
  I waited until sundown to sneak out of the ArcKnight palace. It wasn’t the safest time to go trotting about, but I had to get to my sister, and the cloak of night was what I needed. My spies had told me she had made her way to the MarkTier palace. I had to get to her before she was discovered and they killed her. I couldn’t tell Gil; he’d never let me go. Instead, I had my spies find me a way into the palace, and I had decided to go with my best guards to retrieve her myself.

  Why the hell she went there was a mystery to me. I knew she was hunting the one who had stolen her talisman, but to go to that palace was suicide. I couldn’t let her die. My mother had entrusted me with her safety long ago. I had sworn I’d keep her safe. If only I’d been there when she’d been unceremoniously tossed out of our stronghold by Gil. I’d never forgive him for that.

  Making our way through the city via underground tunnels was not ideal. It was dark and smelled of a thousand years of mold and stink. I was more than grateful to approach the main ducts into the MarkTier palace grounds. Exiting onto the streets of the pack’s kingdom, I noticed that the place was not unlike the ArcKnight stronghold. I almost thought we were back home and had walked in circles, but this place wasn’t quite the same. I followed behind my first lieutenant, Alec, who had protested my presence. But, like my sister, I was a well-trained fighter and insisted I go with his team. How could I be queen when I couldn’t even protect my own sister?

  “Where to?” I asked Alec. He motioned toward the west and then to the mid-section of the circular palace grounds.

  “The palace is in the middle of the city. There we’ll be taking more tunnels into the servant’s quarters. Then, we’re on our own finding Princess Lilliana.”

  I nodded, scanning the horizon and palace towers. I placed my fingers over my Ardent talisman. I could feel its connection to my blood nearby. She was close. I hoped we could get to her before any of us were discovered. If not, there was going to be a hell to pay.

  “We’ll leave most of the guard on the outskirts of the royal house. There’s too many of us to go unnoticed.”

  “What if something happens?”

  Alec bore his eyes into me as though to drive home the seriousness of the situation. He was a good fifteen years older than me and was much like an older brother. He advised me on things but still took orders from me, even though Gil was our leader. I was eternally grateful he’d chosen to listen to me on most subjects. I suspected that he was secretly in love with me and loathed Gil, but I was in no position to ever ask him. It could endanger us both.

  “Then it’s up to you and me. We’ll have to fight our way back out. You understand why I didn’t want you to come in the first place, right?” The look in his dark eyes gave me the chills, but I nodded, straightening my shoulders as I returned his stare.

  “Of course I understand. I’d be here no matter what. This is my sister’s life we’re talking about.”

  Alec shook his head, mumbling something about royals being too hardheaded to truly understand as he stepped away to speak with the other guards. He rolled his neck and pulled his hood over his head. If it were up to him, I wouldn’t be there. I didn’t care. I’d be there for Lily if it cost me my life. Blood is thicker than obligations.

  “Here.” Alec returned, holding out a sheath. Staring back at him in surprise, I realized it was a dagger of some sort.

  “A knife?” I asked. He nodded and urged me to take it. When I did, I undid the clasp and slid the blade out. It shined like moonlight across my face. “Where did you get this?”

  “It was your father’s. He entrusted me with it. He wanted me to give it to you when you were ready. I think this is as good a time as any.”

  I turned the blade in my hands. It felt warm, alive. It was simple yet elegant, with a black handle carved with runes. Leather straps were twined around it for extra grip. The blade itself had etchings in the metal that matched the talisman around my neck. It was luminescent and emanated a soft glow. It was beautiful and hummed energetically under my skin. I loved it immediately.

  “Thank you. I didn’t know my father even owned anything like this. I mean, he had his choice of weaponry, but this… it’s different. You know what I’m saying?”

  Alec nodded, a satisfying grin making him look younger in the torchlight. He turned away, glaring down the passageway.

  “There’s a lot about your father that you didn’t know. It’s really a shame he died before you and your sister got to know him better. He was a brilliant man. A good friend and mentor.” Alec was facing away from me now, but I could tell he was lost in his thoughts.

  “I wish I could’ve had more time with him,” I whispered, clutching the dagger to my chest. “Thank you, Alec. I’ll treasure it always.”

  “It’s for your protection. Keep it on you always. It will keep you safe.” He motioned toward two of our guards who were returning from scouting the tunnels ahead. They motioned that we could continue, and Alec turned back toward me, his hardened soldier’s expression back on as if nothing had occurred between us moments before. “It’s time to go, Ella.”

  He abstained from using my royal title, instead calling me by my childhood nickname in case we were being spied on. The MarkTier guard would throw a party if they knew they’d captured a rival royal in their midst. I’d never hear the end of it until they put me to death.

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Fourteen