Page 8 of Valiant

  “What are you thinking, Mark?” Paul stepped closer to study Tammy before he glanced at the other guy. “We can’t do any damage. The doctor wants her healthy. He calls her a money-making opportunity. You know he’s in a financial jam now. All of them are.”

  Mark’s grin widened as he peered down at Tammy too. “There’s a lot you can do to a woman without doing permanent harm or causing internal damage. We’ll get her to say whatever the hell we want and make our boss happy at the same time.”

  Tammy whimpered at his vicious glare, knowing whatever he planned had to be horrific. She struggled against the belt that held her wrists together but they didn’t allow her to wiggle out of them. When Mark dropped to his knees next to her and his hands grabbed her shirt, she cried out in fear as he shoved her onto her back and pinned her arms under her. He leaned over until his face hovered inches above her own and she could make out his hazel eyes clearly from the firelight.

  “Not her face,” Paul ordered. “I can video her up close but if you beat on her, do it from the neck down.”

  “Don’t do this,” Tammy begged. “I won’t press charges. I’ll swear it was some prank from friends who grabbed me or something. Just let me go.”

  Material tore as he gripped her shirt and ripped it wide open. Shock made her gasp as air hit her skin. His hands didn’t stop at just parting it. He totally destroyed the thing, tossing it away once he’d yanked it out from under her.

  “I still say we should rape her,” Ned grumbled, stepping closer to watch. “She’s got nice tits.”

  “Shut up,” Mark ground out. “I like silence while I work.” He reached down and came up holding a pocket knife. He flicked it open, hooked his finger between her breasts and sawed at her bra.

  Tears blinded Tammy and she took a deep breath. A scream tore from her throat as brutal hands continued to strip her. He sliced the straps, jerked her bra completely away and tossed it into the fire. When she tried to turn away, he dropped down on her waist, straddled her, and grabbed her throat with one hand to hold her flat. She stared up at him in horror when she realized she couldn’t breathe.

  “I hate screaming,” he hissed at her. “Shut up. You’re going to tell Paul that the animal who grabbed you brutally raped you, bit you repeatedly, and whatever else you can think up to horrify the public.”

  She nodded, unable to speak, and just wanted air.

  “She agreed.” Paul chuckled.” Move back and I’ll film her.”

  The hand eased enough for her to suck in air. “I don’t believe her.” Mark suddenly pinched one of her nipples hard, twisting it while his finger and thumb squeezed together. Pain forced another scream from her throat. The agony subsided when he eased his vicious hold. He laughed. “This is fun.” His hand slid over her rib cage to her stomach. He patted her once before he lifted his hand away.

  Tammy began to sob. Her nipple throbbed, hurt badly, and she wasn’t sure it was still attached. She questioned that because of the pain radiating from it. The monster sitting on her suddenly dropped his palm down hard over her belly, the sound of the slap louder than her crying, and she groaned.

  “Are you having fun?” Ned stepped closer. “Let me hurt her a bit. She broke my damn nose.”

  The guy on top of her lifted his weight higher onto her stomach and pressed down until it hurt. His hands reached behind him and she stared into his eyes while he glared at her. He made sure she couldn’t get away as he fumbled with her jeans.

  “Pull them down. Wait until I remove that underwear if you think her tits are sensitive. We won’t rape her but a little bruising in that area won’t make the doctor upset. It’s her insides he’ll be interested in.”

  Tammy tried to scream as her shoes and jeans were torn down her legs but Mark just leaned forward, glared at her, and clamped his hand over her nose and mouth. She couldn’t breathe, her eyes widened, and it seemed to please the monster watching her struggle for breath.

  “There. Got them off.” Ned chuckled. “She’s wearing a blue thong. She’s a whore. I knew it. That’s why she won’t tell us she was raped by the animal. She probably wanted it and begged him to fuck her.” His amusement left. “Think the doctor would care if I fucked her in the ass? That doesn’t really count, right?”

  “Shut up, you moron. No rape. Get over that concept already. She’ll be in hysterics by the time I’m done and it’s going to really look good for the video. They’ll think she’s really been traumatized by those animal bastards when we send it to the news stations for broadcast.” Mark released her mouth so she could gasp in air and he scooted down her body to sit over her hips again. He reached up and pinched her other nipple hard, squeezed, and twisted.

  The sound that tore from Tammy actually hurt her throat. She couldn’t get away from the pain and worse, she heard them laughing when she ran out of air, making it clear her pain amused them greatly.

  * * * * *

  Frustration gripped Valiant as he dropped to his knees, pressed his nose closer to the ground and tried to pick up the stench of his enemy. The men had reached a rocky area and the wind had picked it. He refused to give up even though he’d lost the scent. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the area for any recent signs of disturbance.

  “Spread out,” he ordered the other Species. “Find it.”

  “Easy, Valiant,” Tiger crooned. “You’re sounding a little wild with the way you’re snarling.”

  Valiant snapped his head around to glare at Tiger. “They have my Tammy.”

  “Understood.” Tiger backed away, heading to the left to try to find the trail.

  Valiant doubted anyone understood what he was feeling. He’d missed her and she’d occupied all his free thoughts. Her scent had faded from his bed and he’d mourned the loss. Not finding her would be unacceptable.

  “Here,” Rider called out softly. “I found a trace.”

  Valiant was on his feet with a leap, sniffed the area, and picked up the faint stench of sweaty human. One of them had rubbed against the trunk of a tree. He moved forward and scanned the darkness, searching for the easiest way to walk if he’d been a weaker human carrying a woman over his shoulder.

  “Follow him,” Tiger urged. “Don’t let him out of your sight.”

  “I’m going to kill them,” Valiant swore.

  “That’s why we’re sticking close. You’re so agitated that you might get her and us killed.” Tiger closed the distance between them, keeping close behind him. “Think before you act.”

  “I’m going to do whatever it takes to save her.”

  “That’s what we’re afraid of,” Rider sighed. “We want to rescue the female too but be smart about it.”

  “Leave him alone,” Brass growled. “I understand wanting to protect a female. I am very close to Trisha. They aren’t as strong as our females and this Tammy won’t be able to defend herself. That’s why I wanted to come along. Harley and Moon wished to come as well but knew you didn’t want to overwhelm the humans with too many of us. If these males have harmed Val’s female he should get to kill them. They are assholes who need killing.”

  Valiant snarled in agreement.

  “Great. Really helpful, Brass.” Tiger shot him a glare.

  Brass shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

  A high-pitched scream rent the air, coming from the east, and Valiant responded at the pained call of his woman. He threw back his head as he darted forward to find her.

  * * * * *

  “She’s going to say whatever the hell you want her to, Paul. See?” Mark laughed. “It’s all just a matter of convinc—”

  A loud roar suddenly shattered the night. Tammy’s ears rang from the sound. She’d heard that roar before. Valiant was out there and close.

  Tammy glared at the jerk who pinned her down. He frantically swiveled his head toward the woods around them, searching for the source.

  “What in the fuck was that?” Ned inched closer to the fire, peering around the woods.

  “I don’t know,??
? Terry whispered. “It was close.”

  “Was that a lion?” Ned whispered. “Are those common in this part of northern California?”

  “I don’t know,” Mark whispered back. “I know they have cougars and bobcats in mountainous areas.” His hand eased away from her breast and he fumbled behind his back at his waist. “It’s close though. Prepare for an attack. Her screams probably drew it, thinking there’s food to be had.” He withdrew a handgun he’d had tucked in his waistband under his shirt.

  “That didn’t sound like either one.” Terry reached down, tugged up the leg of his jeans and revealed a gun holster. He yanked the weapon out as he straightened. “Whatever it is, it’s nearby.”

  Tammy sucked air into her lungs and screamed again, despite her sore throat. She wanted Valiant to find her and figured it would make it easier if she helped.

  “Shut her up.” Ned sounded panicked.

  Mark gripped her jaw to force her mouth closed. He glared down at her. “Do it again and I’ll smother you until you pass out.”

  Ned and Terry moved away from Tammy. Her relief was instant that their focus wasn’t on her anymore. They took positions around the fire to watch the woods. Her heart hammered with hope that Valiant would save her. How does he know I’m in trouble? Why did he come for me? Does it matter? Hell no. He’s here.

  It had to be Valiant unless there were other New Species who could roar the way he could. That was possible. Either way, she knew nothing lived in the area before the New Species arrived that could make that kind of roar. It had to be one of them and she’d never been so grateful in her life to have them as neighbors.

  A howl broke the silence, startling Mark. Ned cursed softly, spun to face another section of woods, and his gun lifted. “Shit.”

  Mark looked terrified as he jerked his head around. “Was that a wolf?”

  “A wolf and a lion?” Terry hissed a curse. “Shit. It’s not real animals out there. It’s them. Those damn two-legged animals.”

  Another howl broke the night and another one joined in. Tammy tried to twist away from the asshole who still held her mouth but he grabbed her throat suddenly and clamped down tight. He glared at her.

  “You move an inch and I’ll strangle you. Don’t scream either.”

  She believed him. He appeared terrified and she could see sweat breaking out over his upper lip and forehead. He released her throat and lifted his hips off her enough that she was no longer pinned. He gave her a warning glare.

  “Don’t move or I’ll kill you. Got it?”

  She nodded very carefully, keeping her lips sealed. She had heard them say that whoever they worked for wanted her alive but judging by their terror, they weren’t thinking clearly anymore. Her gaze shifted to the guns the men held. Even Ned and Paul had guns now. Fear for Valiant’s safety worried her. Or, if it wasn’t him, for the other New Species who were out in the woods coming after her.

  “If any of you are out there and can hear me,” Mark screamed. “I’ll kill the bitch if you attack at us.”

  Ned inched close to the fire. “What do we do?”

  Terry held his gun, watching the dark woods. “We wait until morning when we can see good, because they have the advantage in the dark. As long as we keep a gun on her, they won’t dare attack. They obviously want her. Keep the fire burning bright to keep them back.”

  “Maybe we should put her clothes back on her so they don’t know we messed with her any,” Ned whispered.

  “I’m not moving.” Mark shook his head. “I don’t give a damn if they are pissed that we stripped her down to her underwear. I’m close enough to blow her brains out if they come at us.”

  “We could make them rush us and take them out.” Terry held a gun in one hand and a knife in another, slowly turning circles to keep a close watch on the woods outside the circle of firelight. “One of us could hurt her to force them to come in and we’ll have the advantage. There are only three of them and we can handle that many of those upright animals.”

  “How do you know there are only three?” Ned whispered. “There could be dozens of them watching us right now. They could have us surrounded.”

  “I heard two wolf howls and one roar.” Paul stated. “I agree with Terry. There are only three of them and if there were more they would have sounded out to go for ultimate intimidation. My guess is they are closing in on us and are doing it to give positions. It’s basic hunting tactics when using animals. It’s to sound out to know where the prey is so you don’t shoot each other when you have a few teams closing in on the same target.”

  “They carry guns?” Ned whined. “Nobody told me that.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Terry nodded. “I saw them when I joined that rally a few months back at their Homeland. They were lined up along the top of a wall with sharpshooters defending the gates in case any of us decided to try to break in again.”

  Tammy knew with certainty the jackasses who’d kidnapped her would shoot the New Species. Did her rescuers know the jerks were armed? Her gaze darted to the nervous assholes again and she slowly drew a deep breath in. She was willing to bet her life that they wouldn’t kill her outright. She knew she’d become the only leverage they had to keep the New Species from coming at them.

  * * * * *

  Valiant lunged toward the camp when the smell of Tammy’s fear filled his nostrils. The urge to protect her, to help her, became so overpowering he couldn’t even form coherent thoughts anymore.

  An unexpected, heavy weight landed on his back and his knees collapsed. Two strong arms wrapped around him, one around his throat to cut off his oxygen and another hooked around his chest under his arms. He grabbed at the male body but the words hissed in his ear prevented him from fighting.

  “She’ll be dead before you can reach her. Calm now,” Tiger demanded. “Think, my friend.” The arm around his throat eased. “Take a few deep breaths, fight your instincts, and trust me.”

  Valiant sucked in air through his mouth, bit back a roar and knew Tiger made sense. “The humans would kill her. I need to get to her.” He kept his voice low to keep it from carrying to the camp.

  “We need to get to her without them killing her first. I understand and I can feel your rage. I smell it. You want to save her and so do I. We have to do it right. Look. See the fire? Do you notice the male with the gun sitting on top of her? He’s there to shoot her if we rush them.”

  Valiant noticed more than the human pinning his Tammy down. They’d stripped her, her pale skin exposed to the chilly night air and to the view of the males who had stolen her. Murderous rage gripped him until his entire body shook from the emotion.

  “I know,” Tiger crooned softly. “I can smell how strongly you want to rip their hearts out and tear their heads from their bodies. It will get her killed. Are you in control?”

  He shook his head before he nodded. “Yes,” he rasped.

  Tiger’s hold around his chest eased and his weight left his back as he stood. A howl from Rider sounded on the other side of camp. He was in place. It made thinking a little easier for Valiant to know the humans were surrounded. The Species males would attack from the other direction to draw attention. He just needed to wait a few moments before he’d reach Tammy. He’d protect her and murder the males who had stolen her.

  Tiger eased down to a crouch next to him. “I’ll allow you to take out the male on her. Use your knife. We’ll open fire when you strike. She’s safer on the ground, Valiant. Leave her there and don’t go into the open. They will fire at you. You won’t be able to help her if you’re dead. You’re a big son of a bitch but half a dozen holes torn through you would take you down. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t want to though.

  “Prepare, but wait until you have a perfect opportunity.”

  Valiant stood, his hand going for the knife strapped to his thigh and tested the weight of it in his palm. His focus fixed on the male straddling Tammy’s hips, rage boiled, and he knew he wouldn’t miss.
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  “Go for her when we’re clear. Take her away and we’ll clean them up.”

  “I want them all dead. I want to do it.”

  “Her, Valiant. Focus on her. Take her away the second you get a chance to grab her when we pin the males down with gunfire but not before. You can’t help her if you’re dead. Remember that, damn it.”

  “I’ll remember.” His gaze narrowed, he fought back another roar and couldn’t wait to kill the bastard who sat on his Tammy.

  “They have guns,” Tammy screamed out, making sure the New Species were warned about what they were facing from her attackers if they entered the camp.

  Mark clamped his hand around her throat but it had come too late. She’d been able to call out to the New Species. They had to have heard her, she hoped at least, as she glared up at the asshole on top of her. If looks could have killed, she knew her life would end with those hazel eyes glaring at her.

  “It’s a sad day when someone picks an animal over their own kind,” Paul grunted. “Back to back, men. Shoot anything that moves.”

  Tammy frantically struggled with the belt holding her wrists. It didn’t help that they were pinned under her ass, making it tougher to wiggle free. She was careful not to brush against Mark’s spread thighs where they straddled her hips. She became aware that his hold didn’t ease and she couldn’t breathe. As seconds ticked by she realized he didn’t plan to let go.

  Panic gripped her and she jerked both knees up. He cursed when they hit his back, had to release her to use his palm to catch his weight before he pitched forward, choosing to let go of her throat instead of his gun. Tammy gasped in air and let her legs drop.

  “Don’t do that, bitch,” he hissed at her.

  “I couldn’t breathe,” she gasped.

  He glared at her. “Fucking bit―”