Page 26 of Valiant


  She hit the bars and reached her arms out through them. Valiant rushed forward to grasp her hands in his. The knife clattered to the floor and he reached for her. He leaned against the cage, lowered his head, pressed his face to the bars until their skin touched forehead to forehead in the small space. His golden eyes looked suspiciously wet as their gazes held.

  “I found you.” His voice came out raspy, choked with emotion.

  Tears flowed down her cheeks but she didn’t try to rein them in. “I knew you would.”

  He released her hands and reached through the bars to cup her face. His thumb brushed away her tears. His other hand reached in and gripped her hip. She wished the bars didn’t separate them. She wanted him to hold her but he couldn’t.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine. I was just scared.” She suddenly remembered they weren’t alone. She turned her head enough to glance back into the cell but not enough to break contact with Valiant.

  927 remained standing where she’d left him. He stared at Valiant and Justice with open curiosity and wonder. He remained utterly quiet and motionless. Tammy glanced at Valiant and then Justice, who stood nearby in a relaxed stance, staring back at 927.

  “This is 927,” Tammy said softly. “927, this is Valiant and that is Justice North. He’s the one I told you about who leads your people. I told you they would find us if there was a chance.”

  Justice finally spoke. “I am Justice, formerly known as 152. We will get you both out of the cage as soon as our men secure the two humans who’ve kept you captive and bring the keys.” Justice straightened. His gaze never left 927. “You are free now. We are here to take you home to our people. You will be a part of a loving and caring family we’ve established and you will never know imprisonment again. You are a man now and no longer to be known just as a number. You’ll have a real name once you decide on one.”

  Tammy glanced at 927 to see his reaction. He blinked rapidly when his eyes seemed to grow watery and lowered his head until his dark hair hid his features. A few deep breaths later he seemed to get his emotions under control. His head lifted and he stared at Justice.

  “I would be very happy to have a home and a name.”

  Justice smiled. “Having a home is a wonderful thing. You’ll be happy with us and I’m sure you’ll pick a perfect name.”

  Tammy fought back tears while watching a miracle take place—for 927, after a lifetime of being a prisoner. He would finally know freedom. Tammy smiled and stared at Valiant. She reached up and touched his face.

  “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, sexy.” Valiant darted a look at the man behind Tammy. His eyes lowered to hers and his features tensed. “Did he harm you in any way?”


  Valiant relaxed but he kept touching Tammy and she understood why. They were both grateful to be back together. Tiger rushed into the back of the warehouse, jingling as he ran.

  “Both of the assholes are alive and secure. I have keys to his cage.” He pulled a ring of them out from a pocket in his vest. He peered at 927 before glancing at Justice. “Is he stable? Should I call for backup with a package?”

  “No need.” Justice accepted the keys. “He’s fine.” He moved to the door. “I’m going to let you out now.”

  The second the door swung open, Valiant entered the cell and grabbed Tammy. He scooped her off her feet and almost squeezed her to death in a bear hug while he backed them out of her prison. She didn’t mind at all, just hugging him tightly back, and rested her head against his shoulder to watch what would happen next.

  Tiger chuckled. “He’s happy to see her.”

  Justice smiled. “Yes.” He turned his attention on 927. The man stood motionless inside his cell. Justice slowly entered the room, an expression of dread on his features. “I hate entering these cages. They bring back so many bad memories.” He paused just inside the door.

  “Are you ready to leave here and start your new life?”

  927 hesitated. “I’m really free from this, from all of it?”

  “Yes. There are more of us outside waiting to greet you. We will help you learn how to live beyond these bars. We all had to do it and it is frightening at first. Humans had to help us adjust to our new way of life but it will be easier for you now that we’re in charge. We will take you home now.”

  927 took one step and then another until he walked out of his cage. He stopped next to Tammy. Valiant swung her down to stand on her feet at her silent urging. She stared up at the New Species who could have hurt her but hadn’t. She smiled when he spoke softly.

  “You did tell me the truth.”

  “I did. You’re free,” Tammy said softly.

  Valiant studied him intently and held out his hand. “Thank you for not harming her. She is everything to me. My heart and soul. The reason I breathe.”

  927 glanced at the offered hand with confusion.

  “Shaking hands is a custom we picked up from humans,” Justice explained. He moved forward and shook Valiant’s hand. “We shake the hands of males as a sign of respect.”

  927 shook Valiant’s hand. “You are welcome. I treated her as I wished another would treat a female I cared for. You must be very happy to be loved so greatly by her.”

  Valiant pulled Tammy closer against his body. “I have never been happier in my life.”

  “I’m Tiger.” He stepped closer. “I’m head of security at Reservation. It’s where your home will be while you adjust to freedom. You’re going to love it there. There are miles to run and all the deer you can take down.” Tiger grinned. “No more bars and there are trees as far as your eyes can see. The sky is beautiful. We’ll have some disgusting-tasting beers and watch the sun rise and set. You will hate the taste of the human drink but you’ll do it because it’s an experience.” He grinned. “You’ll see.”

  927 blinked hard. Tammy saw his tears though before he could get control of his emotions. She fought the urge to cry too. Had the guy ever seen the sun rise or set? Ever seen no walls surrounding him or trees as far as the eye could see? She knew the answer and it just about broke her heart.

  Two more New Species slowly entered the room, almost seeming fearful of spooking 927. They each said their name and introduced themselves to him. He seemed a little overwhelmed at seeing so many New Species males or it could have just still been the shock of being freed. Tammy understood. She squeezed Valiant’s hand and eased out of his hold.

  “This is a lot to take in, huh?” Her gaze met 927’s as she looked up at him.


  “It’s normal if you’re feeling a little afraid but it’s going to be great. We’re all going to be here for you. I know it’s a lot to take in but just take it one step at a time. Everyone here is your friend and cares about you.” She held out her hand. “I’ll walk with you. Take my hand. You’re not alone.”

  Valiant growled. Tammy turned her head to frown at him. She knew he was possessive but she owed 927 enough to help him through a rough spot. He’d done that for her. She didn’t want to upset Valiant but she wanted him to understand.

  “Do you remember your first day of freedom? Well, I remember my first day at school. That was kind of a whole new world. I’m his friend. I’m going to hold his hand the way my mom held mine and I’m going to walk him outside. I love you so don’t feel jealous. I totally belong to you and I am so happy about that.”

  Valiant relaxed. A smile split his lips. “School? You compare being set free to school?”

  She shrugged. “Well, you guys were set free from a living hell. I got imprisoned in the school system for thirteen years of my life. It was a form of mild hell. You’re missing the point. It was all new and scary to me. My mom held my hand and walked me to my first class. She stayed around until I got settled. It made me feel better. It’s my only fond memory of her. He doesn’t know any of you but he’s spent some time with me.”

  Justice suddenly laugh
ed. “She’s taking his mother role.”

  Tiger winked at 927. “Lucky you. You have a mommy.”

  927 looked confused. “A what?”

  “She is protective of you as though you are her child,” Valiant sighed. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  The New Species laughed. Tammy frowned at them. She dropped her offered hand. “Fine.”

  927 reached out and gripped it suddenly. He grinned down at her. “Thank you. I’d love for you to walk with me outside.”

  Tammy smiled at him and squeezed his hand. She shot Valiant a smirk and started to leave the room. 927 stayed close to her side. Tiger and Justice led the way. Valiant came up behind Tammy and took her other hand. She looked up at him, grateful he understood. They walked outside together.

  Two New Species jogged off to drive the SUVs to their location. Tammy glanced at the three assholes who stood in handcuffs with two New Species guarding them. Pete, Mike, and the doctor appeared pretty scared now that they were the ones under the control of others.

  Valiant growled when Tammy faced the three, released his and 927’s hands, and took a few steps closer to the prisoners. Valiant’s hand halted her by gripping her upper arm.

  “Where are you going?”

  Tammy gazed at him. “I just wanted to talk to them for a second. They are all shackled up and those men gripping them aren’t going to let them go, right?”

  Valiant frowned. “You should have nothing to say to them.”

  Anger gripped her. “I don’t plan to talk to them.” She pulled out of his hold. She walked up to Mike and Pete. She glared up at both men. She hesitated for a second before kicking Pete hard in the shin. He cursed, hopping on one leg. Tammy turned to Mike and kicked him in the balls. He doubled over with a loud gasp, groaning in pain.

  Tammy reached up to the doctor, took his glasses, and just tossed them away. She didn’t bother kicking him. When she backed away and turned, it was to find Valiant gaping at her, his shock apparent. She met his eyes, shrugged, and returned to his side.

  “I owed them.”

  “You bitch,” Mike groaned, doubled over.

  Valiant lunged and punched him in the side of the face. Mike hit the ground hard and groaned. A snarl tore from Valiant. “Don’t talk to her. You’re lucky I’m not allowed to kill you or I would.” He spun and marched to Tammy.

  “Thank you, Valiant. He made a remark about holes that I didn’t particularly like.” She rubbed his arm. “My hero.”

  Valiant hesitated. “Any time, Tammy. Do you feel better now that you kicked them and took the property of one away?”

  Tammy hesitated. “In one second I’ll feel great.” She turned and stormed over to the older man. “I hope you rot in hell, you miserable bastard. I hope they give you ten years for every day you tormented them and those poor women. You’re a vile monster.”

  The older man glared at her, his eyes squinted since she’d taken his glasses. “I’ll never see prison.”

  “You think not?” She snorted. “If it’s not prison, you’ll be facing the death penalty.”

  “I know I won’t. I’ll cut a deal. I know too much.”

  Justice was there suddenly. “You think so?”

  “I’m too valuable not to be given a deal. I know where two smaller testing facilities are located where more of your kind are being held.”

  Justice paused. “Do you want total immunity for your information from your law? I can give you that. I have the authority.”

  Outrage blasted through Tammy. “You can’t give them that.”

  Justice shot her a look. “Quiet, Tammy. I know what I am doing. Saving New Species is paramount.”

  She closed her mouth and stewed silently. Valiant squeezed her shoulder. She studied his relaxed features, it dawning on her that he’d be really mad if there were a real possibility of any of those men being released to harm anyone else. It made her understand that something was going on that she wasn’t aware of and she should trust Justice.

  “Yes,” the older man said. “I demand total immunity for any crimes.”

  “Fine. We’ll take you to Reservation, you will tell us whatever it is that we need or want to know and you shall have total immunity from prosecution on all charges, from your people.”

  “I want that too,” Mike groaned from the ground.

  “I will give it happily if the information you share saves the lives of more of my people.” Justice glanced at him with a frown. “You better know something useful.”

  Valiant gripped Tammy and turned her. He took her for a walk far from the men. Tammy was steaming mad but she held her tongue until they’d moved out of earshot of Justice and the captured men.

  “He’s going to give them immunity? Are those jerks just going to get away with everything they’ve done?” She hissed the words to make sure they didn’t carry.

  Valiant leaned down, his face inches from hers. “Justice is giving them exactly what they are asking for. Immunity from the human prison system.” His eyes sparkled. “Justice will learn everything they know before he introduces them to New Species law.”

  It took her a few seconds to grasp that meaning. Her anger drained quickly. “What is the punishment for kidnapping and being evil bastards who enjoy torturing people under your laws?”

  Valiant pulled Tammy into his arms, holding her. His lips brushed her ear. “They will be locked up and eventually they’ll die. We have the right to defend ourselves and the right to punish those who put themselves under our law. By asking for immunity from their own justice, they now belong to ours.” He turned his head, his gaze purposely fixing on Justice North. “He’ll show them the same amount of mercy they showed you and our people.”

  Tammy was glad he held her when she glanced at Justice North. As she studied the handsome New Species leader, she detected his anger and nearly felt sorry for those jerks. That was until she replayed everything she’d overheard them say since she’d met them.

  That old doctor had been doing horrendous things to Valiant’s people for a long time. The two thugs who had helped him had made a twenty-dollar bet on whether she’d get raped or murdered. Her sympathy fled instantly.

  “I’m glad,” she admitted. “They deserve it.”

  Valiant suddenly growled. “His scent is on you.”


  “927.” He pulled back, frowning. “Did he touch you? I smell him all over you. I was told he slept on you. Why?” His voice dropped deeper.

  “It was cold. He didn’t touch me in any sexual way, Valiant. I swear.”

  He forced his temper back. “I need my scent back on you.”

  She paused, knowing he was weird about how she smelled and it probably was rough on him to smell another man, to know someone else had touched her. “How far are we from Reservation?”

  “About half an hour.”

  “It will be all right. We’ll go home, I’ll shower, and you can hold me. I’ll smell like you again before you know it.”

  Valiant shook his head. He growled and turned to Justice, calling out, “We are taking a walk. I hear water.”

  “The SUVs should be here any moment.” Justice frowned.

  “I must share my scent with her now,” Valiant demanded. “It’s driving me crazy smelling another male all over her.”

  Justice stared at him for a few heartbeats and gave a sharp nod. “I understand. I’ll send one SUV on and another will wait for you. Just hurry.”

  “Thank you.”

  Valiant suddenly grabbed Tammy and scooped her into his arms. He strode quickly for the tree line. She wrapped her arms around him and didn’t struggle in his hold.

  “What does sharing your scent with me entail? Valiant, why are we storming into the woods?”

  Valiant didn’t answer. They reached a small creek not far from where they’d been. He set her on her feet and held out his hand. “Give me your clothes.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You want to have sex right now? Here? Seriously? I’m
not exactly in the mood for that.”

  He sighed. “I want your clothes. I’m throwing them away.”

  “What would I wear?”

  Valiant started stripping out of his clothes. “Mine.”

  “Is this really necessary?”

  “Do you want me to kill your 927 because his scent on you is driving me insane? I was relieved at first that you were fine but I can’t be locked inside a small space with you for a long period of time without it making me angry, Tammy. You are mine but you smell of another male. The drive to Reservation will take too long for me to keep fighting my urges to mark you again.”

  “Shit. Really?”

  He nodded. He pulled his shirt over his head and bent to remove his shoes. “I can’t take the scent of another male on you. It’s agitating me.”

  Tammy glanced around the area, seeing nothing but trees and water. “Fine but if anyone sees me naked, I’m going to be mad and really embarrassed.”

  Valiant grinned, stepping out his pants. “I would beat them bloody and remove their eyes for looking at you.”


  Tammy stripped out of her clothes until she stood there naked. Valiant didn’t stop removing his clothes until she could view every inch of his body. She stared at him. The man turned her on every time he was naked, the sight was that appealing. Her gaze lingered on his chest and muscular arms.

  “Tammy,” Valiant growled. “Do not look at me that way unless you want me to fuck you on the ground right here.”

  She forced her gaze away from his. “That wouldn’t be a good idea since they are waiting for us.”

  “Wash your skin in the water. I would do it for you but if I touch you I will want to do more. Much more,” he growled.

  Tammy moved. The water was icy. She washed her body as best as she could. Valiant waited for her on the bank. She shivered hard as she left the water. Valiant smiled at her, staring at her taut nipples.


  She wrapped her arms over her breasts, hiding them from his view. “I’m not excited. I’m freezing.”