Page 6 of The Devil's Son

  “I don’t want you to teach me!” I say wide-eyed.

  “Bullshit! Why me, Franky? If you don’t tell me, then I am going to leave, and you can figure this out on your own.” Crossing my arms, I huff and ignore his question. “Fine, good luck then,” he gets up and walks to my door.

  “Because you are really good at it!” I blurt out, causing him to turn back to me. “Or … that’s what I have heard. I was curious, and I thought it best to ask someone who definitely knows how. And you are …”

  “Uh huh, I got it.” Nick leans down in front of me, but I refuse to look at him. “I will tell you whatever you want to know, but don’t bullshit me, just ask. Now, do you want to have sex?” My jaw drops, and he laughs out loud, “Calm down I didn’t mean right now or with me, what I meant, is there someone you are hoping to impress with all this knowledge you are wanting to gain?” I don’t know what to say, but the excuse he gives me is a good one, so I take it. Nodding, I hope he doesn’t ask for a name. “I won’t ask you who, but I am curious.” I shake my head. “Okay, then.” Nick suddenly stands up and looks down at me. “Okay, so, do you have any bananas?” I am confused at first, but then I understand clearly. “Unless you want me to offer my …,” he says waving his hand near another option that causes me to stare directly at it.

  “No, I will go get some,” I reply quickly, jumping to go get them as he laughs at me. I hand him a banana, and he shakes his head. “No, but you said …”

  “You think I am going to do it? No, the best way to learn is by doing, Kitten. Now, sit down right here.” He takes my glasses off and positions me a certain way as I hold the banana in my hands. “Open your mouth and breathe out.” The sensation is strange, but he controls my hands and coaches me into the motions. “Whew, stop, you are making me hard. I think you’ve got it Kitten, now what?” He sits down and watches me, but I don’t know what to ask. “You really are clueless about all this aren’t you?”

  “Don’t make fun of me, please,” I say, curling over myself and sinking my head into my knees.

  “Hey, don’t do that.” Nick pulls me back to him and forces me to look at him. “I am not making fun of you. I am fascinated by you actually, I have never seen a girl so innocent before. Hell, my first time was with a whore.” My eyes go wide. “A birthday present from my father,” he explains. “Can I ask you something? I promise I won’t judge you at all, but I think for any of this to work, I need to know how much you don’t know. So, how far have you gone with a guy?” I sink deep into my seat, and he sighs, “That much, huh? You haven’t even kissed a guy?” I shake my head. “Wow, no wonder you are so curious. Well we have a lot of work to do. I hope this guy you are trying to impress is worth it.”

  “You don’t have to help me. It is probably pointless anyway.” I lie on my back and stare up at my ceiling wishing I had never started any of this.

  “Franky, you know the only way to learn is …” I look at him as he comes towards me. Hovering over me, Nick looks me over, moving his lips in a motion that begins to hypnotize me. His hand massages my body and positions my face as he leans down and touches my lips with his. His warmth and softness maneuver in such a way that entices me to follow. His sudden inhale causes a reaction in my body I have never felt before, and I find myself wrapping my arms around him and cradling his head, running my fingers through his hair. His tongue touches the tip of mine, which causes me to jump. Nick sits back with a smile. “It’s okay, you’re doing good, Franky. Real good actually.”

  He leans down on me again and takes in my lips one after the other. My head begins to spin, and I barely notice his body moving, repositioning, moving my legs, and slipping down in between them. It is not until I feel the pressure that I lose my breath. Nick takes hold of my face and moves it to the side before beginning to kiss down my neck and unbuttoning my shirt. This is what I wanted, but now that it is happening, I am beginning to panic. His hips move against mine, and my eyes flutter. I want to tell him to stop, but then it feels …

  Nick sits up suddenly and rolls us over, leaving me sitting up on him, “Your turn.” When he realizes I am confused, he takes my hands softly and places them on his shirt. I begin to unbutton each button while he moves his hips up into me. His eyes watch every flutter of my eyes and every breath I gasp. Removing his shirt, he helps me out and takes off his t-shirt, allowing me to feel his bare chest. His skin is so smooth, his muscles so defined. I have no problem feeling his body, enjoying the sensation of his warm skin against my lips, the moans rippling through his muscles, his erection rubbing and pressing between my legs. Kissing down to his bellybutton, I hesitate and gulp. Nick sits up grasping my lips while pushing my pushing my shirt off behind me. He takes hold of my tank, stops, and waits. Looking into his eyes, I raise my arms up over my head, and he pulls my tank off. His lips caress mine with a smile, and I relax until I feel him undo my bra.

  Taking hold of the straps on my shoulders, he pushes them down partway before I sit back away from him. “Umm, Nick I don’t know …”

  “Shhh, come here. You look beautiful, amazingly beautiful.” He says, kissing me and rubbing my body back into his arms. It feels good, but I still can’t let go of my bra. Stopping, he looks at me while I look around the brightly lit room. “Don’t move,” He lifts me effortlessly off him before getting up to turn the light out. He pulls down the covers of my bed and then takes hold of his belt, releasing it he immediately begins unzipping his pants, pushing them down his legs and off onto the floor. His erection is nearly coming out of his boxers, and I begin to feel a little proud of myself for being able to get him so excited. Sliding into bed, he lifts me back on top of him again. Undoing my pants, he leaves them open and slides his hand down the back of them, gripping my butt and kissing me deeply, “Are you going to let go of this?” he asks tugging at my bra. “I turned the lights out for you.”

  “They are really not that much to look at so …”

  “Franky, let me decide that please.” I shake my head. “You have to get naked at some point. You think this guy you like is going to want you to leave it on? I will close my eyes, okay?” He closes his eyes, causing me to laugh at his goofy smile. I drop my bra, lean over, and kiss him. “Mmm, taking the initiative, I like that,” he says slowly moving his hands up and down my stomach before taking hold of my breasts and kissing my neck down to my chest. He fondles my breasts with skill as he kisses my nipples, “Breathe, Franky,” he says as he wets the tips with his tongue. Nick hums against my skin.

  Picking me up, he gets on his knees and turns us both around again. Smiling wide with his eyes open, he blatantly looks down at my breasts, “Oops.” Lying me down on the bed, he jerks my pants down, and off into the floor before I have a chance to say a word. Sliding up my body, and in between kisses on my body, I watch his penis become more and more visible. His heated skin melts into mine, sending incredible rushes of pleasure through my body. He is so strong and feels so good, I don’t want any of this to end. Nick’s hand goes down my panties pushing them down before gripping my butt once again. He slides his hand further in between my legs and releases a gasp from my mouth and into his. Nick kisses me deep while fumbling with something along the bed. “Shit!” he snaps suddenly. “Fucking Luke!” He sits up going through the pockets of his coat and pants.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask holding a blanket in front of me.

  “My dumbass friend took my last condom, like that idiot is going to be able to get laid tonight.” Nick looks at me apologetically, “You don’t happen to have any condoms do you?” I shake my head slowly, and he grimaces. “Fuck.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask still covering myself.

  “It means, Kitten, that it isn’t going to happen tonight. Sorry. Got us both all worked up for nothing.” Nick leans in to me and kisses me quickly, “Sorry, maybe some other time.” Climbing in next to me, he slides under the covers and looks at me funny, “What? You said I could stay the night if I came over, right?” I didn’t real
ize that was what he meant by staying, but I did agree. Nick, still in his boxers, sort of, makes himself comfortable within my bed.

  I search the floor, find his t-shirt, and slide it on taking in his scent as it slides over my face. It smells like him, and now I smell like him. I lie down softly on my pillow, watching and waiting for him to fall peacefully asleep. Feeling safe to do so, I slide my hand over his chest. He surprisingly he pushes his fingers in between mine, and holds my hand against his skin. My smile is so wide it hurts.

  Chapter 10


  I sit up in bed instantly when I hear a strange man coughing. Oh shit, Franky’s Dad! Since I smell bacon, I assume he decided to come home early to cook his daughter breakfast. Her father is surely not going to like finding me here. Letting go of her hand, I get out of bed and search for my clothes so I can get out of her house before I start my chaos than I care to this early in the morning.

  “Nick?” Franky, looks up at me half asleep.

  I crouch next to her bed and whisper, “Your dad’s home, so I am going to take off. Thank you for letting me crash here. I will talk to you later, okay?” She nods and lies back into her bed, wrapping herself deep into her blankets with a large goofy smile. For some reason she causes me to smile, compelling me to kiss her as if she is my new girlfriend. Before I can get away, she grabs hold of my face and kisses me back with more want than I intended to spark from her. “Oooh, Franky, don’t start that. Your dad is home, and no condoms remember?” I pull away from her laughing behind my hand when she sighs in disappointment. “Does your window work?”

  “Yes,” she says. I quickly slide her window up, and move halfway out the window before giving her a quick wink. “Bye, Nick. Have a good day today.” I don’t think I have ever seen a girl look so innocent at me. I almost believe she likes me more than for a sexual education.

  I take a quick shower at home before meeting up with Luke, and to my surprise Harvey is with him. Harvey asks Luke about me all the time, curious as to why I am so hesitant to join his organization. It never occurred to the man that someone might boldly say no to him. In most cases, it would have probably got me killed, but I continue to make him money. So even though I am a free agent and not a dedicated minion, money is all that really matter to Harvey.

  I wasn’t ready for this conversation right now. I was hoping to make him wait a few more weeks, while I work up a game plan to get my brother Connor, and sell it to Harvey as a money making scheme. Considering I am surrounded by guns, it doesn’t look as if I have a choice, but to discuss my future right now. I give Luke a stern glare before being told to get into Harvey’s car. The large, cigar smoking man, taps my leg with his cane and grunts with approval. “Nicholas, Luke tells me you are unsure about the position I offered you. I can’t imagine why. Have I not treated you well, given you opportunities that others would not have? Helped you make more money than anyone your age?” He can’t possibly think I am that stupid. Opportunities my ass, he doesn’t pay me shit for the jobs I do for him, since I am the one taking all the chances. I am the one that will go to jail, not him. I sit back trying to decide how to respond, carefully analyzing his posture while I consider all the things I want. “Nicholas, I have wonderful opportunities for you. You could stand to make more money than you have ever made.”

  “By doing what exactly?” Leaning forward, I get bold. “The way I see it, I am the one taking all the chances, I’m the one doing the dirty work. You want me, Mr. Rice, then prove it. I don’t want to work the rest of my life doing these trivial jobs for you, I want to learn from you. I want to work with you, become a true valuable asset to your organization, and not one you can easily replace.” Harvey sucks on the end of his cigar, while he looks me over with a sour expression, his usual pensive routine. I know I have his interest peaked so I sit back with confidence, “Listen, Harvey, I got ideas that will make you a lot more money with little to no risk.” His eyebrows raise at the idea, and I begin to talk about the basics of my plans, before leaving him with the understanding I need more than the basic opportunity, I want a piece of the pie.

  Showing his appreciation for my time, Harvey hands me a few hundreds before I leave them, so I head straight to Ryan’s. His mother didn’t look so good the last time I saw her, and I am worried they may be struggling, due to her recently discovered illness. Ryan answers the door with a muffled greeting, and not with his usual comic style, but I do still receive the brotherly hug that we never share in front of anyone else. “How’s it going Nick?” Ryan sits down in front of a bowl of cereal bigger than my head. The boy can eat twice as much as me, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere on my bean pole little brother.

  “Hungry?” I laugh at him, when his mom walks in. She speaks to me, but I can barely hear her, and her hug is frail. She looks even paler than she did a few days ago. I take a quick glance towards Ryan as she tries to speak to me. He shakes his head, and that’s when I know things are worse than I thought. “Well you are looking beautiful as always, Rianne.” Kissing my cheek, Rianne holds my face for a few seconds as she looks at me with a wide smile. She is another one of my father’s victims, bewitched and forever in love with him. I know she sees him when she looks at me, I assume that is why she still let’s me crash here, but it may also be because she is the nicest woman I have ever met. Rianne Milio is the mother I wish I had, and I wish she wasn’t dying so my baby brother could have his mother for as long as he needs. Last week, I made her a promise that Ryan knows nothing about, I will protect my brother at all costs. Rianne leaves us to return to bed and I take the opportunity to question Ryan. “What did the doctor say?”

  “They think its Leukemia. She needs to see a specialist to be sure. She needs to see people who know what they are doing and are not worried about seeing the other fifty patients they have in an hour. I have called everywhere for assistance, but all I can do is get on a waiting list.” Ryan shrugs, holding back the frustration that is so clearly building up inside of him. “We barely have enough money to pay the regular house bills, and now her medical bills and the nurse. They said she needs … I don’t know what to do, Nick. Do you think you could get me a job with Harvey? Maybe with a few jobs a week I can make enough to pay the bills and not have to be away from her so much.”

  “No, you are not going to work for Harvey. You shouldn’t be working at all, you should be in school,” I say ignoring his huffing.

  “Nick! You quit school,” he snaps back at me.

  “I tested out actually, so I still technically got my diploma. You still have a lot of time left.” He opens his mouth … “No, Ryan! You worry about school and be here for your mother, let me worry about everything else.”

  “If Dad would …”

  “Well he isn’t, and you know that, so forget about him.” Ryan huffs readying himself to come back at me with a better argument. “Come on, let’s go get your mother her medicines, and some food too, since you seemed to have eaten everything that I just bought for you guys three days ago.”

  Smiling wide suddenly, Ryan shrugs, “What can I see Nick, I am a growing boy.”

  “Growing where?” I ask laughing at him, as he proudly shows off his body.

  Ryan changes his expression, and instantly begins unzipping his pants, pulling out his dick to show to me. “Check it out, milk does a body good, Bro.” I roll my eyes as he laughs. “What? You asked where I am growing.”

  I push him out the door, “I did, but you still have a ways to catch up to me. Baby brother,” I say standing taller than him and gripping my dick with pride. We joke around all the way to the store, but don’t miss noticing the girls coming and going around us. Ryan may be my baby brother, but he does have something about him that seems to attract the girls. I watch him carefully, as he slyly eyes a young girl near his age until she waves at him. He simply nods towards her, causing her to giggle instantly. I shake my head at him and he just smiles.

  “What can I say? The girls are always on me. I am pretty su
re I am too hot for this world to handle,” he says as I laugh. “Shut up,” He smacks my chest when another girl passes, “Hi, what’s your name?”

  “Natalie,” She giggles as he takes her hand.

  “Natalie, I’m Ryan.” He hums leading her away from me. He comes back with a large smile and her number. “See, now you know.”

  “Shut up, dumbass. You didn’t show me a damn thing.” I say as he smiles all over himself. I hold up my hand to him, and force him to wait, while I show him how it is done. I spot a woman down at the other end of the aisle. I slide in next to her, looking over the same items as she. When she notices my presence, I look down over her and wait. She smiles instantly. I don’t say a word, I simply mouth, “Hi.” And the woman instantly gushes. I hand her my phone where she types in her name, and her number. I kiss her cheek before whispering name in her ear. I have to fight my smile hard, when she has to grasp her cart to hold herself up. Walking back to my brother, I smile, “And I didn’t have to do all that unnecessary talking to get what I wanted.”

  Ryan shakes his head and moves on ahead of me, grabbing food and ignoring my ego until he finds another way to compete with me. We continue to battle playfully until we get back to his house.

  After helping him put all our purchases away, we crash into the floor to watch movies, eat junk food, and talk about our biggest dreams, just like we use to do when we were kids. It helps us both forget about the world around us and dream about the worlds we wish we lived in. I wake up in the middle of the night covered up and taken care of much the same as we were when we were kids. Damn, I love that woman.

  The next morning, I leave Ryan with money for the week and head off to take care of my next family duty. My baby brother is my top concern, and I am my older sister’s. I got a message from Lena that she is in town for a few weeks. She has been away at college, the only one of us to be able to do anything like that. She is incredibly smart and ambitious. It helped that her mother was a hard-ass and never allowed Lena to get out of control. Lena is much like her mother when it comes to her concern for me.