Page 69 of Eldest

  When Palancar encountered the elves, they explained to him which land was theirs, which was the dwarves’, and which was the dragons’, and granted him the right to claim that which was unoccupied. They and the Riders also demonstrated their physical and magical prowess. Intimidated, Palancar dared not argue with them—at least not so long as his docked fleet was at their mercy—and so he agreed to their terms.

  The Broddrings roamed Alagaësia for several years before they discovered Palancar Valley—as it was to be dubbed—and decided to make it the basis of their kingdom. After Palancar vanquished the local Urgals and founded the town that is now Therinsford, his hubris grew so massive, he thought to challenge the elves for the region between the Spine and Du Weldenvarden. It is still baffling why—having witnessed the Riders’ might and main—he believed he could prevail in this matter. On this subject, I agree with Eddison, who reasons that Palancar was in the early stages of dementia, an assumption that is borne out by his later actions and those of his family, for madness always runs through the bloodline.

  Three times Palancar’s warriors faced the elves, and three times the elves obliterated them. Aware of the Urgals’ fate and having no desire to share in it, the Broddring nobles sent an envoy to the elves, and they signed a treaty without Palancar’s knowledge. Palancar was then banished from his throne. He and his family refused to leave the valley, however, and instead of killing him, the elves constructed the watchtower Edoc’sil—now Ristvak’baen—to ensure that he could cause no further strife.

  The elves took pity on the remainder of our ancestors and allowed them to live in Ilirea, which the elves had abandoned during their war with the dragons nearly two thousand years earlier. Ilirea became the new capital of the Broddring Kingdom, which exists even to this day as the center of Galbatorix’s empire: Urû’baen.

  That brief confrontation with Palancar—which cost humans far more than it cost the elves—convinced the then leader of the Riders, Anurin, to amend the elves’ magical pact with the dragons to include humans. Anurin recognized that, as a race, humans are hardier than the elves and that we reproduce faster than the dwarves, making it inevitable that we would soon proliferate across Alagaësia. Before that day arrived, he wanted to weld our species together—using a flux of spells, oaths, and commerce—in order to prevent what he saw as a likely war for domination of the continent.

  The controversy incited among the elves by Anurin’s decision was so fierce and acrimonious, it prompted him to take one more momentous step: he and the other Riders seceded from the elf kingdom and established themselves on the island of Vroengard, where they built their great city of Doru Araeba. Many reasons existed for doing so, but the primary one was, and here I quote my own translation of Anurin’s account of the affair, “Since the Riders were now responsible for the protection and welfare of three races—although the dwarves yet insist upon guarding themselves—and also for the preservation of their combined knowledge, I believed that it was improper for any one group to control us. We had to be impartial if our authority was to be respected by dragons, elves, and humans alike.” Noble intentions, to be sure, but flawed by a fatal weakness: without some form of oversight, there was no one who could point out the Riders’ own lapses and indulgences.

  For six and a half centuries, we humans built our villages, towns, and cities, ever more complacent within our envelope of safety. We were content to work our fields and shops and trade with the dwarves and elves, never pausing to consider that our greatest threat lay among those who had sworn to protect us.

  And so it came to pass in the year of 7867 A.C. that a boy, Galbatorix by name, was born in the province of Inzilbêth. He became a Rider and showed great promise, but in his nineteenth year, a band of Urgals killed his dragon. The loss drove Galbatorix mad. Denied a second dragon, he slew two Riders and fled into the wilderness, where he remained for seven years. At the end of that time, he encountered Morzan, who became the first of the thirteen Forsworn.

  Morzan helped Galbatorix steal another dragon, then they both hid until Galbatorix’s dragon, Shruikan, was grown and Morzan had learned all of his master’s dark secrets of magic.

  Galbatorix and Morzan revealed themselves in the winter of 7896 A.C. By the spring solstice of 7900 A.C., Vrael was dead, Vroengard and Ilirea had been sacked, the elves and the dwarves had been forced to retreat to their ancient places of safety, and the Riders—the pride of the humans, elves, and dragons—the Riders were all but exterminated.

  It is now the year 7982 A.C., and Galbatorix is still king, the dwarves and elves are seen no more outside of their caves and forests, and we have no hope that any mortal man can rival Galbatorix’s power or that he will ever be removed from the throne.

  It is this story, then, that I intend to tell in full over the following pages. It may be conceit to think that I can compress eight millennia into one book… and yet I must try. We cannot allow this knowledge to be lost, no matter how grim the times we live in. I know that if we do someday find the means to overthrow Galbatorix, it will only happen by remembering the deeds of our ancestors and by avoiding their mistakes.



  Acallamh—elf from the song “Du Silbena Datia”

  Ajihad—a leader of the Varden; Nasuada’s father (also Nightstalker)

  Alanna—elf child in Ellesméra

  Alarice, Lady—governor of Dauth

  Albem—Carvahall villager

  Albriech—Horst and Elain’s son

  Ama—one of Ûndin’s guards

  Analísia—elf bard

  Angela—eccentric herbalist, witch, and fortuneteller

  Angrenost—last human king

  Anhûin—Grimstcarvlorss of Dûrgrimst Az Sweldn rak Anhûin

  Anurin—Vrael’s predecessor

  Argetlam—a term or title for a Rider

  Arya—elf ambassador

  Az Sweldn rak Anhûin—name assumed by Anhûin’s guard after their clan was nearly obliterated by Galbatorix and the Forsworn (translated as The Tears of Anhûin)

  Baldor—Horst and Elain’s son

  Barden—spellcaster who rode with King Orrin on the Burning Plains

  Bardrick—Carvahall villager

  Bartram—Horst’s predecessor

  Bellaen—elf in Ellesméra

  Beloth the Wise—Rider


  Berundal—elf mentioned in song in Ellesméra

  Bid’Daum—a white dragon; paired with the elf Eragon Birgit—Quimby’s wife; Nolfavrell’s mother, among others (also Mardra)

  Birka—one of Garrow’s horses

  Bjartskular—elf title for Saphira

  Black Hand, the—Galbatorix’s spy network

  Blagden—a white raven

  Bolvek tribe—an Urgal tribe

  Bonden—sailor from Teirm

  Brand—Teirm’s administrator of trade

  Brenna—Carvahall villager


  Broddrings, the—name of the humans’ culture

  Brokk—Thorv’s father

  Brom—storyteller from Carvahall; former Rider; Holcomb and Nelda’s son; paired with the first Saphira (also Neal)

  Brugh—one of Garrow’s horses

  Byrd—watchman in Carvahall; Felda’s husband; Mandel’s father

  Cadoc—Garrow and Selena’s father; Roran and Eragon’s grandfather

  Cadoc—Eragon’s horse, named after his grandfather

  Calitha—Carvahall villager; Wayland’s stepdaughter; Thane’s wife

  Caretakers, the—two elves, Iduna and Nëya, who guard, maintain, and embody the magical pact between elves and dragons

  Carsaib—Durza’s birth name

  Cawley—farmer on Nost Creek

  Celdin—elf from Ceris

  Ceranthor—elf king

  Clovis—shipmaster in Narda; Galina’s father

  Council of Elders, the—group that helps gove
rn the Varden (see Elessari, Falberd, Jörmundur, Sabrae, and Umérth)

  Cripple Who Is Whole, the—Oromis (translation of Togira Ikonoka)

  Dahwar—Orrin’s seneschal; Kedar’s son

  Damítha—captain in Sílthrim

  Darmmen—one of Loring’s sons

  Däthedr—elf lord in Ellesméra

  Dellanir—elf queen who preceded Evandar

  Delwin—farmer in Carvahall; Lenna’s husband; Elmund’s father

  Dempton—Therinsford’s miller

  Derûnd—Ûndin’s father

  Deynor—Ajihad’s predecessor

  Dóndar—tenth dwarf king

  Dormnad—Varden agent in Gil’ead

  Dragon Riders, the—organization formed to keep the peace between the races; destroyed by Galbatorix

  dragons—oldest sentient race in Alagaësia, along with dwarves

  Drail—assassin in Aberon

  Dream Dancer, The—werecat in Ellesméra (also Maud, Quickpaw, and The Watcher)

  Dûrgrimst Az Sweldn rak Anhûin—dwarf clan (see Anhûin, Az Sweldn rak Anhûin, and The Tears of Anhûin)

  Dûrgrimst Fanghur—dwarf clan (see Fanghur)

  Dûrgrimst Feldûnost—dwarf clan; herders and farmers (see Feldûnost)

  Dûrgrimst Ingeitum—dwarf clan; metalworkers

  Dûrgrimst Nagra—dwarf clan (see Nagra)

  Dûrgrimst Quan—dwarf clan; religious order

  Dûrgrimst Ragni Hefthyn—dwarf clan that guards the Az Ragni Durza—a Shade (also Carsaib)

  Dusan—elf child in Ellesméra

  Dûthmér—one of Ûndin’s guards

  Du Vrangr Gata—organization of magicians who serve the Varden (see Trianna and the Twins)

  dwarves—oldest sentient race in Alagaësia, along with dragons

  Eddison—author of his Dialogues

  Edurna—elf from Ceris

  Ekksvar—one of Ûndin’s guards

  Elain—Horst’s wife; Albriech and Baldor’s mother

  Elessari—member of the Council of Elders

  Elmund—Delwin’s son

  Elva—child Eragon blessed (also Shining Brow)

  elves—first race to migrate overseas and colonize Alagaësia (also the Fair Folk; see Alalëa)

  Eragon—a young human from Carvahall and the last true Dragon Rider; Selena’s son; Cadoc’s grandson; Garrow and Marian’s nephew; Roran’s cousin; paired with Saphira (also Argetlam, Evan, Firesword, and Shadeslayer)

  Eragon—an elf and the first Rider; paired with Bid’Daum (properly spelled Eragön)

  Eridor—a dragon

  Ethlbert—farmer in Palancar Valley

  Evan—alias for Eragon

  Evandar—elf king who preceded Islanzadí; Islanzadí’s husband

  Fair Folk, the—first race to migrate overseas and colonize Alagaësia (also elves; see Alalëa)

  Falberd—member of the Council of Elders

  Fanghur—dragon-like creatures that are smaller and less intelligent than their cousins; native to the Beor Mountains

  Fäolin—elf killed by Durza

  Farica—Nasuada’s handmaid

  Farold—Carvahall villager

  Felda—Byrd’s wife; Mandel’s mother

  Feldûnost—mountain goats with extremely large curled horns; native to the Beor Mountains

  Firesword—Urgal title for Eragon

  Fisk—Carvahall’s carpenter; Isold’s husband

  Flametongue—Urgal title for Saphira

  Flint—sailor under Clovis

  Folkvír—elven horse

  Forsworn, the—thirteen Riders who betrayed their order to Galbatorix (also the Wyrdfell; see Morzan)

  Fredric—Varden’s weapon master

  Frewin—sailor under Torson

  Fundor—Rider who fought a giant sea snake

  Fûthark—dwarf smith of renown

  Galbatorix—king of the Empire; destroyer of the Riders; paired himself with Shruikan (also Ushnark the Mighty)

  Galina—Clovis’s daughter

  Galton—grocer in Teirm


  Gamble—one of the Varden in Surda

  Gannel—clan chief of Dûrgrimst Quan; Orm Blood-ax’s son

  Gareth—bartender at the Green Chestnut

  Garner—Carvahall villager

  Garrow—farmer in Carvahall; Cadoc’s son; Selena’s brother; Marian’s husband; Roran’s father; Eragon’s uncle

  Garzhvog—an Urgal; leader of the Bolvek tribe

  Gashz—an Urgal

  Ged—Carvahall villager

  Gëda—elf of legend

  Gedric—Carvahall’s tanner

  Gerand—hero of the epic “Song of Gerand”

  Gertrude—healer in Carvahall

  Gilderien the Wise—Ellesméra’s champion

  Gildintor—legendary steed

  Glaedr—a gold dragon

  Glenwing—elf killed by Durza

  Greta—Elva’s caretaker


  Grey Folk, the—race who enchanted the ancient language

  Grieg—employer of Torkenbrand’s slavers

  Gunnar—sailor under Clovis

  Gûntera—king of gods (dwarf)

  Haberth—farrier of Therinsford

  Haeg—sorcerer who trained Durza

  Haldthin, House—elf family

  Hale—Carvahall villager

  Hamill—chandler in Teirm

  Hamund—one of Loring’s sons

  Harwin—sentinel who shot at Eragon and Saphira on the Burning Plains

  Hedin—one of Ûndin’s guards

  Helen—Jeod’s wife

  Helzvog—god of stone (dwarf)

  Herndall—Urgal dams who rule their tribes

  Heslant the Monk—author of Domia Abr Wyrda

  Hida—Carvahall villager

  Himinglada—Vardrûn’s daughter; Orik’s cousin-by-law; Thorgerd One-Eye’s wife; Hvedra’s mother


  Holcomb—Nelda’s husband; Brom’s father

  Horst—Carvahall’s smith; Elain’s husband; Albriech and Baldor’s father

  Hrothgar—dwarf king; clan chief of Dûrgrimst Ingeitum; Orik’s uncle and adopted father

  humans—third race to arrive in Alagaësia

  Hvedra—Vardrûn’s granddaughter; Thorgerd One-Eye and Himinglada’s daughter; Orik’s betrothed

  Iduna—one of the Caretakers

  Ingothold—Rider and author of the eponymously titled chronicles

  Iormúngr—Vervada’s mate; Saphira’s sire

  Irnstad—Rider and Shadeslayer

  Irwin—Orrin’s prime minister

  Islanzadí—elf queen; Evandar’s wife

  Ismira—Sloan’s wife; Katrina’s mother

  Isold—Fisk’s wife

  Ivor—farmer in Carvahall; Svart’s nephew

  Jarsha—boy with the Varden

  Jeod—Helen’s husband (also Jeod Longshanks)

  Jörmundur—the Varden’s most senior commander; member of the Council of Elders


  Katrina—Sloan and Ismira’s daughter

  Kedar—Dahwar’s father

  Kelby—Carvahall villager

  Kell—alias for Nolfavrell

  Kelton—smith who finished Horst’s training

  Kílf—goddess of water (dwarf)

  Kinnell—master shipwright in Teirm

  Kiselt—Carvahall villager

  Knute—Carvahall villager

  Kull—unusually large Urgals

  Ládin—elf natural philosopher

  Lady Nightstalker—Urgal title for Nasuada

  Laetrí—elf and Shadeslayer

  Larkin—Orrin’s father

  Larne—Loring’s youngest son

  Lenna—Delwin’s wife

  Lethrblaka—giant flying beasts the Ra’zac ride on

  Lifaen—elf from Ceris

  Linnëa—elf who became the Menoa tree

  Loring—Carvahall’s weaver; three so
ns: Darmmen, Hamund, and Larne (also Wally)

  Lost Kings, the

  Maerzadí—elf who killed himself to prove the future is not preordained

  Mandel—Byrd and Felda’s son

  Mardra—alias for Birgit

  Marian—Garrow’s wife; Roran’s mother; Eragon’s aunt

  Maud—werecat in Ellesméra (also The Dream Dancer, Quickpaw, and The Watcher)

  Melkolf—Carvahall villager

  Merlock—trader who visited Carvahall

  Miolandra, House—elf family

  Moratensis—man of myth who stepped fully formed out of a fountain after a maid wished for a perfect husband

  Morgothal—god of fire (dwarf)

  Morn—Carvahall’s tavern owner; Tara’s husband

  Morzan—first and last of the Forsworn; Murtagh’s father

  Mourning Sage, the—Oromis (translation of Osthato Chetowä)

  Murtagh—one of Eragon’s traveling companions; Morzan’s son

  Nagra—giant boar; native to the Beor Mountains

  Narí—elf from Ceris

  Nasuada—Ajihad’s daughter (also Lady Nightstalker)

  Neal—alias for Brom

  Neil—fur trader of Therinsford

  Nelda—Holcomb’s wife; Brom’s mother

  Nesbit—Carvahall villager

  Nëya—one of the Caretakers

  Niduen—weaver in Islanzadí’s house

  Nightstalker—Urgal title for Ajihad

  Nolfavrell—Quimby and Birgit’s son (also Kell)

  Nolla—Orval’s wife

  Nuada—elf from the song “Du Silbena Datia”

  Nuala—elf poetess

  Odele—young woman from Carvahall

  Ohen the Strong—Rider

  Orik—Thrifk’s son; Hrothgar’s nephew and adopted son; Vardrûn’s nephew-by-law; Himinglada’s cousin-by-law; Hvedra’s betrothed

  Orm Blood-ax—Gannel’s father

  Oromis—also the Cripple Who Is Whole, the Mourning Sage, Osthato Chetowä, and Togira Ikonoka

  Orrin—king of Surda; Larkin’s son

  Orthindr, House—elf family

  Orval—farmer in Carvahall; Nolla’s husband

  Osthato Chetowä—Oromis (translated as the Mourning Sage)