Page 13 of Elfin


  They pulled into Cassie’s driveway and just sat in silence. Cassie made no move to get out of the car. She just needed a moment. She needed to gather her thoughts and prepare herself to be alone with Trik. He was just too much at times. His confident, devil may care attitude was alluring, and the way he looked at her was disarming.

  “How’s your brother Elora?” Cassie’s voice shook, though her question was simple and totally unrelated to the mess she was in.

  Elora shook her head with a small laugh. “He’s good. He’s actually enjoying the whole college experience.”

  Cassie nodded with a small smile. “That’s good.” She paused. “How do you think you did on the English paper?”

  Elora tilted her head at her friend and empathy filled her purple contact colored eyes. “You’re stalling.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “You don’t have to go up there.”

  “Yes, yes I do.” Cassie grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

  “Cassie.” The worry in Elora’s voice made Cassie pause as she placed both feet on the pavement. She looked back over her shoulder.

  “They will protect you, Syndra and Tamsin. You will be safe.”

  Cassie’s face softened as she let out a weary sigh. “Yeah, but who will protect Trik?” She climbed out of the car and shut the door behind her. Taking a page from Elora’s book she didn’t say goodbye, but simply headed for the front door of her house.

  “Mom, I’m home,” Cassie announced.

  “Okay, I’m in the dining room.”

  Cassie found her mom sitting at their dining room table, stacks of paper surrounded her. She had a pencil tucked behind her ear and her shoulder length hair had been pulled up haphazardly in a ponytail. Her mom was a lawyer and a good one. She practiced family law and she worked nonstop for her clients, oftentimes it seemed she was more a therapist than a lawyer.

  “I’m going to head up to my room to work on some homework,” Cassie told her mom as way of an excuse for her to spend a Saturday in her room.

  Her mom nodded at her, waving her understanding, never taking her eyes from her work.

  Chapte r 8

  “Once an elf has found his Chosen, the union must be bound in blood by the King. Once the binding has been completed, the elf’s loyalty and devotion will always be to his Chosen first and foremost. This is to preserve the future of our race. The ambition of Kings could keep their warriors allegiance to the point of failing to protect, cherish, and love their Chosen as the Forest Lords originally intended. The unions of our race must not be taken lightly, for it is by strong unions that we flourish as a people. It is by the example of the devotion in our unions that our offspring learn integrity and commitment. Woe be it to us if we should ever forget that. ~ Myrin, advisor to Lorsan.

  Cassie opened her bedroom door and stopped at the sight of Trik, in all his Elven glory, lying on her bed. He was so graceful and masculine at the same time. His hands were tucked behind his head, his legs were crossed at the ankle and stretched out in front of him as he reclined on her pillows. His head turned and their eyes met. Her breath caught at the devotion she saw blazing from them; devotion that was aimed at her.

  “Come here,” he told her as he sat up, his movements so fluid that it was mesmerizing to watch. And mesmerized, she was.

  “Cassandra,” his firm voice shook her out of her stupor.

  She walked towards him slowly, not out of fear but out of a strong need to just look at him, to not blink for fear that he wasn’t real and when she opened her eyes he’d be gone.

  He sat on the edge of her bed and when she reached him she was once again struck by his confidence and passion. He reached up and his hand traced her neck until it was under her hair and holding her possessively. His other hand gripped her hip and pulled her closer. They were eye level with one another because he was seated and that meant their mouths were in perfect position for doing what Trik was pulling her in for. His lips connected with hers and she was lost. The world faded away. Syndra and her ominous words, Tamsin and his implori ng about the Forest Lords, the Dark Elf King and his evil plan, it was all gone in the wake of Trik’s incredible mouth. Cassie was no longer tentative in her kissing with Trik and so there was no hesitation when he encouraged her to open her mouth. Their tongues danced to an intimate rhythm and Cassie could feel it pulsing in her chest. And as before , she could feel deep inside, her soul reaching for his. Trik pulled her closer and she knew that he felt it too because the intensity wrenched up another notch. He groaned into her mouth and it brought a gasp from Cassie’s lungs. Her hands lifted of their own accord and she ran her fingers through his long, dark hair. Trik pulled back from her lips and began to kiss her jaw line, down to her ear, behind her ear and down her neck. Cassie’s head fell back and she heard Trik chuckle. She felt his tongue swirl against her skin and the desire that ran through her body was so intense it jerked her up.

  Trik felt her body stiffen and let her take a step back from him.

  They both stared at the other, their breathing fast and uneven. Trik’s eyes glowed and Cassie watched as his hands flexed open and closed as if he were fighting to keep from touching her. She knew the feeling. She wanted nothing more than to run back to his arms, but they had to stop. She refused to toss aside her morals because she couldn’t control herself, no matter how amazing Trik felt.

  “Are you alright?” He asked her softly.

  Cassie nodded. “What about you?”

  Trik chuckled. “I’ll be okay, beautiful. You are a temptation like I have never known. Everything inside me screams, she’s yours, take her, bring her into your world, bind her to you . It’s ingrained into my DNA, it’s written on my soul. You are a part of me and I long to be complete, I long to complete you. Physical intimacy is incredibly intense.”

  “Ya think?” Cassie snorted.

  “I will never try and push you Cassie. We will wait until we do your human ritual, and until we are bound before the King.”

  Cassie’s brow furrowed. “Uh, what do you mean bound?”

  “Please tell me you don’t have some kinky ritual where they tie us together naked under the moonlight.”

  Trik laughed. “As intriguing as that sounds, no. That is not what being bound means. In order for the binding of our souls to be complete we must go before the King and he will perform the binding ceremony. It is something the Forest Lords implemented, a sacrifice of blood in order for our souls to join. Once we consummate our union it will be done. You will be bound to me for eternity and me to you.”

  Cassie stared at Trik, unsure of how to respond.

  “Cassie?” Trik leaned forward and tugged her by the hand. He pulled her down onto the bed to sit next him. “Talk to me , A'maelamin.”

  “I’m not really sure what to say. That seems, so, permanent.”

  “Is your marriage not permanent? Are you not bound to that man for life?”

  Cassie snorted. “Hardly. Not very many people stay married for life. We aren’t bound soul to soul. It’s a choice.”

  “You have a choice Cassie. I won’t force you to bind to me.”

  Cassie looked up at him. “What happened to, I will never let you go, you are stuck with me blah, blah, blah?”

  Trik grinned. “Oh you are stuck with me. Even if you don’t choose me, I’m not going anywhere. I will be your constant shadow.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “So my options are possessive dark elf mate, or freaky stalker dude?”

  “That about sums it up,” Trik confirmed.

  Cassie smacked his chest playfully.

  Trik took her hand in his and pulled it to his lips. He kissed her palm and looked into her eyes.

  “We need to talk,” he murmured against her skin, all playfulness gone.

  Cassie nodded and let out a deep breath. “I know.”

  She turned, pulling one leg up on the bed while the other dangled off the side so that she could look at him. “You said you wo
uldn’t keep secrets from me.”

  Trik nodded his head once.

  “What is your King planning, Trik?”

  Trik let go of her hand and stood up. She watched his graceful movements as he paced her room. She waited patiently.

  “The dark elves own more than half of the Casinos in your country, and many throughout the world.”

  Cassie’s mouth dropped open. “More than half?” She asked.

  Trik nodded. “We use the income from the casinos to finance our lavish lifestyles in this realm.”

  “Meanwhile, the light elves own almost all of the U.S. energy companies. Oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, they own it all. They use these companies to help keep your earth safe and clean. The dark elves are more about pleasure, gratification, and anything that pertains to self.”

  Trik continued to pace as he tried to gather his thoughts. He had never felt ashamed of himself or his actions—until now. A part of him didn’t want to have to justify himself to her, another part of him didn’t want to see the look in her eyes that said she finally understood who and what he was.

  “Lorsan wants our income to increase from the Casinos. Your economy is struggling and so people aren’t spending money frivolously like they used to. Income has dropped across the board. To combat this problem, Lorsan has created a drink from the small fruit of one of our plants that creates a euphoric sensation in humans. It loosens inhibitions.”

  “He’s going to drug people?” Cassie couldn’t believe what he was telling her.

  “It’s not a drug; it’s natural, made from a plant.”

  “So is heroin and marijuana! That doesn’t make them safe.” Cassie had to control her temper, so her mom wouldn’t hear her.

  “It’s not harmful, Cassie. It doesn’t cause any health issues. It’s really no different than the alcohol humans consume so freely and with such exuberance.”

  Cassie snorted. “Yea and some people don’t handle that alcohol well and there are horrible consequences.” She gestured in frustration. “What about driving? Can they drive safely under the influence of this oh so natural fruit drink?”

  Trik stopped pacing and leaned back against the wall. His arms were folded across his chest and he appeared relaxed. Cassie knew better than to believe that pose.

  “How about this?” He responded. “We can put a regulation on each of the Casinos. If a person has had too much Rapture then they aren’t permitted to leave and will be put up in one of the hotel rooms.” Trik spoke as if that would fix it all, like he had just solved the only dilemma to his King’s plan.

  “Rapture ,” Cassie said the word and it was a bitter taste in her mouth. “That’s what it’s called? Oh, that’s rich.”

  Trik didn’t flinch under her hard glower. He didn’t appear to be affected at all by her reaction and that only angered her more. She held his stare, not the least bit intimidated. She knew that he would never hurt her, no matter how angry he became. He let out a growl worthy of a pissed off lion.

  “Shh, my mom will hear you,” she admonished.

  “I’ve taken care of that, no noise can leave this room while I am in it,” he barked.

  Oh well, thanks for sharing, Cassie thought sarcastically.

  “I told you who I was, who I am. I told you, showed you that it is what I will always be. Nothing has changed.” Trik’s body was tense, his lips narrowed into a thin line. The soft, sexy lips that had been pressed to hers only moments ago were gone.

  “I know what you told me. I know what you think you are, but you do have a choice, Trik. There is always a choice.”

  “NO! There isn’t Cassandra. You are so young, so naive to the responsibilities of someone in my position.”

  “Do not,” her eyes narrowed, her voice an angry whisper, “do not make the mistake of thinking that because I am not a thousand years old that I don’t know anything, that I am clueless.”

  “I bear the protection of an entire race, Cassie. I have served my King for hundreds of years. There is not any way that you can possibly understand.”

  “I know the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG!” She yelled, now knowing that her mom wouldn’t hear them.

  “What is so wrong with making people feel good? What is so wrong with giving them the choice to take something that allows them to let loose? It’s not like we are going to force it down their throats. It will be a choice that they will make. Isn’t that what you keep saying to me?”

  Cassie scoffed at him. “Are you kidding me? Trik there are all kinds of drugs that humans have concocted to make them feel better, to make them let go of their worries for a time , and guess what, they cause more problems than they solve and they are illegal! Do you know why they are illegal, even though it is a choice ? They are illegal because the innocent, the weak, and the ones who can’t stand up for themselves need to be protected. You are willing to make available something that will probably cause addiction, drive people to spend money they don’t have and who knows what else, all because your King wants more money. Why? What does he need money for?”

  “Even for us, we must have money to be a part of your society, to have nice things, to enjoy all that being in this realm means.”

  “So that is what it always comes back to, pleasure, enjoyment?”

  “What is so wrong with that?” Trik snapped back. “What is wrong with wanting to enjoy life as much as possible?”

  “When it’s at the expense of other people, it’s wrong.” Cassie closed her eyes and brought her hands up and framed her face, shaking her head in anger and pain. How could he think it was okay to drug people? How do you justify such behavior?

  Several moments of frustrated silence passed.

  Trik knelt down in front of his Chosen. He took in the slump of her shoulders, the anger etched on her face and knew that she would never get past this.

  “What would you have me do?” He whispered.

  Cassie lifted her head to look at him. He was too beautiful, too handsome for words. In the few months that she had known him, she had come to see the light in Trik. She knew there was hope. They spent six weeks apart because he thought she would be better off without him. That proves that he isn’t completely lost. He just needs a road map to point him in the right direction.

  “I can’t stop him Cassie.”

  “Then take the next best, first step.”

  “Tell me,” he implored. “Please, I can’t stand to see you like this because of me.”

  “Quit,” she said plainly.

  Trik’s head tilted to the side as he tried to understand her meaning.


  She nodded. “Turn in your resignation. Tell Lorsan that you are done being his killer.”

  Trik’s mouth dropped open and then closed. Deep down he knew that it would eventually come to this, but somehow he had hoped to still be a part of the people he had known for over a thousand years and still have Cassie.

  “You want me to walk away from everything I’ve ever known?”

  “Is that not what you were going to ask me to do? To go to your realm to live with you,” she countered.


  They sat staring at one another, not touching, not speaking, just searching for something in each other’s eyes.

  “Alright,” Trik said wearily. “Alright, if that’s what it will take to keep you.”

  Cassie’s smile could have lit a stadium. His heart skipped as he watched her climb off of her bed and into his arms. He pulled her close and buried his nose in her neck. He could never give her up. He knew that as sure as he knew that Lorsan would never let him go alive.

  “Thank you,” Cassie whispered against his chest and the heart that he was sure could not break, fell apart. He hadn’t lied to her . He would leave Lorsan, but it would have to be strategically done. He didn’t think she would understand that sometimes you have to bide your time. You can’t run head first into a battle that you know will be a massacre.

  “I have a question for
you.” He stood up from his position on the floor never letting go of her and sat back down on the bed.

  “You look a little nervous,” she grinned clearly enjoying an uneasy Trik.

  “Lorsan and his Chosen would like to meet you. They are having a party in honor of our union. It’s a great honor.”

  Cassie cleared her throat as she considered going before a man willing to enslave humans so that he could line his pockets.

  “Why?” She asked.

  “If an elf has high enough standing in the kingdom, such as I have, then it is tradition to throw a ball in honor of him finding his Chosen. It signifies an acceptance of the Chosen to her rightful place by his side in the kingdom.”

  “But I don’t want to be part of that kingdom?”

  “I know, but it will cause many problems if we don’t attend,” Trik responded.

  “This is important to you?”

  “Not just me, us,” he responded honestly.

  “And we just go and eat, talk, and that’s all?”

  “That’s all,” Trik concurred.

  “Okay,” she reached up with her hand to smooth away the worry lines that had formed on his forehead. “If it’s that important to you, then we will go.”

  It was Trik’s turn to smile. “Thank you.”

  “So when is this party?”

  “In three days.”

  Cassie absentmindedly played with a strand of his long, dark hair as she thought.

  “So am I going to need to wear a dress?”

  “Yes, but I will bring you an Elfin dress suitable for the occasion. You are my Chosen and you will wear my crest and my colors.”

  Cassie raised a single eyebrow. “Let me guess, your crest has a quiver in it and your colors are black?”

  Trik growled playfully at her and tickled her sides until she relented.

  “Okay, okay I give,” she laughed.

  “What will you give, beautiful? Will you give me your heart? Will you give me your soul? Will you give me your body? ” Trik asked as he paused in his tickle assault.

  Cassie’s breathing became shallow as she took in the possessiveness, need, and want dancing in his silver eyes. His words repeated themselves in her mind as she tried to focus on what he was asking. Trik leaned down and his nose brushed against her cheek.