Page 15 of Valiant

  He felt incredible to her, every hard inch awakening and stroking wonderful nerve endings that drove her pleasure higher and higher until she knew she was about to come again. Her vaginal muscles clamped around him and she screamed his name as it happened.

  A roar tore from his throat. Tammy clung to his hands as he drove into her the last time, still climaxing around him, and loving the warm heat spreading from his release. He collapsed over her to pin her tighter under his body but he made sure she could still breathe.

  “We should do this after every breakfast,” he said and chuckled next her ear.

  She smiled, turned her head, and met his gaze. “I could take a nap.”

  He hesitated. “I would take one with you but I have to see what our company wants first. They are waiting in the other room.”

  Her mouth fell open. “What?” She tried to push him up but he was too heavy over her back and didn’t budge. He grinned at her.

  “We have company in the other room. They are probably waiting for both of us.”

  Tammy twisted her head the other way. The bedroom door stood wide open. She frantically shoved at Valiant. “Get off. Damn it, why didn’t you tell me? They could have walked in here and seen us!”

  Valiant shrugged, seemed unconcerned, and separated their bodies. He rose to his feet and strode to the bedroom door. “We’ll be out in a minute.” He slammed it closed and turned to face her.

  Tammy shot him a glare as she grabbed her discarded pants and underwear, trying to put them on quickly as she sat on the edge of the bed. “You knew someone came into our rooms and you just ignored it? What if they walked in here? What if they’d seen— Hell, anything we’ve been doing?”

  His arms crossed over his chest, and he appeared highly amused. “I would have killed them for disturbing us.”

  She yanked her shirt down her body from where it had ridden up when Valiant had been riding her. She smirked at that thought. “You go out there. I’m hiding in here. They had to have heard everything.”

  “They probably heard us two floors away or more and definitely on this entire floor.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. We have good hearing.” He looked really happy about it too.

  “Damn it, Valiant. That’s not funny. You mean to tell me every time we have sex, everyone probably on two or three floors knows what we’re doing?”

  “You scream my name and I can’t stop from voicing how good you make me feel.”

  Tammy remained sitting on the bed, not sure her knees would hold her weight at that moment as shock rolled through her. She put her hands over her face. “I can never face anyone again. That’s so embarrassing.”

  Hands suddenly grabbed her as he yanked her to her feet. Tammy’s head jerked up. She stared in shock at Valiant’s enraged expression. His hands weren’t hurting her but he had a firm hold on her.

  “Do I embarrass you?”He snarled the words.

  “No!” It horrified her that he’d come to that conclusion.

  “Does it embarrass you that others know you enjoy being touched by me and having me inside you?”

  “No! Don’t think that way. How can you even say that? I wanted to come here with you. I’m from a small town, Valiant. Fifteen minutes after I demanded to stay with you, agreed to allow you to carry me off in one of your Jeeps, my entire town knew about us. I’m not ashamed to be with you one bit. I’m embarrassed because it’s just uncomfortable to think that everyone can hear us having sex. That’s kind of private and personal.”

  His expression relaxed and his hold on her arms gentled until he barely touched her. “Yes. I’m sorry I got the wrong impression.”

  “What you got was pissed. You were livid with me. You do not embarrass me, Valiant. I’m not ashamed to be with you. I am really attracted to you. I…” she softly cursed. “I really am drawn to you deeply and I don’t give a rat’s ass what someone else thinks about that if they aren’t happy with it. Are we clear?”

  “Yes.” He swallowed hard, his expression softening. “I was so angry because it hurt me very deeply to believe you didn’t want anyone to know about me and you. I know humans hate us and the idea of you thinking less of me for not being human hurt.”

  Something inside her chest broke a little for him. It tore her up that she’d mistakenly hurt his feelings and made him unsure of where he stood with her. She pulled out of his arms, glanced at the bed, and gripped his arm to balance her weight when she stepped up onto the mattress. She turned, released his arm, and met his surprised look at her new position of being slightly taller than him.

  “You’re just so tall. It’s hard to do this otherwise. Step closer to me.”

  He didn’t hesitate. He moved to stand before her. Tammy gripped his cheeks and bent enough to go nose to nose with him. She stared into his exotic eyes, loving them and probably loving him too. She pushed that concept back, not wanting to go there at that moment. Falling in love with him as deeply as she suspected she was would complicate her life beyond imagination.

  “I am not ashamed of you. You are better than any human man I’ve ever met, Valiant. A thousand times over. You’re incredibly sweet to me, you always seem to want to take care of me, even though I’m not sure about fattening me up.” She grinned. “And the sex is amazing. You’re smart, caring, and while some things about you drive me nuts, such as how aggressive you can be, I kind of like it. I actually really like it when you get all possessive. I don’t care who knows we’re seeing each other. I just don’t want anyone seeing me naked besides you. Okay?”

  His arms wrapped around her waist to pull her flat against his body. “I’d beat them senseless if they did. They fear me, but you never should. I will never hurt you, Tammy.”

  “I believe that.” She did. “We probably should go see who is waiting in the other room.”

  “Let them wait. I want to hold you right now.”

  She nodded and released his face to wrap her arms around his neck, her face buried in the curve of his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around her to cling tighter to her. Tammy wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her entire weight easily—the guy was a breathing tank on legs. She grinned.

  Valiant slid his arm lower to hook Tammy under her ass to make sure she didn’t release him any time soon. He breathed in her scent, his eyes closed now, and nuzzled her hair. She hadn’t said she loved him but he could find patience for her.

  He refrained from stating they were doing more than seeing each other. She was his mate, his other half, and now a part of his soul. He loved her. It was a new emotion but he wasn’t afraid to admit it. She warmed him inside, made him happy, and having her against his body was just right. Perfect. They fit despite their size difference. She was wonderful to him in every way.

  Except she’s too small. I need to feed her more. He smiled.

  He remembered when he’d entered her wondrous body and told her she was his. He’d told her “mine” and she’d said yes. His grin widened. She’d actually said “God yes”. She’d brought her religious faith into it. That had to mean she had been completely honest and sincere. Hope turned into joy. Tammy was his. His hugged her a little tighter.


  She didn’t protest and he knew then he’d be able to keep her forever.

  Chapter Nine

  “Okay. Now let’s go face whoever is in the other room.” Tammy smiled at Valiant after he lowered her back to her feet.

  “It’s Slade and Trisha. They brought Brass with them.”

  Valiant smiled when he stepped back from her. He held out his hand that Tammy accepted, opened the door, and they walked together down the hallway. Trisha, Slade, and a New Species man waited inside the living room, sitting on the couch and on a chair. The men looked amused. Trisha just smiled.

  “What do you want?” Valiant glared at Slade. “We had to get dressed. We would be taking a nap right now if it weren’t for you being here.”

  A grin spread a
cross Slade’s face and his blue eyes sparkled. “Trisha wanted to talk to both of you. She was tired last night and says she didn’t think about it. She demanded we come over here right now.”

  Valiant glanced at the other man. “Hello, Brass. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m with them.” He studied Tammy and winked.

  A growl tore from Valiant as he instantly moved, released her hand and took a threatening step toward the other New Species. He’d put his body in front of Tammy’s, blocking Brass from seeing her.

  “Do not look at her and do not flirt.” Valiant snarled louder. “Mine!”

  “Wow, and I thought you were possessive,” Trisha muttered. She stood. “Calm down, Valiant. Brass didn’t mean anything by that facial twitch. He winks at everyone. Even men. I need to have a private discussion with you two.” She paused. “Inside the bedroom.”

  “But―” Slade protested.

  Trisha spun to face him. “Enough. I know you guys wouldn’t give a damn what is discussed in front of you about any topic under the sun but she’s a woman. I wouldn’t want to have this conversation in front of two men I don’t know. Now please sit back down and work more on that patience—or lack of—issue you have.” She turned back around to meet Tammy’s shocked stare. “You, me, and Valiant need to have a talk.”

  “Just tell us whatever you need to say.” Valiant crossed his arms over his chest. “The faster its out, the faster you leave, and I can take Tammy to bed for a nap.”

  Tammy sighed, stepping from behind him. “He does that arm-crossing thing a lot. Valiant has spoken. Subject over.” She glanced up at his face and grinned at his threatening expression, which he seemed to use to intimidate others. “Do what he says or get glared at.”

  Trisha laughed. “They all do that. It’s a New Species thing. It’s adorable, isn’t it?”

  Tammy wasn’t sure she’d go that far but as she glanced up at the scowl on Valiant’s face as he regarded the doctor, she refrained from laughing. Her focus returned to Trisha.

  Trisha edged around Valiant and took Tammy’s arm. “Trust me. This is a talk we should have in private.”

  “Let’s go into the bedroom. He’ll follow.” Tammy led the way.

  Trisha took a seat on a chair and her hands gently massaged her extended belly. Tammy grabbed the comforter off the floor and tossed it over the messed-up sheets. She tried not to feel embarrassed about the state of the bed. It was obvious that they’d had sex on it recently. Valiant stood by the door doing his New Species thing. She smiled as she looked away from him, sitting on the edge of the bed near Trisha.

  “I don’t want to embarrass anyone,” Trisha explained softly. “But I now know for sure that you two are having sexual intercourse.” She kept eye contact with Tammy. “Are you on the Pill?”

  Tammy shook her head. “No.”

  Trisha glanced at Valiant. “Have you been using condoms?”

  He snorted. “Never.”

  Tammy winced. “I see where you’re going with this. Okay. Last year I dated this asshole and he cheated on me.” She refused to glance at Valiant. “I found out and flipped out. I immediately got in to see my gynecologist. I was terrified he might have given me something. We used condoms but not for everything. I had my doctor run every test, it all came back clean, and six months ago she retested me. I’m venereal disease free. I’d be happy to allow you to examine me and run tests if you’re worried I might give Valiant something.”

  Trisha’s mouth opened and closed. “That’s good to know but they don’t catch venereal diseases easily. They are different enough that most of the common ones won’t transfer to them. They have a really tough immune system that would attack most of them anyway.”

  “That’s good to know.” Tammy smiled. “I figured it was fine. I mean, I kind of got that Valiant hadn’t slept around much by things he’s said.”

  Trisha blinked a few times. “He could get you pregnant.”

  Tammy let the words sink in and shook her head. “That can’t be right. I mean, I watch the news. They are always discussing how New Species are sterile. They can’t have children. The testing facilities purposely made them that way. It’s a well-known fact.”

  “Do you believe everything you hear on the news?” Trisha sighed. “Forget that question. It’s not general knowledge. It’s actually classified information that only New Species, or in this case, women who are having unprotected sex with them need to know. You fall under that category since you’re not on the Pill or taking other preventative measures. You needed to be told of the risk of pregnancy.”

  Valiant growled. “I am not sterile.”

  Trisha glanced at him and then back at her. “I am a New Species doctor, Tammy. Mercile Industries did breeding experiments on New Species trying to make them reproduce but it never worked. They never sterilized them since they encouraged them to procreate. It was just recently that we discovered that it is possible that a human and a New Species can have a child together under the right circumstances.”

  Tammy gaped at the doctor, mute.

  Trisha paused. “We have been doing a lot of testing. I just wanted you both to be aware of that risk.” Her gaze shifted to Valiant. “You’re more…” She paused again. “Of a more pronounced New Species and unless I test your sperm, I’m not sure you could get her pregnant. Your DNA could be too altered for it to work but I wanted both of you to be aware of the possibility.” Her attention returned to Tammy. “I could put you on something right away if you want to make sure you’re protected.”

  Tammy blinked. “But we’ve already been having sex. That means I could already be pregnant, right?”

  Trisha nodded. “Yes. I can order you a pregnancy test in a few weeks.”

  Tammy softly cursed and didn’t miss when Valiant’s focus jerked to her. He looked pissed off again.

  “Is it such a bad thing?” His gaze dropped to her stomach. “To carry a child of mine?”

  Tammy just stared at him. Valiant growled, his eyes narrowed and he tensed. He growled again, deeper.

  “Stop,” Tammy whispered. “Don’t get angry. I’m in shock since I didn’t think it was possible, okay? Give me a few minutes to stop freaking out. I never even considered I could get pregnant.”

  “It doesn’t change anything. You are mine and I am yours. It will be a good thing if we make a child. I am strong and will provide well for you both. I will protect you and I would welcome a baby. You said I do not embarrass you. Would having my child embarrass you?”

  “No.” She frowned. “I just don’t know you well enough to be thinking about starting a family, okay? People should be together for years before they make that decision. Trust me, I know. My parents were married because my mother got knocked up and by the time I was two years old, they hated each other. They fought all the time until my father finally walked out on us when I was four. My mother started drinking and finally met a man who hated having me around. She just dumped me on my grandma without a backward glance. I never saw her again.”

  He took a step toward her. “You are mine. I would never hate you nor would you ever hate me. I would never leave you. Never. You are mine.”

  Tammy looked to the doctor for help. “What exactly does that mean to them?”

  Trisha hesitated. ““Valiant, could we please talk alone?”

  “No.” He crossed his arms over his chest again. “You can speak to her in front of me.”

  “I don’t want to offend you.”

  He shook his head at Trisha. “You won’t.”

  She didn’t appear so sure about that, but Trisha began to speak. “They were never allowed to have anything of their own. As in possessions. They couldn’t even become attached to any of the other New Species they were exposed to. That was a rare occurrence for the most part since they kept them locked in separate cells. If they did, if the staff figured out they cared what happened to another New Species, it was used against them to punish or make them do what they were told while the
y were imprisoned. Now when they think something is theirs they will not give it up. They want to keep it forever.”

  Stunned, Tammy just stared at the doctor. “Forever?”

  “Until one of you dies.”

  “So I can’t leave him no matter what he does? He won’t leave me?”

  Trisha bit her lip. “What do you think he would or could do that would make you want to leave him? I know he’s kind of pushy but it’s just their way. He really would kill or die to protect you and you can’t say that about many men. Yes, they are controlling but they do it trying to keep the person safe. That actually counts for something once you adjust to their ways.”

  “What if he cheats?” Tammy refused to look at Valiant.

  A smile curved the doctor’s mouth. “They are very loyal. There are only a few couples so far but from what we have learned, the males will kind of scent imprint you. The more time you spend with him, the more he’ll kind of get addicted to you. After a while he won’t be able to stand the smell of another woman if he gets close to one. As an example, we had a couple where another woman hit on the male by trying to kiss him. He grew very agitated at being touched by her. He almost crushed his wife when he rubbed up against her body to remove the scent of the other woman. He couldn’t stand it. It enraged him and he said he felt sick to his stomach when I later asked him about it.”

  “Was it that married couple, Ellie and Fury? The ones on the news?”


  “Fury was mixed with some breed of dog, right? That’s what I read. Valiant is a lion. Won’t that mean something different? Dogs and lions are nothing alike.”

  “I can’t say I know for sure but you could ask Valiant. If there’s one thing you can count on, trust me, they are brutally honest.”

  Tammy finally looked at Valiant. He sighed as he watched her back. “I would hurt another female if she tried to have sexual contact with me. I want you and only you. I would not allow another female to touch me.”