involved I was with the running of the ranch.

  “You’re having a house built then?”

  “Not right now. I meet with the architect after the holidays. We had to bump our appointment back a few weeks.”

  Brad nodded. “That’s good that you have a plan, Jase. I’m impressed with how much you’ve thought this through.”

  I nodded and gave him a grin.

  Brad looked around and let out a satisfied sigh. “Well, I think we probably should call it a day.”

  Reaching his hand out to me, we shook. “It was a pleasure getting to know you better, Jase. I see why my daughter is so taken by you. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders and I like where your thinking is.”

  Holy shit. Could it really be that easy?

  He gripped my hand harder and pulled me closer to him. “But if you ever hurt my daughter again, I’ll be at your doorstep. With a gun.”

  My eyes widened in shock as I gulped and said, “No, sir. I’ll never . . . no um never.”

  “Daddy, stop it,” Taylor said as she gently pushed her father back.

  Amanda walked up and kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug. Turning to Taylor, she kissed her and said, “I’ll let you know about Gram’s birthday so Jase can plan on coming.”

  “Sounds good, Mom. Love you both.”

  When Amanda and Brad were out the door, Taylor shut it and turned to face me. She fell back against the door and gave me a horrified look. “Oh. My. Goodness.”

  Covering her mouth with her hands, she broke down laughing. “That was so close! What if they had walked in? We would have been caught in the act.”

  Letting out a laugh of my own, I shook my head as my hand pushed through my hair. “That was very close. I’m pretty sure your dad knew.”

  Horror washed across Taylor’s face. “No!”

  “Yes. He was pissed when he first got here and he kept making little comments here and there.”

  “That makes me feel a little sick. I mean, I’m sure my parents know we are sleeping together, but to have them show up when we are . . . well . . . doing what we were doing.”

  My heart stopped for a brief moment at the thought of Brad walking in on us. My body trembled as I pushed the image away quickly.

  The concerned look on Taylor’s face had me holding back my chuckle. God how I love her. With a wicked smile I said, “Playing?”

  Her face curved into a grin so enticing I wanted to take her right this very second. “Is that what you would call it?”

  We moved closer to each other while our breathing increased. Her beautiful green eyes turned dark with desire as I replied, “I wish we could finish playing, but we probably should head to Llano for dinner.”

  Taylor jetted out her lip in a pout. “My parents kind of put a damper on today, I’m sorry.”

  Kissing her on the forehead, I grinned. “Nah, it was kind of nice getting to know them. Plus, they helped us get you unpacked and settled so the next couple of days we can spend together doing whatever you want.”

  Her voice was breathy as she said, “I like the sound of that.” Her lips pressed against mine while my body heated the longer the kiss lingered on.

  “I should go get dressed for dinner.”

  Taylor started to her bedroom when I reached for her arm. “Don’t dress up. Wear jeans and layers. I have plans for after dinner.”

  With a delighted expression, her cheeks blushed as she grinned. “Okay, jeans and layers. Got it.”

  While Taylor got dressed, I got her DVD player and TV hooked up. I couldn’t help but smile like a fool thinking about all the nights we would curl up and watch movies together.

  Closing my eyes, I took in a long deep breath and held it for a few moments before letting it out. This has been like a dream. One I never wanted to wake up from.

  “Do I look okay?”

  I quickly stood and spun around. My heart dropped and I swear my knees wobbled. Taylor stood before me dressed in jeans and a beige dress shirt. The lace on the shirt somehow made her look so damn innocent. But the way it scooped down showed just enough to make me curious and had my dick jumping in my pants. Her hair was pulled up and piled in a sloppy bun on the top of her head. I swore I could see her hazel eyes sparkling from where I was standing.

  Sauntering over, she stopped right in front of me. In a quiet voice, she asked, “Do you want me to change? You’re not saying anything.”

  “Your beauty has left me speechless.”

  Her lips parted slightly open as she let out a soft chuckle. “You do crazy things to me, Jase. You always have.”

  My hand cradled the side of her face as she leaned into it. “Sweetness, you drive me mad. From the first moment I saw you, I had to fight the attraction.”

  “No more fighting though, right?”

  Leaning my forehead against hers, I whispered, “Never again.”

  Pulling in, I parked behind Reed’s truck. “Looks like everyone is here if Ava rode over with her parents.

  Taylor wrung her hands in her lap as she looked at the house.

  “Hey, look at me, Tay.”

  She snapped her head and tried like hell to smile. “There isn’t anything to be nervous about. You met my parents already; they are who really count.”

  With a slight nod, her voice wobbled as she talked. “I don’t know why. . . . I’m just so nervous.”

  Pulling her hand to my mouth, I kissed the back of it. “I promise I won’t leave your side for a minute. Everyone is going to love you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  I fought against the lump in my throat. She really had no idea how much she meant to me. How since the moment she walked out of that barn I’ve been in a world of utopia. “You have no idea how happy you make me, do you?”

  Sniffling, she blinked her eyes quickly to keep from crying. “You make me happy, Jase. So very happy and I’m so scared I’m going to wake up and this is all going to be a dream and I hate that I keep thinking like that.”

  My hand slid behind her neck, pulling her closer to me. “It’s not a dream,” I spoke against her lips. “I love you, Taylor.”

  She didn’t have a chance to answer me when I pulled her closer and kissed her. I wanted her to feel how much I loved her in that one single kiss. Her soft whimper traveled through my body and warmed it instantly.

  The loud knock on the window caused us both to jump. Glancing over Taylor’s shoulder, I saw Wal
ker standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Asshole!” I shouted as Taylor blushed. Turning my attention back to her, I kissed her quickly on the lips. “Hold on and I’ll help you out.”

  Racing out of the truck and over to her, I pushed Walker out of the way. “Don’t you have anything better to do . . . like go be with your wife and son?”

  “Nah, harassing you is so much more fun.” Walker turned to Taylor and smiled. “Hey, Taylor! You ready for the nightmare to begin?”

  “I . . . I um . . . I think so?”

  Walker laughed and confessed, “I’m kidding. It’s going to be fine and everyone is going to love you. All they have to do is look at Jase and see how happy he is.”

  I slipped my arm around her waist and led her toward the front door. “Is everyone here?”

  “Yep. Ava is chomping at the bit to finally meet Taylor.”

  “Me?” Taylor asked in surprise.

  “Hell yeah. Jase has been talking about you for a while now.”

  Taylor looked at me with a blank expression. “Relax, sweetness. Take a deep breath and let it out.”

  Walker headed in first. Everyone must have been in the kitchen, or at least that was where all the talking was coming from. The second we walked in everyone stopped talking and turned to us.

  Oh great. If Taylor was nervous before, I’m sure now she was freaking out. Everyone was staring at us.

  Ava popped around my mother and took one look at Taylor and screamed.

  “I’d run to you, but I have a broken leg! Jase pushed me.”

  Scowling at Ava, I pointed to her. “I did not push you!”

  “Jase, she is just screwing around with you,” Liza said with a chuckle.

  Ava made her way over to Taylor and engulfed her in a hug. She whispered something into Taylor’s ear, causing her to frown.

  When she pulled back from her, Ava wore a huge smile. My mind raced in a million and one different directions as to what Ava might have said to Taylor. Probably that I picked my nose or some shit like that. “I’m so happy y’all found your way to each other.”

  With a shy smile, Taylor agreed. “So am I. Very happy.”

  “I bet.” Ava turned and looked at everyone. “So, this is amazing isn’t it? Our Jase in love!”