
  Tapping my fingers on the arms of my chair, I struggled to feel settled. The day had dragged on, and sitting around in court wasn’t the most ideal way to spend my time. There was one last case I had to sit through, but I was far from invested in what was going on. I felt sorry for the petitioner because I was ready to end it. If he didn’t have a good story in two sentences, he was out of luck for my favor.

  I hated how Gil made me do these unsavory tasks. He should have been there, listening to the endless droning of petitioners with their constant problems needing fixing.

  “The petitioner’s representative, Alec StaNover of ArcKnight, please enter the room and state your case.”

  I straightened when Alec came through the rear door of the court. I was surprised to see him here because he hadn’t told me he was coming or that he needed an issue to be resolved. Why I didn’t know about this was baffling me. He was as close to a best friend as I had. I’d first met him when he was barely twenty and part of my father’s advisory board. He’d always had a good head on his shoulders and was often the only one of the council who paid me any mind. He had always listened to my concerns and never brushed me off. He’d relay these problems or suggestions to my father and always gave me credit. I didn’t doubt that the others wondered if he had a thing for me, but his flawless record, vast wisdom of the world and the workings of the army only helped him rise to first lieutenant and later general of the army of the ArcKnight palace.

  It was this kind treatment which had caught my attention far before I married Gilbert. But Alec wasn’t royalty and never would be. He was a nobleman, but nothing he could do would ever make him in line for the throne. Gil was the last of his line, and if I didn’t produce an heir, he would be the last. When a royal couple cannot produce an heir is the only time the ruling Alpha can choose a non-royal successor.

  I often wished Alec had been my husband. He understood me more than Gil ever had, but it wasn’t meant to be, and it was a bittersweet fruit to swallow. As I watched him approach, his fit and lean body always well-conditioned from physical exertion, my heart involuntarily flipped inside my chest.

  “Thank you, Magistrate. I have a very serious issue I have to deal with on behalf of our Alpha leader: Gilbert of ArcKnight.” He moved his eyes to me. They were full of pain, not for him, but… for me?

  My eyes widened. What was going on? Gil, again, had withheld information from me. Why would he send Alec to my court session without letting me know? I’d just seen Gil that morning, and he’d acted as though nothing was wrong as he prepared for the day. I couldn’t believe it. My fury rose, mixing with hurt and a queasy sensation. This wouldn’t be good at all, and I could already tell that I was in for a worse surprise than I could’ve ever anticipated.

  I was going to kill Gil when this was all said and done.

  “I have to duly note that one of the judges seated here today is in direct relation to this matter, and her opinion will be null and voided from the final judgment due to conflict of interest. Is that clear, m’lady?”

  He was speaking to me. I opened my mouth but choked on the words. I wanted to hear what Gil had sent Alec about, but the dread that spun all around me told me it would be nothing good.

  Clearing my throat, I nodded and finally managed to squeak out a response. “Yes, I understand.”

  “I understand,” Alec confirmed after I spoke. He gave me a sympathetic smile before moving his gaze back to the magistrate.

  “Magistrate Nathan, I, Alec StaNover of House ArcKnight have been sent by Gilbert of ArcKnight to lay before the council a most concerning situation of vital importance to our leader.” He paused, his eyes back on me as he spoke, just as if he was speaking to me alone. I knew his words had been patterned by Gil, but the way he was saying them to me was more apologetic than anything else.

  I braced myself for the worst. This was going to rip me to pieces. I already knew it.

  “State the situation,” Magistrate Nathan said, motioning for him to proceed.

  Alec cleared his throat and managed to rip his gaze away again. He stared straight ahead, speaking the script my husband was forcing him to speak.

  “It has been two months’ time since our Alpha, Gilbert, and Princess Rafaela have been wed. They had been courting for two years prior to the marriage. This relationship has not sired any heirs for the royal lineage. Our leader is concerned that his mate may be barren and requests that the ban on polygamy for the Alpha be lifted in the hopes of conceiving an heir as soon as possible.”

  The rush of gasps and protestations rose up from the room. Stunned, I couldn’t speak or breathe. My whole world had been upturned. How could Gil do this to me? No one in the ArcKnight line had ever requested a second wife or had ever had the need for one. I couldn’t even wrap my head around this betrayal.

  Magistrate Nathan slammed his gavel, beet red and visibly angry at the sudden discord in the room. “Silence!”

  The noise died down, but I was screaming on the inside. Now I knew what Gil really thought of our relationship, and it was crushing.

  “Does the petitioner have any medical evidence of his mate’s barrenness?” he asked.

  Alec didn’t squirm or even flinch at the request. He produced a letter folded in thirds and held it out to the officer of the court for presentation to the magistrate.

  “His Royal Majesty, Gilbert of House ArcKnight, has supplied the queen’s medical records as evidence.”

  “What?” I scoffed. “This is absurd! I’ve never been tested for infertility. Whatever he is showing you has been falsified!” I gripped the edges of my chair until I was certain the wood had become one with my flesh. This was insanity. Gil should have his head checked for bringing such obscene allegations against me.

  Yet, my heart was breaking. How dare he?

  Magistrate Nathan looked over the creased paper, ignoring my outburst. He stared down his nose, through his glasses, as he scrutinized the document. I felt my heart skip beats and my head spun while I waited for his analysis. If he approved Gil’s request for a second mate, my chance of getting pregnant would be reduced to zero. It was insulting and devastating at the same time. How could he do this behind my back when I’d done nothing but love him with the deepest devotion a mate could ever give to another? Why didn’t he just divorce me?

  I swallowed back the tears threatening to flow. I hated the thought that because he was Alpha, he had the power to request a test on me without my consent. Every time I went to the doctor, I never suspected this could ever happen. I’d trusted him, but now that was all gone. He’d taken my heart and trashed it. Kicked it across the field like a practice ball to receive all the abuse before the one used for the game would be presented, all shiny and new.

  I was defeated if the magistrate granted Gil’s wish.

  I glanced over at Alec and found a reserved sadness shining across the surface of his eyes. He was hurting for me, and he was letting me know it. Years of friendship had taught me the small signs of emotion he let escape from his expression. It was just enough for me to see how he felt about all this, and I was able to breathe again. He calmed me without any words. He was merely a pawn in a game we’d both been forced to play.

  He didn’t break our connection as we waited but instead willingly accepted my grief. He gave me the tiniest of nods before bowing his head slightly. His respect was there, and he was more ashamed of the situation than Gil would ever be. Alec was my lifeline. Him, not my husband. I couldn’t count on Gil any longer, and that realization was bittersweet.

  “It appears the result is legitimate. Queen Rafaela may examine it now.” Magistrate Nathan handed the creased paper to the court guard who then brought it for me to look at. I stared at the paper, complete with the Temple City Laboratory & Research Operations logo embossed into the paper. It was definitely authentic. To have confirmation that my husband had gone behind my back to have me tested for something I hadn’t ever thought of as a problem was degradin
g. I’d never forgive Gil for this insult. Never.

  “This is ridiculous.” I crumpled the paper and tossed it behind me. I straightened, composing myself to remove all traces of the grief that had fought its way to the surface of my face. “It’s absolutely absurd.”

  My mouth tingled as the blood rushed to my face and my fingers turned marble white squeezing the arms of my chair. Everything turned numb as I waited for the verdict. It wasn’t as if I didn’t already know the magistrate’s answer to this situation. I was more helpless at that moment than I’d ever been in my entire life. I’d been caught weaponless, and Gil had struck me down. It was all over now. Everything we’d built had been burned to ashes, and there was nothing to do but grin and bear it.

  “Unfortunately, this was initiated by the concern and request of our Alpha. With the surrounding circumstances and the urgent need for an heir, I am inclined to grant the Alpha his request for a second mate. This matter will be revisited once an heir is conceived, by either Queen Rafaela or the as-yet-unknown second mate. The court is adjourned for today.”

  The crack of his gavel should’ve made me jump, but instead it felt like my soul fracturing. I couldn’t believe it. I’d lost against Gil. He’d completely deflated me in less than ten minutes without even being present.

  The crowd slowly departed, full of sympathetic looks, but I remained seated, ignoring their faces. I feared my legs would fail me if I stood now. Falling gracefully was impossible. That was all I needed. Humiliation upon humiliation. No, thank you. I could sit there all night if I had to.

  “M’lady?” A voice cut through my thoughts, so I lifted my head to find Alec standing next to me offering out a hand. “Let’s go.”

  My lips quivered, and the very real fear that I’d burst out into tears before getting to my chambers was more frightening than anything else. The only thing I could manage was a shake of my head.

  I can’t go back there with Gil. I can’t…. I swallowed down a sob.

  You don’t have to.

  My eyes widened, and the sheen in my eyes gave way to a single teardrop trailing down my cheek. He cupped my cheek and wiped away the tear with a finger.

  He could hear my thoughts. But how?


  He kept his hand on my cheek while moving a finger to his lips to silence me.

  Don’t speak. I know you can’t go back. I’ve readied the largest guestroom for you. As for our ability to speak to each other in our heads, you can’t let anyone know about this. Agreed?

  I nodded, taking his hand and slowly rising on my wobbly legs. With his assistance, I managed to step down from the dais and walk out of the courtroom. No one would think much of him holding me up. The verdict had probably already spread to the high winds, and I was expected to look upset and distraught in one way or another.

  What do I do now? I thought.

  We’ll figure it out. Let’s get out of here first.

  I exhaled as we left, feeling more like myself again. Truth be told, it was calming to be in Alec’s presence. This telepathy of his was awkward but useful. I was glad I had an ally in all this mess, for it was going to take a war to set things right.

  I curled my hand into a fist. I was more than ready to fight.

  Chapter Twenty-Three