Page 22 of Loving You

  There was no doubt in my mind we were thinking the same thing. Where was the search team?

  “I swear it feels colder tonight than any night we’ve been here,” William mindlessly said.

  Wrapping the blanket around me, I agreed. “I’m going to add more wood to the fire. If they do fly over this area, they’ll at least see the fire going.”

  “Need help?”

  Motioning with my hand for him to stay seated, I shook my head. “Nah. Stay off your ankle. It looks worse today than it has all week.”

  “Hurts like a mother fucker too.”

  I walked out and over to the fire. Earlier that day I had hiked back over to the tree line to get more wood.

  Grabbing a hand full of sticks, I threw them into the fire. Glancing up, I got lost in the vast amount of stars that lit up the black sky. If I didn’t hate this place so much, I would totally be lost in the beauty of it.

  After warming myself up, I decided to head back into the plane, but stopped when I heard something.

  Not moving at all, I stood perfectly still.

  A plane. That’s a fucking plane I hear!

  I quickly ran back to the plane and grabbed two flash lights. “What’s wrong?” William asked.

  “It’s a plane. I hear a plane!”

  He stood and grabbed the stick he had been using as a cane. Reaching for another flashlight, he followed me outside.

  Seeing the lights from the plane, I pointed and yelled out, “Over there. It’s over there!”

  “I have a laser pointer!” Tess screamed as she pointed it up toward the plane.

  We probably looked like crazy fools as we all jumped and screamed. Nate had made his way over to me and took the other flashlight out of my hand and started waving it back and forth.

  My heart was racing and all I could think about was seeing Taylor. Her smile that lit up my entire world. Those stunning green eyes that I saw every time I closed my eyes.

  “Down here!” Tess cried out.

  Tears were streaming down her face as we quickly looked at each other and then back up to the plane.

  Flashing the light on and off, Nate yelled, “We’re here!”

  Each one of us was yelling. A mixture of emotions being let out. Hope that we would be seen. Fear we wouldn’t. And dreams of being back in our loved ones’ arms.

  Tess screamed louder, causing the other three of us to do the same. Of course they couldn’t hear us, but it was the first sign of anyone since we had crashed here six days ago. Hell almost seven days ago.

  “Oh my God! They’re turning around!” Tess yelled out as she jumped.

  When we saw the plane drop in altitude, we stopped carrying on like crazy fools.

  “Please see us,” Tess whispered.

  The plane flew so low as it went over us, there was no way they hadn’t see us.

  “They see us!” William cried out. We all turned and looked at each other. It was in that moment that we truly knew we were going to be okay. My heart didn’t ache quite as much as it did earlier. Tears flowed freely from each of us as we formed a huddle and celebrated.

  I’m going to see Taylor again. My sweet, beautiful, Taylor.

  “Stop grabbing my ass, Nate!” Tess cried out as William and I both laughed.

  Dropping my head back, I let out a long sigh of relief as I looked at the brightest star in the sky. “Thank you, God.”


  My mind drifted to the last kiss Jase had given me at the airport. Running my fingers along my lips, I looked out at the night sky. Was Jase looking up at it as well? God I hoped so.

  The door to Jase’s bedroom flew open and Layton came rushing in.

  “The beacon!”

  I jumped up and turned on the light. “What?”

  He walked up to me, wrapped me in his arms and spun me around before putting me back down.

  “Ryder just called. They picked up the beacon signal a few hours ago. It was nowhere near where they were searching.”

  “Where is it?”

  “In Wyoming at the edge of the Red Desert and the foothills. Ryder went with them in the plane to the location. He didn’t call because he didn’t want to get our hopes up.”

  My breath hitched as I felt my heart pounding throughout my entire body. Tears streamed out of my eyes. For the first time in days I had such a strong feeling of willingness to believe that all would be okay. A strange sense of calm came over me.

  “Please tell me,” I whispered.

  “They found them, Taylor. All four of them are alive.”

  An unexpected release of tension had my body collapsing into Layton as I sobbed in relief.

  The pain in my chest replaced with a lightness I couldn’t describe. “I knew it! I knew he wasn’t gone!” I cried as I buried my face into his chest.

  “I’ve booked three tickets on the first flight out from Austin in the morning.”

  Pulling back, I looked up at him as he looked at me with so much love and happiness. Wiping my tears away, he kissed my forehead.

  “Where is he?”

  “They took them to Rock Springs to a hospital there. Looks like everyone is okay, but Nate has a fractured leg, William sprained his ankle and Tess broke her hand.”

  My stomach felt sick. “Jase?”

  “From what Ryder said, it was a good size cut on his forehead and that’s it.”

  My shoulders sank in relief.

  “In the morning they are flying them to Cheyenne. That’s where we’ll meet them.”

  “Why hasn’t he called?”

  Layton grinned. It was at that moment my cell phone rang.

  “He wanted you to be told first before he called.”

  I quickly raced over to the side table and grabbed my phone.

  “Jase!” I practically screamed.

  “Damn . . . it’s so good to hear your voice, Taylor.”

  My body shook as I cried. “Thank God! Thank you, God!” I cried out as I sank down on the bed. Layton sat next to me and it was then I noticed Whitley.

  “I’m so sorry, Taylor. If I could go back and never get on that plane I would.”

  I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. None of that matters. You’re alive and I get to see you tomorrow.”

  “Ryder said Dad booked three tickets and y’all were meeting us in Cheyenne.” Grinning, I looked at Layton. “Yes. Hold on, your dad and mom are here.”

  I handed the phone to Layton. Whitley sat on the other side of me and wrapped her arms around me. For the first time in seven days, I felt like I could breathe without it hurting my heart. Leaning closer to me, she whispered, “He’s coming home. Our Jase is coming home.”

  When the plane touched down on the runway in Cheyenne, I breathed a sigh of relief. Peeking over at Whitley, her knee bounced up and down. I knew the moment my eyes landed on Jase I’d want to be in his arms. Whitley had to feel the same way.

  Talking it over with Layton, I told him I thought they needed to see Jase first and then I would see him. Reaching her hand across the aisle, she winked. “It won’t be long now.”

  “I know. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Are you sure you don’t want to see him first?”

  Pressing my lips together, I smiled and nodded my head. “I know the moment I see him I won’t want to let him go.”

  With a wink, she replied, “Fair enough.”

  Layton had hired a car to pick us up at the airport and take us to the Marriott where Jase and the others were staying.

  When the car pulled up to the front of the hotel, my stomach was rolling and my breathing had sped up. I was both nervous and excited to see him.

  The valet opened the door and helped Whitley and then me out of the car.

  Layton walked around and gave me a reassuring smile. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  I couldn’t find my voice so I nodded. “Would you rather go to our room and wait or just wait in the lobby?”

y eyes drifted over to the bar. “I think I’m going to get a drink to calm my nerves down. I’ll be at the bar, so you can just text me.”

  Whitley walked up and kissed me on the cheek. “I know your chomping at the bit to see him. We’ll make it quick.”

  “O-okay,” I stuttered.

  Layton took my hand and squeezed it before kissing my forehead and heading straight to the elevator. I was praying they wouldn’t check into their hotel room. Just knowing that Jase was in the same building was driving me insane.

  “What was I thinking saying they could go up first and alone?” I mumbled under my breath as I made my way over to the bar.

  “What can I get you, pretty little lady?”

  I smiled at the older bartender and said, “Something strong to calm my nerves.”

  “I’ve got just the thing.”

  He turned around and opened up the small refrigerator. When I saw him pull out a small container of milk, I chuckled.

  Pouring a small glass, he put it in front of me. “Trust me . . . booze doesn’t help at all.”

  With a wide grin, I took the milk and said, “Thank you.”

  “That there will do the trick. You in town for work?”

  “No. It’s more of a reunion type thing.”

  He lifted his eyebrows. “Well, I hope it goes well for you.”

  Finishing off the milk, I set it down and replied. “I have a feeling it’s going to go very well.”

  We talked small talk for the next few minutes until another customer came in. I was glad to have had his company though to take my mind off of everything.

  Glancing at my phone, it had been almost fifteen minutes since Layton and Whitley headed up to Jase’s room.

  Closing my eyes, I took in a calming breath before looking over my shoulder at the elevator.

  My phone buzzed causing me to jump. Reaching for it, my hands shook while I opened up Layton’s text.

  Layton: We just left. He’s anxious to see you.

  Me: I’m on my way.

  I pulled out some money and left it on the bar. Lifting my hand, I said, “Thank you so much for the milk!”

  With a chuckle, the bartender smiled. “Good luck!”

  Stepping onto the elevator, I hit the button for the seventh floor. My mouth was dry and my pulse was racing. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do first. Kiss him, or look over his entire body and make sure he was okay.

  The doors opened and I stepped out of the elevator as my pulse sped up. Glancing up to the room numbers, I turned to the left and quickly made my way to Jase’s room. Scared what I might find when I saw him, I was also beyond excited. My mind raced with the same question . . . was he really okay? I planned on checking out every inch of his body.

  Stopping at the door, I covered my mouth and got my emotions in check. This was it. Finally, I was going to be in his arms again. I wasn’t sure what my hesitation was for. The moment I saw him I knew I was going to cry as the flood of different emotions I had experienced the last week was released. It was as if I could feel his presence right in front of me.

  My hand lifted to knock when the door opened and he stood before me looking as handsome as ever.

  “Thank you, God,” I whispered as I threw myself into his body.

  Sobs racked over my body while he wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. The feeling of being lost was completely washed away by the sound of his voice.

  “Oh, Taylor. Baby, I missed you so much.”

  I buried my face into his body. “I was so scared.”

  He set me down and cupped my face with his hands. Those beautiful blue eyes of his searched my face while his thumbs wiped my tears away. “I was too, sweetness. But I never gave up hope and I knew I would see you again.”

  My lips trembled and I prayed like hell this wasn’t a dream. “Kiss me,” I pleaded.

  When his lips touched mine, my body exploded. It is real and he is here. We were finally together.

  Relief, passion, love, all of it raced through my veins as our kiss deepened. I’d never felt so at peace or so safe in my entire life. This is where I belonged. In the arms of the man I loved more than life itself. Slowly getting lost in a way I had dreamed of for over a week.

  Jase moaned into my mouth, causing a warmth to flow slowly through my entire body. Reaching down, he lifted me in his arms and carried me over to the bed, gently placing my feet on the ground.

  His lips moved across my neck as my body trembled with anticipation.

  “Taylor,” he whispered while he ever so slowly undressed me. It was like he was taking in every motion he did. Every brush of his fingers against my body built up the pool in my lower stomach.

  He took a step back and undressed himself while I took in his perfect body. My eyes quickly scanned everywhere until they landed on his forehead while my heart dropped.

  “It doesn’t hurt, sweetness. I promise.”

  Tears flooded my eyes.

  “No . . . don’t cry. Please don’t cry.”

  Cupping my face with his hands, he lightly brushed his lips across mine. “I thought about your smile every second of the day. The feel of your lips against mine and the way you crinkle up your nose when you’re about to laugh.”

  My lips pressed together while I stared up into his eyes.

  “Jase,” was all I could manage to get off my lips.

  Moving his body closer to me, I bumped into the bed. No words needed to be spoken as I lay down.

  I was soon looking into those bright blue eyes that were filled with nothing but love as Jase gently pushed into me while whispering my name.

  His lips moved ever so slowly up my neck and to the base of my ear. “Taylor, I love you.”

  My body trembled as I held onto him tighter. “I love you . . . I love you so much.”

  I trailed my finger lazily around his chest as we laid next to each other in the bed.

  “Every time I tried to sleep I saw your beautiful face and dreamed you were in my arms,” Jase softly said. I could hear how tired he was in his voice.

  Lifting my head, I looked deeply into his eyes. “I’m in your arms now and that’s all that matters.”

  His lips brushed over mine, causing the butterfly effect again. Would it ever get old? God I hoped not.

  “I don’t want to waste another second being without you, Taylor. I want to give you all my love every single day and night. I want to make all of your dreams come true. Every breath I breathe is for you and only you. I want to be the reason behind your smile.”

  I sat up and looked down at him. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

  His face curved into a smile that took my breath away.

  “I think you should show me. In the shower.”

  I secretly wished Layton and Whitley weren’t here so we could spend the rest of the day and night locked away in the hotel room.

  After the shower, we got dressed and sat on the sofa in the hotel room and talked. He told me about how William had landed the plane and how they finally got the emergency beacon to work.

  “Nate broke his femur? That really sucks that he had to go so long like that.”

  Jase chuckled. “Yeah, he was grumpy at times and poor Tess took the brunt of most of his asshole-ness.”

  “Oh no. Poor girl.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Trust me. She took it, but she was also good at dishing it out.”

  “And she broke her wrist?”

  “Yeah when we hit turbulence she got tossed up and slammed into the roof of the plane. It was terrible. Luckily William only had a really bad sprained ankle.”

  My finger drew circles on his chest as I blew out a breath. “Thank God y’all are all okay. I can’t even begin to tell you how devastated I was.”

  Jase kissed the top of my head. “I’m so sorry I got on that plane.”

  Resting my chin on his chest, I looked up at him. “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is we’re together now.”

?s Bella?”

  Chuckling, I smiled. “Well, Lauren and Mireya have both fallen in love with our puppy. I thought Lauren was going to break down in tears when I asked Libby if they wanted to watch her.”

  His laughter rumbled through his chest. It was a sound I would forever cherish and never take for granted again.

  “Did Lauren watch Bella a lot?”

  “Yeah. I um . . . I kind of got lost in myself for a few days. I spent most of the time in your room. Colt and Lauren picked up Bella and I kind of forgot about her for a couple of days. ”

  His face softened while he ran his finger down the side of my face. “Mom told me. She said you were dressed in my clothes.”

  “Well in my defense, I didn’t have any clothes with me at first.”

  “Uh-huh. I kind of like the idea of you in my clothes.”

  Pushing myself up, I crawled on top of him and rubbed against him. “That can be arranged.”

  It didn’t take long before we were completely and utterly lost within one another. I couldn’t even tell where I ended and he began.

  Perfect way to end the worst week of my life.


  Sitting across the table from my parents, I tried to focus on what the conversation was. My mind kept going back to the smell of Taylor’s hair hanging in my face as she made love to me.

  Her hand rested on my leg and I couldn’t help but notice how she had not stopped touching me since we left the hotel room. It was as if she was afraid I would disappear on her.

  “Jase, are you tired, sweetheart?”

  My eyes turned to my mother. “I’m ready to get home, to be honest.”

  “First thing tomorrow morning you’ll be on a plane and headed back home.”

  The thought of being on another plane had my stomach in knots. Taylor squeezed my hand and gave me the sweetest grin ever.

  “Did Nate make it to Montana okay?” my father asked.

  “Yeah, he sent me a text a few hours ago. He was glad to be home and planned on staying there for a few weeks. His family was relieved, as I’m sure you can relate.”

  My mother picked up her glass of wine and said, “Well, I don’t blame him one bit for wanting to spend some time with his family. It had to have been terrifying for all of you.”