She sucked in a deep breath, and it was all I could do not to wrap her up in my arms.

  “Do you really think so?”

  I nodded. She’d always been afraid that no one cared for her, not really. It’d been one of her greatest fears growing up, that she’d be alone and unloved, unimportant, and unremarkable. To hear now that she’d been favored by the gods, I could see the impact of those words run like wildfire through her mind.

  “You’ve always been someone to me, Zelena Hermosa. More than queen, or a servant girl, you’ve always been so much more.”

  Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she tugged on it, and my heart sank like a stone to my knees. I could not love this woman more than I did right now. I did not think it physically possible. Being around her, smelling her scent, it almost overwhelmed me. Made me feel both weak and strong. With one word she could ruin me.

  “You’ve always been able to see beyond the mask, haven’t you, Ragoth?”

  Closing my eyes for the briefest of seconds, I forced my emotions to calm themselves before I gave into the temptation of flying us off to only the goddess knew where, someplace private and alone forever. A place where only I could ever see my treasure, only I could ever hold my treasure...where no one else in all the worlds could ever find us again.

  “Only with you, Lena,” I admitted.

  Splaying her fingers wide, she placed her hand over the beating epicenter of my heart and gave me a tremulous smile. I could have stayed like this forever, but I sensed our time quickly coming to an end.

  “Do you remember the stars?”

  For a moment she frowned, but then her smile tipped, and she turned her gaze heavenward. “I speak to Orion almost every night.”

  Warmth spread through every inch of my being.

  Clear blue eyes turned to mine. “Goodnight, beast.”

  Bowing deeply, I murmured, “Sleep well, little morphling.”

  I heard the snap of a branch, and when I straightened back up, my woman had fled like a wraith back into the darkness. But I grinned, feeling a hope I hadn’t felt in years.

  As I walked back to my room, I whistled cheerily and thanked the goddess that the castle had been emptied out when the vast majority of men had been dismissed. Dragons were not known for smiling, but this dragon couldn’t have ripped the smile off even upon pain of death.

  Chapter 12


  “Dru,” I said her name softly the next morning, as yet another servant dressed me.

  Why was it that I could never seem to keep just one dresser dressing me? Did they take turns casting stones to see who’d get the “honor” of assisting me each day? My lips pulled down, if that was the case, it made me twitch with annoyance.

  Druscella, who’d been rummaging through my box of hats, which the Hatter had personally prepared me by hand, turned.

  She held a wide-brimmed velvety black one in her hand. I wasn’t much for hats, but I had to confess to loving Hatter’s designs; they always seemed to complement my features in a way face paint never could. This hat in particular was threaded through with waxy roses so deeply and starkly red they were almost black, and banded tightly about them was a thread of waxy green petals interspersed with angel’s plume (tiny feathery balls of white). I loved that hat.

  “Hm?” She responded in kind. Her silvery-gray eyes serious and contemplative.

  Fluffing a hand down my burgundy wine-colored breeches, I pretended to dust myself off, when the truth of it was that my palms were sweating like crazy, and I could hardly feel my tongue I was so nervous.

  I plucked at a jeweled dragonsnap; the tiny ivory and cerulean bloom snapped its pistily fangs at me, nipping my pinky tip. I’d had the flowers imported in at great expense from the East—through a caravan of exotic traders known for their black market relations with Olympus. The first time I’d seen the flower it’d reminded me of Ragoth; subsequently, I’d had them planted in my gardens. The magic of wonderland had infected their roots through the soil, turning them from benign simple flowers, to tiny little jeweled brutes.

  Which had only made me love them more.

  “What is on the agenda for today?”

  I already knew. And she knew I already knew, because I was dressed to ride.

  Crossing her arms, she lifted a brow and gave me an annoyed look.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” I grew haughty.

  “I’ll look at you any way I wish, my queen.” That use of my title had sounded awfully churlish—I bristled. “And you can just stop with the queenly disposition, for I will not fall for it. You know exactly where you are going today.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Yes, obviously. But what I imply is, with whom. With whom am I riding?”

  Not even for me would she budge with the names on the list. Which irritated me no end. Druscella was taking gleeful delight in making me squirm; she’d narrowed the twenty males down to four. I had my favorites, and usually I would suspect she and I would align in desires for possible consorts to the kingdom.

  I pressed my lips together tightly. I should not want Ragoth to be part of that four, and in truth, a side of me rather thought the idea of him a bad one. The dragon made me feel scary, unbelievably wonderful things. I wanted to dance when I was with him. I also wanted to cry. Because only he could wound me. Only he ever really had.

  My soul had splintered when I’d lost him. Loving someone that much gave them great power over you, power I wasn’t sure I was ready to hand over ever again.

  I’d returned to my chambers last night confused, excited, and miserable. Obsessing about where he was, what he was doing, but also getting annoyed and infuriated with my own emotions, because I was no child that I should be so unhinged this way. I was a woman with queenly responsibilities and duties to my people.

  I’d dreamed of a hunter and scorpion last night. Of a girl and a boy lazing by a pool at midnight, a boy who’d gleamed like fire and smelled of smoke.

  Today my stomach was a mass of feathery nerves, and it was horrible not knowing whether I should force him to leave for my own peace of mind, or make him mine for always.

  Gods, I was a wreck.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.” She smiled sweetly. “Just know that the utmost care has been taken by not only myself, but the royal council, in deciding the final four. After all, one of these males may well wind up being the future King of Hearts.”

  I growled when she plopped the riding hat upon my head. Flicking at a feather that drooped over my eye, I snipped, “Consort, not king. As you well know.”

  “Yes, and we shall see. Anyway.” She quickly pinned the hat into place, arranging my curls in such a way so as to highlight the most attractive parts of my face, namely my eyes. “Once the final four have been decided, there shall be a picnic to be had in the enchanted forest, where you shall learn more about your final picks.”

  “Yes, well, I hope you’ve had your bit of fun, woman.” I flicked my fingers at her to take a few steps back. “It’s now time for me to take charge and pick my final match.”

  “Of course.” She gave me wide, innocent eyes I did not trust at all. “That was always the plan. With a small caveat, that is.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What small caveat?”

  This was the first I’d heard of this.

  “Oh, nothing really.” She shrugged. “Really, quite minor and nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”

  When she tried to sidestep me and move past, I spread my arms and legs and blocked her path. Wearing my most intimidating scowl, I muttered, “Druscella, you will tell me now.”

  She sighed. “If you wish, you spoilsport. You may have your consort, as is your right to choose. But Grimble—”

  Grimble was the royal books and law keeper. Meaning he knew the history of the royal house of hearts, even down to the most antiquated of laws. My stomach dropped as I suddenly had the sick feeling she was about to impart a truth to me I would not at all like.

bsp; “—brought to our attention that the only way you can have your consort is to abstain from all pleasure with your males. Of the sexual persuasion. Even after your choice has been decided.”

  “What?” A red haze descended over my periphery. “You mean to tell me that even once I choose them as consort, I cannot sleep with him?”

  “Exactly. You sleep with him, and wonderland will consider him king.”

  A tumbling riot of emotions slammed up against me. No matter who I chose I could never know the pleasures of the flesh. At least not with my chosen?

  “” I stomped my foot, furious by this maddening turn of events. “How bloody dare you! How could you bring him into the talks? Why would you do that!”

  “My dear, you can sleep with any male in Kingdom, just not your consort. How is that not a fair trade-off? You’ve never minded before.”

  I was a fury of raw rage. She knew how I felt, how I wanted to change. I was tired of the court games, tired of the revolving bevy of pretty, insipid men who’d graced my bed night after night. A part of my brain was screaming at me that the possibility was there that I’d never be able to know the comfort of Ragoth’s body without giving up so much in return. I’d not even realized I’d made a decision until the decision was suddenly stripped from me.

  Give in to my deepest desires, but also lose the total authority over wonderland. Was that a compromise I was willing to make?

  Grinding my back teeth, I rolled my eyes because my dearest friend did not look in the least bit contrite.

  “I did not bring him into the talks, Zelena. As you well know he has every right to step in and tell us of royal law. Which he’s done. I don’t understand what the big deal is. Just don’t sleep with any of them. Unless of course you thought Ragoth—”

  I growled at the mention of his name. “I thought no such thing. Shut your mouth.”

  “That would have been a more frightening threat if you still had your magic,” she teased, and my spine went rigid.

  I knew she loved me like a sister, so I did not take offense to the barb as I would have had it come from anyone else, but it still hurt.

  A tinkling trail of her laughter followed me out the door.



  Lena sat astride a cherry-red stallion, looking every inch the regal queen. Her clothes were exquisitely tailored to her body; not even a hair was out of place. She was lovely to gaze upon, but seeing her this way, dolled up for the benefit of the others, it made me uneasy and sick to my stomach.

  I remembered the fresh-faced but dirt-smudged cheeks of my beloved when we’d go down to a pond to catch lily toads as children. The way she’d laughed with abandon when I’d somehow managed to slide into the mud and ruin my mother’s favorite outfit of mine.

  This Lena was still beautiful, but she was an automaton to her people and their dictates. What she needed was fun.

  I could not make out her eyes beneath the large brim of the hat she wore, but I was sure that if I had, I’d see the same touch of sadness that was always there.

  The same handmaiden who’d been making announcements for the past days finally stepped up to the podium.

  “Good morning, potential consort males. Today the final banner will be released. Thank you to all who’ve come, and to those who did not advance to the final round, make sure to drop by the royal bookkeeper before heading out, as you’ll receive a parting gift for your time.”

  I snorted. Who in their right mind thought handing out a trinket would assuage the feelings of dejection? Then again, the male beside me rubbed his hands vigorously with anticipation.

  Which only kindled the heat in my belly. I did not at all like the thought that any of the males had come out here merely for the title and wealth. Then again, had they actually come for Lena, I’d have been forced to eat them and dispose of my rivals. Life was a quandary for a dragonborne.

  Again a floating banner several cubits wide and long appeared.

  Ragoth, Icarus, Midas, and a male I hardly knew—Jonas, who had a swimmer’s build, with nutty-brown-colored hair, and was of average height—had made the final cut. There were a few disgusted faces in the crowd, but mostly the males seemed relieved to be done with this place.

  I stood in the center of the cobbled square and wondered what had gone so wrong in wonderland that the prospect of being consort did not excite them more.

  I’d sworn long ago that I would never be forced to wear a crown; that even should Alwyn die, I’d abdicate. But the thought of bearing this crown, it did not frighten me. In whatever capacity I wore it; this place and these people would be my home.

  “I knew her royal bitch would choose me,” Midas said with a smirk as he slapped my shoulder.

  Grinding down on my teeth, I gave him a tight curl of my lips. The self-obsessed man of gold never seemed to notice the curl of flame I felt shining through my eyes, the first hint of the beast about to be let loose. Unlike Icarus, whose eagle-eyed gaze missed nothing; the birdman distrusted me. He was smart to do so. Of the men still left, he was the only one I considered a true rival.

  The four of us gathered into a tight circle, three of them gazing at the servant who came gliding down the long staircase toward us. I, however, kept my eyes firmly on Lena. She’d not moved a muscle since the announcement, but I could see the strain of her thighs and the ramrod stiffness of her spine.

  “I’ve almost got you now, my Lena.”

  She turned her face to the side.

  I grinned.

  The sweet scent of dragonsnaps curled under my nose when the maiden finally stopped before us. Somehow Lena had cultivated my people’s flowers here on wonderland.

  Druscella was fair, pretty (in a nondescript, banal sort of way), with thick curls of brown hair, and piercing, intelligent gray eyes. I could see immediately why Lena had chosen her as she had.

  There was something about the human that made one want to inherently trust her, but there was also that feeling that this was a capable woman with something worth saying and listening to. I liked her immediately.

  Icarus too seemed to have come to the same conclusion, as he suddenly took a defensive stance between us and her.

  “I am Druscella,” she began, “Queen Zelena’s personal handmaiden.” She inclined her head, accepting our returned greetings. “I’m here to give you the final rules of courting. Show your talents. If you’ve kept aught hidden from us or her, now is the time to bring them forth. The queen’s decision could literally be determined by something as minor as having a green thumb. Also, from this point on, the queen shall choose her final suitor.”

  “How long until she chooses?” Midas asked, and I could scent the hubris leaking from every pore of his body.

  Licking my lips, I imagined him roasted over a spitfire. I’d never actually eaten gold before; I wondered if he would taste sweet or metallic.

  The fool smiled at me. If he only knew.

  Druscella shrugged. “However long it takes.”

  She’d sounded impatient, which had me wondering whether she saw through his façade. I’d have to learn about this particular handmaiden.

  “What are the rules?” Icarus asked.

  Again she shrugged. “The rules will be determined by the queen herself. We’ve set out one final group get-together for the day. After this the queen will have a week to decide. She can take the full week, or she can simply opt to choose immediately. My advice, be on your very best behavior, and understand that from here on out you really only have one opportunity left to impress her.”

  He shrugged, scrubbing his sculpted jaw with his thumb and forefinger, looking contemplative and deep in thought. I really wanted to hate the bird. Damn my reformed ways.

  “Why us?” I asked, morbidly curious as to the choosing of this final grouping.

  Druscella turned her gimleted eyes on me, and I saw a far keener intellect shining through them then I’d even first imagined. “Icarus of Madrigar for his wings,” she said succ
inctly, “so that he can keep an eye on our skies. Midas of Menina for his gold, so that our coffers can remain ever full. Jonas of Aqualia for his ability with the cryptids. And you, Ragoth Nur of the royal house of Drakon, because there is none greater than that of a dragonborne.”

  Immediately the three men took several steps away from me. Icarus glared at me, his gaze raking me with hostility, possibly even with a hint of curiosity. Midas had swallowed twice hard, but already I could scent the wheels of his devious mind turning as he realized who I was and just what I was capable of doing. A grin spread lazily across the contours of his pretty face. Jonas, however, couldn’t seem to stop from quivering like a sapling in a strong wind. The man had no spine.

  He was hardly even a meal worthy of consideration.

  I crossed my arms and grunted, spreading my feet wide and giving them all haughty stares. If the royal house of hearts no longer required my secrecy, then so be it. The standoff could have gone on indefinitely if it hadn’t been for a sudden loud note of trumpets.

  Everything seemed to happen at once.

  Zelena faced us, and lightning and thunder ripped through the square, surrounding her in a backdrop of primordial rage. I’d sensed a lessening of her magic and knew that whatever this was, it was not inherent to her. Nothing more than a sham meant to make it appear as though she’d created the storm. Understanding dawned a moment later.

  Just as a dragon would, this show was for one thing only, to establish dominance and power over us. And it seemed, as I looked at the other men beside me, that only I was truly aware she did not do this.

  They all looked upon her with a mixture of fear and awe.

  She looked coldly beautiful as ever, with her porcelain fair skin gleaming like hottest flame. I wanted to yank her from the saddle, rip off the clothes that must have taken her hours to pick out, and ravish her thoroughly, mark her as mine in every way possible.

  It was an exercise in restraint to stand back and allow the idiots to ogle her as they did. I prided myself on the fact that where most would have picked off the humans for a bedtime snack one by one, I merely mocked them in my head.