Page 2 of The Dark Planet


  "What's taking him so long?"

  Isabel hated to admit it but she was worried about Edgar, and in

  the past this had always been a bad sign. She had a knack for

  knowing when Edgar was in terrible danger.

  He's climbed to the Highlands and back again.

  He's been inside Atherton and lived to tell about it.

  He almost never falls.

  This last thought turned out to be a bad one, because it

  reminded Isabel that even Edgar wasn't totally invincible. He'd

  fallen--just the one time--but all the same, he'd let his fingers

  slip and it had nearly killed him.

  "We should have tried harder to discourage him," said her

  friend Samuel.

  "It was only a matter of time," Isabel told him. "At least he let us

  tie him to a rock."

  Isabel and Samuel were lying down on the ground a few feet

  away from the far edge of Atherton. Dr. Kincaid and Vincent,

  and all of the other adults, had forbidden them to go all the way

  out there by themselves. But Edgar had convinced Isabel and

  Samuel to come with him, so here they were. Only Edgar wasn't

  there anymore. He'd kicked his feet over the edge, turned over,

  and climbed down the curved side of Atherton.

  A rope made from the twisted bark of the first-year fig trees ran

  between Isabel and Samuel. It was tied around a boulder that

  sat heavy and immovable twenty feet back.

  "At least he's got the moonlight," said Samuel. "It will help."

  "I don't know why he insists on doing this," said Isabel. She

  knew Samuel would understand her frustration. "With the lake

  in the middle, Atherton is flat. Why can't he accept it? I realize

  it's a lot for Edgar to get used to, but I don't understand why we

  can't convince him that Atherton's not made for climbing


  Isabel touched the rope to see if she could feel Edgar's weight

  on the other end. She could not.

  "I didn't believe he'd go through with it. I'm beginning to wonder

  if he's lost his mind."

  "You do know why he's down there, don't you?" asked Samuel.

  The mere thought of Edgar hanging on to the bottom of Atherton

  made Samuel feel like throwing up. He was the least likely of

  the three to take risks that might get him killed.

  "Because he loves to climb," Isabel replied, "and it's the only

  place left on Atherton where he can do it."

  Samuel had been thinking a lot about this very topic.

  "I think that's only part of the answer."

  "He climbs for the thrill of it," said Isabel. "There's something in

  the climbing that makes him feel more... I don't know... alive. He

  tells me that all the time."

  Isabel had moved forward and was now even closer to the edge

  than Samuel. Her head peeked out over the rim of the world.

  Samuel had made a point of holding back a few feet, but now

  he moved forward on his elbows, careful not to rise up too far

  into the watery current of gravity. He came alongside Isabel and

  glanced down.

  Gazing over the edge, Samuel marveled at what he could see

  in the soft grey light. He'd seen it before when they'd come to

  look at night, but every time it surprised him. A distant orange

  light, the source of which he could not see, cutting through long

  chasms of stone on the bottom of Atherton.

  "I think Edgar climbs for another reason," said Samuel,

  regaining his voice as he held the rope running between them.

  "Why else would he do it?"

  "I remember the first time I met Edgar," answered Samuel. "He

  had climbed all the way up to the Highlands before it collapsed.

  I thought he used magic to trick me into believing he'd done the

  impossible. But later--when he came back a second time--I

  stopped wondering how he could climb so high, and began

  asking myself why he had done it."

  "And you've been thinking about it ever since?" asked Isabel.

  Samuel nodded. "It's too dangerous to do it just because it's

  thrilling or even just because he loves doing it. I think

  something else drives him. Maybe Edgar began climbing as a

  means to an end. What if it was only ever about finding things,

  never about the climbing itself? What if he was always

  searching for something?"

  Samuel took a deep breath and looked out into the stars.

  "What if he's still searching for something?"

  Isabel shook her head and sighed. "I just wish he'd find safer

  places to search for whatever it is he's looking for."

  Isabel thought of how she, Samuel, and Edgar had become

  totally inseparable after the fall of Atherton. As the world had

  gone from three levels high to three levels deep, it seemed to

  have tried to destroy them with falling rocks, fierce quakes, and

  a billion gallons of rising water. Somehow the three of them had

  not only survived, they'd each played an important role in the

  evolution of Atherton.

  But Edgar had never stopped feeling restless.

  The rope between them moved ever so slightly and Isabel

  leaned out, craning her neck down in search of Edgar in the

  darkness below. For a while she'd been able to see him clearly,

  but he was too far away now.

  She noticed that the rope seemed to lie differently than it had

  when he'd started. Gravity pulled every thing in toward the

  bottom of Atherton, so the rope didn't exactly hang straight

  down. It curved inward with a big looping shape. She could not

  see its end.

  "Edgar?" said Isabel. She couldn't yel his name too loudly. The

  village was only a half-hour walk away and voices carried

  something fierce on Atherton. What if someone were out

  looking for them? She said his name once more, a little louder,

  and then she scampered away from the edge and began

  hauling in the rope. It was much lighter than it should have

  been. The rope was a hundred feet long and as it piled up

  beside her she grew more and more afraid.

  "Keep pulling!" said Samuel, still lying at the edge of Atherton.

  "I don't see him!"

  Soon the end of the rope came over the edge with a soft

  snapping sound. There was no one tied to the other end.

  Edgar was gone.

  The rocky terrain of Atherton's outer shell was a perfect place

  for Edgar to regain his confidence. Giant rocks and fissures

  provided plenty of hand-and footholds. And the surface was

  bursting with sharp edges and protruding masses of grey and

  brown stone. The gravity on Atherton pushed against his back

  so his legs and arms didn't dangle out into the air. And yet, if

  he'd let go altogether, he felt certain he would freefall until he

  smacked into something hard. The thought of crashing into the

  bottom of Atherton made Edgar extra cautious as he continued

  down the curved side of the strange world he lived on.

  One thing had made the going slow and tedious: the rope tied

  around his midsection, which had bothered him from the start. It

  kept getting in his way, wrapping around an arm or a leg and

  forcing him to rethink his position. And what was worse, the

  rope kept snagging on sharp rocks and jerking him to a stop as

  he descended. He actually felt unsafe with it tied around him.

  He didn't want to scare Isabel and Samuel, so at first he'd

  managed to untie the rope and put it between his teeth. But it

  kept snagging, pulling his head back, and soon he'd decided to

  let go of it altogether. He opened his mouth and let the rope

  swing lazily against the rocks.

  "It hangs almost like someone's holding on," Edgar said aloud.

  "Maybe they'll think I'm still attached to it."

  He looked down at the vast space left to be explored.

  "Just a little farther..."

  Samuel had only been half right when he'd guessed about what

  drove Edgar to climb. It was true Edgar had first begun climbing

  so long ago because he'd had a distant memory of something

  hidden in the stone walls above him and he wanted to find it.

  But somewhere along the way the climbing became something


  There was something amazing about holding on to Atherton

  itself, like he was truly part of Atherton. Whenever he reached

  the top or the bottom of a climb he felt sadness at having to let

  go. It was like cutting himself away from the world.

  Tonight Edgar wanted to go far enough to see where the

  orange light came from. There were two men Edgar had asked

  about this: Dr. Kincaid, the often secretive old man of science,

  and Vincent, Dr. Kincaid's protector and companion. Both men

  had lived in the Flatlands long before Atherton's violent

  collapse. They'd had years and years near the edge without

  anyone else around.

  When he asked the two men about the light, they re sponded

  with what seemed to Edgar like rehearsed shrugs. Either they

  didn't know where the light came from or they wouldn't tell.

  The light glowed brighter as Edgar traveled down a certain

  fissure, but he couldn't guess how much farther it would be to its

  source. It looked like it might be a long way.

  Edgar had come to where the sides of Atherton curved more

  sharply toward the bottom. It would be tougher going from here

  on out with a far greater chance of losing his grip. Still, Edgar

  decided to go a little bit farther, because Samuel had been

  partly right, too. Edgar was searching for something--he was

  always searching--and he had a deep feeling that climbing

  would bring him to something more. His heart told him that Dr.

  Harding, the maker of Atherton and so much more, had left him

  something else. He remembered the voice of Dr. Maximus


  I made you, Edgar. Just as I made Atherton.

  Edgar held this thought firmly in his mind as he felt his aching

  hands and forearms. Maybe he'd pushed hard enough on his

  first attempt at scaling these new, unknown places.

  I don't want them to worry, Edgar reasoned to himself. He

  touched the side of Atherton with what one might describe as

  affection. "I won't be gone long," he said aloud. "You'll see me


  He started back toward the flat surface of Atherton, racing up

  the side with alarming speed and skill. Edgar wanted to return

  in the light of day so that he could see the surface and better

  make his way to the very bottom. His fingers tingled with

  excitement at the thought of spending an entire day exploring

  this hidden world, a world only he could see.

  This place is mine and mine alone, he thought.

  When Edgar came to where he thought he should see the rope

  hanging and did not find it, he climbed faster. They had

  discovered him missing. Edgar felt terrible that Isabel and

  Samuel might think he'd fallen or been trapped below.

  As he neared the top he glanced up and saw the silhouettes of

  two small heads--but a moment later they were gone.

  By the time he had finally pulled up his head and shoulders and

  looked over the top edge of Atherton, Samuel and Isabel had

  moved back by the rock, their arms folded over their chests. And

  what was worse, the old, stooped figure of Dr. Kincaid stood

  with them--and he did not appear the least bit happy.

  Edgar scrambled the rest of the way back onto Atherton and

  walked toward the three figures in the dark. "It's not as hard as I

  thought it would be," he began, hoping to head off questions

  before they started. "And I didn't go very far. Honestly--it was


  "We were worried about you," said Isabel. "I mean really

  worried. How could you leave the rope like that?"

  Edgar wanted them all to understand that he felt safer when he

  was climbing than almost any other time. "You don't need to

  worry about me. At least not when I'm hanging on to a rock


  "Not very different from walking, right?" asked Samuel. He was

  closer to the truth than he might have imagined. As he and

  Isabel came toward Edgar they all smiled at one another at last.

  That is, until they saw that Dr. Kincaid had turned away and

  begun the journey back home without them. There was a grave

  tone in his voice when he uttered the only words he would say

  on the long walk.

  "All of you come with me. I have something to show you."


  There was a fire burning at the entrance to the cave Dr. Kincaid

  lived in. Soft light drifted into the opening that led inside, but Dr.

  Kincaid's closest companion was nowhere to be found.

  "Where's Vincent?" asked Isabel. "He wouldn't just leave a fire

  burning like that, would he?"

  Dr. Kincaid ignored her question. The long walk in the middle of

  the night had made the bottoms of his old feet ache. He

  slumped heavily on a wooden bench and waved his walking

  stick in the direction of a row of low, fat boulders on the other

  side of the fire.

  "Sit down--all of you."

  Edgar, Samuel, and Isabel did as they were told, wondering just

  how much trouble they were in.

  "Vincent likes to scout at night," said Dr. Kincaid, returning to

  Isabel's question now that the pressure was off his feet. "He's

  been going out later and longer, but he'll return before dawn."

  The old man breathed a deep sigh and looked at the glowing

  embers. He laid the walking stick across his lap and tapped it

  slowly. Lately he'd been carrying the walking stick everywhere

  he went and, as far as Edgar could tell, Dr. Kincaid never let it

  out of his sight. He seemed to have gone from merely old to

  ancient in the space of a year. His hair was whiter than it had

  once been. His big ears flopped more freely and his eyes

  drooped heavily over a long nose. He was nearing the grave,

  and what remained of him was in rapid decay.

  But when Dr. Kincaid finally spoke, his voice sounded as crisp

  and strong as it ever had in its nearly ninety years.

  "I might have known you'd do something like this. I suppose I

  should have expected it. But for some reason the idea of you

  climbing off the edge of the world--I guess I tried to avoid

  thinking about it."

  Dr. Kincaid fumbled around in his mind for the rig
ht words. He

  began pulling on one of his ears as he looked at Edgar.

  "I thought your searching was over."

  Edgar raised his eyes from the fire. When the two locked eyes,

  Dr. Kincaid knew.

  "But you haven't stopped searching, have you? You know we

  haven't come to the very end just yet." The way Dr. Kincaid

  spoke was almost spooky, like he was unearthing thoughts he

  wasn't sure should be out in the open.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Isabel.

  Edgar touched her hand and discovered she was trembling. In

  the stillness before the fire Edgar ran the words over in his

  mind. You know we haven't come to the very end just yet.

  "Tell us what you mean," Samuel said. "Where is the very


  Dr. Kincaid thought about how he should answer. He always

  struggled with communicating clearly.

  "Far away, down there." Dr. Kincaid turned the bottom of his

  walking stick toward the ground and tapped it twice on the dirt.

  "The Dark Planet turns darker still."

  Something about those words broke Edgar's heart. The Dark

  Planet turns darker still. He was speaking of the place where

  Dr. Harding had made not only Atherton, but made Edgar as

  well. The planet far away in the distance that looked so grey

  and bleak.

  "Minute by minute, hour by hour, the Dark Planet is dying,"

  continued Dr. Kincaid. "Somewhere in the backs of your minds

  you all know this."

  "That sounds terrible," said Isabel.

  Dr. Kincaid felt like a failure as he thought about his past. "In a

  way, this is completely my fault."

  "What's your fault, Dr. Kincaid?" asked Samuel.

  Dr. Kincaid seemed on the verge of revealing a dreadful

  mistake he couldn't quite bring himself to confess. "I convinced

  everyone I could control him, even after he became more and

  more secretive," said Dr. Kincaid.

  "You mean Dr. Harding," said Edgar.

  "I still thought I could trust him, even after he made you."

  This stung Edgar somewhere deep inside. The thought of being

  made was always confusing for Edgar, because he had no idea

  what having been made by a mad scientist meant. How had he

  been made? What was he, really, if not a normal child of normal


  Sensing he'd said something that might hurt the boy, Dr.

  Kincaid tried to be clearer.

  "Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, Edgar. Once you were

  here, I was very happy he'd made you, but that doesn't change