Page 15 of My Commander

  "Now follow me. Byron has a panic room in his office. Hurry dear." Adelaide easily navigated the hallway in the dark. They were just passing the front door when Meryn heard the sound of a canine whimper. She froze.

  "Come on Meryn." Adelaide gently tugged on her hand, but when a high pitched yelp was cut short Meryn turned towards the door.

  "That was Colton!" She tried to pull her hand free.

  "No Meryn! We have to stay inside." Adelaide began to pull her back towards the office.

  "No! Please! We have to see if he's okay." Meryn tried to break free but couldn't. Then, as suddenly as the lights had gone out they were back. Meryn took advantage of Adelaide's momentary distraction and tugged free. She ran and flung the door open. She had only taken two steps outside when everything began to move in slow motion. She couldn't seem to catch her breath. She realized that she was having a hard time breathing because she was screaming. Pictures flashed in her mind in bits and pieces. The door opening and then blood. So much blood. Arms wrapped around her from behind. A familiar perfume engulfed her as she was pulled back inside the house. The steady stream of screams from her own throat and the image that would forever be etched in her mind.

  A gutted wolf, hanging by his intestines on the front porch.

  And then as if someone pressed a resume button the world was no longer moving in slow motion.

  "No! God, no! Colton!" Her own screams echoed in the foyer. Men's angry shouts and pounding feet.

  "Breathe Meryn, just breathe." Adelaide's voice repeated in her ear. Meryn could feel Aiden's mother's hot tears on her neck. Meryn no longer screamed words, just long, anguished wails. Between one heartbeat and the next her world went black.


  Meryn struggled to wake up. When she tried to open her eyes, she realized that they were practically glued shut from sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she turned over. She was in her room.

  "Aiden?" She felt movement behind her.

  "I'm here." He pulled her close.

  The events from the previous evening slammed into her and she began to sob.

  "Sweetheart, it's okay."

  "How can you say that? He was your best friend!"

  "Colton is fine. Mother said you called out his name. Meryn it was just a dog, some poor dog that this psycho used to scare us." He rubbed her arms.

  "Colton's okay?"

  "Yes, he's fine. When we die, even if we're shifted, we revert back to human form. He was very touched at your concern, though." Relief flooded her. She felt exhausted all over again.

  "That poor dog. I heard it Aiden, it was alive when he brought it here. I heard it crying on the porch." That was all it took for a new flood of tears to overtake her.

  "I swear to you I will find this guy, he will pay for all he has done."

  "Why would he hurt an innocent little dog?" Meryn blubbered. She could easily discuss hacked up bodies at dinner and she didn't care. She never really liked people, but animals? Animals had been her only friends growing up. She couldn't stand the fact that she had stood there and listened to this dog be murdered.

  "Because he is a sick fuck and he's toying with us." Aiden pulled her in tight to his body and draped a heavy leg over hers.

  "Get some sleep sweetheart, things won't seem so bad in the morning." Meryn just nodded. She closed her eyes, and enjoyed being wrapped in Aiden's arms.


  Meryn was on a mission. She was determined to find this asshole dog killer and bring him to justice. As soon as she woke up, she slipped from the bed and jumped into the shower. She managed to get dressed before Aiden woke up. He grinned at her tee-shirt selection for the day. She-Ra princess of power brandished a sword on her chest, making her feel like taking on the world.

  "Be downstairs." She said.

  "Get back here woman." Aiden pointed to the empty side of the bed. She put her laptop down and walked back over to the bed. Before she could blink his arm snaked out from under the covers and pulled her back on the bed. Laughing, she turned and faced him. His slow kisses ignited a fire in her blood. He took his time and kissed his way down the side of her neck.

  "We could always stay in bed today." He whispered before his hand began to climb up her shirt.

  "Have I told you lately that I think you're a genius?" She panted. He chuckled. His fingers had just slid inside her bra when a loud banging jerked them apart. Aiden snarled at the door. Meryn rolled onto her back trying to catch her breath.

  "What!" He yelled.

  "Third couple was just reported missing, this time from inside Lycaonia." Gavriel reported urgently. And just like that, their ardor cooled. Aiden jumped up and began pulling on his uniform.


  "Eleanor Canter." Meryn frowned. She knew that name. How did she know that name? The conversation from the sewing circle popped into her head.

  "Oh no. Her mother will be worried sick. I met her at the sewing circle Aiden. She was actually nice." Aiden's eyes met hers. She knew he was trying not to show it, but in the end they were both too much alike, they both believed that Eleanor was already dead.

  "I'm leaving Colton here. Call me if you need anything." Aiden leaned forward and rested their foreheads together.

  "I wish I could stay. I want to show you how I feel." He whispered lowly.

  "I know. But we have time, Eleanor may not." She clutched the front of his shirt.

  "I love you so much Meryn. I need to claim you soon." She leaned back.

  "Tonight." She promised.

  "Tonight." He kissed her gently as if savoring the feel of her lips.

  "Come on Superman, your unit needs you." Meryn picked up her laptop and took his hand. Aiden opened the door.

  "He is more like Yogi Bear than Superman." Gavriel informed her without cracking a smile.

  "And you're more like ..." Aiden began.

  "Don't. Don't say it. Any comparisons made to certain sparkly vampires will be met with a slow death." Gavriel threatened. Aiden chuckled. Meryn rolled her eyes. They walked downstairs and said goodbye in the foyer.

  "Until tonight." Aiden pledged.

  "Until tonight." They left and Meryn made her way to the dining room alone. When she walked in Adelaide and Byron were on their way out.

  "Where are you two going?" She asked.

  "Byron has another council meeting to discuss the new disappearance. I am heading to the Canter's to see if there is anything I can do. Then I'm off to the Council Manor to help set up for tomorrow's ball, though given everything that has happened, I'm not sure if people will feel like celebrating." She wiped her eyes. Byron kissed her hair.

  "It's because of what is happening that we need to celebrate." Byron looked to Meryn.

  "Will you be okay by yourself today?"

  "Like Aiden would leave her alone?" Colton said from behind Meryn. He walked up behind her and gave her a brotherly hug.

  "I'll leave her in your hands." Byron's voice was pleasant but even Meryn could hear the unspoken, commanded order, 'Protect her or face me.'

  "Yes, sir."

  "Maybe I should stay with Meryn?" Adelaide wrung her hands. Meryn shook her head.

  "No, Aileen will need you more than me. Tell her I am thinking about her and when we find Eleanor I'll help with the nursery." Meryn promised.

  "You're such an angel." Adelaide kissed her cheek and Byron the top of her head and they left.

  Meryn looked at Colton, who stared back.

  "So?" She asked.

  "So?" He responded.

  "Whatcha wanna do?"

  "Can you show me the Sheriff's email? I'm not as good as Keelan with the tech stuff, but I'd like to help review some of the case information while I'm here."

  "You mean while you're stuck babysitting me." She interpreted.

  "That too." His grin was completely unapologetic.

  "On one condition."


  "You shift into a wolf later and play with me." She turned her face so he couldn't see her embarr
assed expression. He just pulled her into a bear hug and swung her around. Laughing, she tried to get down.

  "I knew you liked me!" Colton set her down and ruffled her hair.

  "Maybe a little." Meryn admitted. She grabbed a muffin out of the basket from the small buffet style breakfast set up on the sideboard. Colton got a napkin and filled it up. She grabbed a bottle of Diet Mt. Dew and he grabbed two bottles of water.

  "Come on Colton, I'll let you be my minion."


  They ended up in Byron's office since he had the more comfortable chairs and the large fireplace.

  She turned to him and opened her laptop.

  "Let's get started."


  "I'm bored!" Meryn closed her laptop. They had checked both Sheriff's emails and nothing new had come in. She showed him how she had hacked their passwords and set up the forwarding program.

  "So what do you want to do?" Colton swung his feet down off of the sofa and sat up.

  "Would you like some tea?" Marius asked from the doorway.

  "No offense Marius but if I drink any more tea I'll float away. As it is I feel like I'm about to lose my mind." There wasn't much in the world she hated more than the feeling of being bored.

  "Might I suggest a visit to Master Aiden? You do have that other package I bought. I left it in the pantry for safe keeping." Meryn jumped to her feet and turned to Colton.

  "Can we go visit Aiden?"

  "Sure. Keelan texted me a little while ago to let me know that they were back at the barracks." Colton stood and stretched his legs.

  "Aiden didn't text?" Meryn asked. Colton laughed out loud.

  "Aiden doesn't text. I don't even think his phone can text."

  Meryn stopped putting her laptop in her backpack and blinked at Colton.

  "You're lying. Everyone texts!"

  "Not Aiden, I think it's because of those manly fingers of his. It takes him forever to type anything. If any texting has to be done, either Keelan or I do it."

  "He really is a Neanderthal." Meryn was going to have to pull Aiden into the twenty first century whether he liked it or not. She walked over to the door where Marius was waiting for them. He had gone to the pantry and returned with a large box.

  "Miss, your package." Marius set down a rather large box down in the hallway.

  "Awesome. Thank you Marius!" She jumped up and kissed his cheek.

  "You're welcome little miss."

  "Okay Colton, that goes in the car."

  "What is it?"

  "I'll show you when we get there." She promised.

  Meryn nearly wet herself watching Colton try to get the box into his trunk.

  "Next time, you lift it. What in the hell is in that box Meryn?" Colton rubbed his back.

  "It wasn't that heavy you big baby."

  "Meryn that box was almost as big as you are."

  "And I know what is inside, so it shouldn't have been too heavy for a big, ole, strong shifter like you."

  "You're lucky the box is in the trunk shortie." Meryn stuck her tongue out at him and got in the car.

  It didn't take long and they were pulling up to the unit's barracks. Meryn stared. She had only seen it briefly, traveling panicked in Aiden's arms. She gawked up at the large mansion in front of her. It was smaller than the estate his parents lived in, but not by much.

  "This place is huge!"

  "All the unit barracks are this big. Each warrior has his own suite complete with a small kitchenette area. Downstairs we have shared spaces like the media room, kitchen, main dining room and offices." Colton explained.

  "It's pretty." Meryn was taken aback by how homey it seemed.

  "Adelaide has helped us make it more domestic." He pointed to the gorgeous landscaping by the door.

  "Now will you tell me what's in the box?" He asked.

  "You can see for yourself. Where do the men train?"

  "Out back."

  "Let's take the box to the back porch." Colton cursed under his breath as he manhandled the box out of the trunk and carried it to the back porch. It was a long way around the side of the house. He set the box down and like a kid at Christmas he started to tear into it. When he opened the flaps and peered inside he started laughing.

  "No way! Meryn this is awesome."

  "Your job is to fill them up. I'm going to go challenge Aiden." Meryn lifted a super soaker from the box and looked around for a spigot. Colton grabbed two and showed her where the hose connected to the house near the back door. She filled hers up first and left him grinning like an idiot to go find Aiden.

  She walked back towards the large obstacle course and stopped. Despite it being almost Halloween most of the men had their shirts off and were doing drills. Each man was trying to attack their sparring partner who was blindfolded. Quietly she snuck up behind her mate and jumped out screaming like a banshee. Aiden jumped nearly a foot in the air and turned around snarling. That was when she brought the gun to her shoulder, aimed ...

  "Meryn don't!" Aiden warned.

  ... and fired. She shot him in the face, laughing as he sputtered. Behind Aiden the men hooted and egged her on. When she stopped Aiden's eyes took on a dangerous glint.

  "Oh shit!"

  "Heads up Commander!" Colton yelled and tossed Aiden a gun.


  "Gamma versus Alpha. Meryn you're on Gamma's team." Colton yelled and began tossing guns to the men. Ben ran over and grabbed her hand.

  "Come on!" Meryn ran with Ben for all she was worth. Behind them Gamma stood between her and Aiden laughing and shooting each other. She and Ben took positions at the edge of the obstacle course. He scaled one of the many climbing obstacles and lay in wait on his belly like a sniper. Meryn knew if she tried something like that she would fall off so she stood behind the rock climbing wall.

  Minutes later the men began running by in an effort to get to the woods. She jumped out and got Colton in the ear.


  Laughing hysterically, she bolted for the woods. She could hardly run she was laughing so hard. She ran until she couldn't go anymore. She looked around and took up a tactical position behind a tree. She listened to the men's laughter and cursing and congratulated herself. They had needed something to take their minds off the case they were working.

  As the minutes went by she noticed how quiet it had gotten. Maybe she had run too far. She stepped out from behind the tree.

  "Meryn!" She heard Aiden yell.

  "Aiden, come and find me." She teased.

  "Quit playing and come out." He yelled.

  "Sourpuss!" She laughed and heard it echo through the trees.

  "Come on now, no more playing." He called out. There was nothing but silence.

  Meryn froze. She knew this scene. It was the scene she had been dreaming of for the past few weeks.

  "That's not funny, come out!" Aiden's voice sounded frantic.

  "Aiden!" Her scream shattered the silence.

  Out of nowhere a body slammed into hers. She could feel someone on top of her but couldn't see anything.

  "Almost time for you to die." A harsh voice whispered in her ear. A hand groped between her legs and she began to fight.

  "Do me a favor and drop dead asshole!" She turned her head and bit down blindly. An angry roar emerged from above her. A heavy hand came down and clipped her cheekbone. Stars exploded and for a second she couldn't see, and then as quickly as he was there, the weight was gone. She lay on the forest floor, blinking up trying to focus her eyes.

  She could hear feet running and men shouting.

  "Over here!" She yelled. Seconds later a familiar face appeared over her.

  "Found!" He bellowed. "Are you hurt?"

  "Fucker punched me. I'm really starting to hate his invisible ass." She struggled to sit up. He offered her a hand and helped her lean against the tree. Aiden burst through the tree line and didn't stop until he was at her side.

  "Has she been stabbed?" His hands pulled at her clo
thing trying to inspect every inch of her.

  "No sir, she said that she was punched."

  "Thank you Sascha. Take Gamma and find this fucker." Aiden ordered.

  "He's bleeding. I bit him." Meryn told the tall Nordic looking warrior with the white blond hair. His icy blue eyes held admiration. He nodded.

  "Good work, that will make it easier." He turned to the two men that had arrived after Aiden.

  "Christoff you're up. He's bleeding, you're on point for tracking." The dark haired man nodded. He walked over to Meryn and sniffed her jacket that now sported blood splatter.

  "Oron you're with him. Report in every ten minutes." Sascha commanded.

  "Yes, sir!" Both men took off.

  "Aiden let's get her back to Alpha." Sascha suggested. Aiden lifted her gently.

  They ran back and Meryn wanted to groan. Each jostle hurt her head. They ran past the obstacle course to where the other men had assembled by the house for orders.

  "Ben I'm assigning you to Alpha for today. Help them keep Meryn safe. Quinn you're with me. We're going to ransack the archives. We're looking for an invisibility spell." Sascha and Quinn turned and started towards where the cars were parked.

  "Sir, I'd like to assist Quinn and Sascha. I grew up helping my brother in the archives in Storm Keep. I know some of those volumes by heart." Keelan stepped forward. Aiden nodded.

  "Go, do whatever it takes." Keelan nodded and ran to catch up with Quinn and Sascha.

  "Aiden, we'll set up patrol around Alpha. Take Meryn upstairs and make sure she's okay." Ben gently pushed his older brother towards the door.

  "Thank you Ben. Gavriel you're in charge." Aiden said.

  "When you get hit do you go blind for a second?" Meryn looked out at the men and closed one eye then the other.

  Colton smiled. "Sometimes. You took a punch huh? I knew you were a tough little shortie."

  "I bit him too, serves him right for groping me." Meryn shuddered. Aiden's grip tightened.

  "We'll be upstairs." He turned and walked into the house.