Page 5 of My Commander

"How do you keep humans from knowing about all this?" Meryn pointed to the juncture of the road that opened up to an intersection where they could go left, right or straight.

  "The witches and fae renew a glamour spell every year at the winter solstice. After they complete the spell everyone goes to the Council Manor for the Midwinter Ball." Meryn felt her stomach knot.

  "Balls, like with poofy dresses and dancing and tiny sandwiches that don't fill you up?"

  Aiden's head turned and he looked at her in surprise. "Yeah, I thought all women loved those things."

  "Not this one. Do I have to go?"

  "Since I'm Unit Commander and my father's heir, it's expected of me to be there. As my mate it's expected for you to be there."

  "Do I have to go?" Meryn repeated, feeling ill thinking about it. Aiden chuckled.

  "I'll make sure you aren't left alone. We have the All Hallows' Eve Ball coming up soon, it will give you an idea of what to expect for Midwinter." Meryn placed a hand over her stomach. She felt woozy.

  "I hate people."

  "You know with the kicking, screaming and assaulting people with toilet pieces I would never have guessed." Aiden snarked.

  "Har, har. You're so funny. Seriously, can I just send a plate of cookies or something?"

  "Sorry darling, but you're high society now."

  "Bugger that!" Aiden glanced at her, then back to the road.

  "I better warn my mother about tomorrow." Aiden grimaced. Meryn turned to face him.


  "Because she is planning to introduce you to her sewing circle. All the founding family matriarchs will be there." He looked apologetic.

  "I think I'm going to be sick." She closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat.

  Aiden parked and turned the car off. She heard him turn towards her.

  "Just smile and nod. My mother will do most of the talking. I have a feeling Daphane Bowers will be monopolizing the afternoon anyway. Her daughter-in-law is pregnant so she will be milking that for every scrap of attention she can get for a while." Meryn opened her eyes and lifted her head.

  "So she's preggers. Big deal. They'll probably do one of those diaper cakes or something. I guess I can smile and nod, but I'm bringing my laptop. I can't sew for shit."

  Aiden gave her a funny look.

  "I don't think you understand. Being pregnant is a true blessing. Witches can only conceive during the winter solstice, vampires during the spring equinox, shifters at summer solstice and fae during the fall equinox. It's why each equinox and solstice is a huge celebration for us. As each of the four races can only conceive during these times, their children are usually born during a corresponding holiday. Witches are born around the fall equinox; vampires during the long, dark winter solstice; shifters around the spring equinox when most animals are born; and the fae around the summer solstice, at the height of summer when everything is in full bloom. Each race only has a certain time of the year that they are fertile and even then it's not guaranteed that the couple will conceive. After conception only about sixty percent of all pregnancies make it to full term. It's kept our numbers pretty low."

  There was a sadness in his eyes that she wished she could erase.

  "That must be hard. I'll make sure that I properly 'Ooooh' and 'Aaaah' at the appropriate moments." Meryn promised.

  "You really are anti-social aren't you?"

  "I like the guys and your family. But I don't like being fake or being polite to assholes."

  Aiden's mouth twitched. "Tomorrow should be interesting."

  "I'll be good. Promise." She looked around. "Where are we?"

  "This is the Council Manor. My father let me know that the council wanted to speak to me this morning at breakfast. He left about a half an hour before we did to let them know we were coming."

  "Is it okay that I go in?" She gawked up at the imposing building. It looked like the Library of Congress. Meryn watched the people walk by their parked car. The men were wearing official looking robes that gaped to reveal pressed and perfectly tailored suits and cravats. The women were visions of gentility in fall-colored full length dresses. She glanced down at her Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tee-shirt with her hoodie tied haphazardly around her waist. She glared at Aiden. He didn't even seem to notice. Damn the man. She hated sticking out. Aiden straightened his tie and pulled a military type hat from the backseat. Of course, he fit right in with his uniform. He opened his car door.

  "Father said it shouldn't take long, they just want me to look into something. Then we can go explore the city." Aiden took her hand. "Ready?"

  "I guess so."

  He kissed her hand before letting it go and then got out of the car. He walked around and scowled down at her as she opened her own door, refusing to wait for him. She stuck her tongue out and he surprised her by laughing. Since he was constantly frowning, it made her feel good that she could make him laugh.

  Meryn appreciated that Aiden took her hand and was leading the way otherwise she knew she would have run into something. The outside of the building was nothing short of amazing, but the inside took her breath away. The stone architecture peaked in rounded archways. The exterior windows tossed rainbows of color on the floors and walls with its stained glass. Statues and old oil paintings decorated the walls. Aiden literally pulled her along as she looked around in childlike wonder. When they turned the corner Meryn gasped.

  "What?" Aiden asked.

  Meryn stared at the statue in front of them.

  "Don't blink. Don't even blink." She whispered.

  "What in the hell are you talking about?" Aiden looked around trying to identify a possible hidden threat.

  "You blink and you're dead." Meryn stared at the two large stone angel statues on either side of a heavy looking wooden door unblinking. Aiden's hand went to his sidearm.

  "Meryn that is just a statue."

  "But what if it isn't? I mean up until this week I didn't think paranormals existed and now you're all over the fucking place. I can't take the chance." Meryn continued to stare at the statue.

  "Why don't I ever understand a word that comes out of your mouth? It's like you're not even speaking English!"

  "Oh my God, what if the Doctor is real too! That would be awesome!" Meryn felt Aiden pulling her closer to the doors, she refused to take her eyes off of the statues.

  "I give up! There's something wrong with you." Meryn could hear the exasperation in his voice.

  "You just don't speak geek. That's okay, I can train you." Meryn closed one eye, then the other. Then opened them quickly. The statues remained statues.

  "These might not be dangerous." She let out a relieved sigh.

  "You think?" Aiden asked acerbically. Meryn turned her attention to the highly polished dark wood doors in front of them.

  "Those are some impressive looking doors. Is it to keep us out, or them in?" Aiden closed his eyes and looked like he was mentally counting to ten.

  "Most days to keep us in. Come in Aiden, let us meet your clever mate." A voice called from beyond the doors. Meryn covered her mouth with her hands. She kept forgetting about paranormal hearing. Aiden peered down at her, a smile twitching on his lips. He lifted the large iron ring and pulled the door open. Meryn watched as his biceps flexed under his long sleeved uniform shirt. Yum.

  They walked on a soft red carpet up to a long wooden panel. Behind it sat four very powerful looking men. Only one of whom she recognized.

  "Esteemed council members, may I present my mate, Meryn Evans. Meryn, I have the distinct honor of introducing Lycaonia's council members; Elder Celyn Vi'Ailean our fae representative. Elder Rowan Airgead our witch representative; Elder René Évreux our vampire representative; and of course you have already met my father, the shifter representative."

  Aiden bowed at the waist. Not knowing what to do Meryn just waved. Grinning broadly the large fae elder waved back. Byron nodded. The witch elder smiled warmly, but the vampire elder sniffed and turned up his nose. Meryn felt herself fro

  Please don't let me say anything to get Aiden into trouble.

  "What was it that you wished to see me about?" Aiden asked standing to his full height.

  "We would like for you to investigate a set of disappearances. Two paranormal couples living in Madison have vanished. The mother of one of the missing women is frantic. If you could take a few men out there and ask around, we would appreciate it. I know that would ease everyone's worries." Elder Airgead explained.

  "Of course, sir. I'll take some men out there later today." Aiden gave a half bow. Meryn debated on asking her question, but she figured that she wouldn't find anything out if she kept her mouth shut. She'd take the chance of putting her foot in it for a chance to help.

  "Um sirs, your excellencies?" Meryn hoped that she didn't sound as nervous as she felt.

  "What is it child?" Elder Vi'Ailean asked, his voice soft and gentle.

  "If you have any information about the missing couples I could try to track their last known movements and whereabouts using my laptop." Meryn stared at the tops of her scuffed up Converse.

  "You can do that?" Elder Airgead sounded shocked. She lifted her head up and nodded.

  "I can track their credit cards, purchases, parking tickets, just about anything electronic." She explained.

  "All from your laptop?" Elder Airgead asked.

  "Yup. Child's play."

  "Are all humans so well versed with technology?" Byron asked sounding impressed.

  "No, though most can do the basics. I'm just very, very good." She couldn't keep the trace of pride out of her voice. She felt Aiden's warm hand on her lower back. He was showing her that he had her back, literally. Feeling braver she continued.

  "I can also compile both couples' information to look for anything that ties them together, to establish a pattern. If we can find the pattern, we can establish a motive and narrow down the search to find the perpetrators." Meryn clenched and unclenched her hands at her sides. Years of watching CSI were starting to pay off.

  "Impressive. I had no idea my new, little daughter was so talented." Byron bragged.

  "We don't interact with humans enough to keep up with their technology." The fae Elder admitted.

  "I don't know why we even care what happens outside the city. The paranormals living outside of Lycaonia know the risks of trying to fit in with humans. If they really wanted to stay safe they would be behind the city walls." René said disdainfully. Beside her Meryn felt Aiden tense.

  "With all due repeat Elder Evreux, there are more paranormals now than there were even one hundred years ago, despite our declining birth rate. With fewer and fewer pack and pride wars and established feeding centers for the vampires, older generations are living longer. It's extremely expensive for the average paranormal to live in one of our cities. It has become necessary for larger families to make their way in the human world." Aiden explained. From his slightly condescending tone, Meryn had a feeling it wasn't the first time Aiden had presented this argument.

  "Paranormals do not belong amongst humans. They are nothing but insects." Elder Evreux sneered looking right at Meryn.

  "René, you will take back those words about my daughter at once. Before I make you!" Byron stood to his full height as his eyes shifted to black. Meryn's eyes widened. She glanced over at Aiden to see what they should do to see that his eyes too had also shifted and his canines had extended past his lips. In response Elder Evreux stood hissing baring his fangs.

  "Byron! René! Stop this at once." Elder Airgead moved between the two men, both of his hands glowing a faint blue color. Both men stood on either side of the witch breathing heavily and glaring at each other.

  "I meant no insult to your daughter." Elder Evreux bit off each word. Byron gave a curt nod and sat back down.

  "Holy shit balls! Papa bear is freaking awesome!" Meryn whispered. Five sets of eyes immediately went to her. She stepped behind Aiden. She heard guffaws and peeked out to see that the fae Elder was laughing and wiping tears.

  "Meryn you are an absolute treasure. First Weeping Angels and now this." He took a deep breath and met her eyes.

  "Finally! Someone who's intelligent!" Meryn exploded.

  "I'm going to pretend you meant to exclude me." Aide's voice was flat.

  "Sure. If that helps you sleep at night." Meryn bumped his hip with hers. He gazed down at her, affection in his eyes.

  Meryn was no longer intimidated by these men. They may be all powerful and could shift into large predator animals and cast spells, but at the end of the day they were just men. Men she could handle.

  "Aiden, please feel free to bring your mate over for tea one afternoon. I would love to see her reactions to Vivian's garden." Elder Vi'Ailean said standing. He then turned to Meryn.

  "My mate is also human, so don't let some people's old fashioned prejudices get to you my dear." He then turned and walked past Elder Evreux.

  "Be thankful I wasn't the one who took exception to your words René. It would have taken more than Rowan's spells to get me to back down." With a regal nod, he swept past René and left the room.

  "I swear you guys will drive me to drink. I should be allowed to sedate you three for meetings." Elder Airgead sat back looking tired.

  "Where's the fun in that Rowan?" Byron joked.

  "With your permission? I owe my mate a tour of Lycaonia." Aiden bowed.

  "Of course Commander. Meryn my dear, I hope that our display hasn't soured you towards the city and our people. I think you will find some of the city's sites to be amazing. Maybe you can blogger it on your laptop." Elder Airgead suggested. Meryn smiled.

  "You mean blog. Maybe. Do you have the information on the missing couples?" She asked. Elder Airgead nodded and handed her a stack of papers. Meryn stepped forward and accepted them. She opened the flap to her backpack and shoved them inside.

  "I can't wait to get started. I love projects. Thank you."

  "You carry your laptop with you? Doesn't it get heavy?" Byron asked.

  "Nah, I'm used to it. I can't live without it." Meryn swung her backpack on her shoulder.

  "Good luck on your project." The witch Elder sat back in his chair.

  As they were walking out of the room Meryn looked up at Aiden.

  "Are all vampires douche bags? Because Gavriel wasn't." Aiden grabbed her upper arm and almost began sprinting out into the hallway. Behind her, she could hear Byron's booming laughter fill the council hall. Shit! She kept forgetting that there was no such thing as whispering around paranormals!


  "I swear you are trying to kill me!" Aiden exploded once they were back in the car.

  "I'm sorry! I forgot that he could hear me. But seriously, that guy was a jerk."

  "I know he is, but he is still an Elder. Try not to insult him again. Unfortunately, it isn't us that has to deal with him on a daily basis, it's my father." Aiden started the car.

  "Oh, poor Byron." Meryn felt horrible about what she said now. Aiden looked over and took mercy on her.

  "Don't feel too bad. I've done worse. I grew up here remember." Aiden took her hand in his and rested them on the center console.

  "I bet you and Colton were terrors."

  "He was. I just went along to see what would happen. Bears are naturally curious."

  "You were pretty badass yourself back there. Thank you for sticking up for me."

  "Of course, you're my mate."

  "And only you can yell at me?" Meryn teased.

  "Exactly." Aiden grinned at her and expertly turned the steering wheel with one hand maneuvering the car into a large public parking garage. When she looked at him and raised an eyebrow, he explained;

  "The original city was built before we had cars. The streets are cobblestone and too narrow for vehicles. We built a parking garage on the outskirts and everyone walks in the city. So, where would you like to go first?"


  "We have some amazing museums."


  "Or we can ... "

  "Coffee or I'll cut you!" Aiden laughed and leaned over the console to kiss the tip of her nose.

  "Okay, okay. Coffee it is. Come on Menace." He opened the car door and stepped out. Feeling rebellious, she quickly opened her car door and got out. Aiden glared at her,

  "Ha!" Meryn gave a fist pump. Aiden rolled his eyes.

  She grabbed her backpack and shut the door. She swung it on her back and adjusted the straps.

  "You look like a second grader." Aiden had tilted his head and was looking at her funny.

  "Fuck and you. I do not. Lots of adults wear vintage tee-shirts. It's an 'in' thing right now." Meryn did have to admit, even if to herself, that she thought she resembled a little kid most days too.

  "I think you look cute." Aiden's smile was gentle.

  "I'm not cute, I'm sexy." Meryn protested. Aiden had the gall to laugh in her face.

  "You're my mate and I say this with all sincerity. You are not sexy, at all. You are like a feisty little spitfire and that's okay. You're completely different and half of what you say I don't understand, but I wouldn't have you any other way." Aiden ruffled her hair and took her hand. She was torn between melting into a puddle at his feet and being offended that he didn't think she was sexy. Flabbergasted she walked beside him, stealing glances up at him to see if he had been poking fun at her. When they crossed the pavement and onto the cobblestones Meryn felt a jolt run through her. There was something about the cobblestones. She jerked her hand out of Aiden's and knelt down to lay her palm flat on the stone's surface.

  "There's something weird about the stones." But no matter how she looked at them, they were plain, grey ordinary stones.

  "Very good mate of mine. The stones are bespelled. They promote feelings of community and goodwill." Aiden explained.

  "Cool." Meryn stood and immediately Aiden took her hand again. She was beginning to see a pattern. He had to be touching her when they were together. Holding her hand, touching her back, even putting her on his lap.

  They walked until they reached the end of the long alley. Aiden looked down at her.

  "Welcome to Lycaonia." He said and let go of her hand to push her forward. Meryn stepped beyond the tall buildings of the alleyway and gazed around. Everywhere she turned there was something new to see. Vendors laughed and shouted out to people as they walked by trying to sell their wares. Each store was different. In one store window, she could see stacks and stacks of old books and parchment scrolls, at another swords and daggers. One large store window held tiers of delicate looking cakes. She felt her mouth begin to water. When she looked across the street one swinging wooden sign boasted the best magical ingredients sold on the east coast. Magical ingredients! Just when she thought it couldn't get any better the smells began to hit her. Jasmine, honeysuckle, frankincense and myrrh. She looked past the magic shop and saw an apothecary. The delicious fragrance of freshly baked bread and cinnamon rolls spun her around to face a bakery with loaves and loaves of bread on display.