Said monster licked her lips with anticipation. Quickly I decided that the least painful place on my body would be to pull the scales from the very tip of my tail. They were smallest there.

  “Where should I tug?”

  “At the tip of the tail.” I lifted it high, leaning it toward his face.

  My anger abated somewhat when I noticed Icarus’s hand tremble. No one wanted to be around an annoyed dragon.

  For millennia, hunters had tried to take my species down for our armor; they’d learned after many trials and tribulations that if a dragon did not wish to lose its scales, it wouldn’t. Period.

  But every so often, someone wise and devious could force us to give them away. Closing my eyes, I focused all the heat inside of my body to shoot like a spear to the very tip of my tail, heating it to magma levels.

  With a roar, I screamed, “Grab it now!”

  My body felt like it would combust; the heat that I was so careful to keep chambered in my steel gut was now whipping through my veins like lava. I nearly passed out from blistering and excruciating pain when Icarus finally yanked the two smallest of scales free.

  In the far distance I heard Lena’s cry; just the sound of her voice comforted me. Eased the terrible ache now throbbing down my spine. I felt the bare tender bit of flesh now exposed.

  A dragon’s scales covered their body in such a way as to overlap and make us impenetrable to fire, steel, or poison. Until the scales grew back, I was exposed. It was a feeling I did not at all enjoy.

  Jerking my chin in the direction of the now cackling siren, I directed Icarus to hand her the scales.

  She swam to him with the dark flames of greed burning through her eyes. Snatching the thick, shimmering scales from his palm, she hugged them tight to her large breasts and chuckled as she said, “They are yours.”

  And just before the men’s thrall was broken, I hissed at Icarus, “Tell no one of what I’ve done.”

  Somehow, I knew I could trust this man. Despite myself, I liked him. I would kill him if he tried to steal Lena from me, but I liked him.

  The bird nodded regally.

  Midas and Jonas both frowned in unison, rubbed their brow, turned around, and asked, “What happened?”

  I’d let Icarus field those questions.

  Without another word, I shot off into the sky to go find my queen.



  “Now that was heroic.” Calypso smirked haughtily, as the see-orb’s light dimmed. Sighing dreamily, she whispered, “This is so much fun.”

  I sniffed. “I thought you didn’t care if they got together. That this was only ‘practice.’” I finger quoted. “I know there’s more to this story, Caly. Why do you fight so hard for these two to get together?”

  “Oh shush, why must you vex me so, heifer? You gotta admit, that was awesome, right? Right?” Her sea-green eyes glowed. “And must there really be an ulterior motive? Perhaps I just like the thrill of the chase.”

  I shook my head. I knew there was more. I sensed it in her quiet desperation. I was beginning to suspect I knew what that more might be, but I wasn’t quite sure yet.

  I chuckled. “Are you trying to take away my crown? Is this some sort of coup?”

  “Pshaw.” She flapped her wrist. “As if. I’m busy enough dealing with my bubble butt; I’ve no desire to steal your crown. But I gotta say, for a trial run, I totally think I can handle what I’ve got planned for Fable and Fiera.”

  Tapping a manicured finger to my slightly pointed chin, I smiled prettily. Which the eagle-eyed Calypso spotted immediately.

  “Whaaaat?” She cocked her head. “I see the wheels on the bus going round and round; what do you have brewing in that pretty little head of yours?”

  “Well, I mean, nothing really. But—”

  I let the thought dangle like a carrot. Carrots. A term the water elemental was rather fond of, I’d heard through the grapevine. And just as I’d suspected, she pounced on my words.

  “Well! Are you going to finish that thought, or do I have to drown you?”

  I laughed. “As if. But if you must know, then, I find myself growing rather fond of that bird man.”

  “Yeah. Bummer. Me too.” Her lips turned downward. “But he’s totally wrong for Zelena.”

  “Oh yes, totes wrong.” I shrugged.

  “But I can think of another queen who would be absolutely and completely perfect for him.”

  She frowned, and I could almost see the gears turning in her own head. “Who? I already picked out the mates for Fable and Fiera, and let’s be honest, there aren’t many queens worthy enough of our undivided attention.”

  “This is true, my pet. But there is one queen often overlooked. Can you not think of her?”

  At her stumped look I gave a clue.

  “She lives in a house with chicken feet.”

  Calypso gasped. “That old hag.” But then her frown turned mischievous, and she chortled with delight. “Oh my gods, could you just imagine how that would go? Yes, okay, yes. Let’s do this.”

  “Oh yes, let’s. But first, let’s wrap this one up with Ragoth and Zelena, shall we?”

  She nodded prettily. “Agreed. I’m so ready to see some smexytimes already.”

  Bringing the see-orb back to life, Calypso settled down in front of it; after a moment she said, “What if I do want to steal your crown?”

  I snorted. “Then I’d have to say, ‘Hands off, wench, that crown’s mine.’”

  And to further drive the point home, I adjusted my tarnished and crooked tiara, giving her a saucy wink.

  It was awesome to finally have a partner in crime as deviously clever and beautiful as myself. Oh yes, we were going to be having lots of fun.

  “So you plan to tell me the real reason at some point?” I tried again.

  Crossing her eyes at me, she stuck out her tongue and said, “Nope.”

  Gods, the woman was maddening. But I would get to the bottom of things; I always did.

  Chapter 14


  I found Ragoth later that night in my private gardens. The moon was barely more than a sickle shape in the navy-blue sky. Stars were obscured by thick cloud cover, which lent the atmosphere a somber, secretive mood. No one would spot us out here.

  I’d escaped my room in the hopes that by some miracle he might be there, and he was.

  I knew he’d hear me—even in human form—if I tiptoed to him, but he didn’t move from where he sat. When I turned the corner I noticed his features were pinched, and he was sitting awkwardly. I gripped the pendant around my neck, secure in the fact that even if someone should look out, they’d not see me here.

  Moving to his side, I waited for him to say something first.

  When he’d returned to me after the incident, he’d taken me tight in his dragon’s fist and flew me silently back to the castle.

  I’d hoped that he would have joined us later for a meal, but he’d never appeared. Ragoth had remained hidden in his room, and it’d been all I could do not to rush to him and bring him down.

  But the agony of being apart was more than I could bear now. I needed to talk to him. Needed to thank him for what he’d done.

  Midas and Jonas hadn’t had a clue about my dragon’s sacrifice, but Icarus had finally told me all, after I’d threatened to go, “Off with his head” if he didn’t speak up now.

  Finally, Ragoth looked up at me. His jeweled eyes gleamed like blue flame in the night. And I lost all my words.

  All I could do was frame his face with the palm of my hand.

  For a second he went rigid, but after a minute he relaxed, leaning into my touch with the desperation of a drowning man.

  “My Lena,” he murmured deeply, and the sound of his voice moved through my soul like satin warmth. My knees trembled.

  “You saved them, Ragoth. Why?” I finally asked when I could think again.

  “For you. I did it all for you.”

  He could not have said a
nything else that would have impacted me quite as profoundly. My lips parted into a tiny “o.”

  With a half-desperate groan, he tugged on my wrist, so that I had no choice but to either fall to the ground or onto his lap.

  I moved where my heart led and found myself astride his thighs as I’d been astride my horse earlier. My heat centered right above his.

  “I love you, Lena. I always have.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. As a queen, I could tell the men the games were over come morning. Could send them all home. But I was keenly aware of perception, of the fact that I was desperately in love with a dragon.

  A dragon that would terrify my people. But not if I introduced him to them slowly. I wanted this new monarchy to be different. I didn’t want to rule by might anymore, but with faith, and temperance, and good will. I wanted to do this right. Which meant, allowing the games to run on for a little while longer.

  “I love you too. And I’ll have you know”—my lips thinned as part of the purpose for my seeking him out finally came to light—“you made me feel utterly useless and helpless this afternoon. You cannot do what you did again.”

  He frowned. “What? Save you? But I thought—”

  I shushed him with a finger to his lips. “I am the queen. The leader of wonderland. And leaders lead. No matter if the odds seem insurmountable, I should have been there, by your side.”

  He nipped at my finger gently. And my heart fluttered. This was like the burgeoning blooms of first love all over again. I felt both hot and cold, manic and utterly boneless all at the same time.

  I wanted to wring his neck for taking such a risk with himself and kiss him senseless for being so noble and strong.

  “But you have no magic to protect you, Lena. I could not see you hurting; it wounds me.”

  Framing his deliciously beautiful face in my hands, I sighed. “How can I ask for the respect of those around me if I do not do what I should? I know you wish to protect me but you must also let me—”

  “Be the queen of your people.” He nodded sagely. “Yes, I understand.”

  Grabbing his chin between my hands, I forced him to meet my gaze. “Our people. If you say yes.”

  He stopped moving, barely even breathed. “But the others—”

  I shook my head. “Will find out soon enough. But I’ll have to keep up this charade for a little while longer, just till the morning. It would not do to kick them all out in the dead of night. Although really, I wish to drown both Midas and Jonas and would not have blamed you if you’d let the siren take them straight to Tartarus.”

  Ragoth chuckled. “I wish you would have told me sooner, it would have spared my—”

  I patted the side of his delectable rear. “You poor thing. That was the second reason I came down. I have some potions in my room that can help ease the discomfort.”

  I wiggled off him, holding out my hand for him to take, but he didn’t move.

  “And Icarus? What of him? I see the way you look at him, Lena. I know you care for him. But how deeply does this run?”

  Giving his question the consideration that was due him, I nodded. “Yes, I like him. A lot, in fact. And under different circumstances I could have been content with him, but Ragoth Nur”—leaning forward until our mouths very nearly touched, I whispered hotly—“he is not you. I fear you have utterly ruined me.”

  He didn’t take my lips as I’d halfway expected him to, but the air between us burned and sizzled with tension. Finally taking my hand, he stood and followed me through a secret labyrinth of tunnels back to my room.



  I was torn between wanting to drape Lena across the bed and ravish every square inch of her and honoring her wishes to be a different type of monarch.

  I knew what this was. She wasn’t fighting this anymore. I’d sensed her acquiescence not only to me, but to our future relationship. The moment I’d brought her back to the castle and I’d eased her gently down to the cobbled stone courtyard. Even with the numerous servants rushing up and fussing over her, her gaze had never wavered from mine.

  But I also knew her well enough to know by now that she wanted to be better. Be a truer version of herself.

  So I resisted my urges and instead allowed her to dictate the terms of my time with her.

  “Lie down,” she commanded, pointing to her bed.

  Her room was soft, feminine, and beautiful, but with an edge of fire behind it too. Red-and-gold threaded velvety fabric draped sensuously across the four posts of her bed. Large globe lights that sparkled with jewel-like luminescence throughout the room hung suspended from massive beams in the ceiling. The walls were painted a deep shade of red, and on the walls hung mirrors framed in antique gold and black.

  On the floor, spread out almost obscenely, was the cream-colored fur of a musk elephant. I cocked my head at that. Lena had always had a soft spot for animals; it was incongruous to me that she should have a throw rug skinned from one, especially one as regal and majestic as the snowy pachyderm.

  A drawer slid shut behind me, and she grumped, “Dragon boy, I said lie.”

  I heard the smile behind her words and grinned, easing my aching body across the soft mounds of her mattress.

  My right leg ached. It would be a few days before I no longer felt the stinging loss of those scales. Stretching my arms above my head, I murmured, “I am draped out before you like the skin on the floor. What would you do with me now, oh queen?”

  Snorting, I caught the shaking movement of her loose hair from the corner of my eye as she settled her knee down on the mattress beside me.

  “You do delight in vexing me, beast.”

  I sighed the moment her fingers fluttered along the hem of my trousers. “If you let me roll over, I can take them off—”

  Her hands were swiftly on my shoulders and shoving me back down forcefully the moment I tried rolling.

  “Oh no you don’t. You stay just the way you are, thank you very much.”

  I smirked, because I could easily roll over if I wanted to; her strength was nothing to mine, especially without the use of her magic.

  “Tell me how, pray tell, you plan to massage my calf without me taking them off.”

  “Oh, easy enough,” she said so innocently, I immediately didn’t trust her.

  “Lena,” I growled.

  But too late, a second later, she’d taken a pair of shears to my favorite (and might I add, only) pair of trousers, slitting them from ankle to mid-thigh.

  “By the gods,” I groused, rising up to stare at the destruction of a pair of trousers that cost the average male a month’s worth of salary, “you could have at least given me some warning, you minx.”

  Her delectable lips curled upward, and I found that I couldn’t remain grumpy with her long. For the first time since being here, I felt I was finally beginning to spy glimpses of the girl I’d once known and thought I’d lost forever.

  Without thinking, I reached up and gently traced the very edge of her smile, rubbing my thumb gently across the velvety softness of her lush mouth.

  Her laughter died instantly, and a shiver wracked her.

  I hadn’t known when I’d come here what to expect; I’d rather hoped that the passion we’d felt as youths would still remain, would make us want to fall into bed and rip at each other’s clothes. And true, that was there, but there was also something far deeper.

  Something almost terrifying in its profundity, like I stood on the razor’s edge of something infinite and mysterious and I could choose to take the plunge, knowing I’d never be the same again, or I could leave now. Leave, keep my pride, keep my defenses up, but also lose her forever in the process.

  She was the first to break the spell; smiling dreamily, she kissed the meaty part of my palm, giving it a gentle nip.

  “You look as though you wish to devour me, dragon.”

  Chuckling deeply, I thought it best to drop my hand, though I in no way wished to ever let her go. “I absolutely wi
sh to devour you, my pretty little morphling.”

  Her nostrils flared prettily. If she’d been dragonborne, she’d have been the brightest jewel of us all.

  “Lie back, you, Casanova.” She slapped at my shoulder.

  “Fine. For you, I shall.” I plopped with arms outstretched and blew out a shaky breath; I was quickly coming to regret my decision to be honorable.

  “I should just be a true dragon and eat you all up, save my sanity,” I rumbled with my mouth buried in the lavender-scented pillow.

  Her laughter floated across my body like tiny little bells, breaking me out in a wash of desire. I groaned louder.

  “Stop being so adorable, Lena. I do not think I can bear more of this torture.”


  Her oil-slicked fingers slid over the back of my bare thigh as she began to slowly torture me with need.

  “I tell you truth, dragon, you’re the only male who’s ever considered me cute. I believe the phrase I hear most often is prickly bitch.”

  Laughter rang through her words. I smiled, realizing she was enjoying this strange exchange as much as I was.

  “Dragons don’t mind prickles, my love. In fact, the more difficult the treasure is to attain, the more valued it becomes.”

  “Good gods, you’re all polished smoothness. Tell me, dragon boy, how many women have you seduced to your bed this way?”

  I clenched my teeth when her hands lowered and she began to near the more painful part of my tissue.

  Hissing, I shook my head. “I truly doubt you wish to know this.”

  Silence filled the room for so long that all I heard was our even breathing and the gentle stir of winds outside her chamber windows.

  “Truth is,” she finally whispered, “I do want to know. I want to know everything about you when we were apart. As I want you to know everything about me.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted her to know everything; there were parts of my past I was ashamed of. Things I wasn’t proud of. I wanted her to think well of me, not see me tinged by the bias of the misdeeds I’d committed while apart.

  “Ragoth?” she asked as my silence deepened.

  I squirmed when her fingers dug in gently to the most excruciating part of my calf. The flesh there had been mottled and looked as though it’d been sun scorched; it was painful even to walk at the moment.