Page 18 of Valiant

  “I don’t know.” Tammy panicked. “She’s only five months along. It’s too early. I got her a blanket in case she’s going into shock.”

  He cursed viciously. “I’ll wait at the door to direct the doctor inside. Tell me if you need something.” He paused. “Hang in there, Trisha. Slade is coming fast. He was downstairs at the cafeteria.”

  Trisha finally stopped panting. Her face had turned a little red and the hold on Tammy’s hand eased. The doctor opened her eyes. “That was a strong contraction. Do you have a watch or can you see a clock? I need to time them.”

  Tammy glanced at the DVD player. “I’m watching the clock. What else can I do?”

  “Nothing. I just want Slade.”

  “Flame said he’s coming. Did you hear him? Slade is just downstairs.”

  “He always stays pretty close to me.”

  “TRISHA!” A man roared and then Slade launched through the doorway. “I’m here.”

  Tammy had to scamper out of the large man’s way as he almost landed on top of her to get closer to Trisha. He gripped the doctor’s hand and cupped her face with his free hand. He had a frightened expression on his face. Tammy backed up and stood, putting some room between them.

  “Talk to me, sweet thing. Is the baby coming?” Slade inched closer.

  Trisha nodded. “We need to get to the trauma bay.”

  “All right. I’ll carry you. Just hold on. I’m going to move you very carefully.”

  “Not yet. I feel another one coming.” Trisha’s face contorted as she threw back her head and moaned loudly as she started to pant again.

  Tammy glanced at the clock. “Uh-oh. She said to time the contractions but a minute hasn’t even passed since her last one.”

  Slade’s head jerked in Tammy’s direction. “What does that mean?”

  “It means the contractions are really close together. The closer they get, the faster the baby comes. Under a minute apart is usually birth time from what I know.” Tammy shrugged. “At least that’s what I’ve been told.”

  “Damn it,” Slade growled. “Trisha? Sweet thing? I’m right here.” He rubbed her face with his fingers to comfort her while he kept hold of her hand too. “I’m right here and I’m with you.”

  “Hurry,” Flame shouted from the hallway. “This way. She’s inside here.”

  A man wearing a doctor’s coat rushed into the room with two men wearing scrubs on his heels. The two male nurses each carried a large duffle bag. There was a boxlike machine with a small oxygen tank that the doctor set down. The guy in the white coat, who had to be Dr. Harris, yanked gloves from his pocket and put them on.

  He bent over the back of the couch to reach Trisha, pulled back the bedspread that covered her lap, and paused. He met Slade’s gaze, who nodded, and the doctor reached under Trisha’s skirt. He removed her panties with her help. The doctor gently nudged his elbow against her knee to push her thighs apart.

  “I’m examining you, Trisha. I need to see if you’re dilated.”

  Trisha nodded, still panting. She looked as if she were in a lot of pain. The contraction lasted for a long time. Dr. Harris withdrew his bloody glove.

  “Slade, we need to lay her flat. She’s having this baby right now.” The doctor gave orders to the two nurses. “Open up everything and prepare for anything. Move!”

  “I won’t allow her to have the baby on the floor,” Slade growled.

  Tammy glanced at Flame, who still hovered by the door. “Go grab the top mattress from the bed in the first bedroom and bring it in here.” Tammy tried not to panic as she grabbed the coffee table and dragged it to the corner of the room.

  Flame carried the queen-size mattress into the room as easily as if it weighed nothing. Slade moved a second before he dropped it on the floor by the couch. Tammy moved back to stay out of the way. Slade lifted Trisha into his arms. She moaned, but wrapped her arms around his neck. He gently turned and laid her flat on the mattress. Slade moved until he sat on his bent legs above Trisha’s head. He gently reached under her arms and pulled her up until his thighs acted as a pillow for her.

  “I’m right here, sweet thing. I’ve got you,” he crooned to her.

  Trisha started to relax. She reached up to grip Slade’s thigh with one hand and clutched his hand with her other. “Don’t leave me.”

  “Someone would have to kill me to take me from your side.”

  A smile curved Trisha’s lips. “You always make me laugh.” Her focus fixed on Dr. Harris. “Well?”

  “The only thing stopping you from having the baby is your water hasn’t broken. When did the contractions start?”

  Trisha glanced at Tammy expectantly. Tammy darted a look at the clock. “About six minutes ago.”

  The doctor didn’t appear happy with that news. “This is happening way too fast.”

  “We knew it would probably happen early,” Trisha said softly. “The baby is ready to come. I guess he can’t even wait on a regular labor timetable to be born.”

  The two nurses spread open the emergency medical supplies. The duffle bags had long zippers down them that opened similar to suitcases with everything neatly stored inside two sealed halves of plastic pockets. Tammy stepped back farther, now trapped in the corner, to give them more room. She’d have to step around medical supplies to leave. She stayed put.

  “There’s more blood than I expected,” Slade growled.

  “Not much,” Dr. Harris sighed. “It’s a normal amount. She’s lost her plug. Once I break her water, if it doesn’t break on its own, this baby will come.” He glanced at his two nurses. “Are we ready? We aren’t sure if the lungs are fully developed. They looked great on the ultrasounds but we need to be prepared in case there are complications.”

  “His lungs will be fine,” Trisha groaned. “Here comes another one.”

  “We’re ready,” one of the nurses said, grabbing the box thing with oxygen the doctor had brought, and set it near the supplies within their reach.

  “As ready as we can be in a hotel room,” the other one agreed.

  “We don’t have time to move her to the trauma bay.” Dr. Harris bent on his knees between Trisha’s thighs. “I’ll leave the skirt on since it’s loose.”

  Slade nodded. He turned to stare at the door. Flame stood there and a few more New Species had arrived to hover inside the open door. “Clear out.”

  They retreated and the door closed firmly behind them. Slade’s gaze locked with Tammy’s but then he ignored her. Tammy assumed that meant she could stay since he hadn’t told her to leave as well. She didn’t really have a choice since she was trapped. Trisha panted before she gripped Slade’s hand tightly again. Slade lifted her hand to kiss the one he held and the fingers of his other hand ran through her hair to caress her.

  “Her water just broke with the contraction.” Dr. Harris cleared his throat. “I’m going to examine you again.” Dr. Harris put on a new glove. He examined Trisha and nodded. “I’d say a few pushes and your son is going to be here. You’re ready.”

  Trisha nodded, peering up at Slade. “Don’t look so scared. I’m being brave so you have to be too. He’s going to be fine and healthy. I’ve run every test there is and we’ve found nothing wrong.”

  Slade nodded. “I know, Trisha. I can’t help being scared for you and him.”

  “Don’t be. We’ll be— Shit! Another one is coming.”

  “Go ahead and push if you get the urge,” Dr. Harris encouraged. “Only if you get the urge.”

  “I know,” Trisha panted. “I’m a doctor too, remember?” She groaned, sucked in air, and her face turned a splotchy red. Her body tensed when she began to push.

  The nurses began to remove things from their plastic holders. Tammy hugged her chest tightly, worried she was about to see a tragedy happen. Babies born at five months usually didn’t make it and her heart was breaking for Trisha.

  “I see the head.” Dr. Harris sounded excited. “He’s coming, Trisha. He’s got a full head of hair.

  Slade reached over, yanking at Trisha’s skirt until it bunched near her ribs to totally expose her rounded stomach. His focus centered between her bare, parted thighs to watch the baby being born. Trisha gasped in air and pushed harder.

  “The head is out. Stop pushing,” the excited doctor ordered.

  Tammy couldn’t help but stare over Slade’s shoulder. Dr. Harris grabbed a suction bulb to clear the baby’s mouth. Trisha had stopped pushing and panted hard. Tammy couldn’t look away from what was taking place. A nurse handed over a small towel next that the doctor took, shoving it out of sight, maybe under the baby or Trisha.

  “Push, Trisha. I know you’re tired but I need one strong push from you to clear his shoulders.”

  Trisha gasped in air and tensed as she pushed. A scream tore from her as the baby slid out of her body to land in Dr. Harris’ waiting hands. The doctor lifted the baby up. Tammy stared at what should have been a tiny preemie but instead seemed to be a full-term baby.

  Dr. Harris cradled the baby’s upper body against his arm and chest, his palm holding the baby’s bottom and used the towel to gently rub the baby’s torso and face. A newborn scream rent the air. Tammy nearly collapsed from relief at the wonderful sound. One of the nurses leaned in to clamp the umbilical cord and cut it. He assisted in delivering the afterbirth and cleaning Trisha up after the delivery.

  The baby wailed and wiggled inside the doctor’s hold. He actually appeared healthy and normal-sized, if not a little bigger, than a full term baby. The doctor accepted another towel from one of the nurses to rub the baby dry. The baby stopped crying but he continued to wiggle and kick his chubby legs. Dr. Harris grinned as he wrapped the baby in a blanket, securing him papoose style.

  “He looks great, guys.” Dr. Harris laughed, grinning widely. “Absolutely healthy. His color is perfect, he’s breathing like a champ, ten fingers and toes, and he’s strong.”

  Trisha grinned while Slade absolutely beamed with happiness. He hesitated and then held out his hands. Dr. Harris leaned up and transferred the wiggling baby to Slade. Slade’s large hands cupped the baby gently and he lowered it into Trisha’s waiting arms. They both held the baby together, smiling and staring in wonder at the newborn.

  Dr. Harris tore off his gloves, grinned, and high-fived the nurse closest to him. “YES!”

  Laughter erupted from all three. Dr. Harris climbed off the mattress and stood. Tammy watched in shock as the doctor bear-hugged both of the nurses who had assisted him. They turned then, watching Trisha and Slade with the baby. All three of them seemed over-the-top happy.

  “We have our first healthy New Species baby!” Dr. Harris laughed. “Congratulations, Trisha and Slade. He’s beautiful.”

  Slade smiled, grinning at the doctor. “Thank you, Harris.”

  The doctor nodded. Trisha suddenly reached up with her free hand, gripped Slade’s hair at the base of his neck, and dragged his face down to hers. She kissed him soundly on the mouth.

  “I love you so much, lollypop.”

  He laughed as he kissed her again. “I love you too, sweet thing. Our son is a miracle. A gift. Thank you.”

  Tammy let their words and actions sink in until it hit her as if she’d been slapped. She gaped at Trisha and Slade, the big New Species man with the sandy-brown, blond-streaked hair. Trisha had just given birth to Slade’s baby.

  Tammy’s gaze flew to the baby, realizing he was the first New Species baby. That’s what Dr. Harris said. Trisha had been only five months pregnant. The baby was huge and obviously had been born healthy. Her gaze locked on the tiny features of the baby that she could see from her position in the corner. She realized his little scrunched-up face wasn’t totally human. His nose looked too flat, too wide, and she’d never seen a baby with cheekbones that prominent before. Babies had pudgy, rounded cheeks but this baby different.

  Trisha didn’t have a boyfriend somewhere else. Slade was her boyfriend. He always remained with her. Always. They kissed again, laughing. That’s how Trisha knew it was possible for human women to get pregnant by New Species. Tammy pieced it together quickly. Trisha knew because Slade had gotten her pregnant. Not only that, but a baby fathered by a New Species could be born at five months into a pregnancy.

  Tammy leaned against the wall, needed the support to stay on her feet, and watched the couple bond as a family. The love between Trisha and Slade, their joy at having a healthy son, made her ache a little. They were incredibly happy and it showed. She bit her lip as her full focus fixed on the baby. She’d always loved holding them when her friends had them and had always wanted to one day become a mother.

  I could have that with Valiant if I got pregnant by him. That could be us one day. The thought shocked her.

  * * * * *

  Valiant couldn’t help but grin when he walked into his bedroom. Tammy sat on the bed with pillows stacked behind her back, watching television, but her gaze met his as he closed the door softly. He’d just returned home to find his new living quarters a mass of activity.

  He dropped his bag of clothes on the floor by the door he’d closed. Trisha had given birth to Slade’s child, it had gone well, and security was about to remove them from the suite to relocate the new family to the medical center. He’d seen the baby and it had brought pure joy to his heart.

  “He’s perfect. Did you see him?”

  She nodded.

  She seemed pale to him and he frowned, some of his happiness fleeing. “They said you know the truth. Are you angry with me for not telling you that Slade was the father of Trisha’s child? I wasn’t allowed to share that information. I’m sorry. It wasn’t my secret to tell.”

  “It’s not that.”

  He paused, needed a shower after running around in the woods, but he wanted to know what was wrong. He approached the bed and stood at the end of it. “You are angry with me for not telling you that Slade was the father.”

  “I’m not. Really. I’ve been sitting here doing a lot of thinking. I get why I wasn’t told. I still wouldn’t know who the father of her baby is if she hadn’t gone into labor in our living room, right?”

  “I won’t lie to you. No. Probably not.”

  “I saw him.”

  “Slade? He never leaves Trisha side or if he has to, he doesn’t go far.”

  “The baby.” She licked her lips. “He looks just like his father. I mean, it’s hard to tell when they are newborns but he’s got the features.”

  “Slade is his father. He’s the first New Species baby born.”

  “There’s a lot of people in the world who aren’t going to be happy when they find out about that baby.”

  Valiant’s entire body tensed. “Are you going to tell them?” The pain of possible betrayal tore through him.

  “No!” She frowned and glared at him. “I just meant I understand why I wasn’t told. I get it. Trisha and her baby are going to be in danger if those hate groups and fruitcakes find out. Men like the ones who kidnapped me would come after her and the baby. Or worse. They’d just want to kill them outright.”

  He could breathe again now that he knew she’d keep the baby a secret. “Yes. It’s our worst fear and why very few know about Forest.”


  He smiled. “It’s what they have named the baby. Forest Slade North.”

  “I like it.” She smiled.

  “He was conceived in the forest.”

  Tammy laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. Trisha insisted on the name and Slade agreed. He liked it.”

  “They really love each other. I saw them together. They are so happy about the baby.”

  “They are.” He tilted his head, watching her, trying to guess what bothered her. “What is wrong with that?”

  She suddenly moved and crawled toward him over the mattress. Valiant’s heart raced and his gaze traveled over her body. His cock instantly hardened as he watched the sexy way she stalked closer to him. She stopped inches from the end of the bed, her gaze he
ld his, and she smiled.

  “It made me feel a little jealous.”

  He tried to understand what she meant but he wasn’t sure.

  “The way they looked at each other and the love between them. Even the baby. I swear he’s the cutest one I’ve ever seen. Please sit down.”

  He sucked in air as he sat next to her. His heart rate increased and suddenly Tammy rose and threw her leg over his lap to sit on top of his thighs. Her arms wound around his neck and her fingers brushed through his hair. She smiled at him.

  “I think any baby by you would be absolutely adorable.”

  He couldn’t speak. His mind blanked. He didn’t want to take her words wrong but it almost seemed as if she were offering to try to have his baby.

  “I’m not ready to have one yet but now I’m considering it.”

  He smiled. “Really?”

  “We need to get to know each other better but I want to give us a chance. Do you think I could get a job here at Reservation? Maybe stay a while? I’m in no hurry to return to my life. I would like to stay with you and see where you and I go.”

  “We’ll go to my house.” His arms wrapped around her. “You don’t need a job. You’re mine. I’ll care for you.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Yes, it is.” He pulled her tightly against him. “You belong with me.”

  She curled into his chest and his heart swelled with warmth.

  “I want to stay with you.”

  Her admission made his heart swell with more love for her. “I’ll never let you leave. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

  She chuckled. “You make it sound so easy.”

  He nuzzled her head with his cheek. “It is. You just stay with me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I’m not selling my grandmother’s house.” Tammy frowned at Valiant and then at the attorney who sat in their living room. “Do I have to sell it? I have some money saved to pay the taxes on it this year. It was the house I was mainly raised in. It’s all I have.”

  Valiant growled softly. “You do not need that house anymore. You are going to live in our house here. My home is yours now. There is no reason to keep it.”