Page 15 of Jaguar Fever

  Connor nodded. “Kat and I were talking about what we’d do with our remaining time here, since we can’t run as jaguars.”

  Maya let out a heavy breath and joined Connor on the couch. “Is she disappointed?”

  “A little. But she’ll be fine. She just wants to make sure she gets her fill of the jungle before we return. We won’t be coming back until after she’s had the twins, and not until they’re a little older. She’s been doing really well.”

  “Yeah, when she’s a jaguar, you said.”

  “The cave-tubing trip is a tour-guided activity that includes a seven-mile water ride. I think she’ll do fine on the water ride. It’s just the hiking through the jungle and the cave as a human that might be a little much. But she’s in excellent shape from being in the Army and running as a jaguar. She insists she can do it.”

  Maya bit her lip. “Okay, let’s plan on her keeping to the jungle in her cat form. We’ll carry anything she needs for the cave tubing.”

  Now they just had to wait for Wade and his brother to come back and hope that nothing bad happened to them while they searched for Lion Mane and the other smuggler.


  Wade and David spent a couple of hours searching for the scent of Lion Mane and Smith, but they couldn’t locate either in the jungle or around the cabanas.

  “They have to have taken a vehicle—a bus or rental car—out of here,” David finally said. “They might have packed up their bags and gone somewhere else. The Amazon, even.”

  Wade didn’t feel right about it. He stared past Smith’s cabana at the jungle beyond. “Bettinger and Lion Mane were together at the club.”


  “We were together. Maya’s cousins, Huntley and Everett, were with one another,” Wade reasoned.

  “Yeah, so…?”

  “You and I are brothers. So are Huntley and Everett. If Maya had been with anyone else when she went to the club, she would have been with her brother and sister-in-law, had they been home,” Wade said. His thoughts were headed down a dark path that he didn’t want to consider.

  “I don’t follow you.”

  “We’re thinking these guys, Bettinger and Lion Mane, were cohorts in a criminal act. They’re shifters. But what if they were brothers?”

  “Shit,” David said, turning pale. “If he was close to Bettinger…”

  “Lion Mane might want revenge for his brother’s death. I was thinking he was just working with the guy, no great loss. They might have been friends, but not friends enough to get himself killed over. A brother? Possibly.” Wade would if someone killed his brother.

  David stared at Wade, recognition in his eyes. “He might have left the area already. The evidence points in that direction. That he’s gone.”

  “What if he’s not?”

  “We’re back to the plan of trying to catch him if he attempts to go after Maya on the excursion,” David said slowly. “We need to get back to her place.”

  Wade was already heading in the direction of their cabana. “I’ll get our bags. You go check us out.”

  David stalked toward the main lodge while Wade went to their cabana. He hastily packed and then, with their bags in hand, he pulled open the door. A man stood in the doorway, his gun pointed at Wade.

  Narrowing his eyes, Wade took in the tall, scrawny man, his blue jeans muddy from the knees down, his camouflage shirt smelling of sweat and ripe body odor. The man’s hair was plastered against his scalp, greasy and long, around the balding crown.

  Wade took a deep breath, smelled the man’s odor again, and said, “Smith, I presume.”

  The hunter who’d been staying with Mylar was just as dangerous as his now-dead friend.

  Wade had no intention of attempting to reason with the man. He backed up as if agreeing to whatever Smith had in mind. He had to get the hunter inside the room. Once the guy shut the door behind him, Wade lunged like a jaguar shifter in human form. Smith’s pale blue eyes rounded, his mouth gaping as he tried to raise the gun.

  The human was too late. Wade struck him hard in the nose, breaking it with a crunch. Smith screamed in pain but didn’t release the weapon.

  Wade grabbed for the man’s arm, yanking it so quickly and sharply behind the man’s back that he heard a snap—the arm breaking. The gun clattered to the floor, the muffled pop of a round striking the mahogany leg of the coffee table.

  With the constant jungle chatter, Wade was certain he and Smith wouldn’t draw attention with any noise they made. At this time of morning, many guests would have already started out on day treks and wouldn’t be in the vicinity. Only animals with keen hearing would hear a scuffle.

  Smith collapsed to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks as Wade finally released his arm. “Who sent you?”

  The human glowered at Wade. Either he was acting tough, or he was just too stupid to believe Wade wouldn’t punish him more.

  Wade, standing in front of Smith, tilted his head to the side and scowled at the bastard. With the rap sheet he had, the guy was probably the one usually towering over a cowering victim. “You know where Mylar went, right?” Wade asked.

  Smith’s eyes widened.

  “Yeah. You got it. You could join him next, though I’m sure there’s not much left of him. The crocs and piranhas aren’t choosy.”

  The man swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

  “Who… sent… you?” Wade demanded.

  The sound of the window being yanked up in the bathroom had Wade twisting around to look.

  Smith lunged for the gun with his uninjured arm. Grabbing it in his left hand, he turned to shoot Wade.

  “Damn it.” The guy must be ambidextrous, Wade thought. He seized the man’s left arm, fully intending to break it as well, but the gun went off.

  The man collapsed, clutching his chest. Not hesitating, Wade jerked the gun from the man’s hand and aimed toward the bathroom down the hall.

  “Just me!” David said, hands in the air. “I heard the fight and didn’t want to get shot coming in through the front door.” He looked down at Smith. “That must be Smith.”

  “Yeah,” Wade muttered, looking back at the human, who was now lying on his back, his eyes open and sightless.

  Wade pushed the man with his booted foot. The guy was dead, damn it to hell and back.

  “Where’s the bullet wound?” David asked, peering down at the man.

  Wade pushed the man over with his boot, saw no sign of blood, and reached down to feel for a pulse. None. Wade let out his breath in a huff. “Hell, there isn’t any bullet wound. He must have had a heart attack.”

  David gave an exasperated sigh. “Don’t tell me you didn’t learn who the buyer was.”

  “I didn’t. Nor did I get a name from him as to who Lion Mane is. Let’s drop him off at the river and get out of here. Are we checked out?”

  “Yeah.” David helped carry Smith through the bathroom, and the two of them shoved the body through the window into the jungle out back where it was less likely to be seen. “We need to dump him and get back to Maya’s resort. Any sign of the shifter?”

  “No. That’s what has me worried. I’m thinking that this guy was left behind to take care of us when we returned, while the shifter might have gone after Maya.”

  “The shifter’s smart. He probably thinks Maya is easy pickings compared to the two of us,” David said. “What if he has a gun like this guy did?”

  “They’ll think of something.” Wade didn’t want to second-guess the situation. He just wanted to dispose of the body and get back to Maya and the others quickly.

  “Take it easy on Lion Mane if we get hold of him, will you?” David asked in a teasing manner. “I really want to get on Martin’s good side this time.”

  Wade shook his head as the two carried Smith to the river. He knew David didn’t care about gettin
g on Martin’s “good” side. In a situation like this, all he cared about was that Wade and he came out on top—alive and uninjured.

  And right now, all they were concerned about was getting rid of the evidence and getting back to the Andersons in time.

  Chapter 18

  Francisco, their guide, and the group were ready to hike to the cave tubing site and anxiously waiting on Maya, her brother, and her sister-in-law.

  Maya was staring out her window at the jungle, hoping that the plan to draw Lion Mane out would work, but she thought Wade and his brother had already taken too long to return to the treetop cottages.

  She was wearing a bathing suit under her jeans and T-shirt and had a couple of water bottles, a waterproof camera, and a hand towel in her backpack sitting on the table. Connor and Kat would arrive any minute. It was now or never.

  A knock at the door gave her a start, and she rushed to ensure it was her brother and Kat. It was. She opened the door. They looked as anxious as she did. Connor had one backpack between them.

  “They’re not here,” Connor said, glancing at Maya’s living room and stating the obvious. “We’ve got to go.”

  “But shouldn’t we wait for Wade and David?” Maya asked.

  “We’ll miss the excursion if we wait. But I had another idea in case David and Wade didn’t arrive on time. You go with the guide, and we’ll join you at the site. At least that’s how I’ve explained it to the guide. Kat and I will go in jaguar form, hidden in the jungle as your personal escort. Stay near the back of the group. We’ll watch for any signs of a jaguar. At the caving site, we’ll shift and join you. I have a change of clothes in my backpack. You can add whatever you had in yours to ours and carry it.”

  “The guide won’t like that you’re going to join us at the caves, will he?” she asked, transferring her stuff to Connor’s bag.

  “I explained that Kat and I have taken the trip many times, but that I wanted you to have the guided tour. A little extra money convinced him to allow us to join you later.”

  “I’d rather it be me hunting down Lion Mane than Kat.”

  “If that’s his game, he’d be after you, not Kat. If he thinks you’re not with us and more vulnerable, he might take a chance to tangle with you. Kat can handle the hike better in her jaguar form. And she’s a good fighter. Either that, or we return home and risk having him come after you when we’re least expecting it. He could get reinforcements back home, too. Of course, this is just speculation. He might not be interested in dealing with you at all.”

  “What about Wade and David?”

  “They know where we’re going. They can join us if they’re able to.”

  She hated the dark tone of Connor’s voice.

  Kat said, “I think Connor’s right. We can give this a shot and see if it works. Just write Wade a note that you’re going on the tour by yourself. That I’m not feeling well and Connor’s staying at the cottage with me. That you’ll meet him for dinner. That way, when he gets here, he’ll know we left on the tour. He’ll know Connor and I wouldn’t have let you go alone. And if someone else reads the note, they won’t realize that Wade and David intended to watch our backs. Or that we won’t be with you.”

  Unsure about the whole plan, Maya hastily wrote a note for Wade and left it on the coffee table.

  “Go. The group and guide are ready to hike. We’ll join you in a minute,” Connor said, lifting his backpack to Maya’s shoulders.

  Maya kissed him on the cheek, gave Kat a hug, and then Kat said, “Be careful, okay?”

  Heading outside, Maya hurried to join the excursion group.

  She greeted the guide and the twelve other cave tubers, and then they began their hike through the jungle. The guide, Francisco, had near-black hair and eyes and a big white-toothed smile. The other cave tubers were of various shapes and sizes.

  The men and women were quiet as Francisco walked ahead of the party, talking about the jungle, pointing out the importance of the plants, and identifying birds, insects, and reptiles. He guided them along the semi-worn path—as worn as any jungle path could be where the vegetation grew wild and couldn’t be tamed, even by man.

  Maya soaked up the feel of the hot, muggy rainforest as she tuned the guide out and watched for any sign of Lion Mane. Her brother and Kat would also be in the rainforest, but they would be elusive, trying to keep out of another jaguar’s sight, if Lion Mane was following her. She would have been comforted to know that they were close by, but she couldn’t stop worrying about Kat.

  The tourists in front of them eyed the trees as the tour guide pointed out a bright green, poisonous tree frog, a boa constrictor coiled nearby, and colorful parrots high above. The tourists immediately began plying him with questions, but the chatter died down quickly because the men and women had to save their breath for the rigorous hike.

  Maya thought she spied a jaguar’s movement. She stopped, staring into the jungle, but it was too late. Whatever movement had caught her eye was now well hidden in the foliage.

  By the time they reached the cave nearly an hour later, everyone was sweaty and breathing hard, except for the guide and Maya. No one had attempted to attack her, and she hadn’t heard any fighting in the jungle.

  She left the backpack hidden off the trail for her brother and Kat to find and rejoined the others.

  The guide said they had reached the spot, and they could see through the blue-green water clear to the rocky bottom where fish were diving for food. Maya took a deep breath and stared at the pristine beauty.

  “For over two thousand years, the Mayans used these caves for ceremonies,” Connor said, taking in the wondrous site.

  She whipped around to see him and Kat together, hands entwined and Connor now wearing the backpack. He gave her a small smile.

  Maya was so glad to see them safe that she immediately embraced them both. “What did you see?”

  “Trees,” Connor said. “Nothing else.”

  Then the movement Maya had seen must have been Kat or Connor. She was glad Kat and her brother hadn’t encountered any trouble.

  “It’s beautiful.” Kat looked as though the long hike as a jaguar hadn’t bothered her in the least as she peered down at the water.

  The jungle and whitewashed cliffs surrounded the river, boulders rising high above where the group climbed before removing their outer clothing and shoving it into packs. They each grabbed an inner tube and tossed it into the placid water. Then one after another, they jumped in to join their tubes. Each also had a life jacket and a headlamp to use in the darker parts of the cave.

  The melodious mix of bugs chattered, mosquitoes buzzed, monkeys howled, and colorful birds of paradise sang, while gray doves cooed.

  “Ahh,” Maya said, as she settled into the tube and paddled over to where Kat was sitting in her own tube, a big grin on her face. “This feel so good. How are you doing?”

  “Wonderfully,” Kat said. “I couldn’t be better.”

  “No sign of anyone?” Maya asked.

  “No. We didn’t smell any other jaguars in the area.”


  They floated with the others into the cave. Water dripped from stalactites hanging down from the cave ceiling, and stalagmites poked out of the water at intervals. Sometimes the water flowed and they didn’t need to paddle. At other times, it was still as glass.

  Francisco pointed out stones that appeared to be in the shape of animals and humans. “The Visual Serpent,” he said at one point. “The Celestial Bird,” he remarked later. “And there, pottery shards from ancient civilizations. Do not touch. It is against the law. They are considered national treasures.”

  Natural windows carved into the rock allowed sunlight to pour into the cave, penetrating through the wet mist in the air. The tourists continued their way down the river until they reached a waterfall.

  Here, everyone p
layed in the waterfall, splashing and having the time of their lives, and then they continued into the crystal cave, where the walls glittered like diamonds.

  A small colony of bats clung to the ceiling high above, twittering a little when the people’s voices echoed off the cave walls, and a woman gasped.

  “They eat fruit and insects,” Francisco assured the group. “They’re not vampire bats.”

  Maya caught sight of a spider crawling across the cavern wall and crustaceans feeding nearby, while catfish swam in a pool of water.

  “Jaguars sometimes come in here to drink the cool water rising from underground springs or to hunt a gibnut, a nocturnal rodent,” the guide said.

  Maya looked at Connor. He was frowning. Would Lion Mane have come here in search of a jaguar? Certainly not during the day, because jaguars wouldn’t hunt in the cave while people were around. She relaxed. She hated that the shifter had turned against their jaguar cousins and that he might make Kat and Connor worry during their otherwise enjoyable outing.

  The group spent the rest of the afternoon exploring and floating on the inner tubes until they had to make the long hike back.

  The guide spoke privately with Connor, glanced at Kat and Maya, then nodded at Connor. Francisco didn’t seem really happy, but Connor had paid for their special accommodations. Connor and Kat headed into the jungle with his backpack, just beyond the tourists’ and the guide’s view. Then while everyone finished turning in their life preservers and tubes, Maya hurried off to grab Connor’s bag and return to the group.

  Maya was torn between wanting Connor to take care of Lion Mane, should he come after her, and craving one last quiet jungle hike, though she would have preferred touring the jungle as a cat, not stumbling over tree roots and vines as a human.

  Wade and David had never arrived, at least that she knew of, and that made her worry even more.

  Ever vigilant, she remained at the tail end of the group, watching for any signs of danger.

  With the weight of Kat’s and Connor’s clothes and especially his big sneakers stuffed inside, the pack felt fuller and heavier, Maya thought, particularly after the day of exercise. She was unintentionally falling behind.