Page 33 of The Closer You Come

  "I don't want to lose you," he said. "Ever. To anything."

  "You told me that you wanted to be a part of me," she said, "and you are, no matter how far apart we might be. You got your hooks deep, deep in my heart, and they aren't ever coming out. I'm not ever going to leave you, Jase. I'm yours. Now...forever."

  In a lightning-fast move, Jase picked her up by the waist and carried her to the wall, where he pressed her flat, her feet dangling in the air. She gasped as the cool plaster met her back. He held her there, suspended, her breasts at eye level. Her nipples puckered for him. Just then, they were the only two people in the universe. He couldn't think past the bliss of having her in his arms.

  "Do you," he said sharply, giving her a tiny shake with each word, "have any idea how gorgeous you are?"


  UNDER THE INTENSITY of this man's emerald gaze, she felt gorgeous. He radiated a rawness she'd never seen from him before, laced with something that went far deeper than hunger...animal starvation.

  Slowly he lowered her, a sultry glide that left her panting. They were so close, her bare chest moving against his every time she breathed.

  Then he stepped back, as if the contact was too much. His lips peeled back from his teeth in an almost-scowl.

  "Undress," he said. "Remove it all."

  Bossier than usual tonight, but she understood the reason, knew he hadn't quite let go of concern for her. She licked her lips, nervous and excited, aroused to the point of pain. They'd done so many things with each other and to each other. Stripping should have been more of the same, but there was something different this time, something even more than the rawness and starvation.

  Trembling, she removed her skirt and underwear. Completely naked, she stood in place, pinned by the fervency of his emerald gaze.

  "You know I love you," he said. "But I'm not sure even love is a strong enough word for what I feel for you. You've wrecked me, angel, broken me and put me back together again. I will never be the same--I don't want to be the same."

  The beauty of his words stunned her, electrified her to the depths of her soul. Trembling legs carried her around him, across the room. She draped herself over the edge of the mattress facedown, shivering with an arousal so sweet she'd never known its like.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she whispered throatily, "Come here and take me," surrendering all to him.

  Waves of heat reached her before his hands ever slid down her spine, yet she jolted at the first moment of exquisite contact. Goose bumps broke out over her skin, sensitizing her to his touch. And touch he did. Again and again, dragging his fingers over the ridges of her spine, over the globes of her bottom, down her legs. It was like being licked by flames. As if, as the flames burned, they wafted dark, drugging smoke through the air, every inhalation filling her head with a fog of desperation.

  He circled his hands around both of her ankles and forced her legs to part. She craned her neck to catch a glimpse of him. He caressed his way up her calves, dabbled at the backs of her knees and finally reached the curve of her rear. He traced a heart-shaped pattern around one side, all the way to her lower back, and then down the other side of her.

  When he knelt, his face directly in line with the soaking heart of her, she rested her cheek on a pillow and closed her eyes, savoring every illicit sensation. It felt as though she were being worshipped.

  Soft lips pressed into the underside of one globe, then the other. Tremors consumed her. He angled his head and-- Oh...oh! His tongue. It stroked her where she ached, her body rejoicing even as it demanded more. She arched her back to allow him better access, and he took full advantage, thrusting his tongue inside her. He pinched her directly between her legs and slid his fingers through her wetness, allowing them to take the place of his tongue, moving in and out of her. He scissored them to open her wider, his thumb sliding up to her center and circling, pressing.

  She fisted the sheets as moan after moan was ripped from her. Both the position and the pleasure left her vulnerable to him. Like this, there was nothing he couldn't do to her--and she wanted him to do everything. There was nothing she would deny him.

  Thoughts disintegrated then, the way he worked her a testament to the endless depths of the starvation she'd seen in him. Her tremors intensified. The heat inside her built, becoming an inferno. much pressure, building just like the heat, with the heat, and any second she expected to--


  His hand swiped at her ankle, sending her legs farther apart, allowing his fingers to sink all the way in, and the pressure exploded inside her, the most sublime satisfaction clamoring through her, shaking her. But even as she shook, Jase took her by the hips and flipped her over, so that she lay on her back.

  He towered between her legs. His lips glistened with her arousal, his chest rising and falling with a swiftness that matched her own. As she watched, he unfastened the button of his pants and lowered the zipper, freeing himself.

  He lifted one of her legs and set her foot on the mattress, then did the same with the other, leaving her spread wide. His gaze locked on the heart of her, heating...burning...and he traced a fingertip down the center, drawing another cry from her...and a consuming need for more.

  "I thought Strawberry Valley had become my home," he said. "But it's you. You are my home, angel. You're where I've put down roots."

  The words cauterized a wound she hadn't known she had--one she'd carried most of her life, festering every time she'd wondered how good people could die too young. Why her uncle couldn't love her and her sister more than money. Why Jessie Kay had often chosen a party over helping Brook Lynn.

  Yet here was this man--her love--telling her she was home to him.

  She arched her hips in silent benediction. He fisted his erection at the base and placed himself at her entrance, letting the tip slide in...before stilling, hovering there, teasing and tormenting her with what could be.

  "You're mine," he said. His gaze captured hers, emerald completely ensnaring blue, and he slid the rest of the way in, filling her, stretching her, fusing with her. "Never forget."


  He flattened his palms on her knees, keeping her spread as he slowly pumped in and out. Her nipples were so hard they could have cut through diamonds, her belly so hot with need she wasn't sure she would ever be satisfied again, but he just kept pumping. The hardness and the need grew stronger, until the pleasure poised at the brink of agony.

  She reached back, curled her fingers around a pillow, arching her hips to propel him into a faster rhythm. He resisted, even...slowed down...until she could only writhe and beg incoherently.

  "Please, Jase. Oh, please. Jase, Jase. Please."

  He slammed forward with all of his considerable strength. Yes! Yes! But he only slowed down again, his gaze once again capturing hers. Sweat trickled from his temples, and tension tightened his skin, but the adoration he projected at her...the tenderness...the hope and the gratitude...


  Another hard slam.

  It was too much, finally pushing her over the edge. She shouted with her pleasure--a burn that might have started slowly but one that exploded just as savagely as the other, no, more so, breaking her down into a quivering pulse of sensation.

  Jase launched into the hard-and-fast ride she'd begged for, thrusting, thrusting inside her, rattling the entire bed, somehow prolonging her orgasm, keeping her suspended on clouds of unending carnality.

  Like an out-of-body experience, she thought, dazed. Slowly she floated back, finding Jase collapsed over her, little shudders still rocking him.

  He lifted his head and smoothed damp locks of hair from her face. "If I've got my hooks in you, it's only right you bear my name. Wouldn't you agree?"

  Her jaw dropped. "Are you...asking me to marry you?"

  He laughed. "Asking? Oh, no, angel. It's too late for that. I'm telling."

  Had those words come from any other man, she would have balked. From Jase...

bsp; With a squeal, she used what little strength she had left to wrap herself around him. "I'm going to make you the happiest man in the world, Jase Hollister."

  "Angel," he said, kissing her. "You already do."



  Me. Miss Brook Lynn Elizabeth Dillon. To Mr. Jason...what was his middle name?...Hollister.

  When she told Jessie Kay the next day, the two of them danced around their house. When she told Kenna while they lunched at Two Farms, they squealed so loudly, Mr. Calbert stomped from his office to shush them.

  Through it all, Jase never left her side. And he'd smiled more than once.

  Even Daphne seemed genuinely happy for her.

  "Hope and I are going to have to move here, aren't we?" she said and sighed. "I just can't pull Jase away from all of this. He needs it. And I think...maybe we do, too."

  Life was better than ever. The only damper on her happiness came when Jase failed to learn anything new about Stan. He still didn't know who the guy really was, or what his connection was to Jase, or why he wanted revenge on him so badly. But he did suspect the guy was responsible for the vandalism of his shed and his car, and had talked to Sheriff Lintz about a possible restraining order.

  But Brook Lynn wasn't going to think about Stan right now. If she did, she'd just sink into a pit of nervousness, wondering what would happen if--when--Jase confronted the guy. Nothing good, that much she could guess. He could be hurt. He could do some hurting of his own.

  Worst-case scenario: he could be sent back to prison.

  It was a fear he shared. Yesterday he'd said, "If this guy approaches you again, I don't know what I'll do, how I'll react, but even the thought of it is enough to work me into a black, black rage. Does that scare you?"

  She'd replied, "I love that you're so protective of me. I just want to make sure nothing bad happens to you."

  She'd then done her best to talk Jase into canceling Tessa's party, thinking it was too much of a risk, but again and again he'd assured her that he'd put a lot of money into security. There would be guards posted at every door. They knew who to look for, because she and the girls had given a description--though it hadn't jogged Jase's memory. Even still, Stan would never be able to get inside, and if he tried, he would finally be detained and hopefully arrested.

  Put like that, she almost wished he'd try. She wanted this to be over so bad, she could taste it. Then she could start planning her wedding.

  "Well, the day has finally come," Daphne said. "Tessa would have loved this."

  Together, she and Brook Lynn double-checked every detail to ensure nothing was out of place. Jase had beautifully refurbished the old barn situated at the edge of his land, and the new wood planks on the walls and floor gleamed as sunlight streamed in through the stained-glass windows. Roses of every color hung from the ceiling and down the walls, small golden lights sprinkled throughout. A sweet perfume saturated the air, creating a heady paradise.

  The buffet tables lined the back walls and were piled high with all different kinds of bite-size sandwiches and pinwheels. All thanks to You've Got It Coming.

  "I also think there's no way in hell you could have done this good a job without me," Daphne said, bumping her shoulder good-naturedly. "I want you to know I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

  "Oh, how sweet." Brook Lynn bumped her shoulder right back. "Your compliment has brought a tear to my eye."

  "I do what I can." Her head tilted to the side, and she frowned. "Guests must not know the meaning of fashionably late. Someone's here already."

  Brook Lynn skipped toward Jase. He and Beck waited at the door, ready to greet the early arrivers as they made it past the guards. West was...well, no one knew where. He'd taken off yesterday and hadn't come back, and it was a shame, considering this whole party was his idea--his way of seeking the closure he so desperately needed.

  Jase smiled when he spotted her. An intimate smile filled with promise, causing her heart to skip a beat. She wondered if her reaction to him would always be this strong.

  "I missed you," he said.

  "Because I'm the light of your life. Duh."

  "You certainly are." He kissed the tip of her nose. He was in a good mood today, some of the tension he'd been carrying now gone. "Later, I'm going to make you beg for every kiss, every touch."

  She shivered. "I'm looking forward to your attempt. But this time I think I'm going to make you beg."

  He sucked in a breath, his muscles going rigid. "I'm looking forward to it." He looked as though he wanted to say more, but a steady stream of guests began to pour inside the barn. Residents of Strawberry Valley, as well as people who'd driven in from the city. Kids--adults now--from Jase's past.

  He shook hands with some, bumped fists with others and always introduced her as his fiancee.

  When finally there was a lag, she gave Jase a soft peck. "I'm going to check on the food. I won't be gone long."

  "It'll still feel like forever."

  She smiled dreamily as she moved through the crowd; guards dressed as guests followed behind her. There was Jessie Kay, Sunny and Charlene, surrounded by a group of men. All of them were smiling and talking, probably flirting. There was Kenna and Dane, cuddled close while Dane answered the questions of those surrounding him. Norrie played with Hope and some of the other children in attendance, and something lurched inside Brook Lynn's chest. Hope would soon be her family. And then, one day, she and Jase would have children of their own, giving Hope little brothers and sisters.

  Last night he'd said, "How many kids do you want, angel? Because I'm thinking we give that eighteen-and-counting family a run for their money."

  She'd twisted his nipple until he'd cried out. "I'd like two, but I could be talked into three or four. Any more than that, and you'll need to find another new wife."

  "I'll only agree to that if you're cloned."

  Remembering, she could have thrown out her arms and twirled. Must concentrate on the party before I run back to Jase and demand we get started on those babies now.

  One of the barn's stalls had been turned into a makeshift pantry, and she was happy to learn all was well behind the scenes. Though the crowd was going through the sandwiches as if tonight was their last meal, the staff she'd hired was keeping the buffet well stocked.

  She returned to Jase's side, and they mingled for the next hour. She was able to relax, even though women stared at him as if he was the last piece of chocolate in the world. Actually, he kind of was.

  Daphne approached her side and tugged on her arm. "I'm going to steal her away, Jason. Don't protest, or I'll start counting. And yes, I'm stealing your girlfriend's material."

  He held up his hands, all innocence.

  "What about my protests?" Brook Lynn asked.

  "They will be ignored." Daphne dragged her across the room, only to stop and point. "Who is that?"


  "Tall, with dark hair and a god among men."

  Brook Lynn's gaze cut through the crowd... You've got to be kidding me. "That's Brad Lintz." Brad was out of his greasy overalls and in a white polo and slacks.

  "I want to meet him," Daphne said.

  Of course she did. Because this was a game of musical love interests. Life was funny sometimes. "He's an excellent choice. Kind, reliable and capable."

  Arching a brow at her, Daphne said, "But?"

  "But...I went on a date with him, and he said he'd wait for me and Jase to break up. I just thought you should know."

  Daphne waved a hand through the air. "Sorry, blondie, but by the end of the evening, he will have forgotten your name." She pushed up the cups of her bra, enhancing her cleavage.

  Had to admire that kind of confidence. "Come on. I'll introduce you." Brook Lynn led her over and did as promised, heartened by the interest in Brad's eyes.

  As the two got to know each other, Brook Lynn searched the crowd for Jase. Her mouth went dry when she caught sight of someone else, sidling th
rough the crowd.


  How had he gotten past the guards?

  He glanced over at her, as if he'd known where she was all along, and their gazes clashed. He kept moving, soon disappearing among the sea of bodies.

  No. No, no, no. She excused herself from the flirting, blushing couple and crossed the room. Not to chase Stan but to find...not Jase. She didn't want him getting into a fight. Beck. Yes, Beck would know what to do. When she caught sight of him, she picked up speed.

  He had a woman pressed against a shadowed corner, one of his hands sliding under her skirt as he whispered in her ear.

  In public? Really?

  Shameless! I would never--

  Uh. Never mind.

  Brook Lynn tapped him on the shoulder. He turned, frowning, probably thinking he would curse whoever it was, but when her identity clicked, he released the woman and focused on her.

  "Something wrong?" he asked.

  "Yes." She pushed out a shaky breath. "That Stan guy somehow got inside."

  An instant darkening of his expression. "You're sure?"


  He cursed. The woman grabbed hold of his arm, clinging to him, but he extracted her to kiss her knuckles. He told her he'd be dreaming about her later and probably sobbing like a baby that she wasn't in his arms then took Brook Lynn's hand to lead her away.

  "Sorry," Brook Lynn mouthed to her.

  The girl glared at her as if all the world's problems began with her--and maybe she should be buried six feet under.

  "Show me," Beck said.

  "He knows I saw him, so maybe he left," she said, ushering him to the area Stan had been headed. Of course, he wasn't there. She spun, determined to ferret him out. "I don't see him."

  "Doesn't matter. Jase is going to lose it."

  She chewed on her bottom lip. "Maybe we shouldn't tell him."

  "He has a right to know."

  "Yes, but--"

  Beck peered down at her. "There's no way I can keep this from him."

  "Just find Stan and force him to leave. Then tell Jase." She gave him a pleading look and knew he was thinking the same thing she was--they had to do whatever proved necessary to protect Jase from his own temper and the consequences thereof.

  Beck pursed his lips as if he'd just sucked on a lemon. "Come on." He covered her shoulder with a muscular arm and moved forward, stopping only to have a whispered conversation with the guards, who rushed off when he turned away. "We'll keep looking for him together. I don't want you out of my sight."