Page 20 of Lucky Kisses

  Lucky, lucky me.


  On this the last Friday before finals, the entire Row has emptied out and set its sights on the Black Bear. Lucky and Ava are meeting us here, but they’re running behind. Lucky mentioned something about a crisis with Harper and her boyfriend. I’ve had the displeasure of meeting the tool dating my little sorority sister, and I don’t care too much for the idiot. He’s made it clear he has eyes for just about every other girl, and my gut says he doesn’t stop at merely checking out the menu. If I ever hear that he’s stepped out on her, I’ll smash his face through the nearest window.

  Grant nudges me as we step into the thick of the bar and nods to the back where Jet and Rex sit and we head on over.

  “What’s up?” Jet rises and slaps Grant five then me. I’m just thankful he didn’t go for my face with that baseball mitt he calls a hand. “Where are the girls?” He gives a slight frown as he says it.

  “We’re meeting up.” I pan the vicinity for Lucky, but come up empty once again. “Where are your girls?” Now it’s me frowning at Rex—not that I have any beef left with the guy. My sister cares about him. Hell, so do I.

  “On their way,” Rex counters. “So, are things okay with you and Lucky?”

  My eyes flit to Jet just long enough to assess that his head hasn’t popped off just yet. “Better than okay.” What can I say? I’m feeling ballsy tonight. “I think we finally got back on track—the right track.” God knows Lucky and I have traveled a few dead-end, broken-down tracks that led to the pit of despair, but this entire last semester, this entire year with her in my life—even if it was in the periphery in the beginning—has been the best year of my life. Lucky filled a gaping hole in my heart that I didn’t even know I had.

  Jet and Grant step aside and carry on a conversation of their own.

  “Hey”—Rex leans in—“what’s up with that chick Knox is seeing?” He nods just past the dance floor to where Janelle is speaking to Eli, and my stomach turns.

  “I don’t know, but I know the dude. Eli’s a great guy. If he knew she was with Knox, he wouldn’t even be talking to her.” At least not like that. He’s practically parting her legs with his knee at the moment.

  “It’s not him I’m worried about.” Rex looks good and ticked for his little brother. No sooner does Eli wrap his arm around Janelle’s waist than Knox appears looking a bit stunned by their proximity. Of course, Eli does the respectable thing and walks the hell away—my way in fact.

  “What’s up?” I pull him in.

  Eli looks just as stunned as Knox. “Dude, I thought I had a home run and this chick’s boyfriend struts right up. And it’s fucking Knox! What the hell is that?”

  Rex and I exchange glances.

  “That my friend, is how my brother’s soon-to-be ex-girlfriend operates.” I shake my head at Rex. “I’ll talk to Knox first thing. I had a funny feeling about her. I could have sworn she was hitting on me all semester. I guess it was true.”

  “I’m not waiting.” Rex starts to storm off, and I pull him back. “Give them a second. Maybe talk to him in private. You don’t want to rip his balls off in front of her.”

  Scarlett comes up with Ava and the most stunning girl in the room, Lucky Madden.

  Lucky wraps her arms around my waist as we sway to the music. “Who’s getting their balls ripped off?” She laughs as if the idea amused her. Lucky has never been one to shy away from the topic of male mutilation, at least not where I’m concerned, at least not in the beginning.

  “I’m good.” I glance over as Rex fills Scarlett in, and her face explodes as red as a cherry. My sister cannot hide very far from our Irish roots. I’m glad she’s found someone decent, someone who would never do to her what Janelle is doing to poor Knox.

  “It must be serious.” Ava leans in. “Dish.”

  “It’s nothing.” I wince. “Okay, it’s something. My stepbrother’s girlfriend has sort of been perusing the menu to see what other courses she might be interested in.”

  Lucky huffs in her direction without missing a beat. “I knew that girl was a skank.”

  “She’s a cheat!” Ava explodes with indignation just as Grant heads over.

  “Who’s a cheat?” Grant holds up a hand. “Let me guess. Justin?”

  It’s true. The girls have spent a fair share of their time busting Justin’s balls over this, too.

  “Yes, the guy is an idiot,” I start and both Ava and Lucky are thrown into a tizzy. “But that’s not the cheat in question,” I’m quick to inform Grant. “It’s that chick who’s seeing my brother.”

  Grant grunts in their direction, “Doesn’t surprise me. She threw out the invite to me at least twice this semester.”

  “What?” Ava squawks so loud half the bar turns our way. I’d admit the same, but Lucky might just go over there and claw the girl’s eyes out. And I much prefer Lucky on this side of the prison wall.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Grant pulls her in, and they begin to sway to the music. He gets that goofy grin on his face and starts pecking at her lips. “You’re it for me.”

  I pull Lucky a few feet away and press my hips to hers. “You want to dance, princess?”

  “Only if you’re a prince. Oh, wait, you are.” She bats those thick lashes at me, and I’m sunk. “You’re my prince.”

  “Damn straight.” I tuck a kiss just under her ear. I’m still not ready to devour Lucky in public, especially not when Hammer Fist Jet is a mere twenty feet away.

  “So I’ve been thinking.” She rolls up the sleeve of her sweater and lands her marred tattoo between us. “It’s time to say goodbye to the motorcycle riding duck.”

  “It’s more of a moped, but I completely agree. Have you decided what you’re going to replace it with?” I have no doubt that Jet can transform this disaster into the Mona Lisa if Lucky so wished.

  “Yes. I’m going to write something special, and it has to do with you.”

  “Me, huh?” I give her a twirl, and her hair follows us like a thick, black scarf. Lucky’s hair holds the scent of jasmine and night magic. Everything about Lucky is magical. “Let me guess. You want to etch the words Lawson Kent has a macropenis onto your arm so you can recall how wrong you were forever.”

  Lucky tips her head back, and her entire body bucks with a laugh.

  “All right, sweetie,” I whisper. “It wasn’t that funny.”

  “Right.” She dabs the corners of her eyes with her pinkies “Actually, I was thinking of Lucky in Love.” Her cheeks pinch bright pink. “Because thanks to you—I am.”

  “Lucky in love.” I give her another twirl. “I promise, with me around, you always will be. And I plan on being around.” I peck a kiss over her cheek. “A very long”—another kiss to her temple—“long, time.”

  Jet and Daisy strut up, Daisy with that perky little grin of hers, and Jet about as moved as a statue. “All right, you two. Break it up.”

  “We’re taking off for the night.” Daisy pulls Lucky into a quick embrace.

  “Hey.” Lucky shoots me a wild-eyed look that ensures she’s cooking up something that might just go sideways. “Do you think we could stop by the shop?” She dips her knees as she silently pleads with her brother. I already know the answer. Jet can no sooner deny Lucky than I can. “I think I’m ready for that tat.”

  Within minutes, the four of us take off for Jepson, straight to Think Ink, and Jet leads us to the exact room where he once held my dick in his hand. Now there’s a memory for you.

  Lucky hops up on the chair while Daisy sweeps her arm clean with rubbing alcohol. I take the seat beside the love of my life and take up her hand.

  “Give it a squeeze if you need to.”

  “Can I break it?” Those lavender roses in her eyes round out in full bloom. Lucky isn’t kidding. Her fear of needles rivals my fear of having another hole drilled into my junk.

  “I don’t see why not—season’s over.”

  Jet and Daisy share a quick chuckle. “T
hat’s why I like you.” Jet shakes his head as if refuting himself.

  “That’s why I’m keeping him.” Lucky pulls me in by the back of the neck and sinks a kiss over my lips. “For good luck.”

  Jet starts in with the flowery font Lucky picked out, and after an hour of touching, loving, squeezing, Lucky can breathe easy because her duck on a moped is no more. In its place is beautiful, albeit swollen, navy blue lettering that maps out who she really is. Lucky in love.

  Just as Lucky thanks her brother and says goodnight, I gently pull her down into my seat as I snag center stage. “Not so fast.” I nod to Jet. “I was sort of hoping you might have time for just one more.”

  Jet sits back down himself and starts sterilizing the needles. “No problem. What do you want? A duck on a bicycle?”

  “Funny.” I look to Lucky, and all of the affection—all of the love I feel for this girl courses through me. “It’s a surprise.” I motion for her to turn around. Jet hands me a pad, and I jot down exactly what I want it to say, and just like that, he gets back to work.

  Once he’s through with round two, Lucky and I say goodnight to Jet and Daisy and take off for Hollow Brook—but I bypass campus and head up the switchbacks instead. It’s still early, and I plan on making the most of every moment I have with my girl.

  “Please tell me you don’t plan on cooking me alive again in that witch’s stew.”

  A dull laugh bounces through me. “Nope.” Okay, so she may have scrapped plan A, but plan B is just as steamy. We park a little further up, and I help Lucky out and lead us to the overlook.

  “This is amazing!” she marvels at the thousands of twinkle lights winking through the night haze, the miniaturized world at our feet. “It feels as if we’re soaring over the entire city.” She holds out her hands as if she’s flying, and I secure my arms around her waist, settling my head just over her shoulder.

  “Whatever it is we’re doing, I’m glad to be doing it with you.”

  “I’m glad, too.” She spins into me and gazes up with those cellophane eyes. “You make me a better person, Lawson.” Tears come, and she gives a few quick blinks. “You’re the reason I wake up with a smile on my face each and every morning.”

  “That’s a coincidence.” A dirty grin twitches on my lips. “You’re the reason I wake up with a smile on my face.”

  “That’s because you’re a pervert.” She gives me a light swat. “And that also happens to be one of the things I like about you most. But only when you get pervy with me.” Her hands glide down to the lip of my jeans. “Because I’m a little pervy myself.”

  “Duly noted.” My hands glide to her jeans, and I slip my fingers down the back, one-upping her in the perv department. “I’ve got a capital idea.”

  “I bet it’s a perfectly perverted capital idea.”

  “You know me well. How about we ditch the stitches and hang out in the back of my truck. You know, counting stars.”

  “Ditch the stitches?” She shakes her head. “You’re just full of little ill-versed innuendos, aren’t you? But—there are a lot of stars out here tonight.” Her fingers swim into my boxers until she hits pay dirt. “This could take some time. I’m very, very into exploratory astronomy—and anatomy.” Her hand wraps around me as she wrenches a deep guttural groan straight from my gut. “I think someone is about to get lucky.” Her brows rise an inch, and we both share a laugh. “But not before you show me that tat. I’m dying to know what it says, Kent.”

  “All right, Madden, but only because you asked.” I carefully peel away the gauze strip Daisy secured over me and hold it out for Lucky to see. There it is, slightly swollen and a bit irritated, but just as beautiful as I knew it would be.

  “In Love with Lucky,” she reads it slow and deliberate before gasping. “In Love with Lucky! Lawson!” Her voice breaks as she pounces over me with a tight embrace. Lucky in Love and In Love with Lucky. We make quite the pair.”

  “We do. That’s because we’re a great pair—a forever kind of deal.”

  “That we are.” She leans back and bears hard into my eyes, and just like that, our souls fuse over one another, an action that spells out forever far better than words can ever do.

  I pull her into a kiss and lose myself as our hearts pound over one another with the strength and speed you need if you’re planning on cresting forever.

  Together, we’re both lucky in love.

  I’m in love with Lucky.

  And I always will be.

  And with this beautiful girl in my life—I’m the lucky one.

  A Note from the Author

  ***Look for Revenge Kisses (3:AM Kisses 13) Knox and Harper’s story coming soon!***

  Thank you for reading Lucky Kisses (3:AM Kisses 12). If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review at your point of purchase. Even a sentence or two makes a difference to an author. Thank you so very much in advance! Your effort is very much appreciated.

  Books by Addison Moore


  3:AM Kisses (3:AM Kisses 1)

  Winter Kisses (3:AM Kisses 2)

  Sugar Kisses (3:AM Kisses 3)

  Whiskey Kisses (3:AM Kisses 4)

  Rock Candy Kisses (3:AM Kisses 5)

  Velvet Kisses (3:AM Kisses 6)

  Wild Kisses (3:AM Kisses 7)

  Country Kisses (3:AM Kisses 8)

  Forbidden Kisses (3:AM Kisses 9)

  Dirty Kisses (3:AM Kisses 10)

  Stolen Kisses (3:AM Kisses 11)

  Lucky Kisses (3:AM Kisses 12)

  Revenge Kisses (3:AM Kisses 13)

  * * *

  Burning Through Gravity (Burning Through Gravity 1)

  A Thousand Starry Nights (Burning Through Gravity 2)

  Fire in an Amber Sky (Burning Through Gravity 3)

  * * *

  Beautiful Oblivion (Beautiful Oblivion 1)

  Beautiful Illusions (Beautiful Oblivion 2)

  Beautiful Elixir (Beautiful Oblivion 3)

  * * *

  The Solitude of Passion

  * * *

  Someone to Love (Someone to Love 1)

  Someone Like You (Someone to Love 2)

  Someone For Me (Someone to Love 3)

  Young Adult Romance

  Melt With You (A Totally ’80s Romance 1)

  Tainted Love (A Totally ’80s Romance 2)

  Hold Me Now (A Totally ’80s Romance 3)

  * * *

  Parnormal Romance

  (Celestra Book World in Order)

  Ethereal (Celestra Series Book 1)

  Tremble (Celestra Series Book 2)

  Burn (Celestra Series Book 3)

  Wicked (Celestra Series Book 4)

  Vex (Celestra Series Book 5)

  Expel (Celestra Series Book 6)

  Toxic Part One (Celestra Series Book 7)

  Toxic Part Two (Celestra Series Book 8)

  Elysian (Celestra Series Book 9)

  Perfect Love (A Celestra Novella)

  * * *

  Ethereal Knights (Celestra Knights)

  Season of the Witch (A Celestra Companion)

  * * *

  Ephemeral (The Countenance Trilogy 1)

  Evanescent (The Countenance Trilogy 2)

  Entropy (The Countenance Trilogy 3)

  * * *

  Celestra Forever After (Celestra Forever After 1)

  The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After 2)

  The Serpentine Butterfly (Celestra Forever After 3)

  Crown of Ashes (Celestra Forever After 4) Soon!


  Thank you so much for reading Lucky and Lawson’s story! I had such a blast with these two, and I really hope you did, too. As the 3:AM family grows, I hope you enjoy each and every new story! A HUGE thank you to the peeps over at the Reader Corner and my Stealer Girls. You mean so much to me. I appreciate every single one of you and all of the spectacular things you do.

  Special, special thank you to my magical betas, Lisa Markson and Tabby Coots! Lis
a, you make me smile each time. Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine in my life. Tabby, you are SO appreciated. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to go through my work. You are the sweetest angel! I enjoy our friendship.

  Kaila Eileen Turingan-Ramos, aka Wonder Woman, THANK YOU, and yet shouting it isn’t even enough. You truly have a gift like no other. You are beyond awesome!

  Kathryn Jacoby, thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the crazy things you do for my books and for me. Words aren’t enough to describe how thankful I am for all of the hats you wear for me. I’m so thankful that you are a willing party to my insanity. Ready for more? I hope so!

  To my amazing editor, Paige Maroney Smith, I love you. That’s not weird at all, right? Thank you for never cracking under pressure and always delivering on time. You’re my sister from another mister. Please don’t ever leave me. I can’t live without you! XOXO

  And last, but never least, thank you to Him who sits on the throne. Worthy is the Lamb! Glory and honor and power are yours. I owe you everything.

  About the Author

  Addison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading. Addison’s Celestra Series has been optioned for film by 20th Century Fox.

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