Page 12 of Tempest Unleashed

Page 12


  I can see this is a waste of time, Hailana said. Then she glided over to me, stroked a soft hand down my cheek. Poor child. Your life isn’t easy down here, is it?

  I blinked, positive I’d misheard her. She hadn’t shown me that much compassion—or any compassion at all, really—since the day of my mother’s funeral. I must be more doped up than I thought.

  Before I could say anything, she turned to Kona. Take Tempest to her room and get her settled. I expect to see her in my chambers the moment she is feeling more like herself.

  And there she was—every inch the merQueen again. Kona and I watched as she made her way through the small crowd that had gathered, all members of her court. When she was gone, he turned to me with a grin. Right. Bed for you. Now.

  You sound entirely too excited by that prospect, I told him as he swept me back into his arms.

  What’s not to be excited about? He started swimming. So, do you want surface or water?

  I closed my eyes, rested my head against his arm. Pick one. I was fading fast.

  Water’s closer. We followed the queen back to her underwater palace, then swam through the halls quickly and quietly. My suite was on the fourth floor of the palace, which—except for me—was reserved for royalty. But when I’d chosen to be mermaid, Hailana had given me my mother’s old chamber, which basically meant I had my own wing of the building. Cecily, it seemed, had needed a lot of room to stretch out. I just found it lonely.

  Kona carried me into my suite, locking the door behind us. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he only shrugged. Even with the queen’s guards—and my own—I’m not sure how secure it is for you here. Better to be safe than sorry. He laid me on the bed, then stood behind me, hands shoved into the back pockets of his black-and-gray-patterned board shorts. Do you need anything?

  It was the first time in months that I’d seen him look so nonplussed. He was always so confident, always seemed to know what he wanted, that this sudden discomfort in my bedroom was kind of charming. Okay, really charming, if I was honest.

  I just want to sleep, I told him as I reached for his hand. I’m exhausted.


  Stay with me?


  Of course. Though it hurt, I scooted over on the bed. He settled down next to me, sliding his arm under my head so I could use his bicep as a pillow. Thanks for coming for me, I told him as I traced the intricate tattoo that softly glowed where it wound around his arm from shoulder to wrist.

  Don’t be stupid, he said, dropping a kiss on my cheek. I’ll always come for you. And thanks for staying alive. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.

  For one brief second, Mark’s face flashed before my eyes. Then I banished it as I had banished my feelings for him so many months before. I guess it’s a good thing you don’t have to find out.

  A very good thing. His other arm wrapped around my waist, pulled me even closer. It felt so good, so deliciously warm, to be held by him that I drifted to sleep without another word.

  Chapter 6

  I woke up slowly, feeling like I was swimming through cotton as I reached for consciousness. My tail hurt, but it was more of an ache than the sharp pain I’d felt when I was first injured.

  Stretching slowly, I checked out all my muscles. Was relieved when nothing else so much as twinged. I seemed to have escaped my latest encounter with Tiamat’s evil goons relatively unscathed. Thank God. And as long as I didn’t think about the shark-shifters and what they looked like after I’d—

  I cut myself off, refusing to go there. Not now, and maybe not ever. I did what I had to do, I reminded myself. That didn’t mean I had to like it, but I wasn’t going to make myself sick over it either. Not this time. Not when I’d come so close to death myself.

  Rolling over, I bumped against Kona’s warm, hard body and nearly jumped out of my skin. My eyes flew open, met his silver ones. He smiled lazily and, flushing a little, I smiled back. He was propped up on an elbow, watching me. Totally relaxed, with the attitude of someone who had been doing the same thing for quite a while.

  How long have you been awake? I asked softly.

  I don’t know. A couple of hours, maybe?

  Oh. Sorry. You should have woken me—

  Why? I like watching you sleep. When you’re awake, you’re usually running in so many different directions that sometimes it’s hard to keep up.

  I snorted, then choked on a mouthful of water. When was I going to stop doing that?

  Kona’s laughter echoed tauntingly in my head. Good one.

  Yeah, I can see why you have such a hard time keeping up, I told him sarcastically. Nothing like trying to anticipate what your idiot girlfriend is going to do next.

  He ignored that. How are you feeling?

  Almost as good as new. I stretched again.

  The medication all worn off?

  I think so. I mean, I can actually focus now, so that’s a plus. Why?

  Because I want to make sure you’re completely lucid when I do this.

  He leaned over and his too-long black hair fell around his face, brushing against my cheeks. I reached out, rubbed a few strands between my thumb and fingers. It felt so good, soft and silky despite being immersed in salt water most of the time.

  You really scared me, he whispered, his lips brushing over my forehead and down my cheeks.

  I’m sorry. My breath hitched, as if my gills had suddenly stopped working. If it makes you feel better, I kind of scared myself too.

  That doesn’t make me feel better at all, actually. He skimmed his mouth along my jaw, paused to nibble at my right ear.

  I jumped a little, tangling my fingers in his hair and pulling him closer as delicious shivers worked their way down my spine. Kiss me, I told him.

  I am kissing you. To prove his point, he pressed a firm, open-mouthed kiss against my collarbone.

  My head fell back and I clutched at him, pulling him even closer. You know what I mean.

  Do I? He nibbled his way up my neck to my other ear.


  Yes, Tempest?

  Please. Kiss me.

  But instead of waiting for him, I closed the distance between us and captured his mouth with my own.

  It was exactly as I remembered it, exactly as it always was between us. All brilliant colors and sparkling fireworks and loud, raucous music. Amazing, intense, like catching the perfect wave and riding it all the way into shore.

  His arms tightened around me until our chests were pressed snugly against each other. I love you, he told me in between kisses so sweet and salty that they took my breath away. I love you so much that it scares me sometimes.

  I love you too, I answered, running my hands over his back. Because I did. Despite what had happened with Mark earlier, I knew that I loved Kona. Knew that he was the right choice for me. The only choice.

  He felt so good, so strong, so perfect, that I wanted this moment to last forever. I could do anything, could face down a great white shark, could deal with a selfish, over-the-top merQueen. Could even take on Tiamat herself if I could also have this.

  Could also have Kona.

  I don’t know how long we lay there, kissing and touching and reveling in the feel of each other.

  Long enough that the dull ache in my tail disappeared completely.

  Long enough that I forgot everything but what it felt like to be held by Kona.

  More than long enough for the events of the previous day to become distant memories, like a bad dream that fades, grows less scary, with time and distance and a light in the middle of the darkness.