Page 2 of Elfin

  One of the beautiful men stood from the table and she saw that he was unusually tall. His fitted clothes left no wonder to his body structure. This man’s hair shimmered a dark blue, and his eyes were a matching sapphire. He was muscular, but far from bulky. He was built for speed and agility. He wore loose fitting brown pants that looked as if they would allow him to move without hindrance. The material of his white shirt appeared to be the same as his pants and while it also seemed to be fitted for allowing maximum movement, was tight enough to reveal a flat stomach. His chest was broad, but not too thick. His arms, even covered by the sleeves of his shirt, were obviously muscular.

  He began to walk around the table and she noted that his movements where so smooth as to be catlike in their grace. He walked confidently, owning the room and commanding the attention of the others. As he drew closer to the back of the room, nearer to where Cassie stood on the other side of the glass, she held her breath, wondering if he could hear her. He stopped only feet away from her on the other side of the glass and his eyes snapped up, meeting hers. His piercing stare seemed to root her in the spot, even though everything inside her was telling her to run as fast and far as she could from the room, and the beautiful men that occupied it. His lips began to move and the motion of another man standing behind him broke her eyes from the intense stare. She saw that the man was moving towards the door. Cassie made a quick decision, albeit the wrong quick decision. Instead of heading in the direction of her dad’s office , she turned and ran in the opposite direction, grabbing the first door she came to. The door opened into an empty office next to the conference room. She rushed inside and pulled the door closed, pushing the lock in place, not bothering to check and see if the room was empty. Once again, not her brightest moment.

  Her breath came in rapid pants and her heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to jump straight out of her chest. She pressed her ear to the door, listening to see if she had been followed. When she didn’t hear anything she turned, pressing her back to the door and tilting her head up. Her eyes closed as she let out a long, nervous breath. She stood there for several moments composing herself before she felt someone’s eyes on her. Letting out an inward groan before she opened her eyes, she nearly whimpered knowing that she was going to find someone staring at her. Deciding that there was nothing left to do but face the individual, she opened her eyes and slowly scanned the room. They stopped on a figure with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall that separated the room from the conference room where the impossibly beautiful men sat. He looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world and didn’t appear to be surprised to see her there.

  She couldn’t move or speak. Like the men she had just seen, he was gorgeous, unbelievably so. For a moment the person seemed to flicker and someone else stood before her, equally gorgeous, and then he returned to his original appearance. She frowned, puzzled by the strange occurrence , but was quickly distracted when he spoke to her.

  “Well hello, beautiful.” His voice was deep, resonating to her very soul. It was smooth and as flawless as his form.

  Cassie still couldn’t speak. Her mind was too busy taking in his appearance. His hair, dark as midnight, fell across his forehead and was long enough to tuck behind his ears. Long lashes framed his silver eyes, which shined when they caught the light. He had high cheekbones and a straight, aristocratic nose. His lips were red and full, and appeared to Cassie as if they were made for all things pleasurable. He was tall and, like the other men that she had seen, muscular but not overly so. If his looks were not enough to disarm her, then adding the clothing would take care of it. If she had to describe his clothes in one word it would be ‘medieval.’ He wore black pants, that appeared to be the same material as the others, fitted to his form, a black shirt that was molded to his arms and over the shirt he wore a black vest that looked like it was designed for protection more than style. He had on black boots that came up over his pants and laced all the way around his claves. Her eyes ran slowly back up his body and when they returned to his face , she saw a smug, knowing smile. She blushed at having been caught obviously ogling him.

  “Had your fill?” He asked her and the teasing was evident in the mischief dancing in his unusual silver eyes. He continued to watch her and seemed to be waiting for something but Cassie’s mind was lost in a fog of desire and longing.

  “I’m wondering if someone as beautiful as you can speak,” he said. “And if so, will the intelligence level be so wanting that it ruins the outer package.”

  That caught her attention and pushed through the fog.

  “Are you asking if I’m an idiot?” Cassie asked incredulously after finding her voice.

  He smiled a slow, Cheshire Cat smile and the look in his eyes made her shiver.

  “She speaks,” he uncrossed his arms and one hand came up to cover his heart as he pushed away from the wall and took a step towards her, “and her voice is a caress to my soul. I suppose if you have a voice like that then I could tolerate you not being the brightest bulb in the box.”

  Cassie’s mouth dropped open at the insult. She too pushed away from the door, not considering the fact that she was in a locked room with a guy that she didn’t know, who looked dangerous and unpredictable.

  “What makes you an authority on intelligence levels?” She snapped.

  He took another step towards her, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “I’m a genius,” he answered with a look that said “duh.”

  “Oh. Well in that case, you being an ass is totally okay.” Cassie let out an exasperated breath as she continued to watch him.

  “Perhaps I am being a tad rude.” He stepped closer still and was suddenly only a foot away from her. He swept down in a dramatic bow and stood back up, looking at her with smoldering eyes that had her holding her breath.

  “My apologies, my lady. Will you let me start our introduction over?”

  Cassie could still hear the playfulness in his voice but there was something else as well, something that made her feel like he really wanted to know her. He reached his hand out, waiting for her to place hers in it. She looked at the hand and then back up at him. Something in her screamed, ‘don’t do it’ and yet she slowly lifted her hand and placed it in his. He wrapped his strong fingers around it and his eyes squeezed closed. She felt a jolt of power burst up her arms. She wanted to pull away, yet she also wanted to wrap herself in his arms, to have him touch her, kiss her, love her.

  Her eyes, which had closed at some point, popped open. Love? WTH, she thought to herself. Cassie get a clue, he’s dangerous, it’s written all over his lovely form. Yes , he is, but I still want him . She frowned at the petulant voice her subconscious had suddenly become. She shook her head, trying to clear it. She felt her feet moving forward and realized that he was pulling her to him. She was standing mere inches from his face. She tilted her head back to look up at him and found his silver eyes staring back at her. His brow was furrowed and she could see the questions on his face.

  “You saw me?” He asked her disbelievingly. “My true form, you saw it.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked, her voice wavering under his intense scrutiny.

  “Cassie, beautiful Cassie, what are you? How could you possibly see my true form?” He still held her hand in his and with his other hand he ran a finger down her jaw causing her to shiver again. She wanted to take a step back, needed to take a step back, but she couldn’t move.

  “How do you know my name?” She asked.

  His lips lifted in a crooked smile. “I saw it in your mind.” He said it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

  Cassie tried to pull her hand away but he tightened his hold.

  “You think you can read my mind?” She asked slowly, as if speaking to a child.

  “Not think, know,” his finger was now trailing slowly, so very slowly across her bottom lip. “I know that you think my lips are made for pleasure.”

  Cassie felt the blood rush
to her face in embarrassment. “Oh,” she squeaked out.

  She cleared her throat and tried again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It came out more as a question than the firm statement she had been going for.

  His finger continued to run gently across her jaw and down her neck to her collarbone.

  “I know about the time you fell out of the tree in your front yard and broke your arm because you were trying to rescue the neighbor’s cat. I know that you aren’t sure you even believe in prayer or the One you pray to, but it comforts you. I know that you think that your best friend is prettier than you are and I know that you do not see yourself clearly if you think that.”

  Cassie’s breath was coming in short gasps as she listened to this guy she had just met, and didn’t even know his name, tell her things that there was no possible way that he could know. She felt like she was suffocating; she couldn’t get enough air and her sight started to fade.

  “Come on beautiful, breathe for me.” His voice sounded far away though she knew he was standing inches from her.

  She felt his breath on her face as he spoke. His scent swirled around her and as she breathed in and out, she felt like she might be drunk on the smell. She felt him brushing her hair away from her face and then tilted her chin back to look up at him. She blinked as she looked at his inhumanly handsome face. She saw his features flicker again. For a brief moment , he had long, pitch black hair, pointed ears, and eyes so silver and clear that they shimmered like diamonds . His face shifted slightly. If she thought that he couldn’t be even more beautiful, she was wrong. Then, in the blink of an eye , she was again looking at the man with shorter dark hair, regular ears, and eyes that were a more subdued, yet stunning grey.

  “Wwwhat was that?” She stumbled over her words. Finally getting her feet to move she pulled back from him staring up at his widened eyes. When he continued to stare at her instead of answering her , she gathered her thoughts. She turned to look back at the door where she had entered. She could hear the other men out in the hall, speaking in low tones.

  “They are going to find me soon. I need to go.” She looked back and nearly jumped when her face almost ran into his chest. She tilted her head to look up into his face.

  “They won’t look for you in here,” he told her confidently.

  “They will eventually. It’s pretty obvious since its right next door to the room they were just in and I hid so quickly,” she reasoned.

  His lips formed a wickedly crooked smile. “They won’t find you because I won’t let them.”

  “And who are you, exactly?” Cassie raised a single eyebrow in question at him.

  He leaned forward until his mouth was mere inches from hers.

  “I’m yours,” he whispered.

  Cassie snorted out a short, abrupt laugh to cover up the gasp his words caused. “Does that work on all the girls?”

  Suddenly his head whipped up as the handle of the door began to jiggle. Cassie’s body tensed as she turned to look at the door, ready to bolt like a frightened animal.

  “Cassie, are you in there?” Cassie let out a relieved breath as she heard the voice of her father.

  She took a step towards the door but was stopped abruptly when an arm snaked around her waist. She let out a gasp of air as her back came in contact with a very firm chest. She felt his breath on her ear as his lips grazed her skin.

  “I will see you again, beautiful.”

  She closed her eyes briefly as she tried not to enjoy the sensation of being held so confidently. When he released her she headed quickly for the door and as she unlocked it and began to turn the knob, she felt his breath on her neck again and then a whisper.

  “Trik, my name is Trik.”

  She turned to look over her shoulder at him but there was no one there.

  Cha pter 2

  “Light elves have one mate—their Chosen. They love that one with totality and unquestioning faithfulness. For all the darkness that lives inside a dark elf, for all the evil that is innately born in them, they too have but one mate. And whatever the reason, the ferocity and intensity they love their Chosen with is neither lessened by their evil, nor sacrificed because of who and what they are.” ~Myrin, Advisor to Lorsan

  Trik stood leaning up against a large tree in the deserted park, the lateness of the night having driven the humans to the perceived safety of their homes. He debated whether to go and report back to Lorsan or wait until he had his emotions under better control. He didn’t want to get into what had happened with the beautiful girl, Cassie. He had plucked her name from her mind when he had touched her. As soon as his skin had made contact with hers , it was evident to him that her beauty wasn’t just skin–deep. She was beautiful down to the deepest part of her soul, and that should be enough to make him stay away. But he knew he wouldn’t, especially since she had seen the light elves in their true form. For all the good in the light elves, they still lived according to their laws and a human who had seen them in their true form had forfeited their life—whether it was their fault or not. As soon as she had walked into the room where he had been spying on the light elves and turned to look at him, she owned him. There was no way that he would let Tamsin and his band of goody-two-shoes touch a single hair on her head.

  He shook his head and chuckled as he remembered the look in her eyes when he had told her that he was hers. What he hadn’t said, and what would have probably sent her running straight into the arms of the ones searching for her, was that not only was he hers, but she was his. And that was why he couldn’t go see his King right then.

  He pushed away from the tree and decided to head for one of the many businesses that his people owned. It would do him good to surround himself with some good old-fashioned greed to remind him of who and what he was. Like the light elves, the dark elves had many businesses in the human realm. It was a good way for the elves to justify coming here to keep tabs on the various other species that had decided to make this realm their home. But where the light elves businesses had to do with the wellbeing of the earth, the dark elves’ businesses had everything to do with self-indulgence, feeding off of the baser needs of humans and the potential for darkness and evil deep in their hearts.

  Deciding he needed a distraction from the beautiful human, Trik headed in the direction of the stores just beyond the park. He found what he was looking for in a large glass front window where he could see his reflection. Elves could travel from realm to realm as well as to other cities using mirrors, or glass as long as there was a reflection of themselves in it. They needed only to think of where they wanted to go and then step into the glass. He pictured the lights of Vegas in his mind and took a step forward, his leg slipping easily through the glass followed by the rest of his body. On the other side , he stood in front of Iniquity, one of the many casinos in Las Vegas that his people owned. The bright lights flashed across his face; the city noise and chatter of humans was music to his ears. He could feel the greed, the lust , and the depression that swirled around the city in a thick fog. He inhaled a deep breath, smiling as he thought to himself; this is where I belong, not drooling over some human girl . Yet even as the thought passed through his mind, he knew he would see her again. He headed into the casino looking to find one of the few humans he dared to call a friend and hopefully a good card game.


  “So why exactly were you hiding in that conference room?” Cassie’s father asked as they walked out to the parking lot after having locked up his office.

  Cassie had been trying to figure out what to tell her father. She didn’t want to freak him out, nor did she want to sound like she was off her rocker, but she didn’t want to lie to him either.

  “Are there any unusual people who work in your building?” She asked carefully.

  “What do you mean by unusual?” He asked as they arrived at her car.

  “Like long, shiny hair, unusual colored eyes, and pointy ears unusual?” Cassie cringed as she said the last part. She
knew how it sounded, and the look on her father’s face just confirmed the sanity, or lack thereof, in her statement.

  He thought for a moment before he replied. “The owners of our company are a little odd looking.”

  Cassie jumped on that statement. “Odd, how?”

  Her dad scrunched up his face as he tried to describe them. Of course, a man trying to describe anyone in any amount of useful detail was a little bit of a stretch.

  “Well, they don’t have long hair, or pointy ears, but they are…” he scratched his forehead and searched for the words, “well, for lack of a better term, beautiful.”

  Cassie’s mouth dropped open and her mind jumped to the tall, incredibly handsome, and yes, beautiful , guy who called himself Trik. She remembered how his appearance had seemed to shift before her very eyes, though both forms were unbelievably beautiful.

  “They don’t have long shiny hair?” She asked.

  Once again her father looked at her as if she had grown a second head.