Page 23 of Smoke & Mirrors

  “I’m convinced it’s what they wanted us to believe,” Sparks said with a sigh. “Unfortunately, whatever they did to him still has him in a completely feral state. Sergeant Maddock is attempting to get Taylor to shift back.”

  Sloane came to stand by Dex, his hand on Dex’s shoulder. “Wait. Shultzon said they’d send someone to kill us both. Someone whose desire for my mate could easily be turned into deadly jealousy. They somehow got to Taylor.”

  Seb nodded. “Well, it’s no secret Taylor’s wanted Dex since he joined.”

  “Considering the Therian-control drugs these guys have been messing with for years,” Dex pondered, “I’m not surprised they’d pump him with something to get the results they wanted.”

  Sparks approached Dex, and he wrinkled his nose. “What’s that smell?”

  “What?” Sloane sniffed the air. “It’s sweet.”

  Dex had smelled it before. It had been faint, but he remembered thinking it was gross because it had a hint of something he didn’t like.

  “It’s licorice,” Dex said, giving another sniff.

  Sparks waved her hand in dismissal. “Oh, that. Admiral Moros, the Chief of Therian Defense is at HQ. It’s where I just came from. He wears this hideous ointment for his joints.” Sparks sniffed her hand with a frown. “We shook hands.”

  Where had he smelled that? Dex closed his eyes, racking his brain. It was important he remember. He didn’t know why, but it was important. His brain was fuzzy, the last few months messing with his head. The seizures, the passing out, the kidnapping….

  “Dex?” Sloane ran a hand over Dex’s head. “What’s wrong?”

  “I smelled that somewhere.” Somewhere dark…. His eyes flew open. “Oh God. It’s him.”

  “What?” Sparks grabbed his shoulders. “Explain.”

  “The Chief of Therian Defense. He was in the facility where Wolf held me.”

  “Are you certain? This is an incredibly delicate situation, Dex. If you’re wrong—”

  “It was him! I remember the smell. I thought about how much I hated the smell of licorice. Had one too many shots in college. It had to be him. He’s a tiger Therian, isn’t he?”

  Sparks’s eyes went wide, and for the first time since Dex had known her, she looked truly scared. “Oh no.”

  “What?” Dex asked, following her as she took off. He called out over his shoulder. “Seb, look after Hudson. We’ll be in touch!” Dex didn’t wait for a reply. He and Sloane ran out of the house after Sparks. He’d never seen her move so fast, but Dex caught up. He grabbed her arm and spun her around, surprised by the tears in her eyes. “What the hell is going on?”

  “He’s with Tony! He said he showed up when he heard about Taylor going feral, and he wanted to interrogate him himself. Said he had to make sure there wasn’t a breach in THIRDS security.”

  Dex’s heart leaped into his throat. “He’s going to kill Taylor to keep him from talking.” Which meant he would kill any witnesses. “Dad….”

  They ran to Sparks’s car, a shiny black Firebird Trans Am parked at the curb. They climbed into the muscle car, and Sparks burned rubber. They weren’t far from HQ, and Dex tried to call his dad’s cell phone.

  “Shit. He’s not answering.” He prayed they’d get there in time. He could be completely wrong about the Chief of Therian Defense, but the guy matched Shultzon’s description, though clearly he’d changed some in thirty-five years. Something in his gut warned Dex. He tried to call dispatch and got nothing. “Why can’t I get through to anyone?”

  “I don’t know.” Sparks tapped her ear. “Tell me what the hell is happening at THIRDS HQ. What? Shit. I’m heading that way now. You know the drill. We’re going all in on this. Stay out of sight. I want someone in there with Sergeant Maddock. I don’t give a shit what protocol says. If anything happens to him, you’ll have to answer to me. Do you hear me? Get him out alive!”

  Dex had never seen Sparks like this. He had no idea she cared so much about Tony. Then again, the two had been partners for years, and he was Dex and Cael’s father.

  “HQ has been evacuated. A fire up in the labs. Everyone’s made it out safe, and the fire’s contained, but Tony’s down in the subbasement in the Therian holding cells. Transmission has been cut off. He has no idea there’s anything wrong. It’s a goddamn war zone over there. No calls are coming through dispatch.”

  She growled as she floored the accelerator, and they sped through a red light.

  “Chief’s initiated Emergency Shield Protection Protocol.”

  Dex closed his eyes. He’d heard of the ESPP. It was initiated only if a terrorist attack was suspected. With the protocol in place, no one was getting in or out.

  “How are we going to get to Tony?” Sloane asked worriedly. “The place is a goddamn fortress by now.”

  “My operatives are working on it.”

  She sped in through the back entrance of the parking garage across from THIRDS HQ and brought the car to a screeching halt at the end of the floor. They jumped out of the car and ran after her, meeting several TIN operatives in black suits waiting for them.

  Please, Dad, be okay. Dex and Sloane followed Sparks and the Tin Men through a steel door marked Security Personnel Only. They hurried down several flights of stairs to what appeared to be an expansive subbasement. At the end of one of the many corridors, the TIN operatives stopped at a huge boiler. One of them put his hand to a panel, and something clicked. He stepped aside as his partner took hold of the massive iron handle and pulled. The door opened, and Sparks climbed in. Inside, she turned to Dex and Sloane.

  “Follow me,” Sparks ordered. “This goes through to the parking garage under HQ. We had it built back before the THIRDS opened its doors.”

  She disappeared into the shadows, and Dex quickly followed. Inside it was dark and damp, but Dex didn’t have a problem. He could see ahead of him just fine. Sloane’s hand touched his back, and Dex nodded, knowing Sloane could see him.

  “Whatever happens,” Sloane said quietly, “you be careful.”

  “You too.”

  They were inside the small tunnel for less than five minutes, but for Dex it seemed to take forever. They finally emerged through a grate on the other side. As soon as Sloane had climbed out, Sparks replaced the grate, and they ran through the empty brick corridor to a set of stairs. Dex had never been this far down in HQ. There was never any need for him to be. There wasn’t even anything down here, or so he’d believed.

  Sparks silently opened the fire door at the top of the stairs and slipped out. Dex and Sloane followed. They were on a landing in the emergency stairwell. Dex ran to the next fire door, the one that led to the holding cells. He carefully opened it, hearing the roars, hisses, and howls. The cells had at least half a dozen suspects still in their Therian forms, and something was upsetting them. A gunshot echoed, and Dex’s heart leaped in his throat. He ran out the door to his dad’s scream.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Licorice. Oh God, it made him feel sick to his stomach. Dex rounded the corner in time to see the Chief of Therian Defense shoot his dad in the chest.

  “No!” Dex roared as he barreled into the tiger Therian, sending them rolling on the concrete floor. Dex lunged at Admiral Moros, straddling him and planting a fist across his face. “You son of a bitch!”

  Moros hissed, slamming his hands into Dex’s chest and sending him flying off. Dex hit the floor hard. He rolled and saw Sparks and Sloane holding Tony, blood seeping from the gunshot wound in his chest. Dex pushed himself to his feet to face the asshole.

  “Sloane, get this building up and running! We need a medevac stat!” Sparks ordered before Dex heard her yell at Sloane again. “Dex can handle it. Save Tony!”

  Dex faced Moros, circling him, his fury rising through him. “You’re the one behind all this. Behind the facility, the torture, the control drug, everything. And now you shot my father.”

  “It’s his own fault.” Moros spat out a mouthful of saliv
a mixed with blood. “He should have gone back upstairs like I told him to, but he wouldn’t leave his post. I couldn’t have any witnesses.”

  Dex glanced at Sparks, who had her forehead pressed against Tony’s as she comforted him. A white rage rose inside Dex. Not again. “You took my parents. I won’t let you take him too.”

  Moros laughed at him. “And what are you going to do? I’m a Therian, and a tiger one at that. You’re no match for me, and your boyfriend isn’t here to protect you. You think because you’re infected that it makes you like me?” His steel-gray eyes filled with fury. “You’re an abomination! Neither Human nor Therian.” Moros unbuttoned his Naval officer’s jacket and tossed it to one side, the medals clinking against the floor. “You’re going to join all those other abominations in hell.”

  “They were innocent people! My parents were innocent. And for the record, I’m nothing like you.”

  “The Therian species is superior. This war between us and the Humans is only beginning. Everyone wants to be at the top of the food chain. I couldn’t have Humans running around with Therian traits, with our eyesight, our strength, our healing abilities? How long would it take Human military officials to decide they needed an army of freaks like you?” He rolled up his sleeves and ran a hand through his silver hair.

  “Humanity has had its day, Dexter. Not you, TIN, or anyone else is going to stop Therians from being the true kings of this world. You think I’m alone in this?” He laughed bitterly. “Do you really think everything will stop if I’m in prison or dead? You stupid, naïve little boy. Playing soldier in a war you’re not ready for.” He motioned for Dex to advance. “Come on, then. Come join your parents in the afterlife. They failed, and so will you.”

  Dex let out a fierce roar as he charged, pain shooting through his body like electric charges striking every muscle and nerve ending. Claws pierced his fingers as Dex launched himself into the air, jumping and coming down on Moros, who dodged away, but not before Dex’s claws scraped at his face.

  Dex landed on his feet with a hiss. He looked up at Moros, who stared at him, eyes wide as he touched his bloodied cheek. With a war cry, Moros attacked, and Dex moved swiftly, staying out of Moros’s grasp. One hand to the throat, and Dex was dead. This man was responsible for the death of his parents, for the innocent couples whose only crime was to love without prejudice, only to die at the hands of this monster. It was all about greed and power. That was all it ever was about.

  Dex ducked under Moros’s fist and swiped his claws, tearing at Moros’s pant leg and drawing blood. The man was strong as hell, but Dex was strong too. He drew on his newfound strength, on his speed and agility, on all the training he’d been doing over the last few months. He struck as hard as he could whenever Moros left himself vulnerable, retracting his claws and driving his fist against the man’s kidneys, his ribs, and then releasing his claws, striking wherever he could. Moros roared with fury as he tried to get his hands on Dex. Tiger Therians were big, fast, but all that bulk and muscle, their size could be used against them. Ash had taught Dex that, and now that Dex was faster, unrelenting, his body pulsating with Therian blood, he grabbed fistfuls of Moros’s clothes and jerked him, sending him sliding across the floor.

  The alarms beeped as the building’s security-measure protocol was removed. Moros screamed, a wail of frustration and anger. Instead of heading for Dex, he changed trajectory.


  Dex sped toward Moros as he headed for Sparks and Tony. Sparks was applying pressure to Tony’s wound. Dex could see his father trying to move Sparks out of the way. They’d both be killed. Images flashed through Dex’s mind. His parents had been taken from him too soon, but he’d found love again. His parents had made sure of it. Sparks brought Tony against her, shielding him with her body. Dex raced across the floor, sliding on his knees in front of Sparks as Moros raised his own claws, his fangs bared.

  Moros’s eyes went wide, blood bubbling up and spurting from his lips. He staggered back, his hands going to his gut. Dex’s chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath. He watched as Moros gaped at Dex before falling to his knees, and even then he still tried to crawl over to Tony. Dex retracted his claws as he walked over, his jaw set as he put his boot to Moros’s shoulder and kicked. The guy dropped onto his side before rolling onto his back, his guts spilling through the tears in his abdomen. The EMTs reached Tony and hurriedly got to work under Sparks’s orders. Sloane came running, stopping beside Dex and putting his arm around him, his deep frown on Moros.

  Moros looked at them and laughed, a horrible gurgling sound. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his head falling back against the floor. “There… there will be others.”

  “We’ll be waiting,” Dex said, watching the light go out of the bastard’s eyes. He was dead. Dex followed the EMTs as they wheeled Tony to the ambulance, Sparks holding his hand. Dex couldn’t help his smirk. “Guess we know what my dad was doing working late.”

  Chapter 12

  “SO, YOU and my dad.”

  Dex stood beside Sparks outside his dad’s hospital room. Cael was inside, asleep in the armchair next to their dad’s bed. He’d cried himself to exhaustion before falling asleep. The bullet had done some damage, but not nearly as much as the doctors had expected. Dex was convinced Tony had intimidated the thing into leaving his body without any more grief. Tony would be off his feet, not to mention be on leave for some time, but he was alive, and the doctors were confident the recovery would go smoothly. Dex expected no less from Sergeant Anthony Maddock. Sparks had remained outside, and Dex felt for her. No one could know about her relationship with his dad. Not because the THIRDS cared, but because TIN didn’t know, and it could pose a threat to her position. Too many risks. Too many risks to Tony’s life. To their family.

  Sparks gave him a small smile. “He wanted to tell you and Cael, but I asked him to wait, telling him you were already going through so much. The truth is, I was scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “That you wouldn’t approve, and I know if you’re against something, it’s likely Cael will feel the same.”

  She gave a sniff and straightened. Always so in control, except now Dex could see the chink in her armor.

  “He loves you boys more than anything, and he’d never do anything to hurt you. I was afraid if he told you and Cael, that you’d give him an ultimatum. Me or you boys. It wouldn’t go well for me.”

  Dex narrowed his eyes at her. “If you think that, then you obviously don’t know me and Cael very well. Even if we didn’t approve—and the verdict is still out on that one considering everything you’ve put us through—you really think we would do anything that would hurt our dad? If you make him happy, treat him right, who the hell are we to say he shouldn’t be with you? Of course if you hurt him, then we’ll be having words.”

  “A lot of people think we shouldn’t be together. I’m a Therian. He’s Human.”

  “Who gives a shit? You know how many people give me and Sloane dirty looks for being together? How many times we get called names or get spit at? Fuck them.”

  Sparks chuckled. “You sound like Tony.”

  “He’s a smart man. You should listen to him. Not about movies, though. Never listen to him about movies. He doesn’t know his Star Wars from his Star Trek.”

  “Star Wars is the one with the Klingons, right?”

  Dex peered at her, and she laughed. He’d never heard her laugh before. It was odd to see but suited her. It changed her whole face, almost made her look like a different person.

  “I’m kidding.”

  Dex held back a smile. “I think you’ll do okay. Cael’s going to hit the roof, but he’ll come around.” Well, he supposed now was as good a time as any. “You told me my mom wasn’t a spy.”

  “She wasn’t.”

  “I listened to the rest of the tapes, remember? She specifically said hand the evidence over to ‘the proper operatives.’ Not proper authorities, but operatives. Come on, Sonya. Let
’s put all our cards on the table here. My mom couldn’t have done everything she did without help, and my dad, as good as he was, wouldn’t have known how to breach Shultzon’s security.”

  Sparks arched an eyebrow at him. “All right. I suppose I owe you that much.”

  Dex grinned wickedly. “Oh, you owe me a hell of a lot more, but let’s start there.”

  And just like that, she was all business again. “Very well. Dex, only Therians can work for TIN. That’s why it’s Therian intelligence, but just as we have Therian freelancers, we have Human associates. We’re hardly going to dismiss an asset because they’re not Therian. The war between Humans and Therians affects us all. Despite what many Therians believe, we have a great many Human allies. Like your mother and father.

  “TIN took notice of them when they were still in college. They held such great promise. I was still in high school, but I was already at the academy. TIN searched out the best and brightest. We reached out to them not long after you were born. Everything changed for them then.” Sparks smiled, a genuine warm smile.

  “Wait, did you know them?”

  “I’d done surveillance, and they were used as examples of the ideal Human associates, allies who were interested in making a difference in the world.” She looked away, as if lost in an old memory. “The night your parents were killed was the first and last time I cried. I’d grown attached to them, and that was something I couldn’t afford. If my superiors had found out, I would have been sent home, my career over before it started. I kept an eye on you after that. Always from afar. When your partner killed that Therian informant, I knew it was time to bring you in, to have you closer.”

  “So Shultzon was right?”

  “Some of it. You were destined for great things, just like I believed your parents to be. I figured it was only a matter of time before they came looking for you, and I was afraid they’d use the death of your parents to get you working for them against us. I didn’t know you very well or how loyal you were to your family—Tony and Cael.”

  “If you’d been studying me like you say you have, then you’d know how much they mean to me. I’d never betray them.”

  “You’d be surprised what people are capable of when faced with the truth.”

  The way she said the words told Dex she was speaking from experience, but it wasn’t his place to ask.

  “Not long ago, I had hoped you would work for TIN as a Human associate, but now….”

  She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out two black wallets. She handed them to Dex. He opened the top one and stared down at the ID. It was a badge with his photo and the title of Therian Intelligence Network Operative. The second one was Sloane’s.

  “I don’t get it. I thought you had to be a Therian to work for TIN.”

  Sparks cocked her head to one side as she studied him. “And you are. Well, part of you. TIN would very much like to have the first Human-Therian working with them. Hang on to those, and think about it.”

  “You really think we’d work for TIN? We’ve seen how you guys operate. The secrecy, the whole means-to-an-end thing. You really think we’d go around kidnapping people, torturing them? Shit, they call you Tin Men for a reason.”

  Sparks rolled her eyes. “It’s just a nickname. We make people believe what they want to, but I’ll be the first to say that if anyone doubts our conviction, we will demonstrate what we’re capable of. However, our operatives are encouraged to work according to their skill sets. We don’t force you to fit a mold, Dex. You and Sloane could use whatever methods work for you, as long as we see results, and that they are of course carried out within certain parameters. We are still enforcers of the law.” A wicked gleam came into her eye, and she cocked her head to one side, studying him. “We’re known to bend the rules on occasion. Sound like anyone you know?”

  Dex coughed into his hand. “Nope. Have no idea.”

  “Think about it. You wouldn’t have to leave the THIRDS entirely. I didn’t. We could make it work.” She turned back to watch Tony sleeping. “He doesn’t know.”

  Dex let out a sigh. “The longer you leave it, the more you’ll break his heart. You should tell him.”

  She nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek. Dex had no idea she cared about Tony that much. He had no idea how long it had been going on, and Dex had to give his dad props. He was way better at keeping his relationship a secret than he and Sloane. Dex put his arm around Sparks’s shoulders. Usually she was in her heels and taller than him, dressed in her pantsuit, exuding power and unfaltering control. Now in jeans and sneakers, she was a couple of inches shorter than him. She was soft, tucked against his side. He’d always seen her as this powerhouse. This unbreakable woman. Fierce. And she was still all those things, but she was also the kind of woman who looked at his dad with adoration.

  Tony slowly opened his eyes. When he seemed able to focus, he turned his head and saw them. Dex smiled and waved. The smile on his dad’s face was amazing, his expression one of relief and then love.

  “Why don’t you go in. Cael sleeps like the dead. Family trait. He won’t be awake for some time. I’m going to meet Sloane in the canteen for some coffee. I promised my dad we’d sit and talk about what happened after I saw Shultzon. He needs to know what’s happened to me.” He tucked the IDs she’d given him in the pocket inside his leather jacket. “Tell Dad I’ll be back.”

  She nodded quickly and went in, closing the door behind her before rushing over to his bed. Dex couldn’t hear what they were saying, but whatever it was made his dad really happy. He looked over at Dex and mouthed the words “Thank you.” Dex gave him a wink, his heart swelling when Tony brought Sonya in for a kiss, her big red waves falling over her shoulder. They looked good together.

  Dex shoved his hands into his pockets and went down to the Garden Café, where Sloane was waiting for him with coffee. Sloane had needed a few minutes to himself to wrap his head around everything, and Dex had kissed his cheek and told him to text him. The text had come through five minutes ago.

  Have coffee. Will trade for kiss.

  In the café, Dex found Sloane sitting serenely by himself at a table by a big tropical plant. Dex tiptoed as he got closer and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “You got your kiss. Now where’s my coffee?”

  Sloane chuckled. “Hey, Trouble. How’s your dad?”

  “Making out with Sparks.”