Landing crouched down, William looked to his right as another guard took aim from ten yards away. William did a quick roll as the man pulled the trigger. Seven bullets flew by The Guardian without hitting him, instead burying themselves in the ground. William pulled out a dart from his belt and launched it at the shooter. The anesthetic dart struck the man in the stomach and before he could fire off another three shots, he collapsed unconscious.

  William rose to his feet as the man he had kicked moments ago came at him with blood streaming out of his mouth. Sidestepping the guard’s three quick blows with ease by weaving side-to-side, The Guardian stepped up before cross-facing the man with his elbow, making him spit even more blood. The guard sent a powerful kick at his foe, but William caught the boot and broke ankle in a swift move. The man bellowed in pain as William yanked on his leg to draw him in closer. Once he was close enough, William punched him in the face. The guard collapsed as pain rang through his body and more blood came out of his mouth. Standing above his dazed foe, William stomped on the man’s face and knocked him out cold.

  The last two men were not far. They were side-by-side right behind the prisoners. Their guns were aimed at the captives’ head at point-blank-range. Their eyes scanned the thinning smoke that surrounded them as they looked for any hint of their foe. Only seconds ago, they had heard their comrade bellowed in pain and their eyes were focused in that direction.

  “Come out!” One of them called out. “Or we’ll blow their brains to bits!”

  A stoic voice came out of the smoke. “No. You won’t.”

  They saw The Guardian’s dark outline slowly walking out of the smoke and towards them. But by the time they saw him, it was too late. Two darts came hurling out of the mist and at them. The first man was hit by a dart in the arm, while the second was struck in the leg. Within seconds both were lying unconscious next to their prisoners.

  But the leader was nowhere to be seen.

  About the Author

  Ammar Habib is a bestselling author who was born in Lake Jackson, Texas in 1993. Ammar enjoys crafting stories that are not only entertaining, but will also stay with the reader for a long time. Ammar presently resides in his hometown with his family, all of whom are his biggest fans. He draws his inspiration from his family, imagination, and the world around him.

  Other works by Ammar include:

  Dark Guardian

  Dark Guardian: Legends (Coming November 2017)

  Memories Of My Future

  Crossroads: A Story of Hope and Love

  To learn more about Ammar, please visit:



  Ammar Habib, Dark Guardian: A New Dawn



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