I was still sat waiting for Kevin Parker's call to whoever it was to finish. As I waited, it bleeped. It was a text message from Colin. "Phone Jimmy."

  I did and got an excited, fifteen minute summary of what Jimmy had done in the space of the last six hours. There wasn't much there yet but, at least Jimmy had made a start and the Pakistan link was interesting. Perhaps Clive's comment that MI6 and CIA had been watching Mohamed Kader's visits to Pakistan could now be explained as a recruitment drive. But why Pakistan?

  "So, Mr Franklin, can I invoice Colin for two hours work?" Jimmy asked.

  "Yes," I said. "Make it five hours - after all I'll be paying Colin. And I'll be in touch again, Jimmy. There's more to do on this case. Meanwhile, just keep mum."

  "Keep mum?" asked Jimmy.

  "Yes, it's an English expression for don't tell anyone."

  I knew Jimmy would remember that: A mum ferret.