Page 7 of Infamous

Page 7


  But first, Nick had to die.

  * * *

  After finally being liberated from his detention, Nick wanted to hunt down whoever had humiliated Brynna and beat them until they begged for mercy. Never in his life had he been angrier.

  His stomach knotted, he headed into the gym to meet up with Kody, Madaug, Caleb, and LaShonda. The son of two scientists, Madaug was one of the smartest people Nick had ever met. The kid knew something about everything. And like Nick, he felt invisible unless one of their resident bullies needed someone to kick or shove into a locker. Just under six feet tall, Madaug had dark blond curly hair and bright blue eyes. He always wore glasses, and preferred hoodies over all other attire.

  LaShonda was one of the prettiest girls in the school. Barely an inch shorter than Madaug, she had a pair of hazel brown eyes that practically glowed. And her dark brown hair was ever changing. This week, she wore it straightened and to her shoulders. She’d been one of Brynna’s best friends since second grade and the two of them were almost always together.

  “Are we it?” Nick asked, dropping his backpack next to Caleb’s.

  LaShonda’s eyes sparkled furiously. “Everyone else banged out. They didn’t want to be on a committee with a slut like Brynna. ” She curled her lip. “I take that back, but I won’t repeat what some of the guys said. Gah, people disgust me. ”

  “It’s ridiculous so don’t get me started. ” Nick let out a long breath, then frowned at Madaug. “Boy genius? Any chance you can shed some light on who planted that crap against her?”

  “I wish, but they deleted it from Tendyk’s computer immediately and reformatted the harddrive before writing over it. Since it’s legally considered child porn, they were afraid of a lawsuit. Head is hoping he can scare someone into a confession. ”

  “Yeah, ’cause that works so well on hoodlums,” LaShonda huffed. “I don’t know about you guys, but without Brynna, I really don’t want to do this. Screw the dance. Let the jerks show up to an empty gym. It’s what they deserve. I just want to go home and make sure she’s okay. I’ve been trying to call her, but she won’t pick up. ”

  Kody folded her arms over her chest. “I think we all want to check on her. ”

  Nick agreed. “I’ve been over it a thousand times in my head and I can’t figure out who or why anyone would do this to her. Shon? You have any ideas?”

  “None. It’s not like she goes around collecting enemies, you know? We’re talking about Brynna, here. Has there ever been a nicer person created? Ever?”

  Nick would say his mother, but he didn’t want them to mock him for it.

  LaShonda checked her phone. “Why don’t we call in a rain check and do this on Monday? Hopefully, Bryn will be back by then. ”

  Nick nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Are you going over to Brynna’s from here?”

  “Yeah. ”

  “Call me and let me know how she’s doing. ”

  LaShonda patted him on the arm. “Will do. I’ll see you guys later. ”

  Madaug shrugged his backpack over his shoulder. “I wish I could have seen the photos. ”

  Caleb arched his brow at the comment.

  “Not for that reason,” Madaug snapped as he realized what Caleb was thinking. “I don’t want to see her in any kind of graphic portrayal, but I know the pictures had to be Photoshopped. If I had a copy, I could prove it. ”

  Nick scoffed. “Given how foul they were, you’re better off not seeing them. I’m still traumatized. ”

  Madaug pushed his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose. “You know, I tried to invent eye-bleach when I was a kid. Didn’t work out, though. But I haven’t given up. One day, I will find a way to erase recent memories before they move into permanent storage. ”

  From anyone else, that would be a joke.

  From Madaug …

  You could put it in the bank.

  Madaug retrieved his hoodie. “I’ll see y’all tomorrow. ”

  Nick didn’t speak until he was alone with Kody and Caleb. “Is there really no way to do some of the voodoo whodoo mojo things you two do to find out who was behind it?”

  Caleb snorted. “Nice rhyme there, Dr. Suess. And sorry. There’s nothing I have to trace it. ”

  Kody dittoed Caleb’s sympathy and his comment.

  Nick checked his watch. “Fine. I need to head over to Kyrian’s for work anyway. ”

  Caleb retrieved his backpack. “I’ll walk you over. ”

  Nick hated the thought of being walked home like he was incompetent. “Not your prom date, Cay. Don’t want to be, neither. ”

  “Have no fear. You’re too hairy for my tastes, Gautier. And no offense, you’re not pretty or sexy enough to change them. ”

  Nick gaped. “Now that was just hurtful and mean. Why you want to hurt me in my tender place like that, cher? Don’t let this calm exterior fool you. I got feelings, too. ”

  Kody laughed at them. “I swear, there are times when it seems you two are the ones dating, and I feel like the third wheel. ”

  “Ah, baby,” Nick said with a grin. “You know better. You’re the only girl for me. Caleb is no competition whatsoever for you. ”

  Caleb shoved Nick’s backpack at him. “Get out of here before I hurt you. ”

  Laughing, Nick opened the door that led to the back hallway, then froze as he saw a small group of students gathered around graffiti someone had painted across several lockers.

  Spencer Sexton is gay! If that wasn’t bad enough, there were photos of Spencer necking with another guy taped all around the words.

  What the …

  “Students!” Mr. Head snapped as he came rushing toward them. “Get out of here. Now! Disperse!”

  As Nick left the building, Spencer grabbed him and hauled him to the side, away from the cameras and any possible faculty sightings. Even though he was only fifteen, Spencer was already over six feet tall, with enough muscle on his body that most people thought he was a lot older.

  Caleb started to follow after them, but Nick motioned to him that it was all right. He could handle Spencer without help, and he had a pretty good idea what Spencer wanted with him. And the last thing Spencer would want for this was an audience.

  “Who did you tell?” Spencer growled in his ear.

  “Nobody. ”

  He glared at Nick. “You’re the only one who knows about me, Gautier. ” Something Nick had discovered purely by accident one night when he’d stumbled across Spencer on a date with another guy in the back row of the almost empty movie theater.

  “I told you I’d take it to my grave, Spencer, and I meant it. I haven’t breathed a word of it to anyone. Ever. Not even in my sleep. Are you sure your boyfriend didn’t spill it?”

  He saw the doubt in Spencer’s eyes. But he didn’t know if that was for him or the boyfriend.

  “On my life, Spence, I wouldn’t do this to you. I wouldn’t. I know what it’s like to be picked on for things you can’t help. I’m not about to do that to someone else. ”

  Spencer finally let go of him. He raked a trembling hand through his hair. The anguish in his eyes made Nick feel for him. “Those photos aren’t me. Where did they get them?”

  “I don’t know. ” Nick glanced over to Kody and Caleb who were close enough to watch them, but not enough to overhear their conversation. “Someone’s trying to mess with people’s lives for some reason. We know what they did to Brynna is a lie. Maybe that’s what they’re doing to you, too. Maybe they have no idea that you’re really gay. ” But those rumors had been circling about Spencer since grade school. While everyone pretty much suspected the truth, no one had proof of it. Spencer even had a girlfriend he’d been ‘dating’ for over a year now. The last thing Spencer wanted was to be bullied or attacked for being different.

  Nick couldn’t blame him for that and he definitely wouldn’t judge him for it, either.

  Caleb and K
ody approached them slowly.

  “You okay, Spencer?” Kody asked.

  His eyes watering, Spencer shook his head. “No. I feel like I’ve been publicly violated. But I’m going to find out who did this, and when I do…” He turned his steely gaze to Nick. “You’ll be real glad you’re not them. ”

  “Already am. ”

  “Sexton!” Mr. Head shouted from the door. “I need you here, immediately. ”

  Sighing, Spencer headed over.

  Nick jumped as his phone went off again. Pulling it out of his pocket, he saw a new text message from an unknown number.

  Want more dirt on our classmates? Visit my site: theothersideofStRichards. com

  “Got you, you worthless pig-dog. ” Nick actually smiled.

  Kody frowned. “Got who?”

  Nick held his phone up in triumph. “Whoever is doing this just made the mistake of texting me with their stupidity. I’m going to Bubba’s. Y’all coming?”

  Kody inclined her head. “Right behind you. ”

  “You lead. ”

  Gripping his phone, Nick walked the few blocks over to Royal Street where Bubba’s store, The Triple B, was located. The only combination gun and computer store in the world—that Nick knew about anyway—it had the largest selection of guns and computers in the state of Louisiana. Which said it all about the owner. Bubba was a different breed, unlike anyone Nick had ever known. He danced to his own tune and didn’t care who saw him do it, either.

  Bubba was also a walking enigma. Most people dismissed him as a total rube, but that would be like trying to define the ocean as simply wet. While Bubba did have a thick Tennessee mountain drawl, he’d graduated with honors at the top of his class from MIT. He had several Ph. D. s, including a doctor of science degree in theoretical nuclear and particle physics. Nick didn’t even know for sure what that was, other than impressive.

  The man also knew more about horror movies than anyone with a real life should. In fact, Bubba was forever wearing a black horror T-shirt of some kind, and it was usually accompanied by a red flannel shirt. Even in the summer heat.

  Though to be fair to Bubba, the server farm Bubba ran at The Triple B had to be kept around fifty degrees year round. And since that was where Bubba spent much of his day, Nick could understand wanting something a little warmer than a T-shirt.

  Still, that was why the good Lord had given them hoodies. Too bad Bubba couldn’t find that section of a clothing store.

  But as Nick entered, he drew up short as he caught sight of Bubba behind the glass counter in an expensive black suit with a blue dress shirt and blue striped tie. Even more shocking, Bubba had on a pair of glasses, and his thick beard had turned into a fashionable goatee

  Holy hand grenades. The man almost looked normal. He was still humongously tall with an aura of I’ll-kick-your-butt-if-you-laugh-at-me, but …

  Please, don’t tell me you finally blew up Mark …

  “Someone die?” Nick asked.

  Bubba gave him a droll stare. “I’m about to leave to pick my mama up from the airport, and I know she’s going to want to stop by church as soon as we get into town, so that she can thank God she didn’t crash. ”

  That only confused Nick more. “I’ve seen you in church … a lot … and you’ve never been dressed like that before. ”

  “That’s ’cause my mama wasn’t there. If I went into a church in jeans with her, she’d beat me senseless. The woman still won’t wear pants to Mass. She says it’s disrespectful to the priest and to God. ” He held his hand up. “Don’t ask. I’ve tried talking sense into her, but she don’t listen to me. ”

  Nick was baffled by how anyone could cow the mighty Bubba of all people. The man was epic. Larger than life. Most of all … “Yeah, but you’re old. ”

  Bubba arched a brow at him as if he was offended by Nick’s words. “I’m not that old. I’ve barely cracked past thirty. And in mama years, it don’t matter, boy. Hell, she still cuts my meat up for me at Thanksgiving before she gives me my plate. I’m lucky she’s not still spooning me Gerber in a high chair. ”

  Caleb and Nick laughed at the ludicrous image.

  Kody made a sound of irritation. “Well, I think it’s sweet. ”

  Bubba inclined his head respectfully to her. “Thank you, Miss Kody. Now what can I do for y’all?”

  Nick stepped forward to hand Bubba his phone. “There’s someone messing with the kids at school, posting awful stuff about them, and whoever it is, just texted me this Web site. Can you help us find out who it is?”

  Bubba grumbled in the back of his throat. “I would. You know that. But I can’t be late to pick up Mama. She’ll end up adopting half the staff at the airport if I leave her there unattended. Mark!” He shouted out so unexpectedly that all three of them jumped.