
  I rubbed away the puffiness of sleep that still masked my features. The previous day at the trial in Paladin Square had left me emotionally drained and exhausted. Afterward, I had run through the city without a thought to where I’d end up. Somehow, I’d made it to the diner Ephrem and I had once eaten at. Maybe I was seeking a sense of comfort and familiarity when I sat at one of the tables and waited for destiny to take me away. Whatever it was, I didn’t know where else to go.

  How had it felt to be forever banished from my home at the ArcKnight palace? I didn’t quite know, but it wasn’t good. I felt lost, tossed out like yesterday’s garbage. Worthless and unwanted. At least, that’s how I felt now.

  On the other hand, Ephrem had also returned to the diner and joined me with a smile. Instead of rejecting me, as my own pack had done, he’d wanted us to exchange our Ardent talismans again. His promise of marriage was still valid, and our betrothal was still very real, even if the royal packs of MarkTier and ArcKnight wouldn’t ever acknowledge our bond. We didn’t care. We were in love.

  He had saved me, and he didn’t even know it.

  Now, the morning after the beginning of my new life, I peered across the bed to watch Ephrem softly breathing as he lay next to me. Only a sheet covered him below the waist, but with a glance downward, I felt the hot rush of blood heat up my face. It was hard to look away so I didn’t, getting a long look at his naked torso.

  He could be a god. There wasn’t an imperfect spot on his body. Even with the array of faded scars scattered across him, there was no one more enticing to me than he was. After all, he was now my fiancé. I couldn’t believe it. Our betrothal had been voided and he didn’t owe me anything, but he still wanted to marry me. With or without the consent of his family. It made my heart swell with love for him, and I snuggled up into his side just to feel his strong arms around me. His scent was heavenly along with a comforting heat that kept the cold away.

  He was all I needed and all I had left.

  Hours later, we both awoke late into the brand new day, preparing for whatever came our way. He was still a guard in the Outlands Legion, but I hoped his job wouldn’t separate us for long. I would be staying there while he was at work, but I was free to explore the city.

  What would I do in the Outlands of the city of Temple? I’d never had to work a day in my life. I’d been a pampered princess until Elise, my only so-called friend, had ripped it all away. Would I ever recover from her stealing my talisman? I didn’t know. The betrayal had run so deep; I still couldn’t believe she’d tricked me for so long. But that’s the way things had gone, and it was all over and done with now. I was banished forever from my home because of her, so here I was, living my new life.

  I’d gotten the better end of the deal. She was dead and had gotten no less than what she deserved. Even the pain of losing a friend didn’t overtake the anger I still felt toward her. She could rot in hell. I didn’t care anymore about her, or the past. There was only looking forward. If I wasn’t going to lose myself in misery, I had to keep moving.

  “Are you heading out today?” Ephrem’s voice awoke me from my thoughts.

  “Yes. I was thinking―I should get a job or something.” I rubbed my fingers over the edge of my coffee mug. The dark liquid was bitter and sharp, just like my thoughts.

  “Stick close to this area. I don’t want you working late in some far off neighborhood. You know how dangerous it gets here. At least I know you’ll be able to take down any delinquents who have the unfortunate luck to cross your path.” He stepped out of the bathroom, fastening his belt before grabbing an array of weapons and packs off the dresser in his room. His miniature armory took up most of the space on the furniture, but he’d have to make room for my stuff.

  Strike that. Our room. It was our apartment now.

  I really liked the sound of that.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe the bookstore down the way needs some help. I’m not sure what having a job is like, but hey, it’ll help me move on.”

  “That’s the spirit. At least we know you won’t be hunted by either stronghold now.” He bent over toward me and kissed me gently. “And since we have our talismans back, there’s no more fear of being manipulated. What more could you ask for?”

  His smile lit up his face, and I beamed. One look brought flurries into my core, sending goosebumps flaring across my skin. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. Ephrem was the sexiest soldier I’d ever met, and he wanted me here, with him. His enthusiasm was contagious.

  “True. Listen, I never did thank you. You know … for saving my life.”

  He slid onto the bed beside me and pulled me into his arms. It was the only place I felt safe now, even in the calm enclosure of his apartment. I wondered if I’d ever feel safe or trusting of anyone ever again.

  “I’d do it again if I had to.” He kissed my head, and I peered up into his dark blue eyes. They were hypnotizing, and there was nothing I wanted more than to hold him tight and never let go. I hoped he knew how grateful I was for his love, for his strength. I’d never have made it out here without him. I was sure of it.

  “I know. I’d do it for you too. Just wanted to thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He stood up, grabbed his freshly sharpened knife and slid it into the sheath already attached to his belt. He was ready for another night patrolling the Outlands for any danger to the MarkTier pack. His rounds didn’t necessarily bring him into the area his apartment was in, which was a neutral zone between both pack strongholds, but he promised he would pass through at least a few times to check the area.

  His promise was the only thing I knew would be real. His words were the only ones I trusted. I hoped he stayed in my life for a long time because I needed this reassurance.

  “If you need anything, you can get ahold of me with this.” He pressed a small cell phone into my hand. “It’s got my number programmed into it. Message me, or call. Either way, let me know how you’re doing. I promise I’ll answer or call you back as soon as I can.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

  I watched him slip away and out the door, leaving me alone in his modest apartment. It was cozy, but it felt incredibly empty without his presence. Funny how little time it had taken for him to become such a big part of my world that when he was gone, it felt terrifying and alone.

  I pulled my jacket over my clothes and slipped the cell phone into one of the pockets. It was time to step out into the world and start living my new life. It was a new adventure, and I should have been more excited.

  Instead, the dread filled me, only to be amplified when I walked through the door. There would never be peace here. The packs made sure of it. There was nothing but an unforgiving world out there, but I was determined to find my place, no matter what.

  Chapter Nineteen